Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: drfritz on October 05, 2010, 02:25:12 AM

Post by: drfritz on October 05, 2010, 02:25:12 AM
I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY RALLY REALLY REALLY. no really. wish. this is the wish section right? yes? no, Yes? that side switching was done away with. pick a side stay there the tour switch to another side if you wish after the tour. to much funny crap goes on. the few that ruin it for the many that do not. or at least make so you have no way to talk to your sqd if in other country. no pms, no sqd chat, nothing zip, cone of silents.your cut off super  stud, jacko latern.most guys will figure it out.. opps was that a jab with the old knife?. but really it does get old. be damn if you want to run any missions and such. but I ramble on. me getting so sleepy. must get sleep. nite nite all. :D :x
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: The Grinch on October 05, 2010, 02:32:13 AM
I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY RALLY REALLY REALLY. no really. wish. this is the wish section right? yes? no, Yes? that side switching was done away with. pick a side stay there the tour switch to another side if you wish after the tour. to much funny crap goes on. the few that ruin it for the many that do not. or at least make so you have no way to talk to your sqd if in other country. no pms, no sqd chat, nothing zip, cone of silents.your cut off super  stud, jacko latern.most guys will figure it out.. opps was that a jab with the old knife?. but really it does get old. be damn if you want to run any missions and such. but I ramble on. me getting so sleepy. must get sleep. nite nite all. :D :x
Have you herd of TS? ( Team speak) Well... i don't think no one can stop the player that switched side to speak to the squad after switching side. I see your point thou...... So if any player want to turn side just to give his squad info about someting ... hehe ( lets say, where is the CV )
No one can stop them.  :salute
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: kilo2 on October 05, 2010, 02:44:50 AM
I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY RALLY REALLY REALLY. no really. wish. this is the wish section right? yes? no, Yes? that side switching was done away with. pick a side stay there the tour switch to another side if you wish after the tour. to much funny crap goes on. the few that ruin it for the many that do not. or at least make so you have no way to talk to your sqd if in other country. no pms, no sqd chat, nothing zip, cone of silents.your cut off super  stud, jacko latern.most guys will figure it out.. opps was that a jab with the old knife?. but really it does get old. be damn if you want to run any missions and such. but I ramble on. me getting so sleepy. must get sleep. nite nite all. :D :x

Why? Spying doesn't happen as much as you assume. But my spy network is working right now to bring aces high the best inside information for a price. For the low low price of 20 payments of 1 cent you can be the proud owner of all CV locations and The location of the V Devils Brigade.

No refunds.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: uptown on October 05, 2010, 04:33:22 AM
Skuzzy we need a strictly troll portion to the forums. That would be a HOOT  :D

You could set if up like the classifieds and everyone could pick their topic of pissofficeness. Spys, ENY, Dweebs, Hoes, CVs and Shades.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: The Grinch on October 05, 2010, 04:43:02 AM
Why? Spying doesn't happen as much as you assume. But my spy network is working right now to bring aces high the best inside information for a price. For the low low price of 20 payments of 1 cent you can be the proud owner of all CV locations and The location of the V Devils Brigade.

No refunds.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: The Grinch on October 05, 2010, 04:43:35 AM
Skuzzy we need a strictly troll portion to the forums. That would be a HOOT  :D

You could set if up like the classifieds and everyone could pick their topic of pissofficeness. Spys, ENY, Dweebs, Hoes, CVs and Shades.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: uptown on October 05, 2010, 04:52:10 AM
( you have to get your own spy to take out the other spy.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: LLogann on October 05, 2010, 08:18:54 AM
There is good and bad with everything in life, same here.  The ability to switch sides has as many good points as it does bad. 

The idea of staying on a side the whole tour does possess some value I feel, however I can't see a way to implement it without hurting the common good.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 08:51:45 AM
The case for side switching has always been stated as necessary  to help balance the sides for game play.  Today’s rules of one hour before being able to switch back , as opposed to the original rules with a duration that involved days, not hours,  doesn’t  appear to me to have helped improve game balance. 
I’ve been playing AH for a long time now and I can’t really say that I see any improvement in side balancing as a result of the shorter time restrictions on side switching.   I also have become aware of situations where one minute I’m in a dog fight with an opponent for a heavily contested base and next thing I know that opponent is now on my side, in our squad mission headed toward the field he was just defending and low and behold, surprise, surprise, we get jumped , we being the 113th Lucky Strikes means we are all in heavy P38L’s and he’s the only P51D winging with us.   Even though we took a roundabout route and are at 22K.   Makes one wonder when reviewing the film he is seen heading for the deck and away from the fight, not engaging any bandits. 
I’ve heard other stories  about a spy being among us.  We took some losses but we managed to get in on target and take down the fighter hangers anyway.  I understand that spies existed during WWII but they were put in place and remained in place for long periods of time.    I think the one hour limit needs to be examined.   I’m on a squad that does not change sides.   It is seldom that Knights have a numbers advantage so there is no reason  that we would change sides.   Because I do check numbers once in the arena it is seldom that I’ve seen balanced  sides.   So the original purpose for side switching (to balance sides) as far as I can see, doesn’t work. 
People Should be allowed to change sides , but I’d like to see the original side switching rules applies.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: grumpy37 on October 05, 2010, 09:01:21 AM
HMMMM..  put a perk cost on it.  ONLY if switching within an hour and not switching to the low side.  So if you switch to the low side no cost.  If you switch back to the low side even within the hour still no cost as long as you are switching back to the lowest numbered side.  If you chose to switch back to a high number side, it costs a certain number of perk points from all 3 slots, Fighter bomber and GV.  Make the perk value the same as the highest perked plane at the time of the switch...  That will make spies think twice.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: ImADot on October 05, 2010, 09:03:00 AM
I switch sides all the time to either balance numbers or (more importantly to me) find fights.  If you force me to fly an entire month on only one side, no matter if that side outnumbers the other two combined, how is that fair to me?  I hate hordes; I love fights.  There is no fight when you're in the middle of a horde of green guys.

As I've said many times before, it's not the game or the way it's set's the people and what's between their ears.  Spying and "cheating" says volumes about someone's character - even more so because this is a flippin' video game.  One can only wonder what they're like in real life.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: grumpy37 on October 05, 2010, 09:07:26 AM

As I've said many times before, it's not the game or the way it's set's the people and what's between their ears.  Spying and "cheating" says volumes about someone's character - even more so because this is a flippin' video game.  One can only wonder what they're like in real life.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 09:29:26 AM
I switch sides all the time to either balance numbers or (more importantly to me) find fights.  If you force me to fly an entire month on only one side, no matter if that side outnumbers the other two combined, how is that fair to me?  I hate hordes; I love fights.  There is no fight when you're in the middle of a horde of green guys.

As I've said many times before, it's not the game or the way it's set's the people and what's between their ears.  Spying and "cheating" says volumes about someone's character - even more so because this is a flippin' video game.  One can only wonder what they're like in real life.
I’m trying to understand so please don’t take this the wrong way, how does changing sides “find fights”?
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: kilo2 on October 05, 2010, 09:42:24 AM
I’m trying to understand so please don’t take this the wrong way, how does changing sides “find fights”?

Well imagine that you are  knight and there is not a whole lot going on maybe a small fight with a lot of friendlies about. You look over and see rooks and bish have a huge fight going on the other side of the map. You can sit around on knights and do little or you can switch to bish/rooks and have a target rich furball and have a fight.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: ImADot on October 05, 2010, 09:43:32 AM
I’m trying to understand so please don’t take this the wrong way, how does changing sides “find fights”?

If I'm on the side with the majority of players in that arena, there are very few red guys to fight against - and those you can find already have 3-10 green guys on them screaming "Mine! Mine! Mine!".  Where's the fight in that?

Now, switch sides to one of those lower-numbered sides.  You now have more red guys out there, so they're easier to find.  When you find them, the chances of 3-10 green guys being around killshooting themselves to try to get that red guy are very slim.  You now have found a fight.

Oh, and since you're now on "the other side", the side you just left now has one more enemy with which to find and fight against.  Which also changes the ratio of green-to-red guys, making it a little less 3-10 guys ganging the one and only enemy on the map.  Which to me seems like would result in better fights for everyone.

...and what Kilo said.   :D
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 09:55:01 AM
If I'm on the side with the majority of players in that arena, there are very few red guys to fight against - and those you can find already have 3-10 green guys on them screaming "Mine! Mine! Mine!".  Where's the fight in that?

Now, switch sides to one of those lower-numbered sides.  You now have more red guys out there, so they're easier to find.  When you find them, the chances of 3-10 green guys being around killshooting themselves to try to get that red guy are very slim.  You now have found a fight.

I wasn’t questioning changing sides to balance numbers.   You said you changed sides for two reasons, one to balance sides, I understand that the other reason was to “find a fight”?  Perhaps I just misunderstood the intent of your meaning. 

The only valid reason to change sides would be to balance sides.  Being a Knight I can’t remember the last time I was on that Knights hand a number advantage.  But I am playing less and less. So perhaps it’s just happenstance.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: kilo2 on October 05, 2010, 09:57:47 AM
I wasn’t questioning changing sides to balance numbers.   You said you changed sides for two reasons, one to balance sides, I understand that the other reason was to “find a fight”?  Perhaps I just misunderstood the intent of your meaning. 

The only valid reason to change sides would be to balance sides.  Being a Knight I can’t remember the last time I was on that Knights hand a number advantage.  But I am playing less and less. So perhaps it’s just happenstance.

Well you can have the least numbers and not have a good fight going on. You are right knights are outnumbered most of the time but that doesn't mean that there is always people attacking knights.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: ImADot on October 05, 2010, 10:08:52 AM
I also switch arenas a I guess I'm not that wrapped up in "country loyalty" or pay attention to which side is usually outnumbered, or crapped upon by the other sides, or the state of "teh warz".

I just want to spawn a plane or GV, and fight against reasonable odds.  To me it's the fight more than the outcome, but winning now and then is a good thing.   :aok
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: RufusLeaking on October 05, 2010, 10:48:46 AM
If I'm on the side with the majority of players in that arena, there are very few red guys to fight against - and those you can find already have 3-10 green guys on them screaming "Mine! Mine! Mine!".  Where's the fight in that?

Now, switch sides to one of those lower-numbered sides.  You now have more red guys out there, so they're easier to find.  When you find them, the chances of 3-10 green guys being around killshooting themselves to try to get that red guy are very slim.  You now have found a fight.

Oh, and since you're now on "the other side", the side you just left now has one more enemy with which to find and fight against.  Which also changes the ratio of green-to-red guys, making it a little less 3-10 guys ganging the one and only enemy on the map.  Which to me seems like would result in better fights for everyone.

...and what Kilo said.   :D

One downside to switching sides to get to the big red dar bar is when it turns into a big green dar bar upon switching to country B.

It is up to individual ethics on the question of what to to with intelligence such as cv locations and mission objectives.  Your mileage may vary.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: grizz441 on October 05, 2010, 10:50:52 AM
I wasn’t questioning changing sides to balance numbers.   You said you changed sides for two reasons, one to balance sides, I understand that the other reason was to “find a fight”?  Perhaps I just misunderstood the intent of your meaning. 

The only valid reason to change sides would be to balance sides.  Being a Knight I can’t remember the last time I was on that Knights hand a number advantage.  But I am playing less and less. So perhaps it’s just happenstance.

Sometimes the side with the least numbers has no fights. 
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: dirtdart on October 05, 2010, 11:03:43 AM
Knits mass for a mission with country messages describing mission, objective, and take off time.  (Yes, knits actually managed 15 or so players for a mission Sunday, thanks Jayro) Within minutes of take off, the flights of bombers are picked off by Fighters, which were clearly alerted to the mission and had the ALT and E advantage to overwhelm the mission (NOE BTW).  So, what to do with alleged spying/side changing I suppose is the question?


1.  It is your quarter, play as you wish. Only you can judge your own character.  
2.  Players do enjoy coming together and enjoying the success of taking a base, doing something cooperatively if you will.  A collective effort does yield some reward beyond landing kills in a singular sense.  Folks who work the system to their advantage just detract from others online experience.  
3.  PMing will always allow one side to chat to another so removing/limiting TS, SQD VOX, etc are all moot points.
4.  There will always be the cupcakes who see a mission, jump sides, and then pick so they can stoke their own pathetic egos.  
5.  I frequently change sides to wing with other pilots whom I respect/enjoy their company since my squad is very small.  

My 2 cents:

1.  Don't be a cupcake.  Maturity lacks in so many players and is evident in their X-Box live approach to AH.
2.  There is nothing HTC can do about it.  Any modification to the current structure would just make even more people pissy.
3.  Fly in the DA.  The current MA structure has nearly ended my reasons to play the game (success=horde).  At least in the DA there are many fantastic sticks who will give you the quick fight and laugh with you all day about it.  There is no stress in the DA because you know the crew there is mixed.  You will always have your HO guys who are new.  You will always have your "Picktards" who are good sticks who enjoying picking due to either laziness or something sadistic, and you have your just good down to earth folks who enjoy a good clean fight.  
4.  Never let the man get you down doc.... everytime I see the swampys on and no 65th guys are on, I generally come on over.  I would hate to lose that option.

---- Crusader

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: RoGenT on October 05, 2010, 11:49:01 AM
 :noid :noid :lol
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Lusche on October 05, 2010, 11:50:35 AM
he only valid reason to change sides would be to balance sides.  Being a Knight I can’t remember the last time I was on that Knights hand a number advantage.  But I am playing less and less. So perhaps it’s just happenstance.

2 days ago I switched to the the Bish which had most players online, but still were outnumbered locally at that time, because Rooks & Knights weren't fighting each other at the moment. So I was still "balancing" while hopping to the side with most players.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Ack-Ack on October 05, 2010, 12:11:38 PM
I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY RALLY REALLY REALLY. no really. wish. this is the wish section right? yes? no, Yes? that side switching was done away with. pick a side stay there the tour switch to another side if you wish after the tour. to much funny crap goes on. the few that ruin it for the many that do not. or at least make so you have no way to talk to your sqd if in other country. no pms, no sqd chat, nothing zip, cone of silents.your cut off super  stud, jacko latern.most guys will figure it out.. opps was that a jab with the old knife?. but really it does get old. be damn if you want to run any missions and such. but I ramble on. me getting so sleepy. must get sleep. nite nite all. :D :x

I give this one very low marks on the whine scale, it lacks originality and passion and just over all a very poor whine.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Ack-Ack on October 05, 2010, 12:14:58 PM
I’m trying to understand so please don’t take this the wrong way, how does changing sides “find fights”?

Because you can be on one side and not have any action happening on either front and you look at the map and you see some action going on but it's between the other two countries.  You then switch to one of those countries and now you've found a fight.  Very simple concept to understand.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Ack-Ack on October 05, 2010, 12:16:51 PM

The only valid reason to change sides would be to balance sides. 

No, it's not.  Maybe you'll figure it out eventually but since you've claimed to be have been playing a long time, if you haven't figured it out by now I doubt you'll ever will.  Enjoy.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 12:42:33 PM
No, it's not.  Maybe you'll figure it out eventually but since you've claimed to be have been playing a long time, if you haven't figured it out by now I doubt you'll ever will.  Enjoy.


It’s not a claim it’s a statement of fact.  It’s ok to disagree with my thoughts or comments on a subject , however I get the impression that you are easing into personal attack mode.  Please don’t go there.  So far this has been a reasonable discussion about side switching and the pros and cons involved and even the ethics involved. 
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: dirtdart on October 05, 2010, 12:46:10 PM
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: grizz441 on October 05, 2010, 12:56:30 PM
It’s not a claim it’s a statement of fact.  It’s ok to disagree with my thoughts or comments on a subject , however I get the impression that you are easing into personal attack mode.  Please don’t go there.  So far this has been a reasonable discussion about side switching and the pros and cons involved and even the ethics involved. 

Balance what side though? Global sides, i.e. what the roster says the numbers are?  Or a certain fight in particular?
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 01:21:28 PM
Balance what side though? Global sides, i.e. what the roster says the numbers are?  Or a certain fight in particular?

I have only seen it stated to address the roster count.   As in Bishop 90, Rooks 87, Knights 67.  Not sure it was the intent of AH to attempt to adjust side for a local fight.  That’s up to each side and each player to go to where they think they will be the most good.   Or find the best fight .   I actually never liked the side switching concept.   After all.   In the final analysis each side is always out numbered by the other two sides.   
I understand the need to have the ability to change sides.  I just don’t think it is necessary to have that ability to be hourly. 
I’d like to see it work something like this:  When you become a paid member you choice a side  or a team.  You can weekly choice to change sides.  When you sign on you have the option to either enter on the side of your chosen team or select auto balancing and automatically be placed on the side with the lowest numbers.   You can always be placed on the side of the lowest numbers with no restrictions, but can only elect to change sides weekly.  People on the two week trial, get placed on a side round robin style, every time they sign on.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Lusche on October 05, 2010, 01:34:59 PM
I understand the need to have the ability to change sides.  I just don’t think it is necessary to have that ability to be hourly.  
I’d like to see it work something like this:  When you become a paid member you choice a side  or a team.  You can weekly choice to change sides.  When you sign on you have the option to either enter on the side of your chosen team or select auto balancing and automatically be placed on the side with the lowest numbers.

For many, the need to changes sides it the need to find a fight, especially when having only limited time at hand.

For example, 2 nights ago the numbers were like 120 Bish, 80 Knight, 100 Rook. I was already in the outnumbered country (Knight), but there was absolutely no fight on the Knight/Rook front (mainly due to geographic reasons). Both Knights & Rook piled on Bish, so I had the choice of flying on the absolutely quiet front rook front (yawn), or fly into a battle with full green and only tiny red darbar (yawn). Instead I chose to hop to the Bish and had a lot of fights to chose from, most of them with more red than green. I call that balancing :)

That's why I think your proposal.... sucks ;)
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 01:48:24 PM

For many, the need to changes sides it the need to find a fight, especially when having only limited time at hand.

For example, 2 nights ago the numbers were like 120 Bish, 80 Knight, 100 Rook. I was already in the outnumbered country (Knight), but there was absolutely no fight on the Knight/Rook front (mainly due to geographic reasons). Both Knights & Rook piled on Bish, so I had the choice of flying on the absolutely quiet front rook front (yawn), or fly into a battle with full green and only tiny red darbar (yawn). Instead I chose to hop to the Bish and had a lot of fights to chose from, most of them with more red than green. I call that balancing :)

That's why I think your proposal.... sucks ;)

I’ll put you down as undecided.  It’s interesting that you wanted a quick fight but chose the MA and not DA for the quick fight when you had limited time.  Your interest was not to balance the sides you wanted a quick fight in the MA so you were forced to change sides to make it the 121 Bish, 79 Knight, 100 Rook.  I think it’s telling that you didn’t chose the Rooks.   Your need for the quick fight was to go to the side with the most numbers.  Interesting.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Guppy35 on October 05, 2010, 02:02:21 PM
I’m trying to understand so please don’t take this the wrong way, how does changing sides “find fights”?

Last night was a perfect example.  Logged on as Knit as apparently I'd been Knit the last time one.  Not a fight to be seen.  Huge dar bars between Rook and Bish.  Went Bish as they were low.  Found two ongoing very good fights right away.  I don't have that much flying time.  When I do get on, I want to have as much cartoon combat as I can. 

I could care less who wins the map and gets their reset perks.  I had one arm bending, down on the deck knife fight with bcadoo in his Spit 9.  We went round and round for a long time trying to get the angle on each other.  Ended up getting shot down by a 109 that came into the fight.  Didn't matter.  That one fight made my night.  Flew a bit more with some squadies and others and enjoyed the couple hours I got to fly after the little one went to sleep.

If loyalty to a cartoon chess piece is your thing, go for it.  To limit folks because you are worried about 'spies' and winning the war is just silly and to me speaks to taking this way too seriously.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Guppy35 on October 05, 2010, 02:13:11 PM
I’ll put you down as undecided.  It’s interesting that you wanted a quick fight but chose the MA and not DA for the quick fight when you had limited time.  Your interest was not to balance the sides you wanted a quick fight in the MA so you were forced to change sides to make it the 121 Bish, 79 Knight, 100 Rook.  I think it’s telling that you didn’t chose the Rooks.   Your need for the quick fight was to go to the side with the most numbers.  Interesting.

As for the go to the DA if you want a quick fight argument.  You forget there is a social aspect to this game as well.  Generally the folks I enjoy BS'ing with from all sides, tend to be in the MA.  They may be base takers, or bomber pilots along with fighter drivers.  Could be talking history on 200 while otw to the fight takes place, or asking how folks are doing.

To try and limit that by sending folks who have less time to fly, and who enjoy cartoon air combat, to the DA so it doesn't interfere with your winning the war, again speaks to taking this far too seriously.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: SPKmes on October 05, 2010, 02:18:18 PM
I’ll put you down as undecided.  It’s interesting that you wanted a quick fight but chose the MA and not DA for the quick fight when you had limited time.  Your interest was not to balance the sides you wanted a quick fight in the MA so you were forced to change sides to make it the 121 Bish, 79 Knight, 100 Rook.  I think it’s telling that you didn’t chose the Rooks.   Your need for the quick fight was to go to the side with the most numbers.  Interesting.

that last sentence??.....rook / knits not fighting.... 121 gets split to cover two fronts being nailed plus eny(this can be a problem for some)...numbers were actually against the bish during these times
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Lusche on October 05, 2010, 02:19:35 PM
I’ll put you down as undecided.  It’s interesting that you wanted a quick fight but chose the MA and not DA for the quick fight when you had limited time.  Your interest was not to balance the sides you wanted a quick fight in the MA so you were forced to change sides to make it the 121 Bish, 79 Knight, 100 Rook.  I think it’s telling that you didn’t chose the Rooks.   Your need for the quick fight was to go to the side with the most numbers.  Interesting.

I never said i had limited time, or I were looking for a quick fight.

I was merely looking for any fight. On the Knight side there was none. The only viable option was to switch to a side that had one. And as I do prefer having more enemies than friendlies around, there was only one option at that time - going Bish. What exactly is so wrong with it, that this option has to be removed from gameplay?

I think it’s telling that you didn’t chose the Rooks.  Your need for the quick fight was to go to the side with the most numbers.  Interesting.
Total BS. Bish were outnumbered by Rooks & Knights. Rooks & Knights had more combined  players than Bish and did NOT fight each other at that point.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 02:34:01 PM
Last night was a perfect example.  Logged on as Knit as apparently I'd been Knit the last time one.  Not a fight to be seen.  Huge dar bars between Rook and Bish.  Went Bish as they were low.  Found two ongoing very good fights right away.  I don't have that much flying time.  When I do get on, I want to have as much cartoon combat as I can.  

I could care less who wins the map and gets their reset perks.  I had one arm bending, down on the deck knife fight with bcadoo in his Spit 9.  We went round and round for a long time trying to get the angle on each other.  Ended up getting shot down by a 109 that came into the fight.  Didn't matter.  That one fight made my night.  Flew a bit more with some squadies and others and enjoyed the couple hours I got to fly after the little one went to sleep.

If loyalty to a cartoon chess piece is your thing, go for it.  To limit folks because you are worried about 'spies' and winning the war is just silly and to me speaks to taking this way too seriously.

I agree it’s just a game.  I come from an era  where games were played to be won.  I didn’t make the rules for the game, HiTech Creations did and the “xxxxxxx won the war!” is HiTech Creations idea, not mine.  Because of my generations need to win games that we play, if AH didn’t have a winner, I’d not be here.   I wasn’t raised where games had no winners.   AH stated the rules of play and the object of the game.    I play by those rules.   Rules which over time AH had modified from time to time, I continue to play by the rules.  I also grew up in a period where  loyalty had meaning , loyalty to my family, loyalty to my church, school , team.  In Viet Nam loyalty to the guy in the hole next to you.  Loyalty to my wife of 35 years.  Loyalty to my friends,  So loyalty to a cartoon chess piece, to my squad of cartoon chess pieces , sure, why not?  Better question, why aren’t you?     And when I hear people say they can’t find a fight in an arena with a three sided war, who they think they are kidding?  
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Ack-Ack on October 05, 2010, 02:35:25 PM
I agree it’s just a game.  I come from an era  where games were played to be won.  I didn’t make the rules for the game, HiTech Creations did and the “xxxxxxx won the war!” is HiTech Creations idea, not mine.  Because of my generations need to win games that we play, if AH didn’t have a winner, I’d not be here.   I wasn’t raised where games had no winners.   AH stated the rules of play and the object of the game.    I play by those rules.   Rules which over time AH had modified from time to time, I continue to play by the rules.  I also grew up in a period where  loyalty had meaning , loyalty to my family, loyalty to my church, school , team.  In Viet Nam loyalty to the guy in the hole next to you.  Loyalty to my wife of 35 years.  Loyalty to my friends,  So loyalty to a cartoon chess piece, to my squad of cartoon chess pieces , sure, why not?  Better question, why aren’t you?     And when I hear people say they can’t find a fight in an arena with a three sided war, who they think they are kidding?  

Yep, I was right.  You'll never get it. 

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 02:42:36 PM
Yep, I was right.  You'll never get it. 


Get what ?  Please explain it to me.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: RufusLeaking on October 05, 2010, 04:34:08 PM
I also grew up in a period where  loyalty had meaning , loyalty to my family, loyalty to my church, school , team.  In Viet Nam loyalty to the guy in the hole next to you.  Loyalty to my wife of 35 years.  Loyalty to my friends,  
Loyalty as you lay it out is a good thing.  You describe real life, meaningful examples. 

So loyalty to a cartoon chess piece, to my squad of cartoon chess pieces , sure, why not?  Better question, why aren’t you? 
First, this is not the real world.  It is a safe simulation of deadly activities.

Second,it is an individual choice.  If you want to stick with one country, knock yourself out.  If anyone wants to switch teams, more power to them.

Third, it is fun to fly against friends every once in a while. 

And when I hear people say they can’t find a fight in an arena with a three sided war, who they think they are kidding? 
Personally, I switch sides to find a good fight, or to fly with a buddy.  Good fight?  It could be one side is rolling bases, and I want to defend or join in.  It could be to get away from the dreaded green feeding frenzy, where assists abound.   
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Guppy35 on October 05, 2010, 04:56:38 PM
I agree it’s just a game.  I come from an era  where games were played to be won.  I didn’t make the rules for the game, HiTech Creations did and the “xxxxxxx won the war!” is HiTech Creations idea, not mine.  Because of my generations need to win games that we play, if AH didn’t have a winner, I’d not be here.   I wasn’t raised where games had no winners.   AH stated the rules of play and the object of the game.    I play by those rules.   Rules which over time AH had modified from time to time, I continue to play by the rules.  I also grew up in a period where  loyalty had meaning , loyalty to my family, loyalty to my church, school , team.  In Viet Nam loyalty to the guy in the hole next to you.  Loyalty to my wife of 35 years.  Loyalty to my friends,  So loyalty to a cartoon chess piece, to my squad of cartoon chess pieces , sure, why not?  Better question, why aren’t you?     And when I hear people say they can’t find a fight in an arena with a three sided war, who they think they are kidding?  

I do believe we're from roughly the same era then so don't lay the 'back in my day' BS on me please.   The 'win the war' bit is only one aspect of the 'Game".  No one 'wins' anything but a do-over in that part of the game.  My loyalty is to the people I've met in the game, and it's played with the understanding that them and me having fun is the key, since this isn't real.  I have no 'enemies' in this game, just other folks who share an interest in WW2 history and aircraft.

You also argue that Hitech put the 'win the war' in the game.  OK fair enough.  He also put the ability to switch sides in the game.  Guess it's a non discussion then.  Don't see many posts from the guys like me who play to fight other cartoon airplanes wishing for the base capture, win the war bit to be removed do you?

Apparently Hitech had a broader vision for the game and those who might be interested in it, then just 'win the war'
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: grizz441 on October 05, 2010, 06:17:09 PM
You also argue that Hitech put the 'win the war' in the game.  OK fair enough.  He also put the ability to switch sides in the game.  Guess it's a non discussion then.

Pwnt!  :rock
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Dadsguns on October 05, 2010, 07:06:25 PM
Pwnt!  :rock


I switched today to bish because (get this) they were outnumbered this time...   :D  and had a good time flying over a knit and rook furball as a bish......  :aok

Sort of sad though, they had another cv hidden not being used :rolleyes:
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Ack-Ack on October 05, 2010, 08:23:20 PM

I switched today to bish because (get this) they were outnumbered this time...   :D  and had a good time flying over a knit and rook furball as a bish......  :aok

Sort of sad though, they had another cv hidden not being used :rolleyes:

You unloyal SOB switching sides.  You should be flogged and dragged around the town by horses.  Your type ruin this game with all your side switching nonsense.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Rino on October 05, 2010, 08:49:43 PM
     The great thing is I could care less if someone doesn't like my country jumping..whoo whoo  :D
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 05, 2010, 08:59:30 PM
I do believe we're from roughly the same era then so don't lay the 'back in my day' BS on me please.   The 'win the war' bit is only one aspect of the 'Game".  No one 'wins' anything but a do-over in that part of the game.  My loyalty is to the people I've met in the game, and it's played with the understanding that them and me having fun is the key, since this isn't real.  I have no 'enemies' in this game, just other folks who share an interest in WW2 history and aircraft.

You also argue that Hitech put the 'win the war' in the game.  OK fair enough.  He also put the ability to switch sides in the game.  Guess it's a non discussion then.  Don't see many posts from the guys like me who play to fight other cartoon airplanes wishing for the base capture, win the war bit to be removed do you?

Apparently Hitech had a broader vision for the game and those who might be interested in it, then just 'win the war'

First, I am sorry if you feel I am arguing a point.  My intent was to be involved in an open discussion on “sideSwitching”  Nothing more.  I do understand that Hitech put both the ‘win the war’ and the ability to change sides, as I pointed out he has altered the rules associated with each of those aspics of the game several times over the years.  If his intent was just to allow the ability to change sides, why have a limitation at all.  Just be allowed to jump from side to side as people please.  There must have been a reason why he didn’t .
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Ghosth on October 06, 2010, 06:55:15 AM
Everyone should fly all 3 sides at some point if for no other reason to realise that

A not all Rooks are Alt Monkeys
B not all Bish fly in Hordes
C not all Knights wear leather shorts.

It works for the same reason travel works in real life.
It broadens your horizons, makes you reexamine preconceived notions.

Plus with a little luck you'll make a few friends who just happen to be on a side other than the one you fly most often.

Last, if you step back from the outrage, the pain and frustration you'll see that HTC is actually encouraging people to change sides to balance things. That is why we have ENY after all.

So you really think your frustration and change is going to get them to change their mind?
You really want to live in a world where if you log in and no one knows you your accused of being a spy?

I don't.

Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 06, 2010, 10:44:05 AM
First, this is not the real world.  It is a safe simulation of deadly activities.
It’s not a real world, but it’s a cartoon game played by real people.  People that I’ve played this silly game with going on 10 years now.  So real friendships to the extent possible have developed.

I’m always amazed at how rude and curd some people treat other people  on this BB and within the game.  I think that perhaps as a result of using such an impersonal tool like the internet people have forgotten that real live people are at the other end of the e-mail or post.

Second,it is an individual choice.  If you want to stick with one country, knock yourself out.  If anyone wants to switch teams, more power to them.

I can agree to  equal power to them, not more.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: dirtdart on October 06, 2010, 11:02:04 AM
traveler, it is just because the majority of the rude people on the BBs are those who had their heads flushed in dirty crappers in grade school.   :neener:  The best posts are the ones where valid and polite counterpoints are made which usually leads to pages of great discussion with more and more people getting involved.  

The only place I can see guys getting rude is in modeling.  When guys who are less than informed start getting uppity, then yup, they need a bit of dialing in to get them to expand their knowledge.  My early posts and form of gameplay are 180 degrees from where I currently sit thanks to guys like WMlute and others.    

On thought pieces as to how the dynamics of the game are controlled, it is your opinion and folks should respect it as just that, and not be rude.  If they don't like the post, oh well, move along, no reason to be a banana.  

A few folks in here are the self professed "BB police".  $(#* them.  Post away man....  :rock
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: The Grinch on October 06, 2010, 01:50:12 PM
I have a feeling .........

There are some who know themselves in certain situations.
When there is one that comes with an allegation of things happening, not necessarily completely by the book, but then there are sooooo many people knowing better.
 Maybe it's because that is precisely what it is all about. Because, maybe you would like to continue with that which is not totally by the book? When I correct to point fingers to those who ACTUALLY changing sides.( cheating or spying ). Call it what you want.

But what actually happens is that many go to the Bishops, Knights and Rooks.
Maybe it's because those are seeking actions. At a certain time of day, there are very few who are online, then there will be difference. The player can not choose the plane ( ENY to high ) , therefore go over to Bish, Knight or Rooks. Now, think about it. I think I have a point.

 :salute Grinch
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Ghosth on October 06, 2010, 03:36:33 PM
No,  you  don't.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: The Grinch on October 06, 2010, 03:45:29 PM
No,  you  don't.

Can you?

I will like to know.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: oTRALFZo on October 07, 2010, 03:57:25 AM
As a former chess piece loyalist, I must say that when I first came to the game, I was by default put on bish. By the time I actually found out you can switch sides, I had established bonds with certain players that have really helped me out. It was great working with these guys all towards the same goal of winning the map. I had no reason to switch sides at that point.

As time went on, real life situations reared their ugly head, I found myself logging on less and less. During that time, I came to the realization that what was worked on really hard the night before was just either regained by the other guys or thwarted by a map reset. Fact is no matter what the map situation was, I always had one to play on.

In FSO, WW1 arena, TA or DA. Map resets dint happen. They are still populated for the reason to learn and shoot down red guys. Most guys that are bish in the MAs wont turn a chance to play in FSO just because they are usually bish and now the event calls for them to be knight. So why should it matter in the MAs?

People that daunt the cape and tights for their country need to come to reality that not everyone that logs in to the game cares what the war is doing or what the map situation is. Yes you still have tools that do switch or have shades to find hidden CVs or missions or pad scores but I can honestly say that 99.999999% of those guys that are known to switch are just doing it to shoot down bad guys and nothing else.

You adopt a country here and establish bonds with certain players...more power to ya. Although considered blasphemy to some, squad tours are a great method to find out that the red guy you hated for such a long time is really a nice guy and alot of fun to fly with. Its also healthy for a squad recruiting, being that you are having a greater chance flying with guys you probably wouldn't get a chance to fly with just sticking to 1 out of 3 countries. Also keep in mind that those guys that switch to your side are there to help you out. Not being able to switch sides is just totally a very very bad idea.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: The Grinch on October 07, 2010, 04:55:33 AM
As a former chess piece loyalist, I must say that when I first came to the game, I was by default put on bish. By the time I actually found out you can switch sides, I had established bonds with certain players that have really helped me out. It was great working with these guys all towards the same goal of winning the map. I had no reason to switch sides at that point.

As time went on, real life situations reared their ugly head, I found myself logging on less and less. During that time, I came to the realization that what was worked on really hard the night before was just either regained by the other guys or thwarted by a map reset. Fact is no matter what the map situation was, I always had one to play on.

In FSO, WW1 arena, TA or DA. Map resets dint happen. They are still populated for the reason to learn and shoot down red guys. Most guys that are bish in the MAs wont turn a chance to play in FSO just because they are usually bish and now the event calls for them to be knight. So why should it matter in the MAs?

People that daunt the cape and tights for their country need to come to reality that not everyone that logs in to the game cares what the war is doing or what the map situation is. Yes you still have tools that do switch or have shades to find hidden CVs or missions or pad scores but I can honestly say that 99.999999% of those guys that are known to switch are just doing it to shoot down bad guys and nothing else.

You adopt a country here and establish bonds with certain players...more power to ya. Although considered blasphemy to some, squad tours are a great method to find out that the red guy you hated for such a long time is really a nice guy and alot of fun to fly with. Its also healthy for a squad recruiting, being that you are having a greater chance flying with guys you probably wouldn't get a chance to fly with just sticking to 1 out of 3 countries. Also keep in mind that those guys that switch to your side are there to help you out. Not being able to switch sides is just totally a very very bad idea.
Really great written  :salute
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Traveler on October 07, 2010, 09:50:35 AM
Not being able to switch sides is just totally a very very bad idea.

I also agree that not being able to switch sides is a very bad idea.  I have never wished for that.  I just want the time restriction associated with changing sides increased.  The time restriction, that rule devised by HiTech only makes sense if it accomplishes it’s designed purpose.  From my reading I believe that restriction was placed on side switching to keep the lame in check,( lame = Spys, CV Spotters, Shades, ect…) if that’s not the purpose, then restrictions make no sense at all and should be totally removed.   I’m just saying that the current restrictions , the time limits don’t seem to service the purpose they were imposed for. 

A suggestion has been offered that anyone switching to the lower number side should never be restricted from making that change.    Currently  a restriction on a player that changes to the lower number side then attempts to switch back has a time limit,  I just want that time limit increased.       
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: oTRALFZo on October 07, 2010, 06:27:58 PM
I also agree that not being able to switch sides is a very bad idea.  I have never wished for that.  I just want the time restriction associated with changing sides increased.  The time restriction, that rule devised by HiTech only makes sense if it accomplishes it’s designed purpose.  From my reading I believe that restriction was placed on side switching to keep the lame in check,( lame = Spys, CV Spotters, Shades, ect…) if that’s not the purpose, then restrictions make no sense at all and should be totally removed.   I’m just saying that the current restrictions , the time limits don’t seem to service the purpose they were imposed for. 

A suggestion has been offered that anyone switching to the lower number side should never be restricted from making that change.    Currently  a restriction on a player that changes to the lower number side then attempts to switch back has a time limit,  I just want that time limit increased.       

Again a big fat NO.
Think about what your asking. What that would do is more harm than any good. Side switching should be considered a good thing and as it is, 2 hours or whatever is too long. To the guys that switch that just want to switch to kill bad guys, it will hurt their game. To the guys that switch to spy or locate CVs, it wont deter them doing what they are doing one bit.
Title: Re: '' SIDE SWITCHING""
Post by: Guppy35 on October 07, 2010, 08:31:32 PM
The irony is that limiting the side switching would hurt the air combat guys who aren't spying on CVs or NOE missions.  So to satisfy the win the war guys you are asking to limit the guys who don't care about the war.

In the end it's the guys who want to win the war so desperately that they spy you want to stick it to.  If you are that desperate to win the war, chances are pretty good you won't care about time limits anyway.

Don't punish one group of players for the 'sins' of another who happen to be from the same group that is complaining about them.