Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => Scenario General => Topic started by: WldWeasl on February 01, 2011, 06:15:34 AM

Title: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: WldWeasl on February 01, 2011, 06:15:34 AM
Just to throw a monkey wrench out there...

Why can't we have a massive GV Scenario...El Alamein or Battle of the Bulge GV style...

We can see who's read more on Rommel or Patton....

Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Krusty on February 01, 2011, 09:21:36 AM
[EDIT: speaking for El Alamein]

Because GVs as-is are a horribly flawed game device, do not follow the same realistic physics that the planes do, and the terrain and the actual ground-level combat is nothing at all remotely realistic.

Not to mention we don't have half the planes that were present in early Tunisia-type setups.

It would be bad. That's why.

My opinion.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Brooke on February 01, 2011, 03:34:45 PM
There was this:
It had as large a contingent of GV'ers as wanted to play.

There was also this:
which included a lot of great GV action.  We hope to run it again.

This one, also, had as large a GV contingent as wanted to play:
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Krusty on February 01, 2011, 04:01:00 PM
I think Brooke is trying to point out that we DO have GVs in many scenarios... However I'll counter with the following: I played in all those scenarios. There were significant flaws with DoB in regards to 100 planes overhead and any one of them being able to stop a base capture but rules technicalities prevented them from attacking. Krupp Steel had so much cying and whining by sour sport GV players that didn't want ANY interaction with aircraft (despite losing the air superiority battle) and calling out cheat accusations, rules violations, etc. They created a giant stir that really soured a lot of players on including GVs in scenarios.

And Stalin's 4th... well.. I think that's a special one. On the one hand, half the players did NOT want to do GVs. We sucked it up and did our part, but we were flying aircraft 2 frames and GVs 2 other frames. We were not dedicated (and maybe this is the way to go?) But this map had soooo much custom content it was much better for GV battles. Custom tiles, custom terrain, very well laid out bunkers, bridges, etc... It probably took a couple years to make that map. The map no longer works in AH because of several graphics/terrain updates since then. It really would require a remade map (and the guy that redoes it deserves sainthood for putting all that effort in.... TWICE!)

My point is: Yes, we have done some in the past... But there are many complicated issues at hand. It's not just like running an MA mission or anything. There are many complex interactions between the ground vehicles and the aircraft.... Catering to the whims of folks in GVs really isn't fair to the overall combat sometimes.

I guess it's a bit of a rant. If the folks that regularly would join in the GV fight were as mature as some of the folks that design the air aspect of it, we could have a hit on our hands. Other times we're just playing 2 different games that are mutually exclusive of each other.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Husky01 on February 01, 2011, 04:07:35 PM
DoB still makes me cringe when I think of the setup.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Brooke on February 01, 2011, 04:32:47 PM
I had a lot of fun playing in the Tunisia scenario as a Ju 88 pilot.  Lots of different types of targets, and fighting at low level, and I liked the novelty of the look of the desert terrain.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Mirage on February 01, 2011, 06:48:03 PM
Any North Africa scenario would guarantee 100% of my effort and time, is there a possibility of another Tunisia Scenario any time soon?
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Brooke on February 01, 2011, 08:56:22 PM
Any North Africa scenario would guarantee 100% of my effort and time, is there a possibility of another Tunisia Scenario any time soon?

Not sure if that theater will appear this year.  We don't have all of this year nailed down yet.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: HighTone on February 01, 2011, 10:37:07 PM
The Tunisia scenario was my first one ever, and after it I was hooked. When it comes back around, I will be there.  :cheers:
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Anaxogoras on February 02, 2011, 12:00:53 AM
Because GVs as-is are a horribly flawed game device, do not follow the same realistic physics that the planes do, and the terrain and the actual ground-level combat is nothing at all remotely realistic.


Vehicles do not have the same fidelity as aircraft in Aces High.

Moreover, I flew the 190F-8 in RSKS, and not once did the rules allow me to target a ground vehicle.  Then there was that huge uproar over whether an A-20 was "marking" a ground vehicle with a bomb, or trying to bomb it.  If there are more scenarios with gv's in the future, then I truly hope that we don't expect ground combat to occur in a hermetically sealed little bubble, with nasty forum uproars when a bomb or rocket comes a little too close.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: perdue3 on February 03, 2011, 02:10:06 PM
My first was Operation Downfall. Talk about flaws. Still fun and good enough to boost me into Special Events.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: kilo2 on February 03, 2011, 08:20:44 PM
DoB was awesome flew a 110 in that one and had a blast. Also my first major event.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: killrDan on February 06, 2011, 04:31:28 PM
Krupp Steele was an epic GV battle.  I thought it worked pretty good or at least from my perspective it did.  I'd like to see a scenario, or at least an FSO, with GV's again.

+1 :aok
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: SEseph on February 25, 2011, 09:57:26 AM
I really enjoyed Stalin's Fourth. Half GV, Half Fighter for my squad anyway. Would be great to do it again where I don't have a dial-up connection allowing me a whopping 14FPS :D

+1 Stalin's Fourth ReMix  :aok
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: K-KEN on February 26, 2011, 10:56:27 AM
I really enjoyed Stalin's Fourth. Half GV, Half Fighter for my squad anyway. Would be great to do it again where I don't have a dial-up connection allowing me a whopping 14FPS :D

+1 Stalin's Fourth ReMix  :aok

Agreed, was a great one!  +1

Also had some really great videos too!  :) The Terrain was incredible too! I stink in a GV, so M3 dooty was right for me!   :old:   :rofl
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Brooke on February 26, 2011, 04:21:19 PM
To run Stalin's again, the terrain update needs to be completed.  Making and updating terrains is a huge job, so it doesn't happen quickly, but there are folks working on it.  I'd love to play in Stalin's Fourth again, too.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Kermit de frog on February 27, 2011, 09:58:28 AM
Agreed, was a great one!  +1

Also had some really great videos too!  :) The Terrain was incredible too! I stink in a GV, so M3 dooty was right for me!   :old:   :rofl

I too was on M3 dooty.   :cheers:

I'd love to participate in a rerun of this scenario.  The terrain was definitely a big part of the fun.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Kermit de frog on February 27, 2011, 10:44:18 AM
Yucca made this film of Stalin's Fourth Scenario.

Select "save as" option to download. (
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: OOZ662 on March 03, 2011, 01:31:54 AM
To me, the biggest issue with our tanks (aside from vulnerability to aircraft, which is a whole multi-tier argument in itself) is the identical sighting systems and the ability to fire out to forever. There are people in this game who can hit a moving tank at 6,000 yards with easily less than ten rounds due to the sight quality and the lack of visual blocks like ground fog or dust clouds. Not only unrealistic, but people being fired upon from that far out don't even know they're being shot at.

Stalin's 4th was different because the terrain was almost entirely flat and FULL of tress and ground clutter. More than once I doddled around a corner in a forest to be looking down the barrel of a Panzer. Though the bridge system could use a bit of reworking (perhaps having to find a slightly-further-away indestructible crossing instead of being forced to fight in LVTs), the ground system in that setup was great.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there were any large bombs in play either, besides on the level bombers. I don't remember if the Hurricanes were allowed to carry the 2x500lb bombs...even if they were, that's a lot less of a threat to a tank group than an A-20. Anti-tank work was down to precise bombing with smaller bombs and gunnery instead of "dump egg somewhere on field, attempt to count number of kills."
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Zoney on March 21, 2011, 02:52:47 PM
Aces High
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: OOZ662 on March 21, 2011, 03:34:04 PM
Aces High

Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Brooke on March 21, 2011, 03:47:10 PM
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: 4brkfast on March 26, 2011, 03:45:39 PM
The game is lacking a lot of early war gv's and planes for a proper scenario. It sounds like fun tho, I would hope to see a good Stalingrad or southern group scenario. But like el Alamein we lack early yaks, the lagg3 and mig warbirds. And as suggested before the gv fighting is a bit lacking.
Title: Re: New Scenario Suggestion.....Battle of El Alamein
Post by: Plazus on March 26, 2011, 04:49:46 PM
I'm quite sure the GVs will play a more "enjoyable" role in scenarios once they are updated to the new control system. In addition to this, HTC will be able to crank out more GVs in shorter time; which could mean a better balanced EW/MW/LW setup.