Aces High Bulletin Board

Squadron Forums => Squadrons => Topic started by: Beegerite on May 10, 2001, 11:18:00 PM

Title: Rooks - Do you want more immersion?
Post by: Beegerite on May 10, 2001, 11:18:00 PM
If you're like me and would like to have more immersion in your experience in AH get in touch.  Immersion means that I want a squadron that looks/feels like a squadron would have back in WWII  I want a squadron that assigns responsibility and expects members to be accountable for the actions or lack thereof.  I want a squadron that plans missions in a way which insures success e.g. briefing, mission, debriefing.  I want anyting that gives us that feeling but not necessarily 100% of the time e.g. maybe 2 hrs. per night in time zone pairs to allow time for freelancing and individual expression if needed.  I want a squadron that is 100% democratic in allowing members to express opinions and vote on issues of concern to all but which will also be true to it's founding ideals and willing to discipline anyone who doesn't carry their burden.  I want a squadron that allows members to share in the planning and leadership process on a rotating basis which allows participation without putting an undue burden on anyone.  I want squadron m8s that would like to be considered more as re-enactors than gamers.

These are initial ideas and will evolve as time goes on.

Rampaging Rods of Retribution

P.S. Rook is what I am now but if there is no interest on the Rook side and it all comes from the Bish or Knit side then the squadron name could surely be changed.
Title: Rooks - Do you want more immersion?
Post by: Tac on May 20, 2001, 08:29:00 AM
it would help if we had a briefing room like Air Warrior.

[This message has been edited by Tac (edited 05-20-2001).]
Title: Rooks - Do you want more immersion?
Post by: Midnight on May 23, 2001, 09:09:00 AM
Do you fly the Mustang? Come see the 412th  (

Wing up, Get kills, Be happy!

Midnight CO
 (  (

The 412th is actively seeking P-51 Mustang pilots. E-mail me for more information