Aces High Bulletin Board
Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: HARDLIQR on March 25, 2011, 07:40:54 AM
I was in the training arena the other night helping some new players out and noticed you can't destroy any targets I.E. Hangers, Guns. Is this a permanent or will it be fixed?
It's a temporary glitch.
Thank you for the reply. Any idea when this will be fixed?
Yeah, I haven't flown in a while and I have been trying to capture a town. can you do that offline in the training area (AHTA8).
Yeah, I haven't flown in a while and I have been trying to capture a town. can you do that offline in the training area (AHTA8).
fication from clara, I believe you meant offline on the TA map, ahta08.
You should be able to.You can also change arena settings to make it easier or more difficult.
Thank you but I have a question. What setting would I change and what would it be. Lower = easy | High = harder
Thank you but I have a question. What setting would I change and what would it be. Lower = easy | High = harder
Specifically for town capture, most likely town down percentage, not sure if that's the actual wordage of the setting.
With that you can change white flag conditions from hardest, needing 100% of the town to be destroyed, to easier, say 1% down.
You probably could also change building hardness but I'd assume you want that similar to what you would need to do in online arenas.