Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Rash on April 14, 2011, 01:17:56 PM
Do I fess-up, put it back in it's cage, eat it for dinner or send it out with the trash in the morning? I've told my neighbor several times his rabbit is getting out of his cage. It was dark when I let the dog out this morning and rabbit was in my yard.
Thank him for feeding your dog this morning.
hmmm, Tuff one.
If it was a pet, they'll miss it for sure. I don't think I'd tell them the details.
Let em believe he is out doing bunny stuff.
But I'd fire up the grill.
Can you do that with tame rabbits?
Thank him for feeding your dog this morning.
Do I fess-up, put it back in it's cage, eat it for dinner or send it out with the trash in the morning? I've told my neighbor several times his rabbit is getting out of his cage. It was dark when I let the dog out this morning and rabbit was in my yard.
Here is what happens if you eat it
fess up with a big huge
But I'd fire up the grill.
Can you do that with tame rabbits?
Yup. But they're generally not as lean as wild rabbits, and their skin is much tougher. the extra bit of fat actually helps keep it from getting too dry on the grill.
If it came in your yard it's not anyones fault but your neighbors.
Tell the truth. I had the same thing happen with my neighbors cat. My dog didn't kill it, but took a big chunk out of it's leg.
I think they should know the rabbit died. If they do decide to get another pet they might not be as careless.
Tell the truth. I had the same thing happen with my neighbors cat. My dog didn't kill it, but took a big chunk out of it's leg.
I think they should know the rabbit died. If they do decide to get another pet they might not be as careless.
I agree with this idea. Tell them what happened.
The "good" news for you is that it's dead. You could be looking at some very costly vet bills otherwise. Worst case is they ask you to replace it, which I wouldn't do (since it was in your yard).
Keep in mind- the fact that it was getting out of its pen meant it was doomed to die. Domestic rabbits don't live long outside of their pens. Wild rabbits are much better prepared to detect and evade "problems", but still only have a 15-20% chance of making it through the year...
Do I fess-up, put it back in it's cage, eat it for dinner or send it out with the trash in the morning? I've told my neighbor several times his rabbit is getting out of his cage. It was dark when I let the dog out this morning and rabbit was in my yard.
Well your DOG just DESTOYED EASTER !!!! the poor rabbit was doing his pre Easter recon for egg disposal and now hes dead, the hearts of many many kids have been destroyed..... fell better now? lol
LOL, that's what one of girlfriends said. No easter basket for killer.
Telling him about what happened sounds like the best idea. He can decide what to tell his two kids. I'm suprised one of the cats haven't gotten to him first.
If you let your dog out in your fenced yard and the rabbit was in your yard then there is no issue. Tell your neighbor that his rabbit was evidently in your yard. You let the dog out this morn and he found it.
If you let your dog out in your fenced yard and the rabbit was in your yard then there is no issue. Tell your neighbor that his rabbit was evidently in your yard. You let the dog out this morn and he found it.
That's how it happened.
I've had this dog for 3 years, and he has only gotten out of the yard 3 times.
I just hope my dog doesn't turn up dead.
Purposely killing a pet is against the law most anywhere.
You have told them before about their rabbit getting out... it is no one's fault but he/she who was supposed to care for the animal.
dinner, rabbit korma or rabbit cabonara's are yummy.
I have a rule, if something i love gets killed by something you love, it is my obligation to kill what you love.
Your lucky im not your neighbor.
"Yeah might wanna hold of on telling them"
I have a rule, if something i love gets killed by something you love, it is my obligation to kill what you love.
Your lucky im not your neighbor.
Shoot your dog.
You would have to kill yourself then because the dog didn't get the rabbit killed.
You would have to kill yourself then because the dog didn't get the rabbit killed.
It's not the dog's fault for doing what dogs do, it's the rabbit owner's fault for creating a situation where it could happen.
And the rabbit was in the dog's territory, not vice versa.
Somebody's pet gets loose and comes in my yard and one of my 3 dogs kills it, I'll feel bad for them but it's not my fault. If they do as you say and something happens to one of my dogs as a result, somebody had better be ready for war.
tell the truth and offer to pay half for a new bunny and a gesture of good faith. (they might turn you down anyhow, with thanks.)
Tell the parent, not the kids :t
Go get a dead dog ( road kill, etc. ), lay it next to the rabbit, go get your neighbor and with no explanation....... ya'll ponder over it !
I know someone that accidently let his wifes cat out and it drowned in the pool. He took it a couple blocks over and left on the road to stage a hit and run. Wife found it when she went searching.
Not sure I approve of that. :bolt:
This happened to me once, I looked out in the backyard and could see my dog running around with something in its mouth, on closer inspection I realised it was the neighbors pet white rabbit. I went next door to tell them aboout it and no-one was home. At that point in time I thought I would have a window of opportunity to get myself off the hook, I went and got the rabbit and gave it a good wash in the laundry sink with hot water and shampoo and took it over next door and placed it back in the rabbit hutch in their back yard. I heard nothing more about it until the next weekend when I saw my neihgbor washing his car out in his driveway, He told me that the strangest thing had happened during the week, his daughters pet rabbit had died and they all went out in the yard one night and gave it a burial, while they were out the next day someone had dug up the rabbit cleaned it up and put it back in the rabbit hutch. :eek:
That's the hardest I've laughed in a long time
:rofl phatzo!
This happened to me once, I looked out in the backyard and could see my dog running around with something in its mouth, on closer inspection I realised it was the neighbors pet white rabbit. I went next door to tell them aboout it and no-one was home. At that point in time I thought I would have a window of opportunity to get myself off the hook, I went and got the rabbit and gave it a good wash in the laundry sink with hot water and shampoo and took it over next door and placed it back in the rabbit hutch in their back yard. I heard nothing more about it until the next weekend when I saw my neihgbor washing his car out in his driveway, He told me that the strangest thing had happened during the week, his daughters pet rabbit had died and they all went out in the yard one night and gave it a burial, while they were out the next day someone had dug up the rabbit cleaned it up and put it back in the rabbit hutch. :eek:
lol phatzo!
I told the neighbor and said it was ok. When he left for work at 5am this morning, he noticed the rabbit in the front yard, but couldn't catch him.
Things could be worse, I suppose.
except for the rabbit...
This happened to me once, I looked out in the backyard and could see my dog running around with something in its mouth, on closer inspection I realised it was the neighbors pet white rabbit. I went next door to tell them aboout it and no-one was home. At that point in time I thought I would have a window of opportunity to get myself off the hook, I went and got the rabbit and gave it a good wash in the laundry sink with hot water and shampoo and took it over next door and placed it back in the rabbit hutch in their back yard. I heard nothing more about it until the next weekend when I saw my neihgbor washing his car out in his driveway, He told me that the strangest thing had happened during the week, his daughters pet rabbit had died and they all went out in the yard one night and gave it a burial, while they were out the next day someone had dug up the rabbit cleaned it up and put it back in the rabbit hutch. :eek:
now I know that was in a movie I saw :headscratch:
Rash, glad everything's ok.
And no guys it is not in every dogs nature to kill something just cause, i have 4 dogs and a cat,the cat chase's the dogs. :rock
Roast bunny is nice too, I have a hare in the fridge tonight (I believe they're called jack rabbits in the USA).
Garlic, Onion, Rosemary, stuff it with an orange (or cut in half, put one in the ribcage, one between the legs), cover in olive oil, drop it in a roasting bag and bake @ 150 degrees (Celcius sorry) for 1.5 hours.
This is one from last week:
Absolutely delicious, kind of like lamb with no fat/greasyness. Also makes a great cold cut due to the complete lack of fat.
This happened to me once, I looked out in the backyard and could see my dog running around with something in its mouth, on closer inspection I realised it was the neighbors pet white rabbit. I went next door to tell them aboout it and no-one was home. At that point in time I thought I would have a window of opportunity to get myself off the hook, I went and got the rabbit and gave it a good wash in the laundry sink with hot water and shampoo and took it over next door and placed it back in the rabbit hutch in their back yard. I heard nothing more about it until the next weekend when I saw my neihgbor washing his car out in his driveway, He told me that the strangest thing had happened during the week, his daughters pet rabbit had died and they all went out in the yard one night and gave it a burial, while they were out the next day someone had dug up the rabbit cleaned it up and put it back in the rabbit hutch. :eek:
( now that's funny!!!
now I know that was in a movie I saw :headscratch:
Don't let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
It could have been this tragic.
Few years ago a local failed car dealership was knocked down and replaced with a Whole Foods. My court is on a hill 40 feet above it. I can run down for beer and be back flying in the MA in 10 minutes it's that close to my house. The city didn't require the construction crew to exterminate the rat colony that lived in the building for almost 10 years.
My neigborhood cheered for the first day of construction then lived in a remake of "Ben" for 6 months without the Michael Jackson soundtrack. The local cats got eaten or went into hiding. We had rats everywhere day and night. During the ensuing rat war someone got the idea to saturate his back yard with piles of industrial Decon rat bait waifers. During the next week all of the dogs in the neigborhood either died from eating weakend rats or were at the vet getting their stomacs pumped. All the rats died or fled for parts unknown.
Everyone was pulling bags of dead rats from their crawl spaces for weeks after that. ......rats even ate all of the local mice, bugs, garbage in cans on the curb, leather garden gloves, visiting song birds, old leather shoes, garden hoses and chewed their way into crawl spaces to setup nests. Poor bunny by the way.
Eh I would tell em. If a neighbor let an animal out and my pit/lab killed it, its their fault. At least if its on my property.
Don't let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
ok wheres the "right over the head smiley....? :headscratch:
Have to consider if the leash law is in effect. Could be fined for allowing the dog to run around.
Cover it up. Not because you did anything wrong, but because telling your neighbor your dog devoured their rabbit won't do anybody any good. After a week of the rabbit missing they'll realize he ain't coming back, he got out and got eaten by a "wild animal". Don't put your dog in danger by letting them know he killed their pet.
This is one of those situations where telling the truth is not the right course of action.
Have to consider if the leash law is in effect. Could be fined for allowing the dog to run around.
In his own lawn. :headscratch:
I think it really depends how well you now your neighbor, and how you think he'd react. If you think this would cause a decade long war between you two, then it's probably best to keep it quiet.
late night snack? :aok
Cover it up. Not because you did anything wrong, but because telling your neighbor your dog devoured their rabbit won't do anybody any good.
Yes it will. Have you ever spent a week wondering about something or looking for something? Telling the kids there is a chance we will find it. It does them alot of good to be put out of their torment right away.
After a week of the rabbit missing they'll realize he ain't coming back, he got out and got eaten by a "wild animal". Don't put your dog in danger by letting them know he killed their pet.
This is one of those situations where telling the truth is not the right course of action.
So if you're afraid of the dog's saftey, tell a different type of lie. Say you saw the rabbit being eaten by a stray dog, or a wild fox. I just think letting them slowly work it out over the course of a week is adding insult to injury.
Yes it will. Have you ever spent a week wondering about something or looking for something? Telling the kids there is a chance we will find it. It does them alot of good to be put out of their torment right away.
If a rabbit escapes it's as good as dead. You tell your kids there is a chance we will find it even if you know the neighbors dog ate it.
Im pretty sure there was a thread a while back where you mildly complained about being lied to by your parents about santa. So now it's ok to lie about dead rabbits? :D
Say sorry with an easter basket or invite them over for a barbecue................
Say sorry with an easter basket or invite them over for a barbecue................
Tell him that the bunny was killed on duty when trying to hide the easter eggs too close to the dog.
Im pretty sure there was a thread a while back where you mildly complained about being lied to by your parents about santa. So now it's ok to lie about dead rabbits? :D
Exactly. I was never against the santa thing because it's "lying". I was against it for other reasons if you look back.
Generally, lying is a bad thing, but I thought in this instance it was actually the best thing to do.
Tell the truth. I had the same thing happen with my neighbors cat. My dog didn't kill it, but took a big chunk out of it's leg.
I think they should know the rabbit died. If they do decide to get another pet they might not be as careless.
Do I fess-up, put it back in it's cage, eat it for dinner or send it out with the trash in the morning? I've told my neighbor several times his rabbit is getting out of his cage. It was dark when I let the dog out this morning and rabbit was in my yard.
Life is funny.
My previous neighbor before she sold her house, had a miniature Daschund. Cutest little thing. One more she let it out and when the dog returned it had a Shrew in its mouth that it had killed.
2 months later, a bald eagle snatched the little dog out of her backyard and ate it in one of the big cedar trees behind my house.
It's an Eagle eat Dog eat Shrew world out there.
Also, since its close enough to Easter, leave this on their doorstep.
That's how it happened.
I've had this dog for 3 years, and he has only gotten out of the yard 3 times.
I just hope my dog doesn't turn up dead.
What kind of animal control laws in you area? You might open a bag of worms if you tell them your dog did it. Honesty is the best policy, but be prepared for some hoop jumping.
Similar thing happened to my family.
We own 5 malamutes, all really pack oriented. Neighbors never have a fence, just let their dog run and poop in anyone's yard. Long story short neighbor kicks dog out to potty and it runs in our house as we are unloading the car. Little terrier meet large malamute.
The crazy neighbor lady tried to take us to court but no one would hear of it. Then she tried to get everyone in the neighborhood to sign a petition saying we'd euthanize our dog. That didn't happen either. Finally she demanded $2,000 to replace the pure bred, show dog for which no one could find any papers. She didn't get that either (although we did buy her a leash and collar).
Anyway, the jist of what we learned from cops/animal control is that as long as your animal is on your property, it's not your fault. You will want to tell them immediately though.
Do I fess-up, put it back in it's cage, eat it for dinner or send it out with the trash in the morning? I've told my neighbor several times his rabbit is getting out of his cage. It was dark when I let the dog out this morning and rabbit was in my yard.
You're better off than we were when our dog escaped (chewed the leash) and ripped the guts of the neighbors pet rabbit right in front of the children, on their yard none the less. Now THAT was embarrassing.
The Santa thing got me to thinking back when I made this one......
Below the beware of dog sign on the fence, i'm thinking about putting another blank sign so I can paint on his kill markings. Or maybe just paint them on his dog house.
Below the beware of dog sign on the fence, i'm thinking about putting another blank sign so I can paint on his kill markings. Or maybe just paint them on his dog house.
You should tell them. More so if they have kids as it was one of thier pets for sure.If it was one of your pets or your dog and it just up and disapeard you would never know what happend and it would drive you nuts and always make you wonder just what happend ya know.
Fess up tell em and if they get mad let your dog loose on them.
I know someone that accidently let his wifes cat out and it drowned in the pool. He took it a couple blocks over and left on the road to stage a hit and run. Wife found it when she went searching.
Not sure I approve of that. :bolt:
Sounds like somone killed there wifes cat and just said it drown. Cats can swim much better than dogs and can float well and endurence swim too. Also i have had a cat that loved to swim and could climb out of the pool the lake the river or whatver just fine...little things called claws. Hope his wife isnt readng this lol
He might of been de-clawed. He was suppose to never go outside.
Purposely killing a pet is against the law most anywhere.
You have told them before about their rabbit getting out... it is no one's fault but he/she who was supposed to care for the animal.
I am rural and raising poultry.
If a neighbours pet gets into my yard and starts endangering my animals I am legally allowed to shoot said neighbours pet,
AND charge the owners for whatever damage they caused.
edit.. As long as it is on the property.
I am rural and raising poultry.
If a neighbours pet gets into my yard and starts endangering my animals I am legally allowed to shoot said neighbours pet,
AND charge the owners for whatever damage they caused.
edit.. As long as it is on the property.
Different instance. Yes you are good to go. When we check the cows... if we see one dog in a pasture he lives. If we see a pack we start shooting them. Single dogs won't bother a cow but packs can take one down.