Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: StokesAk on April 20, 2011, 01:33:49 PM

Title: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: StokesAk on April 20, 2011, 01:33:49 PM
Well, it seems to easy for players to up 7 M3s and flood the town with troops.

Why not up the capture limit to 20, that way it would actually take some coordination to take a base, instead of upping M3s left and right throwing troops at the map room.

Also instead of vultching the base, you would have to protect your M3s. Protecting two M3s is harder than one.

Oh, and if you do have 7 people hellbent on taking a base to the point that they overflow the town with troops, then upping the base capture amount would make that less effective. Most of the time when people do this, most of the troops get killed in the process leaving 2 or 3 individual troops to make it to the map room. If implemented this would increase the amount of troops needed to be randomly released in the town from lemmings.  This would make it harder to use this tactic when taking a base.

For those of you who are going to say that it will be to hard to take a base:

The limit of bases needed to be owned has been reduced to 20% instead of its previous 40%. If you really want to take a base you will be able to. I'm sure the horde of people that travel base to base in search of assists (maybe even a vultch or two) will be able to choose two people to roll troops as someone protects them in a plane or M16.

This would also help the problem of the war being won to much, it will make the bases harder to take when there is no coordination among the horde, but with coordination it will be just as easy. People roll backup troops ALL the time.

Thanks for reading my wall of text.

Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: LLogann on April 20, 2011, 02:05:39 PM
Three groups of people roll mass goon drops and you feel it would be better to screw the honest base taking folk by making that harder? 

I would think that will just increase the "horde mentality"

No?   :old:
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: StokesAk on April 20, 2011, 02:21:54 PM
That is very possible, but it is one extra set of troops. As said before most of the time there are backup troops rolled, so it wouldn't take that many more people. The only reason it would have something to do with a horde is if there is a horde attacking the base already.

I'm just saying that flooding the map room with 7 sets of troops, there will still be say about 14 troops that make it past the defenders.

All I am trying to accomplish is to stop the town being flooding with troops.
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: Flayed on April 20, 2011, 02:31:48 PM
Three groups of people roll mass goon drops and you feel it would be better to screw the honest base taking folk by making that harder? 

I would think that will just increase the "horde mentality"

No?   :old:

 I agree here.  I think the harder you make it to take a base the more you will see huge groups of players stomping every last thing on a base and killing any type of resistance so there is little threat at all for the extra troops you would force them to bring.  Not that this does not happen already but I think it would really encourage it and then you would see even more complaints.

  I would prefer to see the # of barracks on the air bases to be lessened a little so you could actually go pork then and not feel like you are playing whack a mole. Or at least get the strat system fixed so hitting factories is worth a dang so that it's possible to make the barracks currently on a base stay down long enough when you do pork some of em they don't pop back up while your flying back to finish off the rest.
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: StokesAk on April 20, 2011, 02:35:49 PM
I agree here.  I think the harder you make it to take a base the more you will see huge groups of players stomping every last thing on a base and killing any type of resistance so there is little threat at all for the extra troops you would force them to bring.  Not that this does not happen already but I think it would really encourage it and then you would see even more complaints.

  I would prefer to see the # of barracks on the air bases to be lessened a little so you could actually go pork then and not feel like you are playing whack a mole. Or at least get the strat system fixed so hitting factories is worth a dang so that it's possible to make the barracks currently on a base stay down long enough when you do pork some of em they don't pop back up while your flying back to finish off the rest.

+1 on that whole last paragraph.

The more I think about it my first post is a little far fetched. We need something to prevent troop flooding.
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: Krusty on April 20, 2011, 02:37:58 PM
The number of barracks was INCREASED because it took 1 suicide pork-tard 2 runs through heavy ack while being chased down by 5 defenders all of 60 seconds to remove a goon's troops.

Rinse and repeat and the entire front was shut down in minutes and it lasted for a long time.

THAT is why barracks were increased. Perhaps they went too far overboard with the "increased" numbers, but it was a rampant problem that the side with more numbers and more dweeby players was benefiting. It was also a problem that the side that NEEDED the troops the most (the side with less fields, less players) couldn't take any fields back because their troops were porked into oblivioun, worsening the steamroller effect the 2 other countries had upon it.
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: Lusche on April 20, 2011, 02:41:07 PM
I think after almost 1/2 year of tweaking, the airfield capture requirements are balanced quite well again.
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: LLogann on April 20, 2011, 02:45:50 PM
I don't think the number of barracks is the true problem.... Perhaps if on the airbases, the majority of barracks were grouped together, like at a vBase, then it wouldn't be so hard to drop troops at a large field.........  Even a small field.........  Yet at the same time, grabbing the grouped 4/6 barracks doesn't account for the other half that are spread out a bit.

The number of barracks was INCREASED because it took 1 suicide pork-tard 2 runs through heavy ack while being chased down by 5 defenders all of 60 seconds to remove a goon's troops.

Rinse and repeat and the entire front was shut down in minutes and it lasted for a long time.

THAT is why barracks were increased. Perhaps they went too far overboard with the "increased" numbers, but it was a rampant problem that the side with more numbers and more dweeby players was benefiting. It was also a problem that the side that NEEDED the troops the most (the side with less fields, less players) couldn't take any fields back because their troops were porked into oblivioun, worsening the steamroller effect the 2 other countries had upon it.
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: SmokinLoon on April 20, 2011, 03:05:50 PM
I think after almost 1/2 year of tweaking, the airfield capture requirements are balanced quite well again.

Balanced in what way? 

I dont like the white flag.  Too gamey, imo.  No challenge in scouting and double checking the town.  I'd like to see a %95 and no white flag.
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: Lusche on April 20, 2011, 03:21:09 PM
Balanced in what way?  

In a way that it's neither too easy nor too hard anymore. You don't absolutely have to bring in a massive horde anymore (as it was with 100% and no flag), nor 2-3 bombs in the middle will bring it down to 50% and capturable status.
Changing the difficulty to either extreme has a great impact on game dynamics and player motivation. Too hard and the map is getting stale quickly,defenders have a big advantage, lots of people frustrates cause they hardly have the chance to "win" a fight for a base anymore. Too easy and bases will get rolled in quick succession with little chance for the defenders to muster a defense in time. Lot's of frustration again, this time on side of the defenders, with one result being a "I grab your base while you grab mine" kind of gameplay with little actual combat.

Keep in mind that Hitech said about the new towns "It was never intended to make captures harder". But they actually did, by having much more buildings, more dispersed, and by making the identification of individual building status much more difficult.
The flag is a toll simply introduced to correct that higher difficulty.

May I add that we still have a base capture rate much lower than we did for many years in Aces High, but that's to a big part also a result of the new off-hours arena setup.

Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: Flayed on April 20, 2011, 03:50:40 PM
The number of barracks was INCREASED because it took 1 suicide pork-tard 2 runs through heavy ack while being chased down by 5 defenders all of 60 seconds to remove a goon's troops.

Rinse and repeat and the entire front was shut down in minutes and it lasted for a long time.

THAT is why barracks were increased. Perhaps they went too far overboard with the "increased" numbers, but it was a rampant problem that the side with more numbers and more dweeby players was benefiting. It was also a problem that the side that NEEDED the troops the most (the side with less fields, less players) couldn't take any fields back because their troops were porked into oblivion, worsening the steamroller effect the 2 other countries had upon it.

 Point taken Krusty.    Like you said it is possible that they went overboard on how many there are but really I think the underlying problem is the factories.  The strat system simply does not appear to be working the way it was intended or at least as well as was intended.  Porking barracks would not be quite the problem even with the current #s if it was possible to get the factory to actually stay down long enough hence partial barracks stay down long enough to pork em all if you don't get all of them the first or second time around. And I'm not talking the stupid 1 guy suicide porker. I prefer to do my porking in 13K B-26's :) 
  I would suggest that in general it's not possible the affect the down times in a meaningful way at this point.  Hopefully HT will work something out when he does the next strat fix that he has mentioned...   
Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: icepac on April 20, 2011, 04:34:28 PM
I routinely see tanks "defending" a base motor off to thier favorite spawn camping locations even as the base is being overrun with tanks and troops.

Title: Re: Increasing troop capture amount.
Post by: jimson on April 21, 2011, 12:42:38 AM
It could possibly increase the horde factor, but then again it might extend the battle, making it a real slug fest.

Something I'm trying this week in AvA (starting Friday) is to provide an objective based outline where the Allies need to capture and hold two consecutive bases, but the level of challenge will be increased dramatically.

I will be doubling field gun and town building downtimes to 90 minutes, but fighter and vehicle hangers hardness will be doubled, their downtimes halved and capture will require 40 (yes 40) troops.,311298.0.html

Most AvA players don't care about capture, but for those that do and want to try it, it will be harder and take more time.

Rather than the typical smash and grab, I'm hoping that it will turn into a "battle royale" for each base whether they ever get captured or not, but it could be that folks will just choose to furball like they usually do and that's fine too.

We shall see.