Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High Classifieds => Topic started by: Jag34 on August 23, 2011, 07:46:31 AM
My Mother board died last month on my 8 year old system. Don't have the funds to build a new, The caps on the board above the video card started leaking. Now the system will not stay on for more then 4 minutes. Does anyone have a Asus A7N8X Deluxe mother board laying around not being used, in working order? If so let me know and we can work out something.
Heya Jag34,
I have an ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe MB that you can have
only one problem with it is one of the (2) LAN Ports is "unoperable" .... but the other one does work ( I can not remember which one is out though )
I also have an AthlonXP 2800 cpu you can have and might even still have a AthlonXP3200 cpu also.....
let me put my hands on them and will post back or send ya a PM
Thanks, that would be a great help
I can pay the postage for the board also. This will be greatly appreciated. :x Then I can be up a flying again :airplane: :joystick:
Thank You
Jag 34T
check ya PM's Jag34
Did you get my PM???
yep, will be receiving it soon