Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: Tyrannis on September 02, 2011, 11:18:53 PM
Recently, I attempted to try out a Logitech gamepad with AH. Which required me to mess with my controls for the first time in years. The end result however was a complete headache. The gamepad had horribly screwed up my controls.
Whats even worse is, When i switched back to mouse flying and clicked "default controls", It still had my buttons in some strange setup that they weren't before :uhoh
Thankfully after screwing around with the controls for awhile i was able to finally get them back to normal.
But this incident makes me wish there was a way to save different control schemes.
Like, I could save my mouse controls as "mouse controls", Then have "gamepad controls" and if ever i feel like switching between the two. I'd simply go to options>controls>choose layout>"mouse controls"
Not sure if this is already within AH, I don't think ive seen it, but then again i haven't messed around with control options alot. Would be very useful to be able to backup old controls in case you decide to experiment with a diff control option and something goes horribly wrong. (like in my case.
Options/Controls/map preferences there is a drop down menu for different modes.
Just save your settings folder in a folder labeled "mouse" or "gamepad" etc. Then you can copy whichever settings folder you need to the game. You can also do as MK-84 suggested and keep your normal controls in mode 1 and set up your alternate controller in mode 2, 3, or 4. You should still save your normal settings to a backup folder in case you ever have to set everything up again.
Not sure if this is already within AH, I don't think ive seen it, but then again i haven't messed around with control options alot. Would be very useful to be able to backup old controls in case you decide to experiment with a diff control option and something goes horribly wrong. (like in my case.
you have that already believe it or not...
c:\hitech creations\aces high\settings ... right click the settings folder to bring up the menu ... left click on the word "copy" ...find a good place away from the aces high directory, right click to bring up the menu, left click on "paste".
voila, you have a backup of your settings directory... it's magical