Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Staged Missions => Topic started by: kanttori on December 07, 2011, 01:41:03 PM

Title: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 07, 2011, 01:41:03 PM
One Finnish videomaker needs film material with the Karelia terrain and from the one historical airfield and one historical Bf109G6 vs IL2 battle.

I can make the film clips easily with the AH-film, Track IR and Fraps, but I need help with the Mission editor to build that mission with waypoints, aircrafts, timetables etc. I am not familiar with the Mission editor, but the game, film editor and also the Terrain editor are very well-known to me.

So can somebody give me simple instructions or links to good Mission editor hints that I can make a small mission to my terrain?
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: 11Kenzy on December 08, 2011, 04:03:22 AM
Even I experience a hard time with the offline mission editor. Try to PM 100Coogn, he's been making a lot of missions.
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 08, 2011, 03:43:01 PM
If no one else gets on it, I'll make it for you Kan.
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 08, 2011, 04:01:34 PM
If no one else gets on it, I'll make it for you Kan.

Thank you very much USRanger! I make a very simple flight plan to you and send it tomorrow here! I quess it don't take much time from you.
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 08, 2011, 05:30:12 PM
Ok, here it is simply and clear:

MAP (Black is front line on June-July 1944)



Home base: A43
Landing base: A44
Planes: 2 x Bf 109 G-6 (I fly one and another is an AI-plane)
Fuel: 50%
Armament: Wing guns

Home base: A2
Landing base: A2
Planes: 12 x IL-2 Type 3 (All those are AI-planes)
Fuel: 50%
Armament: Bombs and rockets

-Take off at same time for ex. 8 am
-Battle area between V75 and V76
-After short battle both countries return to their landing bases (I try to kill three IL2's...)

Question: Can I use Finnish "FAF/MT-453 by Kanttori" skins on both Finnish Bf 109's?

If you need any other information, jus ask, please! ;)
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 08, 2011, 06:01:08 PM
Sadly, only default skins work with offline missions.  I would love it if they would change that.  I will make it for you tomorrow night. :salute
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 09, 2011, 05:50:52 AM
Wait a minute! Couple of years ago when we included our custom skins to the Terrain Editors folder (for ex.) Karelia/texsrc and build the terrain, the game use that skin as default. I had done so when we replaced Fm2 as Brewster in the earliest Karelia terrain. In the missions the skin was that custom one, because the game thought that it is default!

I think that it is still working, so I try to build a new Karelia version and include Finnish Bf 109 G6 and also G2  skins there...
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 09, 2011, 08:12:16 AM
Ok, it works! I build a new special Karelia-terrain with Finnish Bf 109 G2/G6/G14 skins and tested it.

Finnish Bf 109's are now default skins and it works in "Offline Practice" mode. I also change the fields ownership to the situation of June-July 1944 when Russe has their Great offensive against Finland (Stalin's Fourth...). Bf 109 G6 is available only from A43 and IL2 Type 3 only from A2 when you download all the files to your "HTC/Aces High/ahiiterr" folder from this link: (

If you don't have a possibility to extract RAR-files, here is same archive as a ZIP-file: (

I quess that default skins are also visible now in the missions. This is a nice test to see is it working or not! :)

Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 09, 2011, 08:34:00 AM
More questions:

1) Can you define the flights' highest altitudes? So is it possible that IL2s' fly on the deck between 500-1000 feets and Bf 109's fly about 3000 feets?
2) Can I edit that mission later for ex. adding more Finnish Bf 109's AI-planes starting from the same A43 airfield and adjusting to them a special waypoints?
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 09, 2011, 11:41:22 AM
Couple of changes to Flight plans and plane setups, I just read more details from that flight:


Home qang taking off base: A43
Landing base: A44 (Flight 1) and A43 (Flight 2)
Flight 1 planes: 1 x Bf 109 G-6 (I fly this one and film the mission) 1 x Bf 109 G-14 (AI plane)
Flight 2 planes: 2 x Bf 109 G-2 (AI-planes with different waypoints, I updated the map)
Fuel: 50%
Armament: Wing guns ONLY to Bf 109 G-6 (my plane)
Flight altitude: 3 k

Home base: A2
Landing base: A2
Planes: 24 (!) x IL-2 Type 3 (AI-planes)
Fuel: 50%
Armament: Bombs and rockets
Flight altitude: 1 k

-Take off at same time 14.10 PM (historical)
-Battle area between V49, V75 and V76
-After a short battle both countries are returnig to their landing bases (I try to kill three IL2's...)

I need those FOUR Bf 109's take off to that film because of the historical authenticity. Bf 109 FLIGHT 2 is turning away and returning to home base A43 just before the enemy is sighted. Only my Bf 109 G-6 and AI Bf 109 G-14 (FLIGHT 1) are taking part in the battle. Look the updated map, please!

USRanger: That document video maker said that Your real name (or game ID as you wish) is going to be visible in the video! :)
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 09, 2011, 04:36:03 PM
All updates noted and understood. :salute

More questions:

1) Can you define the flights' highest altitudes? So is it possible that IL2s' fly on the deck between 500-1000 feets and Bf 109's fly about 3000 feets?
2) Can I edit that mission later for ex. adding more Finnish Bf 109's AI-planes starting from the same A43 airfield and adjusting to them a special waypoints?

Yes to both.
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 10, 2011, 11:27:41 PM
I have some good news...

...your mission is done.
( (

I also have some really bad news.  The IL-2 is missing from the plane list in the current Mission Editor version.(!)  I will post it in the bugs forum, but it won't get fixed until the next AH game version release at the earliest.  We do have an option.  Some guys here still use previous versions of the M.E. (bbosen comes to mind).  If he will do it, I can send him the mission file(s) and he can rebuild it in the earlier M.E. version, where the IL-2 is still included.  I have the Russians flying I-16s at the moment (had to choose a plane) so that part would also need changed when the mission is rebuilt.  The whole process would take less than a minute if we find someone willing to do it.

I can send you the mission as-is if you want to get a feel for it.  I can change the I-16s to anything you want, minus the IL-2.  I'm sorry.  It was a little frustrating discovering this bug after I finished making the mission.  We'll still get you all set up though.  Promise. :salute

Quick question Kan, do you want any warp segments or do you want to physically fly the entire mission?
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 10, 2011, 11:56:44 PM
Actually, the problems are bigger than I thought.  The mission wasn't showing up in-game for me, so I opened it back up in the ME.  It was all corrupted.  Instead of the names I entered, I get a bunch of scrambled symbols & the mission looks way different (unflyable).  I went into the Bugs forum and found a recent thread about it.  Sudz says it's fixed for next game version release.  As soon as we get that, I'll send you the mission.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 11, 2011, 06:12:38 AM
Thank you for your fine work USRanger! We must wait the new update, I just read the bugs forum and I hope that the new patch is coming on December, because we have a dead line soon.

I am going to customize the Karelia-terrain more and I am going to include there couple of more default russian skins: Boston III, B-25C etc. and also a Finnish Hurri I and Ju-88 skins. But is this mission you have done going to work if I update the karelia.res file?

"Quick question Kan, do you want any warp segments or do you want to physically fly the entire mission?"

What do you mean with "warp"? Is it "looseness" with way points or something like that? I am going to fly and film that mission in Bf 109 G-6 but is it also possible to join to some aircraft (for ex. Russian) and film the mission from there?

And if I am later going to host this map and mission in the Custom arena, is it possible that other players can join to the mission and fly more Finnish Bf 109's? I mean that must you define all the available mission planes with real players, too? Or are the missions working only in the "Offline Practice" mode?

Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 11, 2011, 09:27:45 PM
As long as you don't move the takeoff & landing fields, further terrain modifications won't affect the mission.

Warp segments can be put in so that you can jump from one point in the mission to another farther along, without spending time flying the distance in real time.  It is used to get to the fight faster in longer missions where a player doesn't want to fly 20 minutes to the objective when they can warp to a position a couple minutes from the fight.

Offline missions cannot be used in the custom arenas at this time, but a post by HiTech recently said that it is in the works, date unknown.  Adding more planes to a mission only takes a minute & I'll be happy to do that for you when the time comes.  Any plane that is in an offline mission is flyable, they are only AI if not taken by a live player.

If your deadline is soon, you could alays host the terrain in the custom arenas and use human "actors" to play the parts you need.  I would participate and I'm sure we could find another 16 players to play the other aircraft.  I would actually recommend this.  You will get much better footage.  When AI die, they just roll over and fall out of the sky.  Human opponents would give you better camera shots.  Let me know.  I'll still make the mission for you as soon as it's fixed, but using all human actors will make a much prettier film.

Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: bbosen on December 12, 2011, 07:08:16 AM
I have some good news...

...your mission is done.
( (

I also have some really bad news.  The IL-2 is missing from the plane list in the current Mission Editor version.(!)  I will post it in the bugs forum, but it won't get fixed until the next AH game version release at the earliest.  We do have an option.  Some guys here still use previous versions of the M.E. (bbosen comes to mind).  If he will do it, I can send him the mission file(s) and he can rebuild it in the earlier M.E. version, where the IL-2 is still included.  I have the Russians flying I-16s at the moment (had to choose a plane) so that part would also need changed when the mission is rebuilt.  The whole process would take less than a minute if we find someone willing to do it.

I can send you the mission as-is if you want to get a feel for it.  I can change the I-16s to anything you want, minus the IL-2.  I'm sorry.  It was a little frustrating discovering this bug after I finished making the mission.  We'll still get you all set up though.  Promise. :salute

Quick question Kan, do you want any warp segments or do you want to physically fly the entire mission?

Hey Ranger: If you'll send me the current source code and terrain file, I'll give it a try with my favorite old version 2124 and its mission editor. If that works, I would be willing to publish the results on my website as a "joint venture". Just let me know.
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 12, 2011, 09:07:49 AM
Bbosen, please try it and thank you! Terrain and fields' setup files are here: (
Or (
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 12, 2011, 09:31:57 AM
USRanger, I am going to host Custom arena on next weekend (Saturday?) to do this one just in case. I mean if needed! Can you then build the "normal" mission with these instructions? I find Finnish players to fly couple of Bf 109's, can you recruit 8-12 your friends to fly IL2's?

When talking 'bout the Offline Mission, I don't want any warping. Distanges in this terrain are so short that players can fly them. Actually I have very much information from REAL historical aerial battles to that map, so are you interested to make couple of more Karelia-missions after this one? I am going to host Custom arena with these missions every now and then and you are free to share these missions with your friends!
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: bbosen on December 12, 2011, 11:41:14 AM
Bbosen, please try it and thank you! Terrain and fields' setup files are here: (
Or (

OK Kanttori. I'm downloading both files now. Incidentally, I noticed that both files are the same size. Is that just coincidence? Do they both contain the same thing?

I am assuming I will still need the mission from US Ranger??? (Haven't got the files downloaded yet).
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 12, 2011, 12:07:18 PM
Those RAR and 7Z (ZIP) contains the same files. I think they pack them different ways and that's the reason to different sizes. Download that one which you can extract, please!
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: bbosen on December 12, 2011, 12:50:16 PM
OK. I downloaded and unzipped the karelia terrain files. It looks VERY nice with V2.26.3. I especially liked the cities and spent some time (in my P38, of course) flying low down the streets. I tried (just once) to go under a VERY LOW bridge, but I ended up applying P38 paint to the underside of the bridge and feeding the fish a diet of aluminum and rare manflesh LOL.

HOWEVER, that terrain won't load with good-old AH V 2.12.4, so I cannot compile USRanger's mission with that version. Let me see if I have the mission editor from something that's not quite so old.... maybe something from 6 months ago will be compatible.

.....searching my dusty old disk archives.....
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: bbosen on December 12, 2011, 12:58:01 PM
Yes! I found I have version 2.23.3 with its Mission Editor, and I confirmed that that version of the editor will load and properly interpret your map. So.... if it can understand USRanger's mission, I will use it to edit in the changes (changed plane set, I'm assuming). Once the edits are done with V2.23.3, I will probably be able to use new version 2.26.3 to compile the results and you should be in business.

Don't expect much "intelligence" from the "bot" planes, though.... in my experience, these newer versions of Aces High don't allow the bot planes to fly at the designated altitudes or speeds; everything will probably be a lot lower and a lot slower than Ranger intends.

At this point, I'm just waiting for the mission source code....
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 12, 2011, 04:13:50 PM
Tonight I'll open the mission back up and see how much fixing needs done first.  When I opened it up the other night my waypoints were all jacked up.

Kan, I look forward to helping you in the custom arena.  I'll get some guys together.
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: bbosen on December 12, 2011, 04:42:52 PM

Be careful. That new Mission Editor WILL garble your source code. I think that only happens when you use the "Make Resouce File"option, but I cannot guarantee it won't happen at other times too. Make frequent backup copies of your source code. See my description of this in the last posting of this thread:,295719.15.html

Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: 11Kenzy on December 12, 2011, 10:10:03 PM
When is your exact date on releasing the offline mission? I can't wait to try it out.

Kenneth Jr. :salute
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 13, 2011, 05:28:23 AM
Video producer needs the Fraps-films before XMas, so we must fly the mission with players on next Saturday for ex. 16.00 PM. Is it good time to you USRanger? 
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: 11Kenzy on December 13, 2011, 06:52:09 AM
Ahem. What about the offline version?

Kenneth Jr. :salute
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 13, 2011, 06:57:06 AM
Ahem. What about the offline version?

Kenneth Jr. :salute

The newest Mission Editor or game has a bug and missions don't work in offline. We don't know when HTC repairs that bug, so we must wait...
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 13, 2011, 03:40:45 PM
Video producer needs the Fraps-films before XMas, so we must fly the mission with players on next Saturday for ex. 16.00 PM. Is it good time to you USRanger? 

Sounds good.  Will bring some friends. :aok
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 16, 2011, 03:01:34 PM
Karelia Custom Arena is ready on saturday 17th December 5 (17.00) PM US Eastern. I am creating there a "normal" IL2-mission where I need you and your friends to fly.

Remember that I must shoot down three IL2's so don't shoot me down with your tail gunners. You can shoot, but shoot over me, please! :)

My Finnish friends has an official HTC's Karelia, so you must use that map, too. If somebody don't have it I can put here a link!
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: USRanger on December 16, 2011, 03:15:24 PM
See you then. :)
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 16, 2011, 03:43:11 PM
Here's the official HTC's Karelia terrain, I use this one on Custom Arena: (
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 17, 2011, 10:59:32 AM
Arena message:


We are making a flight simulator film material to the
document video from historical Taipalsaari Airfield
and Finnish fighter pilot Antti Tani.

This is an episode from his famous mission with
fighter ace Ilmari Juutilainen 1.7.1944, when Tani
shot down three IL-2's in the same mission.

We need every non-Finns here to fly IL2 flight and
be as "victims" to the two Finnish fighter aces.

17th Dec 2011 17:00 US Eastern / 24:00 Finnish
time / 22:00 CET


* 872. ShAP: IL-2 Type 3
* Please join to the mission and film it!

* IL-2’s are to take off from A2 (Suulajarvi)
* Follow the flight plan (way points) in your Mission!
* Remember that Bf 109's must shoot down many IL2's
  so DON'T SHOOT them down with your tail gunners
  You can shoot, but shoot over Bf 109's, please! :)
* Please use AH-film, we need all of them!

* HLeLv 34: Bf 109 G-6 (Kanttori's camera plane)
* HLeLv 34: Bf-109 G-14 (Other Finnish cam plane)
* HLeLv 34: Bf 109 G-2 (Other Finnish if there are
  more of them. Skins: MT-201 and MT-222)
* Bf 109's from A43 (Taipalsaari) are waiting on the
  runway. Rolling when ordered!

* Fuel 75%
* Only Bf 109 G-6’s has wing condolas
* Please use AH-film, we need all of them!

1. Terrain – Karelia
2. Icon Range - Short 3k
3. Radar – Tower based radar Range 15,840 / 3 miles
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range – 15,840 / 3 miles
5. Visibility - 12 miles
6. Wind – None
7. External view for bombers (F3) - Off!
8. Friendly Collisions - Off
9. Enemy Collisions - On
10. Kill Shooter - Off
11. Fuel 1.0
12. Ack 0.2
Design By
Ismo ”Kanttori” Homanen
Title: Re: Need help with the Karelia mission
Post by: kanttori on December 17, 2011, 04:59:49 PM
We have done that film mission with Finnish players earlier on Saturday evening. But thank you very much for your mission help! I am waiting when the bugs are repaired USRanger!