Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High Classifieds => Topic started by: fbEagle on January 30, 2012, 10:29:50 AM
Im going to be going off to college soon and i need a laptop. However i want one that will run AH2 preferably with advanced graphics. Are there any systems out there, other than alienware, that can do this? my pricerange is under $1,000 :joystick:
First off get Alienware...err DELL out of the brain in that regard. You can get a decent laptop that will run AH in limited graphics settings for about that price range. Just be prepared to spend some extra on different cooling options. Take a look at some of the ACER and ASUS laptops that do not have tons of JUNK installed on them and be selective about what you are going to do with it.
lol i play on a 7 year old toshiba laptop, just sayin
if your going to college why would you need to play AH?
just sayin ;)
f your going to college why would you need to play AH?
just sayin Wink
:huh :rofl
$1,000 laptop? Yeah - anything in that price range will run aces high at decent settings. Bought my laptop for ~$400 3 years ago runs it fine
If you go I7 with a stand alone graphics card, you should be able to play just about anything. :aok
Thanks alot! :salute