Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: Rob52240 on April 09, 2012, 03:40:01 PM
I think that the Stuka, as well as some of the other really slow / high eny divebombers should be given a longer distance to spot GV icons.
...... or limit the number of GVs that can attack an airfield. :bolt:
I think that the Stuka, ...should be given a longer distance to spot GV icons.
+1 to Stuka with tank busting cannon too!
+1 to Stuka with tank busting cannon too!
I think that the Stuka, as well as some of the other really slow / high eny divebombers should be given a longer distance to spot GV icons.
I thought the storch was for the exact same reason. and that to end all GVers whine of i got bombed by so and so, they lowered the icon range for all attack planes bombers and fighters.
Meh, I think the icon range is good for GVs that are stopped but it should be much closer to the old icon range for GVs on the move.
Stuka has 2 sets of Mk I eyeballs.
REALLY depends. If hes moving out in the open, yeah, it should be about the old 1.5k (the icon means you don't actually have to do any of the work, so no further than that).
However, if he moving up under some cover...... 600 yds.
If hes stopped in cover, just about any cover at all..... you should have about 400yds worth of warning, and thats only for game-play purposes.
Personally, I would love to see a line of sight-style icon range. Say there has to be at least 40% of the tank clearly exposed for the icon to appear (since the icon is a MASSIVE advantage that they didn't have in real life).
REALLY depends. If hes moving out in the open, yeah, it should be about the old 1.5k (the icon means you don't actually have to do any of the work, so no further than that).
However, if he moving up under some cover...... 600 yds.
If hes stopped in cover, just about any cover at all..... you should have about 400yds worth of warning, and thats only for game-play purposes.
Personally, I would love to see a line of sight-style icon range. Say there has to be at least 40% of the tank clearly exposed for the icon to appear (since the icon is a MASSIVE advantage that they didn't have in real life).
...... or limit the number of GVs that can attack an airfield. :bolt:
Stuka's are so slow they don't need an additional range to view Gv's, basically if the GV is moving full speed he can be seen quite easily at a distance.
No need to mess with it.
What if it were only changed for rear (gunner) pov?
I think that the Stuka, as well as some of the other really slow / high eny divebombers should be given a longer distance to spot GV icons.
That would remove the point of why we have the storch. When
"Really slow" divebombers are still really fast compared with the storch.
"High eny" really doesn't warrant giving them something other aircraft don't have.
If hes moving out in the open, yeah, it should be about the old 1.5k (the icon means you don't actually have to do any of the work, so no further than that).
However, if he moving up under some cover...... 600 yds.
If hes stopped in cover, just about any cover at all..... you should have about 400yds worth of warning, and thats only for game-play purposes.
Didn't we get "line of sight" with the new icon settings? I know it is a lot easier to hide in a barn or trees now.
Didn't we get "line of sight" with the new icon settings? I know it is a lot easier to hide in a barn or trees now.
Yes, Tank-Ace just has an agenda to make the Tankers in the Mud instead of Aces High. He wants GVs to be as close to immune to aircraft as possible while still being able to give lip service to caring about game balance.
The icon ranges for vehicles were just lowered to the point where you can't even see a Wirbelwind before it kills you and he wants them lowered to the point where you can't attack a GV without risking a killshooter event.
The icon ranges for vehicles were just lowered to the point where you can't even see a Wirbelwind before it kills you and he wants them lowered to the point where you can't attack a GV without risking a killshooter event.
You may have mentioned this elsewhere, but what legitimate reason do you have for flying NOE over a GV battle, such that your being shot down seems unreasonable to you? I would think that this result would be the expected one.
You may have mentioned this elsewhere, but what legitimate reason do you have for flying NOE over a GV battle, such that your being shot down seems unreasonable to you? I would think that this result would be the expected one.
I was hunting aircraft, some of which have a tendency to run to the nearest flakpanzer, which magically they can easily see 6000 yards away as opposed to my 600 yard icon range, rather than fighting. In another case our base was under attack and a Wirbel had parked itself about 2000 yards from the end of the runway in the direction of the town.
Then wish for friendly icons to be reduced. Not to the same extent as enemies, as friendly forces have the ability to be in radio contact, and this should be reflected, but something like maybe 1k, 1.5K?
I mean jesus Karnak, you're acting like a cranky 4 yr old "A wirb shot me down, GV's need to be punished!". You'll dispute this, but thats what it boils down to. Yeah, a wirb shot you down and you didn't see it. Now you know how us tankers feel when we get bombed AND ARE PHYSICLY INCAPABLE OF RETALIATION. IIRC, you're one of the people that says to bring wirbs and air cover if you don't want to get bombed. Well maybe you need to get some GV'ers on the ground to take out your flackers.
The shoe is on the other foot now; infact, its about as close as we can come to having a perfectly equivelant situation for you flyboys. So after years of dealing with that type of crap and being told that its our fault, I want you to tell me Karnak..... hows that shoe fit?
Then wish for friendly icons to be reduced. Not to the same extent as enemies, as friendly forces have the ability to be in radio contact, and this should be reflected, but something like maybe 1k, 1.5K?
I did and was shouted down by you and the other tankers. You guys want GVs to be the scourge of aircraft and to be immune to air attacks.
And no, they did not have radio contact that would have allowed anything like knowing which tree the Wirbel was behind.
I did and was shouted down by you and the other tankers. You guys want GVs to be the scourge of aircraft and to be immune to air attacks.
And no, they did not have radio contact that would have allowed anything like knowing which tree the Wirbel was behind.
Do you know how hard it is to explain which tree they're behind to a friendly tank?
I was hunting aircraft, some of which have a tendency to run to the nearest flakpanzer, which magically they can easily see 6000 yards away as opposed to my 600 yard icon range, rather than fighting. In another case our base was under attack and a Wirbel had parked itself about 2000 yards from the end of the runway in the direction of the town.
FLAKs should have a 2.0k icon seen from aircraft. Different icon ranges are being used for stationary/moving tanks, as well as the Storch having "uberview" for game playability reasons. How about having the "jack in the box" Wirbles seen before you are already dead?
Yes, Tank-Ace just has an agenda to make the Tankers in the Mud instead of Aces High. He wants GVs to be as close to immune to aircraft as possible while still being able to give lip service to caring about game balance.
The icon ranges for vehicles were just lowered to the point where you can't even see a Wirbelwind before it kills you and he wants them lowered to the point where you can't attack a GV without risking a killshooter event.
He doesn't play the game he doesn't realizes what changes were made in game, so ignore him on this agenda. Secondly, Ground Vehicles are already immune to aircraft, I sat in a town today with an LVT and plinked to death 4 aircraft who couldn't see me since I was between trees and they were hunting for me, by the time they seen me the damage was already done.
+1 to Stuka with tank busting cannon too!
Seriously though, I'd DIE for a stuka with the big guns. They DID use them after all!!!
Come One HTC! how hard is it to code come Stuka Cannons?
Just make a new model with the same coding, and replace that big ol bunker buster bomb with some cannons. BOOM DONE!
Seriously though, I'd DIE for a stuka with the big guns. They DID use them after all!!!
Come One HTC! how hard is it to code come Stuka Cannons?
Just make a new model with the same coding, and replace that big ol bunker buster bomb with some cannons. BOOM DONE!
To add the Ju-87G-1, a new Stuka model does not need to be made. All that is needed is to add the 37mm cannon gondolas as an ordnance option and you now have the G-1. If you don't want to take the 37mm cannon and lug bombs again, then you have the default D-3 to play with. Which is why it's far easier (development wise) to add the G-1 as opposed to the G-2, which would require a new Stuka plane model as it was based on the D-5, not the D-3 like the G-1 is based off of.
Thats what trying to say make a new model entry, not an actual new model.
It cant be too hard to whip up some cannons and code em onto the model.
Imagine getting an A2A hit with one of those!!
Imagine getting an A2A hit with one of those!!
If you got an A2A kill using the 37mm cannon, you better run to your local store and buy a lottery ticket because you're about to win.
I did and was shouted down by you and the other tankers. You guys want GVs to be the scourge of aircraft and to be immune to air attacks.
And no, they did not have radio contact that would have allowed anything like knowing which tree the Wirbel was behind.
I never said anything about increasing icon range for flackers, its the increasing icon range for GV's that I would have a problem with. If its damn near impossible to find and kill stationary vehicles (well, non-flackers anyway) from the air, then good. Tanks have a damn hard time killing you flyers when you're not activly trying to die.
Stationary GV (short icon range) = high angle firing run (saftey from retaliation with the main amament)
Moving GV (longer icon range) = low angle firing run (ability to be hit by the main gun).
Again, go for it on the flackers; I didn't drive flackers a whole lot, and only to hunt down a particular bombdweeb, so I really wouldn't care even if you made their icons visible to enemy tanks, no matter how unfair that would be. But since you've professed a lack of expieience in tanks, leave THAT matter to those with expierience in both GV bombing and GV'ing.
If you got an A2A kill using the 37mm cannon, you better run to your local store and buy a lottery ticket because you're about to win.
Can't be THAT much harder than getting A2A kills with the 40mm's on the Hurri IID, can it?
Can't be THAT much harder than getting A2A kills with the 40mm's on the Hurri IID, can it?
I bet it is way harder. at least in the hurri you can pretend to fly a fighter aircraft, in the stuka you have no choice other then acting like the tank busting role. But anyway I bet people will get A2A kills in those soon.
You can play the Stuka like a fighter with a bit of energy and some skill. Hell, I've fought my way through defenders (although admittedly mediocre ones) while lugging the 2000kg egg.
Can't be THAT much harder than getting A2A kills with the 40mm's on the Hurri IID, can it?
Probably on the magnitude of 10x harder.
You can play the Stuka like a fighter with a bit of energy and some skill. Hell, I've fought my way through defenders (although admittedly mediocre ones) while lugging the 2000kg egg.
If you think you'll be able to maneuver with two 37mm cannon gondolas on the Stuka, you really don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
You can play the Stuka like a fighter with a bit of energy and some skill. Hell, I've fought my way through defenders (although admittedly mediocre ones) while lugging the 2000kg egg.
If you go back a few years, Tank Ace never even had an aircraft kill in a Stuka, I debunked this in the last thread he said he claimed he was this "stuka ace". I have actually one kill in a stuka against a spitfire.
You wern't so "mediocre" before in the previous threads, they were "aces" when your stats and kill sheet said never 1 kill against an aircraft.
nice try ace, you flamed.
You can play the Stuka like a fighter with a bit of energy and some skill. Hell, I've fought my way through defenders (although admittedly mediocre ones) while lugging the 2000kg egg.
Once again shows his lack of knowledge of the Stuka.
Stuka doesnt have a 2000KG bomb. That big ol' thing is only 1800. LOL.
Im VF-17s resident Stuka pilot lol and I get ragged on all the time.
I ran into a Ju87 while flying an A6M3 the other day. The Ju87 tried to dogfight with it. That didn't end well for him.
Really made the A6M3 feel like a predator though.
I ran into a Ju87 while flying an A6M3 the other day. The Ju87 tried to dogfight with it. That didn't end well for him.
Really made the A6M3 feel like a predator though.
I've tried dogfighting in a Stuka a few times, given the skill level of the pilots I went away, it has to be someone so stupid to try to flat turn with a stuka.
I was in an FSO and this happened, pinged a yak for good 30 seconds and couldn't bring him down before I got picked by an La5.
Yeah, the Stuka is not a fighter. You can kinda press a D3A1 into service as a fighter and the SBD-5 doesn't do too badly, but the Stuka is just too clumsy.
A lot of people like to joke about how slow and underpowered the A6M is, but against that Ju87 the A6M3 felt very fast and very powerful. The Ju87 was well above me when I spotted it and I easily climbed and intercepted him, no chase upon reaching his altitude at all, let alone the usual long one. When it came to the fight the Stuka was helpless. I would not have wanted to have been in a Ju87 that ran into a Hurricane, Lavochkin, P-40, Spitfire or Yak.
i forget who, but someone was in a Stuka, and mouthed on 200 - "come down here and fight 262" - so I came down - first pass he obviously split-s and turned hard as he could, this took all his alt away I slowed down from 500 to 400 enough to give me flaps,
dropped one notch and he tried his little "twist and turn" and it didn't work so well.
I used to take out the Ju87D-3 all of the time, it was the only other plane I used to fly other than the P-38. After dropping my bombs, I'd fly around as a fighter but 9 out of 10 times I never made it home. Sure, I'd give a good fight but unless the fighter I was attacking was utterly clueless or completely unaware, I really had no chance against a fighter but it was fun. Though in on sortie I did beat the crap out of ghi's LA7 a couple of times until he started using BnZ against me.
Fighting a Ju 87D in an A6M series aircraft may be dangerous if you come in the firing range of the rear guns, those will spray a hell lot of 7.92mm bullets at you. With the known survivability features (or the lack of) one bullet in the right place and the A6M is in trouble instead.
BTW I really hope the Ju 87D suffers badly in range with the 1.8t bomb as it had to sacrifice fuel for this extreme load. At least in the D-5 it's that way, max load without fuel reduction was 1.4t.
Once again shows his lack of knowledge of the Stuka.
Stuka doesnt have a 2000KG bomb. That big ol' thing is only 1800. LOL.
Im VF-17s resident Stuka pilot lol and I get ragged on all the time.
Not about Stuka piloting, however. ;)
Fighting a Ju 87D in an A6M series aircraft may be dangerous if you come in the firing range of the rear guns, those will spray a hell lot of 7.92mm bullets at you. With the known survivability features (or the lack of) one bullet in the right place and the A6M is in trouble instead.
Meh. 7.92mm is unlikely to start a fire and from the front the A6M isn't much less armored than most other fighters. People exaggerate how much armor fighters, even the "tough" ones like the P-47 and F6F, carried.
Let's put it this way, the A6M3's Sakae engine has just as much armor as the P-47's R-2800.
Additionally, if he wanted to man the tail gun and fly flat and mostly level I could simple attack him from below.
Additionally, if he wanted to man the tail gun and fly flat and mostly level I could simple attack him from below.
Try this at treetop level and you'll have a problem with wooden "enemies". That's the problem Luftwaffe fighters often had with the Il-2.
Try this at treetop level and you'll have a problem with wooden "enemies". That's the problem Luftwaffe fighters often had with the Il-2.
In this case it was a fight at about 10,000ft over the ocean, so.... :p
Probably on the magnitude of 10x harder.
Aside from the lower rate of fire, one would think that it would be easier to get a hit on an aerial target, since the balistics were better.
If you think you'll be able to maneuver with two 37mm cannon gondolas on the Stuka, you really don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
I can't imagine the weight is a whole lot greater than the 1800kg egg. Was the drag really that bad on the BK 37 gondolas?
Aside from the lower rate of fire, one would think that it would be easier to get a hit on an aerial target, since the balistics were better.
I can't imagine the weight is a whole lot greater than the 1800kg egg. Was the drag really that bad on the BK 37 gondolas?
Lets take this back to high school physics.
Put a bowling ball in your backpack and do a cartwheel.
Now try doing a cartwheel with a shotput in each hand.
Now anyone who goes out in a stuka looking for air to air kills is a fool.
Aside from the lower rate of fire, one would think that it would be easier to get a hit on an aerial target, since the balistics were better.
An anti-tank gun like the BK 37's did not make for good A2A guns. There is no point in your trying to argue otherwise, reality just doesn't support it.
I can't imagine the weight is a whole lot greater than the 1800kg egg. Was the drag really that bad on the BK 37 gondolas?
The drag was bad enough that it made a plane with already poor maneuverability even worse.
Lets take this back to high school physics.
Put a bowling ball in your backpack and do a cartwheel.
Now try doing a cartwheel with a shotput in each hand.
Now anyone who goes out in a stuka looking for air to air kills is a fool.
Ah, OK, I see where you're coming from.
And I agree, anyone who goes out specificly looking for aerial kills with the 37mm's is a fool. But anyone in a fight who does not fire them when he has a shot is an idiot.
Ah, OK, I see where you're coming from.
And I agree, anyone who goes out specificly looking for aerial kills with the 37mm's is a fool. But anyone in a fight who does not fire them when he has a shot is an idiot.
I think a stuka would have to be outnumbered 80-1 for it to have any chance of getting a shot on an enemy.
I'm not so sure. I mean a large advantage in skill trumps a large defecit in preformance most of the time.