Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: chris3 on April 12, 2012, 05:43:34 AM
just a idea comes to my mind.
It would be nice if we get roads between the Fields and if you drive at this road with your gv it will stay on this road and will head the direction the road goes. So going afk and reaching some places were normally tanks will not attack would be possible.
what do you think?
cu christian
We used to have it.
We used to have it.
WHAT???? :O
When did Aces High ever have what the OP has mentioned?
WHAT???? :O
When did Aces High ever have what the OP has mentioned?
We had something called "heading hold" It was a way to point your GV in one direction and it was 'supposed' to hold that direction. In practice I found it really didnt do much at all.
no, i really hate it when people just point a gv in a direction like the strats go watch a movie then come back and shoot like hell. we had that in aw and that is how we played. i wish we didnt have it in the planes either.
If we didn't have it in planes, you better make the bases closer. I'm not spending 10 minutes watching blue and green go by.
i wish we didnt have it in the planes either.
In that case wouldn't bombers become extremely rare?
In that case wouldn't bombers become extremely rare?
You mean they aren't rare already?
WHAT???? :O
When did Aces High ever have what the OP has mentioned?
Put the tank in gear and let it run to full speed. Switch to the hull MG or MG on the turrent and let it run its course straight ahead
In that case wouldn't bombers become extremely rare?
naw the guys that fly to 40k and go to sleep for 2 hours wake and bomb would be.
na i mean the gv should folow the road. in the other case it will end at a tree relativly fast.
cu christian
just a idea comes to my mind.
It would be nice if we get roads between the Fields and if you drive at this road with your gv it will stay on this road and will head the direction the road goes. So going afk and reaching some places were normally tanks will not attack would be possible.
what do you think?
cu christian
I don't ever recall anything like what the above quote mentions.
Then your going to ask to be able to knock over trees with your tiger
He doesn't want a straight route type - he wants the tank to follow the roads (WATCH OUT FOR RESUPPLY CONVOYS!)
Heading Hold sucked...if you were going along the edge of a hill laterally, it would not hold at all. You had to have tree-less & sometimes bush-less terrain or it was useless. Only time I used it was in an M-16 while shooting at a strafing plane....the way it is now is better because you can twisty turn the GV while firing. :old:
naw the guys that fly to 40k and go to sleep for 2 hours wake and bomb would be.
that would be good, i hate having to just let a bomber go because it's just too f***ing high, only way to get those 40k guys is to use a 163, hate that.
The OP was throwing the "road" criteria into the mix which is quite different to "hold heading" etc.
Unfortunately also far more complex.
I would like to see roads used for all sorts of stuff such a multiple point spawning system, attritable bridge system, a sort of auto drive route would also be neat.
Stuff should travel faster on roads (10%?)