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General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: c H e F on April 16, 2012, 02:46:08 AM

Title: wish listing
Post by: c H e F on April 16, 2012, 02:46:08 AM
Great game Hitech and I know it will be getting even better, but I’ve a wish list..much of this I’ve posted before. Thanx for making the GV’s harder to see from aircraft.
Maybe in the next 5 years??

Someone should fix the  tank to tank “point blank bug”…AP projectiles passing thru tanks at close range…very frustrating since you often get killed waiting for reload.

Submarines held the Allies in bondage for years. They were the single most effective weapon paralyzing England and the north Atlantic. I mean we already have CVs…how bout submarines? It would make convoys with vital meaning to fueling a country’s war machine. This might add a bit more animation to a country’s vitality rather than just having some city, factory or HQ to level.

Then enable real time steering for the CV  and, of course, operable destroyers to hunt the subs. I smell addicting/epic battles from scenarios like this. I mean after 15 years of fuballing…sometimes is just is boring, no one game has got the whole batch to together  yet, all things  of actual ww2 to function per Hitech’s excellence…sure would be great if you guys wanted to do it. Yes, I’d pay more per month for these features.

Completely remove the neon icons from GV’s. Instead, allow tanks to create their tracks in the sod or ground they would normally make. Planes can find them that way. Have bushes and trees respond to tanks as 50 tons of metal, rather than big wheels my kids used to ride. Snapped-off trees would stay down until the map resets…leave the wreckage of war to pile up, tank hulks, aircraft etc. New places to hide & cover. Then a map reset… fresh landscaping, all cleaned up…cool right? Maybe have certain maps with these physics…

We should need bulldozers to clear careless plane wrecks on the runway…have consequences to foolishness and accidents alike, moving the play a bit away from arcade. Go to the hanger grab a dozer and clean up your own mess or learn how to land…or have a noob runway  LOL.

We should have these new planes: the Tri-motor JU52, PBY Catalina and the HE115 float plane.

Without the Catalina “Strawberry 5”, we may have lost the battle of Midway. It was the sole spot plane that  found the Jap invading fleet. Sure I know we cracked their code, our desalinization plant ruse etc…but how bout rescuing pilots chuting down at sea? Subs did that many times,.

The JU52 was a fantastic airplane and should be able to troop drop and supply having a bit  more speed than the C47.

The HE115 twin BMW radials, was the greatest float plane of WW2. Its range and speed were great. It held records and still holds some today. I believe it carried a large German torpedo as well. These planes, like the Val,  supplied submarines, laid mines etc.

Jeeps, Storches, tanks and other airplanes should be able to rescue downed pilots, saving their perks. Perhaps perks can be shared with the help if a selfless rescue is performed?  Fuel bladders, even a limited rearm package should be able to be dropped to aircraft that have landed in otherwise good shape. The FW190 had a stowage compartment a man could climb into if needed.

If we  airdropped or M3’d troops some distance from a base, maybe they could  to lay down mortar barrages targeting ack and general base harassment? They could set up automatically and yet would need protection as well. You could get them back in and reposition them.

I think it would be great if you could dismount a tank and walk around..scouting. OF course, at your own risk..but you do have a pistola. Maybe give the man a grease bomb he could slap on a tank and run off. Lol It’s war man.

There should be tunnels in mountains for GVs, roadways and lowboys to transport tanks instead of spawn point under some circumstances. Mountains and sunlight? Well  they let the blinding sunlight through too for some reason.  Hve Gv bases in mountains. Go in there and get a towable 155mm Howitzer affixed to your M3.

How bout the NJ class battle ships with 16 inchers? The Yamato with its 18 inchers? The Bismarck and Tirpitz? Cool ships. Destroyers had torpedoes too..they were huge in certain sea battles of the S Pacific. GV’s and ships should be able to lay massive smoke screens while on the move. An M3 bolts out to drag smoke and  help defeat a camped spawn. This kind of smoke, guys dismounting running thru it and placing sticky bombs…sensory overload and sheer havoc!

Title: Re: wish listing
Post by: TheMercinary60 on April 16, 2012, 05:16:48 AM
gentlemen. i give you davidwales  :noid