Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Custom Sounds => Topic started by: TicTok on May 03, 2012, 05:08:52 PM

Title: TicTok 2012_Sounds* Coming Soon!
Post by: TicTok on May 03, 2012, 05:08:52 PM
As Soon as Hitech releases the Me-410 I will post a link to download the New Sounds.

If anyone knows of other planes or vehicles that will release with the Me-410 .. Please let me know

I have been working on this upgrade since August 2011.

This will be my last FULL sounds folder .. only additions to New Planes or Vehicles after this.

I can't improve on this package with the equipment I have.

<S> To all of You & Hitech as well .. "It's ALL About The Game!" *

Title: Re: TicTok 2012_Sounds* Coming Soon!
Post by: Happy1 on May 03, 2012, 11:01:29 PM
Greetings   :)

What's the difference betwix "V 2.0 d/l & V 2.0 SDK 251 download?
Presently have the V 2.0 downloaded.  Thx  :salute
Title: Re: TicTok 2012_Sounds* Coming Soon!
Post by: TicTok on May 04, 2012, 09:10:56 AM
Greetings   :)

What's the difference betwix "V 2.0 d/l & V 2.0 SDK 251 download?
Presently have the V 2.0 downloaded.  Thx  :salute

The SDK 251 was added to game just before I released this package.

This file is ONLY the SDK folder to replace in sound folder.

I improved some noise that I could hear in the Veng.wav file.

Most probably would not notice this .. BUT .. I did .. So I fixed it  :aok

