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General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: jimson on June 05, 2012, 01:47:46 PM

Title: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: jimson on June 05, 2012, 01:47:46 PM

In June 1944, American and Japanese carrier fleets steamed toward each other seeking battle. When they met, they embarked upon a naval engagement that escalated into the most spectacular aircraft carrier battle in history.

During two days of brutal combat, the American and Japanese carriers dueled, launching wave after wave of fighters and bombers against each other in an all out fight for supremacy.

In this scenario based on The Battle of the Philippine Sea, the two sides are more evenly matched with an equal number of task groups and 1000 and 2000lb American bombs will be disabled. The two combatants will also have to contend with intermittent harsh weather conditions.



Objective-(Both) Find and destroy the enemy carriers.


6 task groups





6 task groups





Weather report: Squalls and thunder storms producing heavy cloud cover and sea level fog. These storm fronts develop rapidly, drastically reducing visibility and could severely hamper combat operations.


Task group respawn time=0. Sunk Carriers will respawn as captured, well away from the combat area.

Icons= Enemy off, friendly 3k

Ack lethality: Reduced to .25 (AvA standard)

Player control of TG disabled.

On Tuesday 6-12-2012, sector counters (dot dar) will be disabled. Starting at 9pm est following an announcement on all channel by either side of an enemy carrier sighting, dot dar will be enabled and task groups will be released to player control.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: USRanger on June 05, 2012, 03:28:01 PM
Another new AvA terrain! :rock  Great job Jimson. :salute
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: Oddball-CAF on June 05, 2012, 06:49:54 PM
Oh man, this is gonna be a GREAT night.
The 47 Ronin will be there and flying as Japanese.
  I'd LOVE to see a TF with 2 or even 3, CVs in it..... please, please!
But not if it amplifies the amount of "puffy" ack that gets tossed
into the air. If you've any control over it I suggest toning it down
to make it a bit more fun and less of a suicide run for the CV killers. :)

Thanks for your time and effort. <S>

Best regards, Odd
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: jimson on June 05, 2012, 07:29:26 PM
Can't put custom TG's in at this point, what we have done is dropped the ack lethality to a quarter of what it is in MA, but that's the same as we usually do.

If you get a chance to pop in before Tuesday, see what the enemy ack is like.

We could possibly drop it further for Tuesday, I don't know what effect that will have though, you kind of need some ack anyway.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: captain1ma on June 05, 2012, 08:12:27 PM
Oh man, this is gonna be a GREAT night.
The 47 Ronin will be there and flying as Japanese.
  I'd LOVE to see a TF with 2 or even 3, CVs in it..... please, please!
But not if it amplifies the amount of "puffy" ack that gets tossed
into the air. If you've any control over it I suggest toning it down
to make it a bit more fun and less of a suicide run for the CV killers. :)

Thanks for your time and effort. <S>

Best regards, Odd

any additional boats, amplify ack. we saw this in the AVAslot terrain.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: Oddball-CAF on June 05, 2012, 10:22:43 PM
So it -can- be done; the add extra boats to a TF. Wouldn't just toning down
the fleet puffy lethality (I know you guys already dinked with it.) compensate/
equalize the puffy ack similar to that of a single CV task force?
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: jimson on June 05, 2012, 10:53:47 PM
A custom task force can be created with extra support ships, I'm not sure about extra CV's.

In any case, it has to be done by the terrain maker. We can't change it on an existing terrain.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: captain1ma on June 06, 2012, 01:28:29 PM
So it -can- be done; the add extra boats to a TF. Wouldn't just toning down
the fleet puffy lethality (I know you guys already dinked with it.) compensate/
equalize the puffy ack similar to that of a single CV task force?

you saw what happened in the avaslot terrain. you thought there were 2 groups there. there was only 1 with 3 cruisers, and that WAS with the ack turned down.

A custom task force can be created with extra support ships, I'm not sure about extra CV's.

In any case, it has to be done by the terrain maker. We can't change it on an existing terrain.

you can on one of the new ones though, IE: avaslot, bigocean, and hawaii mostly because we still have the files.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: mrmidi on June 06, 2012, 06:17:58 PM
The map creator can add the dum ship objects to the task group. (dumcv, dumca, dumsub) and they do not have any ack guns or manned guns, basicly just extra ship targets.
Not sure you can land successfully on the dumcv as I haven't tried to but it's a thought.

Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: jimson on June 06, 2012, 07:54:33 PM
The map creator can add the dum ship objects to the task group. (dumcv, dumca, dumsub) and they do not have any ack guns or manned guns, basicly just extra ship targets.
Not sure you can land successfully on the dumcv as I haven't tried to but it's a thought.


That's interesting. I'll bet you could land but get a ditch message.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: mrmidi on June 06, 2012, 08:14:10 PM
I just uploaded a terrain called testm  it has 5 fields... Number 5 is a Taskgroup with an added dumcv, dumca and a couple dumsubs added you can try that theory about landing on it if you like.

Its in the custom arenas list.

Let us know how it works out.

Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: Oddball-CAF on June 06, 2012, 08:53:54 PM
Hi Midi,
   How does one go about locating and then loading/playing on
this? I've love to see what it looks like. :)
  I looked on the HTC website under terrains, in-game,
and also hit the AvA website  (I just registered) but
drew a blank.
  Please help an old guy out with a link.
And thanks for workin' that up. <S>

Best regards, Odd
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: mrmidi on June 06, 2012, 09:48:12 PM
Hey Oddball-CAF  you start up the game and click on "Online Arenas"
After that when you get to the arena selection screen Click on the Tab at the top that says "Custom"
After that click on the "Create Arena"
After that in the little pop out window that comes out, in the fields Labled "Terrain" select "testm" Leave every thing else default and click on "Create"
After that the game will download the terrain to your system and start up your custom online arena.

From that point on the terrain will be on your system unti you ever decide to delete it.

You can always load it in offline mode then.

Let me know if this helps you out.


Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: jimson on June 06, 2012, 10:42:36 PM
Interesting stuff. I tested it. Here's what I found out. You can land and get a landed successfully message on the dumcv. However, it has no arresting wires.

In this particular setup, I have it so that players that sink a CV will get an immediate system capture message, So in this case it would just be an extra ship that won't really have a purpose, however I bet a use can be found for this in the future.

Thanks Midi.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: Oddball-CAF on June 07, 2012, 12:30:57 AM
Hi Midi. Thanks for the instructions. Initially I saw no fleets at all, but then
changed countries and there is was.
  Looked pretty cool with the 2 CVs in it.
   So, am I correct in that an even larger one (containing a bunch of "dummy" ships)
cannot be created and placed on next week's map? Some of the American TFs had
3 or 4 CVs with 'em, historically.
  I'm just thinkin' that it'd look sweet flyin' through all those clouds/storms
and then stumblin' across a massive fleet. ")
  Just askin' as I'm not really understanding the "can" and "can't"
parts of this thread.

Best regards, Odd
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: jimson on June 07, 2012, 01:14:13 AM
Oddball, it technically could, but would require me to rebuild and then re upload the terrain. I'm not exactly sure how to add extra ships to TG's and would have to get instruction and I don't have time to do that right now.

I plan on loading it late tomorrow night after work.

Also, this weeks objective is to sink carriers and it will be easy to tell who has sunk one because the whole TG will respawn out of the battle.

If the dumcv's are there, sinking them will have no effect on the TG and will require a manual look at every TG to see how many extras have been sunk.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: Oddball-CAF on June 07, 2012, 10:24:24 AM
Hi Jimson,
  Understood, man. I hear ya about time constraints.
I had to stand down as C.O. of The 47 Ronin a couple
of months back as I was jugglin' so much stuff
between the website and squad related business
that it was gettin' to be a bit much.
  I'm just the "web weenie" these days and BlueOx
and Mounty have taken over the day to day running
of the squad, with Awacs as OPS Officer writing up
our weekly OPORDS for our Saturday night "Squad Night".
  I've no clue how you or anyone else can work with that
map editor. Having attempted to dink with it
a couple of times, I came to the conclusion that I'm
better at less intellectually challenging things such
as separating the various colors of marbles in a bag.
  My sincere appreciation for all the time and effort
you guys put into the AvA.
  Best regards, Odd
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: Melvin on June 08, 2012, 06:12:28 AM
No F4F?

It's just not the same without the F4F.

EDIT: Dang the time frame.
Title: Re: Week of Jun 8th, Clash of the Carriers!
Post by: jimson on June 08, 2012, 11:56:05 AM
This one is up and running.

Oh man it's going to be a fun challenge to find enemy CV's, even the water texture hides them a little.