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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: fuzeman on July 18, 2012, 02:32:16 PM

Title: 2 questions, auto skins download and shutting down AH.
Post by: fuzeman on July 18, 2012, 02:32:16 PM
As topic says, I have two questions unless I come up with another before I hit post.

1] If you have all available skins downloaded already, does the 'auto download skins' checkbox become disabled?
I think that's a 'No' but I am unable to keep my checkbox checked for 'auto download skins.' Maybe a bug?

2] When exiting Aces High and you get to a window, is it OK to close the game with the 'X' in upper left opposed to hitting 'Quit'?
I know an abnormal shutdown may corrupt files, so just asking.

and I remembered my 3rd question.

3] I heard there is a new desktop icon for Aces High. I do not have that and am still able to open and run the game with the old one. I do see new icon in the list when I hit my 'Start' button. I'd rather have the new desktop icon also.
Title: Re: 2 questions, auto skins download and shutting down AH.
Post by: FLS on July 18, 2012, 03:27:32 PM
Did you try "change icon" in the old icon properties?
Title: Re: 2 questions, auto skins download and shutting down AH.
Post by: fuzeman on July 18, 2012, 03:41:57 PM
Did you try "change icon" in the old icon properties?

No, wasn't aware of that option as I've never come across this situation. It did work and I have a new icon. :)
We can scratch #3 off the list.
Title: Re: 2 questions, auto skins download and shutting down AH.
Post by: FLS on July 18, 2012, 03:46:15 PM
Glad I could help fix the title.  :D
Title: Re: 2 questions, auto skins download and shutting down AH.
Post by: 100Coogn on July 18, 2012, 08:10:19 PM
3.  My Icon hadn't changed (that I'm aware of), until I shut my computer for the night.  Next day-New Icon...  :)

Title: Re: 2 questions, auto skins download and shutting down AH.
Post by: ImADot on July 18, 2012, 08:45:52 PM
1] As far as I know, I had all skins downloaded, and I see that I'm getting skins as I play the game; I didn't check to see if that checkbox was selected.
2] I've done it with no ill effects, but try to use the Quit button most of the time.
Title: Re: 2 questions, auto skins download and shutting down AH.
Post by: fuzeman on July 19, 2012, 11:51:18 AM
3.  My Icon hadn't changed (that I'm aware of), until I shut my computer for the night.  Next day-New Icon...  :)


This did not work for me, but FLS's suggestion did.