Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Duckwing6 on March 04, 2001, 04:35:00 PM

Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Duckwing6 on March 04, 2001, 04:35:00 PM
Hyas Guys !

We tried out a few new things in This C6 and would like to hear from all of you how you liked it and what you would liked to see cahnged / made different / etc.

All Feedback / Critique welcome  (

Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: DRILL on March 04, 2001, 04:38:00 PM
 well the only thing i see is would like only 1/2 hr betwwen deaths ..other then thati had a great time   (

CO 457TH

[This message has been edited by DRILL (edited 03-04-2001).]
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Park on March 04, 2001, 04:40:00 PM
I liked it thanks for the effort!  (

It seemed a little hectic and disorganised at times, but I doubt you could have it any other way considering we were all walkons with no idea of the objectives before hand.

Looking forward to the next one.  (
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Westy on March 04, 2001, 04:44:00 PM
Had fun!!! Wilbuz did a fine job as C.O. for the IJN.

What I see missing? May already be on the CM list but we peons have no visibilty to that.

1. Allow a print option on the Event Notice that pops up when entering the arena. OR allow it to be recalled withouth haveing to exit and come back in.

2. Ability for CM to shut off channel 1.

3. New arrivals to be assigned to a neutral country by the host when they arrive. And form there they have to choose a sides. As it is when you pop in you can see and hear everything for the side you came in on. Which is fine if that is the side you intended to join in the first place. Not so fine for the side who's CV path is marked out on the clipboard map and who's battle plan was just in green text on the buffer.

3. Allow no side switching unless a keyed approval is recieved by the CM or assist CM.

Otherwise.... this event was alot of fun for the event half that I was there!!   ( Glad to be able to make one for a change on a weekend and during the day to boot.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 03-04-2001).]
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Zigrat on March 04, 2001, 04:47:00 PM
went really well. mabye 1 hour is too long to wait and 1/2 hour would be a better time period, would be at least a good experiment

mission planner was fubar, needs to be debugged.

other than that went super wiell, was toughly fought on both sides!

btw i heard what seemed like unlimited calls from guys whodnever flown p38 before.. my plane wont fly? whats going on? some ppl ned to fly her more often and learn the evils of compression  (
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Rocket on March 04, 2001, 05:47:00 PM
  I think that these are some really good ideas.  I think it would be better if we could mute channel 1 except for CMs or hopefully we will have a CM color to talk in kinda like HT has for Q/A time.  Otherwise we couldn't give instructions to everyone at the same time.  
All are great points and I hope we can work towards these as time goes on  ( With each revision things just get better and better IMHO.

Also if it wasn't for you guys showing up and participating we wouldn't have events and this weekends events were huge in #s and I hope they continue to get larger!  I can't wait for the next multi frame scenerio!!!  (


Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Saintaw on March 04, 2001, 05:54:00 PM

Just like a stinkin' bee ! :P

Today's check six was realy neat   ( flying Ijn Axis side winging our "dear leader" the mighty Cerberos...

It got messy realy quickly with  P38 litteraly bouncing us ! (D30 is a cool Icon range for that, I had to snap/flip quite a few times discovering those P38's real close up my butt...). Not 10 seconds after the 1st merge, I loose my left Aileron...

I remember hearing Wilbus asking "All Zekke's dead ?"

I barely found the time to type the two letters "no" and was flipflopping with at least  2 P38's and an F6F, and 2 B26's   (

They finaly got the better of me after my wonderfull SA got me flying at an odd angle at verry low altitude   (

I know I somehow managed to get Kronos, right before being "blown to &@%&!!"   (

<S!> Oppoltunistic amelicans !   ( (that includes Alaskan pilots too !)

Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: rcmodels on March 04, 2001, 06:09:00 PM
yeah, that was a lota fun. Thanks. only thing i found was the 1hr respawn time was a little long.

Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: 1776 on March 04, 2001, 06:44:00 PM
Well, today was great fun!!  I flew the goon for US and it was anything other then boring!!(BTW keep it quiet about goon flying, it's a blast)  Watching the readio traffic was fantastic.  I like the way you had dar set up (  My butt was saved on the second base drop a couple of times(thanks to the fiter drivers (  ).

From my perspective this was a perfect scenario.  The only thing I would have liked to have seen are some of the 156 players in the MA taking part in the SEA.  Anyone who likes to furball should be taking part in these events.  Anyone who likes to buff should be here too.  Ya like Jabo,fly SEA.  As all types of flying are needed to obtain the objective!!

And there is the key to why this is more fun flying then the MA.  OBJECTIVE!!

Flying with a definite purpose is the key.

Was a great job by the CMs!!!  I look forward to next week (
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: daddog on March 04, 2001, 06:55:00 PM
Speaking from a player perspective I did enjoy it.  Of course I often do when I can fly in these events. Flew as wing for Drill for about an hour. We had a 2 on 2 duel going with some enemy F4U's for quite a while and Drill finally splashed one.  ( Darn good fellow to wing for.

I came in about 4 PM EST and had to wait about 20 min till I could fly. Again as a player I felt the 1 hour was too long to wait, but looking at the numbers it still worked very well. Best Check 6 (going by the numbers) we have had in months.  I appreciate your comments gents and the weekly events team is aways looking for some good suggestions. Have seen several here already. Since we can't pull up the message of the day again (I asked hitech about it) maybe printing it would work.  ( I will ask. If nothing else a printable at the events pages for each event would be nice.
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: oboe on March 04, 2001, 09:24:00 PM
Was a great time and had fun.  Really appreciate you guys running these events!

I think you should promote them more on the BB.  I knew there was some special event going on at 3 PM EST Sundays, so I logged on - but was unaware of setup or missions beforehand.

Also, RW is causing me LOTs of freezes and minimizes AH frequently.  I finally had to disable it from within SETUP.  Anybody else have trouble with RW?

I believe when I run it independent of AH I have no problems....
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: StSanta on March 04, 2001, 11:40:00 PM
Great scenario that could have gone either way.

Very well balanced forces IMHO, and the icon range setting allows for real "jumps". Found a P-38 my 6 and then an F4U, totally unxpected.

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"Live to pull, pull to live"
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: tshred on March 05, 2001, 02:15:00 AM
Well, I thought it went just fine but the wait time didn't affect me 'cause somehow I managed to live and see the capture of F7! WTG Allies! Had to log after that tho and missed the 'second half'.

Had a good time for sure! I lead the P38's, we were escorting the B26's to target. About 5 miles out of F7 our target, we contacted 4 Zeke's hanging around the clouds. I called out to maintain alt and protect the buffs at all costs. Not sure how many buffs survived, but enough to close the field made it, well done P38's! About all I remember of the initial fight with the Zeke's is trying to keep them off the tails of my wingmate's! Twice I latched onto the tail of a Zeke, only to overshoot both times, and checked my six on the third pass and there was a Zeke at 400 yards and closing fast! I pointed the nose straight down and started a vertical scissors, managed to shake him after 3 revolutions, pulled out and regained my alt at 22k. Phhhhhheeeeeewwwww! That was close. Eventually all the enemy ended up below the buffs in a low alt fight and most of my flight ended up down there killing them! Two of us survived and went down to clean up F7 for the C47 that was about 5 mins out. AKHog and I finished off the last of the Zekes, with him getting 4 kills and 2 assists that sortie! WTG AKHog  ( We captured the field and landed, but it was time for me to go.

<S> IJN Forces (that includes "Brussel Sprouts from Belgium  ( Next time Saw maybe we shall meet (you weren't either of my two assists damn it!)

Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Pepe on March 05, 2001, 02:18:00 AM
First of all, thanks for the Event.

As usual with historical matchups, reduced icon range and clear objectives, I had a Blast. I liked the one hour reup. Wouldn't reduce it. I think the longer the reup time, the more life conserving flying rewards.

It was enlightening about air superiority. From my particular view (zeke pilot) It was VERY clear why the A6M5 was not the ideal plane in a mid/late war scenario. Would be instructive, I think, to repeat this very same scenario limiting U.S. fighters to Wildcats and FM2, when available.

Very well designed scenario, IMO. Tactics on each side were an important factor, and this speaks lots about a well balanced design.


Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: stegor on March 05, 2001, 03:03:00 AM
I think it has been a good scenario, well balanced, well conducted, and it seems to me not too long time to hold on.
Tks all for the great time and keep up the good work!  (
Tks Kirin for your skill and clearness in leading our group  (
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: stegor on March 05, 2001, 03:04:00 AM
I think it has been a good scenario, well balanced, well conducted, and it seems to me not too long time to hold on.
Tks all for the great time and keep up the good work!  (  (
Tks Kirin for your skill and clearness in leading our group  (

Sorry forgot sign!

Stefano  "Nibbio"
4°Stormo CT "F.Baracca"
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Creamo on March 05, 2001, 06:16:00 AM
146 were in the MA while the SEA event happened.... go figure.

I was supposed to contact a CM or something 11 minutes into the event just to get a fighter, as they were still changing sides>?

HTC is still trying to get established, hence the SEA events are user controlled.

The unprofessional results are expected, but kinda annoying.

[This message has been edited by Creamo (edited 03-05-2001).]
Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Duckwing6 on March 05, 2001, 07:08:00 AM
Creamo did you even read my reply in the other thread ??

There were 70+ folks and it worked for all of them... you couldn't select an A/C BEFORE the frame started because they were disabled, if you'd ask some folks you'd be probably be told about it.

When the frame started, i enabled the A/C as per writeup and the COs launched their missions or had their folks launch the designated A/C ... it's just a bit different than HOP-in-go like the MA..

Sorry If you couldn't get up Creamo, but i stronfgly suggest that you communicate a bit more if you got troubles, usually these things can be solved really quick.

Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Ghosth on March 05, 2001, 07:26:00 AM
Great event IMO.

I flew the first frame and managed to stay alive for a surpriseingly long time considering that Drill, semperfi & I got bounced by 4 high F4u's.

As to the 1 life per hour I see pro's & cons. It did a great job of increaseing pucker factor & immersion.

However when I died & had a 15 min wait before I could roll I logged off & got stuck doing honey-do chores instead of flying.

If instead of a time limit what about a 8 plane flight rule? IE you die, as soon as you can get 8 players in tower in the same plane type the CM allows them to roll?

CO could then task them with a mission depending on what he needs at the time.

Title: Tonights CHECK 6 Event -> Please give Feedback
Post by: Asmodan PL on March 05, 2001, 07:42:00 AM
great fun guys thx to all of U <S>