Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: drubbo on January 11, 2013, 08:03:02 PM
What I would like to know is why when I run into another aircraft I have all sorts of damage and the plane I hit seems to have none?
or more narrowly:;params=YWR2YW5jZWR8J3wxfCJ8YnJkfCd8MTEsNjIsMTAsNTA0LDEzLDE5NSw5LDU5MSw1NDgsMTcsMjg3LDQ0LDE4LDUxNiw3Nyw3MSw1ODMsMTIsNjEsNDA2LDQxMCwxNSwxMzQsNTg2LDU3OCw1ODEsNTIwLDQ0MCwxMzMsMTM1LDYwLDI3OCw0NTAsNDUyLDE5LDM5OXwifHNob3dfY29tcGxldGV8J3x8InxzdWJqZWN0X29ubHl8J3wxfCJ8c29ydF9kaXJ8J3xkZXNjfCJ8c29ydHwnfHJlbGV2YW5jZXwifHNlYXJjaHwnfGNvbGxpc2lvbnMgd29yaw==
I'm both too lazy to write it up or find teh exact link that best describes it, but in a nutshell:
If you see it you be it. If the other guy didn't take dmg it's becuase he didn't see it on his end (monitor).
What I would like to know is why when I run into another aircraft I have all sorts of damage and the plane I hit seems to have none?
Why? For the same reason when you shoot a "friendly" you blow yourself out of the sky!
To keep you from doing silly things, of course!
Welcome to Aces High!
Why? For the same reason when you shoot a "friendly" you blow yourself out of the sky!
To keep you from doing silly things, of course!
Welcome to Aces High!
I like this description better. :aok
Here is an animation someone (Lusche?) put together. It shows the film OVERLAPPED of a single collision, but the views are from the two different computers.
As you can see, the plane that is flying strait and level are both planes overlapping. From one view the pony collides from behind, for the other computers view he didn't even come close.
This is caused by internet lag. It takes time for the data to go from your computer to texas, and then to the other players computer. So things are "off" due to that time difference. To get around this the game is designed to be played on your computer. So what you see is what is happening. So if you collide, you get damage. He may not see a collision, so he shouldn't get damage.
Best rule of thumb, AVOID RUNNING INTO OTHER THINGS. then you can only take damage when his bullets hit you. :devil
Here is an animation someone (Lusche?) put together. It shows the film OVERLAPPED of a single collision, but the views are from the two different computers.
Best explanation ever! Cant get clearer than that!