Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: danny76 on January 31, 2013, 08:46:47 AM

Title: CV Defence
Post by: danny76 on January 31, 2013, 08:46:47 AM
I want mines and nets to stop the practice of driving CV 's up to coastal bases.

With the CV parked so close you get hammered by ack as you try and gain altitude to defend.

I think if you want to drive your carrier group onto the beach in order to roll a base then you should risk having it destroyed by hitting mines which would undoubtedly be in coastal waters
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: caldera on January 31, 2013, 09:44:49 AM
CV groups too close?  Nah. 2K offshore is a sensible limit.  Why shouldn't an enemy CV have your field and town covered by puffy ack? 
They did it in the war!  ;)

Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: danny76 on January 31, 2013, 09:55:44 AM
CV groups too close?  Nah. 2K offshore is a sensible limit.  Why shouldn't an enemy CV have your field and town covered by puffy ack? 
They did it in the war!  ;)

:lol Thank you for illustrating my point.

Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: TopGear on January 31, 2013, 10:07:40 AM
I took out 4 guns on a enemy destroyer 2 nights ago with a wirb from the beach.
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: waystin2 on January 31, 2013, 10:20:34 AM
A Giganto +1. 
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: matt on January 31, 2013, 10:50:01 AM
Try sinking the might need too come from a different base.
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: danny76 on January 31, 2013, 10:53:38 AM
Try sinking the might need too come from a different base.

I want a PT Boat equipped with influence mines to do just that. :banana:
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: EagleDNY on January 31, 2013, 11:07:50 AM
Forget nets and mines - too gamey.  All that is needed is a mild redesign of the shore battery to give it a better field of fire.  The "blockhouse" shore battery we have now has far too limited a field of fire - I'm NOT saying allow it to swing around and hit any and all shore targets, but the design and placement of shore batteries should at least allow them to cover the landing beaches and critical sea approaches to any base vulnerable to attack from the sea.  Why bother to construct an huge concrete blockhouse and put a big gun in it when you point it away from the critical sea approaches to the base it is designed to protect?  The placement of many of the guns is laughable.

I would suggest we replace the "blockhouse" with the turret type coast defense gun - you can find pictures online of these (the UK used a lot of turret mounted 6" coast defense guns).  Go over the terrain at each base with a shore battery and assign the firing arcs to cover the zones most susceptible to attack from the sea.   Installations with multiple shore batteries should have overlapping firing arcs as appropriate.  

This would do more to prevent people driving the CVs inshore more than anything else.   Even if the armored turret only had the hardness of a standard hanger it would be worth it.  
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: Noir on January 31, 2013, 11:38:50 AM
any solution involving map redesign is doomed. An 'easy' way out would be to forbid cvs to enter radar range of any base and expand lvt spawn range. Its a bit extreme tho.

My wish would be to keep it the old way and get rid of the damn puff ack. I get tired to go back to tower just for crossing 3k miles away from a cv.

I apologise for the hijack.
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: Bino on January 31, 2013, 11:43:11 AM
All that is needed is a mild redesign of the shore battery to give it a better field of fire.  The "blockhouse" shore battery we have now has far too limited a field of fire - I'm NOT saying allow it to swing around and hit any and all shore targets, but the design and placement of shore batteries should at least allow them to cover the landing beaches and critical sea approaches to any base vulnerable to attack from the sea

^ this   :aok
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: major347 on February 02, 2013, 08:40:30 PM
Forget nets and mines - too gamey.  All that is needed is a mild redesign of the shore battery to give it a better field of fire.  The "blockhouse" shore battery we have now has far too limited a field of fire - I'm NOT saying allow it to swing around and hit any and all shore targets, but the design and placement of shore batteries should at least allow them to cover the landing beaches and critical sea approaches to any base vulnerable to attack from the sea.  Why bother to construct an huge concrete blockhouse and put a big gun in it when you point it away from the critical sea approaches to the base it is designed to protect?  The placement of many of the guns is laughable.

I would suggest we replace the "blockhouse" with the turret type coast defense gun - you can find pictures online of these (the UK used a lot of turret mounted 6" coast defense guns).  Go over the terrain at each base with a shore battery and assign the firing arcs to cover the zones most susceptible to attack from the sea.   Installations with multiple shore batteries should have overlapping firing arcs as appropriate.  

This would do more to prevent people driving the CVs inshore more than anything else.   Even if the armored turret only had the hardness of a standard hanger it would be worth it.  

I agree
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: skorpx1 on February 02, 2013, 08:53:59 PM
CV groups too close?  Nah. 2K offshore is a sensible limit.  Why shouldn't an enemy CV have your field and town covered by puffy ack? 
They did it in the war!  ;)


"Understatement of the year" :rofl

+1 to the wish.
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: ToeTag on February 02, 2013, 08:56:25 PM
I'm just throwing this in but if a cv gets sunk then who ever put it that  close looses 2000 vehicle perks!  Oh and if you dont have them you dont turn the round thingy....might tighten that nut behind the wheel..
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: MK-84 on February 02, 2013, 09:07:09 PM
     I think the problem is that players like to get the cv as close to shore as possible.  no matter how many times Someone wants to keep a further distance the majority will want to bring it in closer. People will drive the cv to the shore to matter what opposition so they can get to the fight quicker. 
Adding mines or better shore batteries will do little in my opinion.  The limited field of fire from a shore battery is routinely ignored and the carrier is driven into it all the time.  It is driven into PT spawns all the time with no regard to what those little purple arrows mean. Making coastal defenses more deadly will not affect the desired result.
     The desired result I assume is sending a CV to attack a base with better chances of the carrier's survival?  to promote a low alt fight?  or a shorter distance fight?  For base capture purposes?  If any of these, instead of "this segment touches land" maybe "this route is too close to shore?"
     Of course, the majority wants to drive the cv up as close as they can, so is the majority correct because that is what is fun for them?
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: EagleDNY on February 03, 2013, 01:15:49 PM
     I think the problem is that players like to get the cv as close to shore as possible.  no matter how many times Someone wants to keep a further distance the majority will want to bring it in closer. People will drive the cv to the shore to matter what opposition so they can get to the fight quicker. 
Adding mines or better shore batteries will do little in my opinion.  The limited field of fire from a shore battery is routinely ignored and the carrier is driven into it all the time.  It is driven into PT spawns all the time with no regard to what those little purple arrows mean. Making coastal defenses more deadly will not affect the desired result.
     The desired result I assume is sending a CV to attack a base with better chances of the carrier's survival?  to promote a low alt fight?  or a shorter distance fight?  For base capture purposes?  If any of these, instead of "this segment touches land" maybe "this route is too close to shore?"
     Of course, the majority wants to drive the cv up as close as they can, so is the majority correct because that is what is fun for them?

I don't know if that is a problem or a requirement since you need to be able to spawn LVTs.  I actually have an idea on LVT spawning that I will post in another thread that might help as well.   Mines are worthless, but if you are guaranteed to be under shore battery fire from multiple batteries if you are close inshore, that might at least discourage running the CV up on the beach. 
Title: Re: CV Defence
Post by: Volron on February 03, 2013, 02:01:40 PM
Would also be nice if the TG getting within visual range of the base would start flashing the base, ESPECIALLY if it starts to shell it.  I've been told that dar bar represents spotters/intel/ETC, when not inside dot dar.  Why is it, that spotters can see my bomber 30k above the sector they are in the instant I enter until I leave, but they can't see a TG that is 5ft off the shore?  Don't know how many times I've gone to a base just to check for a sneak only to see an enemy TG parked right off the damn thing (no one is doing anything off it, just sitting there).  I've also gotten TG's so close to bases that ye could piss off the flight deck, you'd hit the base's tower. :noid  My point is, a TG that get's within visual range should start flashing the base.  If not that, at LEAST if a TG starts to shell the base it'll flash.