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General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: skernsk on December 11, 2001, 08:08:00 AM

Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: skernsk on December 11, 2001, 08:08:00 AM
I have not been reading all posts in here so this may have already been suggested:

When in the MA when taking a field you always end up with Spits or zekes taking off for field defense.  I don't mind it happening, but there is an alternative.

You could implement RAF, USAAF aerodromes where only RAF planes are available at the RAF fields and only USAAF planes would be available at the USAAF fields.

It would be a little more realistic (I think).  Obviously you would be changing the maps from time to time, but it would still be possible on different maps to dedicate fields for various "countries" within the game.

What do you think?
Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: NUTTZ on December 11, 2001, 12:01:00 PM
I like that idea, I thought about doing this to my NE africa map, and making Italian planes available ONLy at some feilds ETC,ETC.


Originally posted by skernsk:
I have not been reading all posts in here so this may have already been suggested:

When in the MA when taking a field you always end up with Spits or zekes taking off for field defense.  I don't mind it happening, but there is an alternative.

You could implement RAF, USAAF aerodromes where only RAF planes are available at the RAF fields and only USAAF planes would be available at the USAAF fields.

It would be a little more realistic (I think).  Obviously you would be changing the maps from time to time, but it would still be possible on different maps to dedicate fields for various "countries" within the game.

What do you think?
Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: marcof on December 11, 2001, 12:43:00 PM
Lets wait and see what the CT arena team come up with, then if its up to scratch, which iam sure it will be looking at the quality of the people involved, then we can suggest things to them.

Oh forgot to add IMHO in case i put someones nose outa joint!!


(winding up MA arena players since 1999!)  ;)
Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: NUTTZ on December 11, 2001, 02:16:00 PM
NP, But i think he is in the CM team. I liked his Idea, and have pondered on the same thoughts. I thought this was the right forum for discussing this.

Nose not outta shape, "Just saying"...(TM Pasha)


Originally posted by marcof:
Lets wait and see what the CT arena team come up with, then if its up to scratch, which iam sure it will be looking at the quality of the people involved, then we can suggest things to them.

Oh forgot to add IMHO in case i put someones nose outa joint!!


(winding up MA arena players since 1999!)   ;)
Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: skernsk on December 11, 2001, 02:51:00 PM
I am not part of the CT team but like NUTTZ posted I thought I would throw the idea out there for feedback from the community.

When I come up with an idea "I" think is good it helps to throw it out and get the feedback from others.

And I am not surprised that NUTTZ or others mentioned this idea already.  And I threw it out for the CT staff to think about...
Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: Ramjet at Command HQ on December 12, 2001, 06:43:00 AM
I hope that the 'Setup' for the maps will include this type of resource management you are suggesting.

I suspect if it is, it will be used immediately for that particular scenario  :)

Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: Sabre on December 12, 2001, 07:59:00 AM
Skernsk, that’s not a bad idea.  The one major problem we have to solve regarding keeping historical plane match ups is how to manage it when fields change hands.  Right now, the only way to handle that is for a CTM (Combat Terrain Moderator…gee, I coined a new achronym :)) to go into the terrain and manually change it.  That obviously posses a problem, since we can’t be in there all the time.  The initial set up is no problem, just the “after-capture” reconfiguration.  One of the things I suggested to Pyro is the need for a “country-specific” set-up function, where the CTM uploads the planes available at a field based on who owns it.  I.e. if Allies own a field, planeset A available there.  If Axis capture it, planeset A is automatically replace by planeset B.  We'll see if it flies with HTC.  This is just one of the things that needs to be added/fixed to make the CT run smoothly.
Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: skernsk on December 12, 2001, 08:18:00 AM
Good point Sabre I did not think it through.  If it's not too difficult to code HTC will be able to come up with something.

If not I guess you take over the field and fly "captured" enemy aircraft until a CTM shows up :)
Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: oboe on December 13, 2001, 07:13:00 AM
I can relate what happened in the WarBirds WWII arena when they tried the same idea - airfields were specific to a country:

The Japanese fields were always closed by the Allies in the first few minutes after a reset.  Then the Japanese squads had to spend the rest of their time flying German iron.  This lead to a lot of complaints, and finally they abandoned the idea and made shared Japanese/German fields.

The IJ planeset is weak in bombers and jabos, and field defense was always tough in the face of a determined hoard of heavy Hog drivers.   The VMF squads could roll up Japanese squads at will, due to numbers and plane quality and ability.

In Aces, I imagine the Italian and Japanese fields would quickly suffer the same fate.
Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: popeye on December 13, 2001, 07:37:00 AM
Sabre, you don't need any coding to change aircraft availablity....that's what the CT Staff is for!  With four guys, it's only a six hour shift.

Title: Idea (possible) for CT
Post by: Sabre on December 13, 2001, 01:24:00 PM
Yeah, that whole job and family thing is highly overrated anyway, eh Popeye? :).

Oboe, the CT will be using "theater" Axis-vs-Allied set up.  So what I meant by country specific planeset is Aces High country (Rooks, Knits, Bish), not the nation states of WWII.  Available plane types will thus be tied to which AH country (Rooks, Knits, Bish) controls the fields.

BTW, Pyro indicated this feature is already there...I'm just waiting to hear how to set it up.