Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: popeye on December 23, 2001, 09:09:00 AM

Title: What the CT really needs...
Post by: popeye on December 23, 2001, 09:09:00 AM
is more communication.  I encourage everyone who flies there (except the Enemy   :) ) to get AHVoice and use it.  The MOL use it in the MA, and it seems to work pretty well for most.
Title: What the CT really needs...
Post by: Aiswulf on December 23, 2001, 10:00:00 AM
Is the AHvoice fairly stable now?
My system has been running fairly stable and I've been a bit hesitant to add RW or AHvoice to it just yet  :)
Title: What the CT really needs...
Post by: popeye on January 07, 2002, 10:20:00 AM
Title: What the CT really needs...
Post by: Starbird on January 07, 2002, 05:06:00 PM
AHvoice works fine for me. much better than RW ever did.

Just remember to turn your mic all they way up, or no one will hear you.
Title: What the CT really needs...
Post by: Reschke on January 07, 2002, 05:23:00 PM
Still does not work as well as BattleCom for me. I would rather have that running than anything like AHvoice or RW. No offense to AHvoice but it just is not good enough quality or tested enough to be good for the masses.
Title: What the CT really needs...
Post by: K West on January 08, 2002, 07:57:00 AM

I could not use vox last night and wasn't on long enough as it were. Buyt I saw some people start area ops Vox channels on the VVS side and that was a good thing.
