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General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: snafu on December 30, 2001, 09:46:00 PM

Title: V10
Post by: snafu on December 30, 2001, 09:46:00 PM
Hi all,
 I've posted this on the bug forum as well.

One of the acks at V10 (The N one) in the Baltic terrain doesn't fire at you. Although you still have to kill it as the drunks die at the entrance to the maproom if you don't.

Title: V10
Post by: chunder' on December 30, 2001, 11:28:00 PM
The ack you refer to is player controlled, AI doesn't touch it.
Title: V10
Post by: aknimitz on December 30, 2001, 11:30:00 PM
I dont think vfields have player controlled ack do they?
Title: V10
Post by: Wotan on December 30, 2001, 11:57:00 PM
yes they do all vbases have manned ack.

which they should get 4 ack 1 manned imho all it takes it a strong wind to kill a vbase.

as fer drunks dieing I dunno anythng 'bout that but manned ack has no visible tracer unless ur firing it.

I've killed drunks plenty of times with manned ack to hear folks come to bbs and complain "all 10 of my drunks entered the map room at v(insert number) and i got no capture.. its a bug"

The only time an attacker knows the manned ack is firing is when it kills them. They dont see the tracer on their fe.

Its been that way since we got manned ack.

[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Wotan ]
Title: V10
Post by: snafu on December 31, 2001, 06:25:00 AM
 I still think something is weird about this one though, The other night I took an M3 from A9 to V10, Drove right up to the map room, Stopped everything, Dropped the drunks and watched them dissappear as they went into the map room, no capture. I then bought another M3 , same thing. I then drove over to the ack in question having noticed it was not dead and killed it from a range of about 10ft, Oboe2 then bought some more drunks and we got the field. I'm prepeared to accept the "Manned ack" explanation but I still think V10 is different.

Title: V10
Post by: Reschke on December 31, 2001, 03:21:00 PM
I've had it happen both ways at V10 snafu. Furious had the town down and then brought an M3 up while I was in transit with a goon. He unloaded and nothing happened then when I dropped all 10 troops went in and base capture happened. But I have also been able to down the base. Fly back to 51 and up a goon and still come over and capture it.
Title: V10
Post by: snafu on December 31, 2001, 07:37:00 PM
Perhaps it's something to do with M3's , oboe2 was flying a goon (C47) as well but my M3 failed on 2 attempts, I've been delivering goons since V0.37 so I know what it's about but I could not get this one to work.
