Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: 9thAFE on January 14, 2014, 09:56:51 AM
I know its kind of been said before but I thought I would revisit the wish.....
I would like to see kills that bombers get air to air actually computed into your bomber score in some way, it doesn't have to be a huge factor in your ranking as a bomber but give you some sort of reward for actually being able to defend yourself.
Maybe they figure into your score now I don't know cant really tell.
It would just be nice to have a easier way to tell how effective you are at defending yourself without having to actually go into the stats page and look it up. Plus to actually have it figure into your overall score/ranking in some way to reward those people that are good at defending themselves (999000).
I think it has its merit because a lot of times you have to defend yourself air to air while you are bombing targets and why not give it some sort of importance to your overall bomber score. You cant bomb your target if your dead....
I don't worry about my overall ranking that much because im not going to go around milk running half the day just to keep my accuracy and damage points real high, I would rather do something that matters and help attack with the country and squadmates. Being a CO though it would help to maybe identify some people in the group EASILY that might need some help in the gunnery area of the bombers and help to train them to be better.
Like I said I know that you can find the kills on the main stats page. I was just trying to think of something small and "simple" to add to things from a bomber point of view.
Maybe they figure into your score now I don't know cant really tell.
No, you are correct, they don't.
. . .reward those people that are good at defending themselves (999000).
You need to look at 999000's score as it stands. 125 sorties and 82 deaths (+ a few captures, 29 bails, and discos) does not imply much success. He is having fun and that's about it.
You need to look at 999000's score as it stands. 125 sorties and 82 deaths (+ a few captures, 29 bails, and discos) does not imply much success. He is having fun and that's about it.
That just doesn't seem right....but you are correct that he's having fun.
+1 on bombers coring on A2A kills and the game showing these kills somewhere. Maybe getting kills scored might entice a few of those who bomb and bail to stick it out and try to make it home.
You need to look at 999000's score as it stands. 125 sorties and 82 deaths (+ a few captures, 29 bails, and discos) does not imply much success. He is having fun and that's about it.
I can understand the bails. Usually when I'm gunning in bombers and an attacker has successfully removed the wing of my lead bomber I immediately bail so I can continue defense, rather than spiral to my death taking drones with me.