Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Custom Skins => Topic started by: Greebo on April 23, 2014, 08:15:18 AM

Title: Le Spixteen
Post by: Greebo on April 23, 2014, 08:15:18 AM
This is a Spitfire LF Mk IX of the French Air Force in 1944. The AH Spitfire Mk XVI is closer to this aircraft in terms of performance and looks than our 1942 high alt Mk IX so I have skinned it as a spixteen.

The French Air Force's recon squadron GR.2/33 "Savoie" served in Italy from May 1944. It was equipped with a variety of marks of camera-equipped Spitfires before transitioning onto F-6 Mustangs in 1945. The squadron worked closely with the USAAF's 111th Tactical Squadron who were based on the same airfield. Their aircraft adopted some of the USAAF's markings with brightly painted wing stripes and rear fuselage. This aircraft MJ 897 was named "Curieux" and used for low altitude armed reconnaissance missions. As such it was equipped with a low alt Merlin and clipped wings. It was lost to flak in January 1945.

There is a tranlated history of the unit with a photo of this plane here (



Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: FTJR on April 23, 2014, 10:42:07 AM
I know somene who is going to be very happy.

Nice one Greebo.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: lyric1 on April 23, 2014, 12:36:32 PM
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Vraciu on April 23, 2014, 12:59:13 PM
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: SFRT - Frenchy on April 23, 2014, 07:48:22 PM
And I was about to ask you to make one  :lol You good  :cheers:

'Curieux' meaning "curious". Appropriate for a photorecon bird.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Threeup on April 23, 2014, 08:03:03 PM
Great work Greebo – thanks for this inclusion, and the work is appreciated.

This will have to wait until after ANZAC day before it gets a run, but it will.

As my long suffering squaddies know I’m half French, but all Australian and won’t fly anything without an Aussie skin. This adds to the OCD.

If you ever want your lawns mowed by way of thanks, pass your address onto JR and he will take care of it.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Seadog36 on April 24, 2014, 09:45:42 AM
 :aok :aok Beauty~
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Greebo on April 25, 2014, 06:40:35 AM
Thanks guys, glad you like it.

I came across this scheme by accident while looking for a photo of another French aircraft. Lyric1 found me some info on Hurricanes of the Free French Flight in Libya 1941/42. These had the normal RAF desert camo but with French roundels on the wings and large Cross of Lorraine symbols on the rear fuselage. Most of these aircraft were Mk Is but ideally I'd like to skin a Mk II with this scheme. There is a (probably inaccurate) profile of a Mk II which is aircraft BG707 below, but I really need a photo to be able to skin it.

I have found out that BG707 definitely was a Mk II and that it was flown by Cdt. Joseph Pouliquen who later commanded the Normandie-Niemen squadron on the Eastern Front. However I can't find a photo of it in any of my books or on the web. So I was wondering if maybe Frenchy or someone else here might be able to find a photo of this aircraft.

Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: SFRT - Frenchy on April 26, 2014, 10:08:34 AM
Let me compile. I have the french jug book but i have a mag with some French profiles. Im planing on updating my book collection for Xmas  :banana:
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: SFRT - Frenchy on April 26, 2014, 10:35:00 AM
:)  (

Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: SFRT - Frenchy on April 26, 2014, 10:54:14 AM
The cross is probably light blue, not red.


Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Greebo on April 27, 2014, 04:02:41 AM
I agree on the blue cross. I read a thread in a modellers' forum where they were discussing this. There was a photo of a B-26 in a French museum with a blue cross and a b&w photo of a Blenheim where the cross was clearly the same shade as the blue part of the roundel. Your Hurri photo also shows this. I think this is a case of one profile of model getting it wrong and other artists copying that mistake.

If I can't find a photo of a Mk II in the next few weeks I'll skin a Mk I instead, it is just that a Mk II is likely to see more use in the MA.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: SFRT - Frenchy on April 27, 2014, 01:20:36 PM
In 43 they replaced them with Spitfires. But i think in 45 right had the end of the war they had canons hurri :D.
i dont have my books so i cant help much. Ill keep on digging the web.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Greebo on April 27, 2014, 02:23:21 PM
I know the French AF had some cannon Hurris post-war. I've seen some photos of them (based in SE Asia IIRC), not sure if they used them during the war though.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: XxDaSTaRxx on April 27, 2014, 06:16:43 PM
Well it's French so at least it can run from a B-17  :)

Good work Greebo  :aok
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: lyric1 on April 27, 2014, 07:22:39 PM

If I can't find a photo of a Mk II in the next few weeks I'll skin a Mk I instead, it is just that a Mk II is likely to see more use in the MA.

I have a photo of a French Mk.II it is just not as interesting.

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Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Greebo on April 28, 2014, 05:32:21 AM
Thanks Lyric1, but that one doesn't really have the appeal of the Lorraine Cross scheme.

The "French are cowards" quips are getting a bit old. While the French High Command made a lot of mistakes in 1940 I doubt the US army and air force of the time would have done much better vs the German Blitzkrieg than the French and British did. The Free French pilots who flew these aircraft were as brave as any. When France surrendered they were given the choice to return to France or fight on and they chose to fight on.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: lyric1 on October 09, 2014, 04:01:59 AM
Couple more French Hurricanes I found photos of.

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Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Greebo on October 09, 2014, 10:23:18 AM
Thanks Lyric1, some good shots of the upper wing roundels there. It doesn't look like a photo of a Mk II in that scheme is going to turn up so I'll do a French Mk I as my next Hurricane skin.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: lyric1 on October 09, 2014, 01:06:09 PM
Thanks Lyric1, some good shots of the upper wing roundels there. It doesn't look like a photo of a Mk II in that scheme is going to turn up so I'll do a French Mk I as my next Hurricane skin.

Looks like #4 on the tail is the one with the most information in hand. :aok
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: lyric1 on October 10, 2014, 12:47:16 AM
Looks like #4 on the tail is the one with the most information in hand. :aok

Some more info on #6 as well.

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As well as one of those with no numbers on the tail aircraft Z4434 it is already posted on the first page of this thread it shows #6 as well in this picture.

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Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Lucifer on October 14, 2014, 02:45:00 PM
FrenchBashing4life....   :mad:
Well it's French so at least it can run from a B-17  :)
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Karnak on October 15, 2014, 01:20:35 AM
Well it's French so at least it can run from a B-17  :)
FYI, not a single French unit broke and ran in WWII.  Something that we Americans cannot claim about American units.

You grossly mistake being defeated on the battlefield to cowardice.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: SmokinLoon on October 16, 2014, 07:15:04 AM
FYI, not a single French unit broke and ran in WWII.  Something that we Americans cannot claim about American units.

You grossly mistake being defeated on the battlefield to cowardice.

I'm glad to see others stepping up and voicing the truth. So many people need to read up on what happened and stop thinking "white flag" every time the French are mentioned. The French are no more surrender prone than anyone else.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Lucifer on October 16, 2014, 10:35:15 AM
Fyi, and despite what the virgins clowns who never fought any war might say by trolling web :

Belgians surrendered in wwii
Netherlands surrended in wwii
Norvegians surrendered in wwii
Tchecoslovaquia surrendered in wwii, ETC...

French never did surrender in WWII : was an "armistice" , like what exist between the two Koreas.

I'm glad to see others stepping up and voicing the truth. So many people need to read up on what happened and stop thinking "white flag" every time the French are mentioned. The French are no more surrender prone than anyone else.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: lyric1 on November 01, 2014, 04:17:47 PM
It doesn't look like a photo of a Mk II in that scheme is going to turn up.

Found it.

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Not sure about the G part of the serial number looks like a 6 to me. :headscratch:
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Greebo on November 02, 2014, 01:38:36 AM
Thanks for finding that Lyric1. I have recently started one of the French Mk Is as my next skin, but I'll convert it into that Mk II.

The way RAF airframe serial numbers work that could not be B 6707, I checked and that serial was used during WW1 for an RE 8. RAF serial numbers BG 674 to BG 723 were allocated to Hurricane Mk IIB production so it is definitely BG 707.

While that profile got the serial number right its not very accurate on many other details though, the roundel colours should be reversed and the lettering style for the serial and name are all wrong.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: lyric1 on November 02, 2014, 12:25:52 PM

While that profile got the serial number right its not very accurate on many other details though, the roundel colours should be reversed and the lettering style for the serial and name are all wrong.

The last profile posted was the only one I could find with the name Theodore on it. Did you find decals or a model showing the correct font? Also I don't think either of the two profiles in this thread are correct showing the roundel around the cross on the fuselage. The photo seems like the same as all the other French Hurri I's with no circular ring around the cross?
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: Greebo on November 02, 2014, 01:10:25 PM
The photo gives me all the info I need, I was just pointing out how unreliable profiles are as a primary source for skinning. The Lorraine cross does not have a border, it is the wing roundels which should have blue centers and red borders, unlike on the profile.
Title: Re: Le Spixteen
Post by: lyric1 on November 02, 2014, 01:31:36 PM
There is decals for this aircraft & I see now what your saying about the font for the name.
I can't really make out the name that well in the photo of the aircraft.

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