Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: BnZs on May 28, 2014, 03:36:26 PM

Title: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 28, 2014, 03:36:26 PM
I've noticed there is a lot of argument and discord coming out of the community because they can't seem to agree on a widely accepted and obeyed code of rules for the MA. This is unlike the DA, where everyone pretty much adheres to the "agreed upon alt, agreed upon planes, cold merge" code.  It is pretty close to anarchy out there, and apparently that is making a lot of players unhappy. So I've decided to address the three most common complaints with some sensible rules to address and a method for the enforcement of these rules.

1. HOing-This could be dealt with my modifying the game to make HOs ineffective, as in Air Warrior. Or the moderators could simply issue warnings for violations of a no-HOing rule, with account suspensions issued to repeat offenders (proven via film).

2. Picking/Ganging/Running-Currently in the MA, once can pretty much assume that if you are deeply committed to maneuvering with one bandit and a second one enters icon range, that second will try to kill you. And the third. And the fourth. Some people accept this as a reality and try to craft strategy and tactics around this fact, such as flying fast planes that can usually run away from outnumbered situations, even at the cost of maneuvering ability, or flying with mutual support. But apparently even more people in the game are very unhappy with all the ganging and picking going on. Fine. Henceforth any pair of planes, upon merging, will be allowed by all to fight it out with no outside interference, and extending more than 2.5K from the plane you are engaged with is forbidden, upon pain of the same penalties mentioned under 1.

3. Alt Monkeyiism-This problem is easily dealt with. Simply program an arena-wide 100mph downdraft starting at 10,000 feet. This will make climbing above that alt nearly impossible. This sort of thing has been done to create an altitude cap on FSOs before, it is already a function of the game.

I mean, come on, why not? This set of rules will be fair to all, and with some penalties in place a player will be able to reasonably expect that the red guys will also be obeying them.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: mthrockmor on May 28, 2014, 03:42:07 PM
I fly the 190 so the 'alt-monkey' thing is part of the envelope. I would embrace having crosswinds for the simple reason, it was part of real life. I would enjoy the challenge, I even like having layers. I'm not a real life pilot though I know from flying commercial at times we hit wind, etc at 10-12k then again 23k etc.

Maybe we have lateral wind of 30-50 knots above 17k, etc. The 100mph downsheer becomes a hard cap. Lateral means you will lose accuracy in the dive.

My first thoughts...
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: FLS on May 28, 2014, 03:42:41 PM
As long as I get to make all the rules I'm good with that.  :D

My proposal: Anything not explicitly forbidden by HTC is acceptable.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Xavier on May 28, 2014, 04:04:43 PM
You could have it all in one rule:

1. Anything that I don't like is forbidden.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Volron on May 28, 2014, 04:05:41 PM
As long as I get to make all the rules I'm good with that.  :D

My proposal: Anything not explicitly forbidden by HTC is acceptable.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Dragon Tamer on May 28, 2014, 04:08:33 PM
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 28, 2014, 04:09:19 PM
You could have it all in one rule:

1. Anything that I don't like is forbidden.


I'm pretty okay with the current anarchy, but by the BBS posts it is apparently making a substantial percentage of the player base unhappy. I am also fine with the rule code I listed above, as long as I could reasonably expect most other players I meet to also follow it.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 28, 2014, 04:11:34 PM

Well Dragon, does this mean you're in favor of HOing, gangin', pickin', runnin', and alt monkeyin'? ;)
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Latrobe on May 28, 2014, 04:13:20 PM
The people complaining about being killed in HO shots, being out numbered, or alt monkeys are just trying to make excuses for their deaths. They can't accept the fact that they made a mistake and that's what got them killed. It's a shame that this kind of mindset has become the norm in the MA.  :( If we were to ban any kind of shots then the 6 oclock position would make more sense as it's more difficult to avoid shots coming from your 6 than your 12. I can't really speak for out numbered situations other than I love them! If I could fight 5v1's where I was the 1 every day then I would never log off the game. Alt monkey's are easy to deal with as they are mostly all at 25K+. Just watch them auger in as they compress.  :devil
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Xavier on May 28, 2014, 04:16:05 PM
I'm pretty okay with the current anarchy, but by the BBS posts it is apparently making a substantial percentage of the player base unhappy. I am also fine with the rule code I listed above, as long as I could reasonably expect most other players I meet to also follow it.

I haven't seen many threads complaining about HOing and the other things you don't like. But I have some time, so I'll go point by point.

1. HOing-This could be dealt with my modifying the game to make HOs ineffective, as in Air Warrior. Or the moderators could simply issue warnings for violations of a no-HOing rule, with account suspensions issued to repeat offenders (proven via film).

Fighters have their guns facing forwards. If you approach one head-on, or give it an angle it's your fault, not his. Head-ons are quite simple to evade, even in some bombers.

2. Picking/Ganging/Running-Currently in the MA, once can pretty much assume that if you are deeply committed to maneuvering with one bandit and a second one enters icon range, that second will try to kill you.

I really don't know what's wrong about that. Asking for a 1vs1 every time is not realistic, one side will always have more pilots in the air. Want a 1vs1? We have a DA.

3. Alt Monkeyiism-This problem is easily dealt with. Simply program an arena-wide 100mph downdraft starting at 10,000 feet.

So you want everybody to fly under 10K. Are heavy bombers also supposed to fly at a suicidal 10K?

By the way, I'm curious about what's the reason behind every rule, honestly.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Max on May 28, 2014, 04:17:11 PM
Noble effort BnZ. How do you plan to herd the cats? There's a lot of cats.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Dragon Tamer on May 28, 2014, 04:17:17 PM
Well Dragon, does this mean you're in favor of HOing, gangin', pickin', runnin', and alt monkeyin'? ;)

I do all of those things myself depending on if it plays to my aircraft's strengths, the only thing I don't do is run. If someone is running from me in the first place, they probably really, really suck. I usually just do what I did to reverse them the first time since they fall for it over and over again.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Zoney on May 28, 2014, 04:18:51 PM
I respectfully disagree with this wish and would not like to see it implemented.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 28, 2014, 04:19:07 PM

By the way, I'm curious about what's the reason behind every rule, honestly.

These are the three things I see players on the BBS complaining about most. Apparently they make a lot of people unhappy, and accusations of such behavior cause a lot of discord. Therefore, I propose formally prohibiting them, just to see if THAT makes everyone happy.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Xavier on May 28, 2014, 04:21:55 PM
These are the three things I see players on the BBS complaining about most. Apparently they make a lot of people unhappy, and accusations of such behavior cause a lot of discord. Therefore, I propose formally prohibiting them, just to see if THAT makes everyone happy.

I have never heard a complaint because someone was flying over 10K.

You're asking for the MA to become a giant DA with more restrictions.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Skyyr on May 28, 2014, 04:22:21 PM
If we were to ban any kind of shots then the 6 oclock position would make more sense as it's more difficult to avoid shots coming from your 6 than your 12.

No. Freaking. Joke.

Thanks for pointing this out - so many people explode because they get shot head-on, which is literally the easiest type of shot out of all of them to avoid.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: DmonSlyr on May 28, 2014, 04:39:08 PM
Lmao off at this thread.

Again - please HO me, I'll use it against you to out maneuver you with an angle.

Alt monkey- way of the game way of life. Deal with it.

Pickers- everyone does it, I don't care how new you are or how long you've been playing. Everyone does it.

I think there should be a certain level of respect for 1v1 fights in the MA but people are thirsty for that kill. If you are called off by a teamate in a 1v1 then you should respect that. It does bother me when
Players get 95% of their kills by picking 1v1 fights and then run away when their teammate dies. cough vraciu cough, but he is new so I expect that.

It's amazing to me that the majority of people who play this game argue about staying alive and yet still have a terrible K/D.

I'm sorry but if you are complaining about any of these things pointed out in this thread you are still a NOOB. Too bad, that's how this game has always been, and it has never been meant to be "fair". Only in dueling conditions.

NOOBS, keep getting pwned. Maybe one day you people will learn some ACM to actually get kills and have a high K/D. This running and jousting method of fighting is terrible flying skills all the way around. 
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: 68ZooM on May 28, 2014, 04:40:26 PM
Honesty, Respect, Integrity and treat each person as you would want to be treated, this works in flying and most importantly in Life. If you believe in those three values you shouldn't you need a wall of rules to play a game.   Buuuuuuut....... not everyone likes to adhere to those values.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Debrody on May 28, 2014, 04:42:35 PM
lol  :lol

nice one BnZs
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Aspen on May 28, 2014, 04:44:48 PM
Lots of people play AH in a way that wouldn't fit those rules.  I presume they play the way they enjoy.  If they aren't happy, they might not play.  If they don't play, I run out of players to shoot at and that shoot back at me.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: hitech on May 28, 2014, 04:56:14 PM
Tail gunner to pilot: Can you please dog fight your b17, because I keep shooting this guy in the face, but he dosn't take any damage.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Karnak on May 28, 2014, 05:05:03 PM
Tail gunner to pilot: Can you please dog fight your b17, because I keep shooting this guy in the face, but he dosn't take any damage.

I suspect the OP would find that a feature, not a bug....  :p
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 28, 2014, 05:15:50 PM
I'm not so much asking for this as I an asking the community if they REALLY want it this way. ;) The resounding votes of no are at odds with the frequent cries of foul play one hears in response to the anarchy of the MA.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: FLS on May 28, 2014, 05:23:15 PM
The notion that anything will make everyone stop complaining is pretty funny.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: lunatic1 on May 28, 2014, 05:24:52 PM
I've noticed there is a lot of argument and discord coming out of the community because they can't seem to agree on a widely accepted and obeyed code of rules for the MA. This is unlike the DA, where everyone pretty much adheres to the "agreed upon alt, agreed upon planes, cold merge" code.  It is pretty close to anarchy out there, and apparently that is making a lot of players unhappy. So I've decided to address the three most common complaints with some sensible rules to address and a method for the enforcement of these rules.

1. HOing-This could be dealt with my modifying the game to make HOs ineffective, as in Air Warrior. Or the moderators could simply issue warnings for violations of a no-HOing rule, with account suspensions issued to repeat offenders (proven via film).

2. Picking/Ganging/Running-Currently in the MA, once can pretty much assume that if you are deeply committed to maneuvering with one bandit and a second one enters icon range, that second will try to kill you. And the third. And the fourth. Some people accept this as a reality and try to craft strategy and tactics around this fact, such as flying fast planes that can usually run away from outnumbered situations, even at the cost of maneuvering ability, or flying with mutual support. But apparently even more people in the game are very unhappy with all the ganging and picking going on. Fine. Henceforth any pair of planes, upon merging, will be allowed by all to fight it out with no outside interference, and extending more than 2.5K from the plane you are engaged with is forbidden, upon pain of the same penalties mentioned under 1.

3. Alt Monkeyiism-This problem is easily dealt with. Simply program an arena-wide 100mph downdraft starting at 10,000 feet. This will make climbing above that alt nearly impossible. This sort of thing has been done to create an altitude cap on FSOs before, it is already a function of the game.

I mean, come on, why not? This set of rules will be fair to all, and with some penalties in place a player will be able to reasonably expect that the red guys will also be obeying them.

you have been drinking haven't you?????? what else could explain this silly proposal--everything you mentioned here happened in WWII.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Gman on May 28, 2014, 05:40:29 PM
The notion that anything will make everyone stop complaining is pretty funny.

As much as I agree with this in the MA, it is even more true on the bbs.

I think BnZ obviously was chain yanking with that OP, and doesn't actually WANT any of that, I took it as a sarcasm post, pointing out that in order to stop all the things some complain about, these would be the only solutions which could work, and that they are obviously impossible/ridiculous. 
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 28, 2014, 05:49:06 PM
Well yes, that is pretty much the size of it. Cheating in any game would be a heinous thing. But it seems nigh impossible to know exactly where the belt line is in the AH mains, so to speak. It seems to be frequently set wherever it is convenient for an upset individual to set it at the moment. Sometimes they pull it up to their ears :)
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Volron on May 28, 2014, 06:14:03 PM
Tail gunner to pilot: Can you please dog fight your b17, because I keep shooting this guy in the face, but he dosn't take any damage.


Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: JimmyD3 on May 28, 2014, 06:24:39 PM
Doomed to failure anyway. :D
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: blutic on May 28, 2014, 06:47:12 PM
In the MA, nothing should matter. Rules are for the other arenas. Get rid of perk points. Let people fly what ever they want to. Maybe some of the other arenas will get populated.
Just a thought.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: USCH on May 28, 2014, 06:51:07 PM
Tail gunner to pilot: Can you please dog fight your b17, because I keep shooting this guy in the face, but he dosn't take any damage.

B17 hell B-29! You want us flying around at 10k or lower in B-29's??? Ohh how fun.. -1X10000
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Naughty on May 28, 2014, 07:58:54 PM

      Ya know.. I was one of the people complaining about how the game play has deteriorated. But I stepped back and looked at what was really going on. and found I was putting myself into the situations that I disliked. there is room for EVERYBODY to play the game the way they see fit.

      Hoing ...  don't like being ho'd ?  here's a fact for you. it is IMPOSSIBLE to be ho'd unless you willingly put yourself into the position to be ho'd. and if you are in the position to BE ho'd you are also in the position to be the HO'er,
                     and the other pilot has to assume that is your intention.  IT TAKES TWO TO HO.

      Being picked..  this is a fact of reality. you are fighting a war. the MA is not for fair fights. it's for killing the enemy and taking their assets to WIN THE WAR. you want a "fair fight" go to the DA, set some rules and fight away.
                            in real life, pilots fly with wingmen, the goal is for one to cover the other, I engage you, my wingman takes the advantage and comes in and kills you. 1 less enemy, mission accomplished.

      Hording...     Pearl Harbor ring any bells ? or any other PLANNED attack in WWII for that matter ? Catch the enemy off guard with a superior force is what EVERY commander was trying to do.

      Vulching...    Simple,  DONT UP FROM A CAPPED FEILD.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: LCADolby on May 28, 2014, 08:06:22 PM
OP... :rolleyes:
counter proposal; a verbal diarrhoea catcher to stop these threads. 
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Larry on May 28, 2014, 08:14:39 PM
How about no.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Vraciu on May 28, 2014, 09:26:46 PM
Outstanding post, OP!


Brilliant.  :aok
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 28, 2014, 11:24:02 PM
OP... :rolleyes:
counter proposal; a verbal diarrhoea catcher to stop these threads. 

Actually it has been quite productive. Every player who has bothered to respond has voted quite enthusiastically in favor of doing absolutely nothing to curtail HOing, picking, running, or climbing as high as one likes. Most are (apparently) quite happy with the present anarchy, a sentiment of which I can approve.  :aok
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: GScholz on May 29, 2014, 12:32:32 AM
Lollers!  :lol

1. It takes two to HO. Do it or don't; it's up to you.

2. If you get ganged or picked it's your fault. Learn SA.

3. This rule is already in effect. It's generally known as the "service ceiling". Climb.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Tinkles on May 29, 2014, 06:45:22 AM
I've noticed there is a lot of argument and discord coming out of the community because they can't seem to agree on a widely accepted and obeyed code of rules for the MA. This is unlike the DA, where everyone pretty much adheres to the "agreed upon alt, agreed upon planes, cold merge" code.  It is pretty close to anarchy out there, and apparently that is making a lot of players unhappy. So I've decided to address the three most common complaints with some sensible rules to address and a method for the enforcement of these rules.

1. HOing-This could be dealt with my modifying the game to make HOs ineffective, as in Air Warrior. Or the moderators could simply issue warnings for violations of a no-HOing rule, with account suspensions issued to repeat offenders (proven via film).

2. Picking/Ganging/Running-Currently in the MA, once can pretty much assume that if you are deeply committed to maneuvering with one bandit and a second one enters icon range, that second will try to kill you. And the third. And the fourth. Some people accept this as a reality and try to craft strategy and tactics around this fact, such as flying fast planes that can usually run away from outnumbered situations, even at the cost of maneuvering ability, or flying with mutual support. But apparently even more people in the game are very unhappy with all the ganging and picking going on. Fine. Henceforth any pair of planes, upon merging, will be allowed by all to fight it out with no outside interference, and extending more than 2.5K from the plane you are engaged with is forbidden, upon pain of the same penalties mentioned under 1.

3. Alt Monkeyiism-This problem is easily dealt with. Simply program an arena-wide 100mph downdraft starting at 10,000 feet. This will make climbing above that alt nearly impossible. This sort of thing has been done to create an altitude cap on FSOs before, it is already a function of the game.

I mean, come on, why not? This set of rules will be fair to all, and with some penalties in place a player will be able to reasonably expect that the red guys will also be obeying them.

All three of these things I don't do. However, I recognize them as tactics and ACM. While they aren't the favorites or well liked in general, they are legitimate ways of killing the enemy. ( :lol at #3 )    Part of the 'rules' of being a dogfighter is knowing how to kill your enemy, but also how to dodge/evade your enemies attacks and ANTICIPATE what they are going to do, and react accordingly.   To me, it sounds like those who complain of these "lame" ACM's, are making an excuse for their own lack of ACM.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: DmonSlyr on May 29, 2014, 08:28:58 AM
Everybody picks, everybody HOs, everybody fly's high. It sounds like falacies but in 10 years of playing I know this is true.


Some advice, learn how to actually use ACM and defense maneuvers. If you are a person who "fly's safe" but only has a 1.5 k/d. You obviously aren't flying safe, while generally waisting your time. Funny how a couple of tours ago I had almost a 4 k/d but died 75% of my sorties.  That's cause I try for at least 4 kills before I rtb, and most of the time I die with 5-6. Yes I'm greeedy for more kills but its what makes the game challenging for me.

I'm out
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Debrody on May 29, 2014, 09:03:44 AM
guessing some peope are right on the hook  :rofl
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: SilverZ06 on May 29, 2014, 09:13:16 AM
See Rule #4
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 29, 2014, 09:22:27 AM
guessing some peope are right on the hook  :rofl
Yes, the number of lengthy and sincere refutations of this "wish" is a bit disturbing.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Debrody on May 29, 2014, 09:43:08 AM
Yes, the number of lengthy and sincere refutations of this "wish" is a bit disturbing.
Arent they funny though?
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: kappa on May 29, 2014, 09:53:47 AM
See rule #4
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 29, 2014, 09:54:45 AM
Arent they funny though?

I was actually expecting at least one Aye! vote out of this crowd though. Little disappointed.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: hcrana on May 29, 2014, 10:30:26 AM
Lmao off at this thread.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Triton28 on May 29, 2014, 10:36:46 AM
I nominate myself to serve as in-game behavior moderator.  I will see to it that no tardish behavior goes unpunished. 

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Kruel on May 29, 2014, 10:46:03 AM

      Ya know.. I was one of the people complaining about how the game play has deteriorated. But I stepped back and looked at what was really going on. and found I was putting myself into the situations that I disliked. there is room for EVERYBODY to play the game the way they see fit.

      Hoing ...  don't like being ho'd ?  here's a fact for you. it is IMPOSSIBLE to be ho'd unless you willingly put yourself into the position to be ho'd. and if you are in the position to BE ho'd you are also in the position to be the HO'er,
                     and the other pilot has to assume that is your intention.  IT TAKES TWO TO HO.

      Being picked..  this is a fact of reality. you are fighting a war. the MA is not for fair fights. it's for killing the enemy and taking their assets to WIN THE WAR. you want a "fair fight" go to the DA, set some rules and fight away.
                            in real life, pilots fly with wingmen, the goal is for one to cover the other, I engage you, my wingman takes the advantage and comes in and kills you. 1 less enemy, mission accomplished.

      Hording...     Pearl Harbor ring any bells ? or any other PLANNED attack in WWII for that matter ? Catch the enemy off guard with a superior force is what EVERY commander was trying to do.

      Vulching...    Simple,  DONT UP FROM A CAPPED FEILD.


Preach! I think if everyone had these views the game would be much more enjoyable and competitive.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on May 29, 2014, 11:03:32 AM
ever who 'pose me is ma' emmaknee, 'ceptin the ho. they be, uh-uh-uh, "suppliers"...

Seriously, BnZs, what is wrong with flying in the DA, as opposed to reforming the MA into a DA?
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 29, 2014, 11:09:34 AM
ever who 'pose me is ma' emmaknee, 'ceptin the ho. they be, uh-uh-uh, "suppliers"...

Seriously, BnZs, what is wrong with flying in the DA, as opposed to reforming the MA into a DA?

A very good question.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on May 29, 2014, 11:20:26 AM
A very good question.

I see, perhaps... What are DA numbers like, these days?
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 29, 2014, 11:26:02 AM
I see, perhaps... What are DA numbers like, these days?

So it's come to this.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: matt on May 29, 2014, 11:43:44 AM
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: kappa on May 29, 2014, 11:45:50 AM
So it's come to this.


Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BuckShot on May 29, 2014, 11:53:25 AM
The people complaining about being killed in HO shots, being out numbered, or alt monkeys are just trying to make excuses for their deaths. They can't accept the fact that they made a mistake and that's what got them killed. It's a shame that this kind of mindset has become the norm in the MA.  :( If we were to ban any kind of shots then the 6 oclock position would make more sense as it's more difficult to avoid shots coming from your 6 than your 12. I can't really speak for out numbered situations other than I love them! If I could fight 5v1's where I was the 1 every day then I would never log off the game. Alt monkey's are easy to deal with as they are mostly all at 25K+. Just watch them auger in as they compress.  :devil

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Scca on May 29, 2014, 11:59:01 AM
I had to double check to make sure this wasn't posted on the Onion....

A 100mph down draft would make bombers almost unkillable.  You would have to approach all bombers at 9999 from dead six.

As has been said, anyone who tries to HO is giving you a gift, Accept it. 

Alt monkeys are easy to deal with.  Come in higher, and every run90 and pee51 within icon range dives to the deck toward their base.   :rofl  Accept it as a gift, and enjoy your flight...
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on May 29, 2014, 12:04:18 PM
So it's come to this.


Good one. You had me laughing.

Seriously, I don't spend enough time in-game to have that number at my command. However, based on your response, I now comprehend.
What's needed: more players in general, more incentive to play the other arenas in particular.

Unfortunately, this game really lives/dies by bandwagon effect.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 29, 2014, 12:12:54 PM
A 100mph down draft would make bombers almost unkillable.  You would have to approach all bombers at 9999 from dead six.

Certain players (who shall remain nameless, to be classy :D) would consider this a feature, not a bug. Gotta give the poor tool-shedding darlings all the help they can get, so they'll have incentive to fly buffs doncha know?
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 29, 2014, 12:14:32 PM
Good one. You had me laughing.

Seriously, I don't spend enough time in-game to have that number at my command.

Furball lake sure ain't what it used to be. Once, people who just wanted insta-gratification scrapping could go there. Now if there are no fights to be had in the MA, the DA is probably completely empty also. It's a real problem.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: SAJ73 on May 29, 2014, 01:07:26 PM
If so many rules and restrictions get implemented into the main arena then I quit playing AH alltogether, guaranteed!

Sure it can get frustrating getting ho'ed, ganged and picked from outer space, but this is a WW2 sim, and I don't believe they had rules about how many fighters could attack an enemy, what alt to fly or not to shoot head on in WW2 either?

It's just a matter of learning how to fly to stay safe in all those situations, not removing the situations. That will get boring really fast I think.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Randy1 on May 29, 2014, 01:24:22 PM
I was tasked with several groups at work that were under performing.  One of the first things I would ask to see is the file of memos to employees.  The bigger the file the more rules the manager had issued.  The biggest files had managers that tried to micro manage everything choking off  the function of the department.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: uptown on May 29, 2014, 01:48:37 PM
Telling people how to fly will never work. Things should be as they were in actual combat. I'm for realism not arcadism.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Ray77 on May 29, 2014, 01:52:48 PM
I just there was some consequence to dying in the game.   Can’t take off from same base, or use the same plane for X amount of time.   
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: uptown on May 29, 2014, 02:05:38 PM
I'd just as soon get drunk and do what I want sometimes. I always liked BnZ but this is a stupid idea imo. Too many rules out there now.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: kappa on May 29, 2014, 02:19:33 PM
See rule #2
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Zerstorer on May 29, 2014, 02:36:14 PM

      Ya know.. I was one of the people complaining about how the game play has deteriorated. But I stepped back and looked at what was really going on. and found I was putting myself into the situations that I disliked. there is room for EVERYBODY to play the game the way they see fit.

      Hoing ...  don't like being ho'd ?  here's a fact for you. it is IMPOSSIBLE to be ho'd unless you willingly put yourself into the position to be ho'd. and if you are in the position to BE ho'd you are also in the position to be the HO'er,
                     and the other pilot has to assume that is your intention.  IT TAKES TWO TO HO.

      Being picked..  this is a fact of reality. you are fighting a war. the MA is not for fair fights. it's for killing the enemy and taking their assets to WIN THE WAR. you want a "fair fight" go to the DA, set some rules and fight away.
                            in real life, pilots fly with wingmen, the goal is for one to cover the other, I engage you, my wingman takes the advantage and comes in and kills you. 1 less enemy, mission accomplished.

      Hording...     Pearl Harbor ring any bells ? or any other PLANNED attack in WWII for that matter ? Catch the enemy off guard with a superior force is what EVERY commander was trying to do.

      Vulching...    Simple,  DONT UP FROM A CAPPED FEILD.


From the mouth of babes, wisdom.   :aok

Best advice I've seen in a long time...minus the misspelling of "FIELD" (I before E except after C, mon ami).   ;)

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: caldera on May 29, 2014, 02:40:16 PM
Furball lake sure ain't what it used to be. Once, people who just wanted insta-gratification scrapping could go there. Now if there are no fights to be had in the MA, the DA is probably completely empty also. It's a real problem.

It has been asserted that most of the DA furball lake regulars used F3 mode.  The numbers in the DA dried up because they can do the same thing, only more dumbed down - and free - in another game.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: VuduVee on May 29, 2014, 03:00:16 PM
i would never want these rules to be implemented. instead, i would like people to self police. but people dont do that either. its a pathetic world with pathetic people who will do absolutely anything for what they want. nevermind how sorry it is or how tactically stupid it is. hoing is 50/50 and desperate, gangtarding/congalines are done by lazy people who always want easy and arent willing to actually work for the kill. somehow it doesnt cross their mind that tactically, the ganging/congalining is stupid. because while your low, in a straight line, looking stupid, that guys teammates are lining you up for a kill. i think the pickers are lazy also. they let their teammates do all the work and then they come in and heroically steal a kill they didnt do anything for. everyone knows who those cowards are and they deservingly get no respect.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Wiley on May 29, 2014, 03:23:15 PM
i would never want these rules to be implemented. instead, i would like people to self police. but people dont do that either. its a pathetic world with pathetic people who will do absolutely anything for what they want. nevermind how sorry it is or how tactically stupid it is. hoing is 50/50 and desperate, gangtarding/congalines are done by lazy people who always want easy and arent willing to actually work for the kill. somehow it doesnt cross their mind that tactically, the ganging/congalining is stupid. because while your low, in a straight line, looking stupid, that guys teammates are lining you up for a kill. i think the pickers are lazy also. they let their teammates do all the work and then they come in and heroically steal a kill they didnt do anything for. everyone knows who those cowards are and they deservingly get no respect.

Yeah, but they feed off each other.  Hordelings head to a field, which either turns into a furball or more often a vulch fest.  The vulchees up into the vulch and engage some of the vulchers low and slow.  The pickers pick the somewhat successful vulchees, and are in turn picked or driven off by the opposing alt monkeys that came from the next base over.  As the vulch gets pushed back, those conga line guys start to become easy targets as the defenders get more numerous, and the initial attacking group often gets pushed back to their base, where the cycle repeats.   And the circle of life continues.

It is a rich tapestry, woven by the randomness of its parts.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: NatCigg on May 29, 2014, 04:14:50 PM
The freedom (realism) allowed in the game is far more appealing than any whiners hate of loosing.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: VuduVee on May 29, 2014, 04:26:33 PM
Yeah, but they feed off each other.  Hordelings head to a field, which either turns into a furball or more often a vulch fest.  The vulchees up into the vulch and engage some of the vulchers low and slow.  The pickers pick the somewhat successful vulchees, and are in turn picked or driven off by the opposing alt monkeys that came from the next base over.  As the vulch gets pushed back, those conga line guys start to become easy targets as the defenders get more numerous, and the initial attacking group often gets pushed back to their base, where the cycle repeats.   And the circle of life continues.

It is a rich tapestry, woven by the randomness of its parts.

yep all true. and as far as the alt monkies are concerned: the only ones complaining about them are the lazy congaliners and vulchers. from what i can tell, those congaliners are mostly newbies, so we have to encourage them to break away from that when they are ready, and some of em have. but some are lifers in the congaline and vulchfest. the lifers, imo, have no pride or heart whatsoever. i never understood their idea that competition and taking on a challenge is bad.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 29, 2014, 04:53:54 PM
I always liked BnZ but this is a stupid idea imo.

I agree on both counts!
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: zack1234 on May 30, 2014, 01:39:50 AM
I agree but then again i dont :old:
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: madrid311 on May 30, 2014, 02:08:51 AM
A big no from me.   :huh
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 30, 2014, 02:30:51 AM
I have not counted a single vote against HOing, picking, running, or alt monkeying. Strange, that is NOT the result I expected.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: CeeEff on May 30, 2014, 02:41:46 AM
I have not counted a single vote against HOing, picking, running, or alt monkeying. Strange, that is NOT the result I expected.

A strange thing occurs when you take into account icon colours:
A pick becomes team play when it is a green icon.
Running becomes extending (even if it is extending three sectors to a safe base).
An alt monkee is flying high cap.
The Vultcher is flying low cap.
The HOer is making a 180 degree AOT attack....  :neener:

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Chalenge on May 30, 2014, 02:47:17 AM
The HOer is making a 180 degree AOT attack....  :neener:

No, you're doing it wrong. 180 AOT means you have to turn 180 degrees to get your guns on target. Someone that wants to yell "HO" will do so for any shot in front of their 3-9 line whether they had a gun solution or not.

People are going to HO. Learn to expect it and you will never be disappointed.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 30, 2014, 03:00:43 AM
A strange thing occurs when you take into account icon colours:
A pick becomes team play when it is a green icon.
Running becomes extending (even if it is extending three sectors to a safe base).
An alt monkee is flying high cap.
The Vultcher is flying low cap.
The HOer is making a 180 degree AOT attack....  :neener:

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: McShark on May 30, 2014, 06:01:38 AM
Tail gunner to pilot: Can you please dog fight your b17, because I keep shooting this guy in the face, but he dosn't take any damage.


 :rofl :aok
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: olds442 on May 30, 2014, 06:15:01 AM
Well Dragon, does this mean you're in favor of HOing, gangin', pickin', runnin', and alt monkeyin'? ;)
In the interest of free will, yes.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: save on May 30, 2014, 09:43:17 AM

Tail gunner to pilot: Can you please dog fight your b17, because I keep shooting this guy in the face, but he dosn't take any damage.

Pilot to gunner in a A20 "we will win dogfighting with this fighter, and you gunner, its your job to chew him up during our 4g turn, then we will bomb our target, after he is ded"  :bolt:

Best way of reducing HO's and long range shooting is to replace computer ranging gun sight with some more generic icon signs like <^>1200-600, 600-200 <_> and   >< below 200 yard signs ( as an example).

dhyran had range off in some scenarios (at 1k you could id the enemy plane type ) and it felt much more realistic, but I realize it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: hotcoffe on May 30, 2014, 09:58:05 AM
The people complaining about being killed in HO shots, being out numbered, or alt monkeys are just trying to make excuses for their deaths. They can't accept the fact that they made a mistake and that's what got them killed. It's a shame that this kind of mindset has become the norm in the MA.  :( If we were to ban any kind of shots then the 6 oclock position would make more sense as it's more difficult to avoid shots coming from your 6 than your 12. I can't really speak for out numbered situations other than I love them! If I could fight 5v1's where I was the 1 every day then I would never log off the game. Alt monkey's are easy to deal with as they are mostly all at 25K+. Just watch them auger in as they compress.  :devil

totally agree
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Motherland on May 30, 2014, 10:27:09 AM
The thread is called "A modest proposal"

The AH BBS remains the most easily trolled forum on the internet
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 30, 2014, 10:35:25 AM
The thread is called "A modest proposal"

Yes, I thought that title would do the trick. I thought my point would be pretty obvious from the get go. Even my picture of Leonard holding the sarcasm sign failed to make much headway.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 30, 2014, 10:55:27 AM
Take a sport like boxing. Kicks, elbows, and knees are against the rules in that sport, as in you will be disqualified from the match and otherwise face sanctions if you utilize those techniques. You can therefore expect these attacks will not to be used in a boxing match, thus a boxer has no need to learn how to use or defend against them. And, a boxer may justly exclaim "You suck!!! You have no honor!!!" to an opponent who kicks him in the nuts and is immediately disqualified.

 If these rules and their accompanying sanctions did not exist, it would not be boxing, it would something else, like Muy Thai. In this case it is tactically advantageous and downright necessary for a Muy Thai fighter to use kicks, elbows, and knees as appropriate. And no one cries foul on being kicked, elbowed, or kneed in a Muy Thai match, because those techniques are clearly allowed and inevitably ubiquitous. If they did so, they would be morons, right?

Now let us apply similar thinking to the "sport" of the AH MA...
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Motherland on May 30, 2014, 10:59:20 AM
Yes, I thought that title would do the trick. I thought my point would be pretty obvious from the get go. Even my picture of Leonard holding the sarcasm sign failed to make much headway.
Yeah by easily trolled I meant that even obvious sarcasm and satire goes over people's heads somehow
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 30, 2014, 11:01:49 AM
Yeah by easily trolled I meant that even obvious sarcasm and satire goes over people's heads somehow
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: kappa on May 30, 2014, 11:06:21 AM
The thread is called "A modest proposal"

I just thought it meant it was ok to eat the 2week newbs..
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Vraciu on May 30, 2014, 11:16:25 AM
The freedom (realism) allowed in the game is far more appealing than any whiner's hate of loosing.

Quote worthy.  I like it.  Fify.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Scca on May 30, 2014, 12:59:20 PM
Take a sport like boxing. Kicks, elbows, and knees are against the rules in that sport, as in you will be disqualified from the match and otherwise face sanctions if you utilize those techniques. You can therefore expect these attacks will not to be used in a boxing match, thus a boxer has no need to learn how to use or defend against them. And, a boxer may justly exclaim "You suck!!! You have no honor!!!" to an opponent who kicks him in the nuts and is immediately disqualified.

 If these rules and their accompanying sanctions did not exist, it would not be boxing, it would something else, like Muy Thai. In this case it is tactically advantageous and downright necessary for a Muy Thai fighter to use kicks, elbows, and knees as appropriate. And no one cries foul on being kicked, elbowed, or kneed in a Muy Thai match, because those techniques are clearly allowed and inevitably ubiquitous. If they did so, they would be morons, right?

Now let us apply similar thinking to the "sport" of the AH MA...

It looks like the prevailing theory is, if your suggestions were implemented, there would be no more AH due to loss of subscribers. 

I  :salute your guts posting this however. 
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 30, 2014, 01:51:32 PM
I  :salute your guts posting this however. 

Heh, we do all understand that I don't actually want these things implemented in the AH MA, right? Right? Restore my faith in humanity...  :D
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on May 30, 2014, 02:38:36 PM
Heh, we do all understand that I don't actually want these things implemented in the AH MA, right? Right? Restore my faith in humanity...  :D

I understand that everyone likes to be on the winning side.  :D

Yeah, yeah... for some reason, when the monkey dies, everybody cries.

When the shark dies, nobody cries.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Zerstorer on May 30, 2014, 03:54:06 PM

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Aspen on May 30, 2014, 03:54:42 PM
Take a sport like boxing....

So, when the bell rings and a fighter raises his arm to touch gloves before they mix it up, we should take that opportunity to fake a glove touch and break one of his ribs exposed by his raised arm.  Nothing against it in the rules  :D
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Zerstorer on May 30, 2014, 03:56:46 PM
This one sailed so far over....I'm surprised even Superman saw it....
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 30, 2014, 04:00:34 PM
So, when the bell rings and a fighter raises his arm to touch gloves before they mix it up, we should take that opportunity to fake a glove touch and break one of his ribs exposed by his raised arm.  Nothing against it in the rules  :D

Every boxing match I've ever seen, the ref has them touch gloves, then sends them back to their corners, THEN the bell rings and they come out boxing.

EDIT: In MMA they seem to do that glove touch thing after the bell rings. I don't know whether what you describe is formally against the rules or not. I'd say there probably are sanctions of some sort against such actions. In any case, MMA fighters for whatever reason can expect a reasonable expectation that their opponent will not use the tactic you describe. This is not the case in the AH MA, a place where experience clearly demonstrates that there is nothing resembling a rule either in letter or in fact against HOing, ganging, running, etc. These tactics are a clearly accepted part of game play as demonstrated by the *ACTIONS* of the players, however this may conflict with the words of the players. Therefore, use these tactics whenever they seem appropriate to the situation.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Bear on May 30, 2014, 04:23:17 PM
No!  Played AW way back. Don't remember any such Rules. Forget this B.S. Play the Game.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on May 30, 2014, 05:24:30 PM
This one sailed so far over....I'm surprised even Superman saw it....

The director of the '76 version of King Kong said it.

I just liken the monkey's death to BnZ's proposal. I mean, the proposal sucked, but somehow, everybody still finds him like able enough.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: ink on May 30, 2014, 05:56:08 PM
I understand that everyone likes to be on the winning side.  :D

not true :old:

never once have I changed sides to be on the "winning side"

actually its always been quite the opposite for me (till the 12 hr rule change)

I always switched to the side that was getting steamrolled.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 30, 2014, 06:38:15 PM
not true :old:

never once have I changed sides to be on the "winning side"

actually its always been quite the opposite for me (till the 12 hr rule change)

I always switched to the side that was getting steamrolled.

I don't think this is what PJ meant by the "winning side".

(The "losing" side in the land-grab war is most often the WINNING side in terms of opportunities for kills, which is why the ability to conveniently switch to the "losing" side is missed. I think it may be the most widely agreed upon thing among players.)
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: ink on May 30, 2014, 06:50:54 PM
I don't think this is what PJ meant by the "winning side".

(The "losing" side in the land-grab war is most often the WINNING side in terms of opportunities for kills, which is why the ability to conveniently switch to the "losing" side is missed. I think it may be the most widely agreed upon thing among players.)

we need a sarcasm post...I totally missed it.... :o
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Volron on May 30, 2014, 06:55:11 PM



This is to the picture itself.  Not to who he's jabbing. :aok
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Zerstorer on May 30, 2014, 07:46:36 PM

This is to the picture itself.  Not to who he's jabbing. :aok

 :lol thanks....and no disrespect was intended...just some light-hearted poking. Ive certainly done the same in the past (ie taken a post seriously when it was not meant to be).
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on May 30, 2014, 11:19:21 PM
we need a sarcasm post...I totally missed it.... :o

I'm no stranger to sarcasm.

Me, I never change sides at all. I fly junk, mostly, and am thus impervious to eny. I don't care about the chess piece nations, though I like the knight as a chess piece.

I just can't wait to fly FSO again. I find the realism more compelling than the mixmaster called the MA. If it was up to me, it'd all be axis versus allies without icons... And a da for practice.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: BnZs on May 31, 2014, 09:59:49 AM
Yeah, but even discounting ENY, the side being horded the worst (NOT always identical with the lowest populace side) gives the best opportunities for kills. Whereas if there are 3 friendlies for every enemy that shows up, bleh.

I'm no stranger to sarcasm.

Me, I never change sides at all. I fly junk, mostly, and am thus impervious to eny. I don't care about the chess piece nations, though I like the knight as a chess piece.

I just can't wait to fly FSO again. I find the realism more compelling than the mixmaster called the MA. If it was up to me, it'd all be axis versus allies without icons... And a da for practice.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on May 31, 2014, 11:20:52 PM
Yeah, but even discounting ENY, the side being horded the worst (NOT always identical with the lowest populace side) gives the best opportunities for kills. Whereas if there are 3 friendlies for every enemy that shows up, bleh.

I can't speak for you, but I'm not equal to three enemy. I'm a decent flyer but a lousy shot in the air ( though not a bad one IRL). Worse, I tend to get panicky with someone on my six. Otoh, I like my odds, generally, in a 1v1, to at least acquit myself fairly well, provided I know my ride.

Lately, it's all g14, 190a5, a20g, and even a little p-40 action. None of that stuff is uber, but it sure is fun. The great thing about the a-20: the enemy comes to you.

In any case, I always look for small dars at undefended bases... But I'll fur ball if the enemy dar is of reasonable size.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: LLv34_Dictonius on June 01, 2014, 02:40:10 AM
I've noticed there is a lot of argument and discord coming out of the community because they can't seem to agree on a widely accepted and obeyed code of rules for the MA. This is unlike the DA, where everyone pretty much adheres to the "agreed upon alt, agreed upon planes, cold merge" code.  It is pretty close to anarchy out there, and apparently that is making a lot of players unhappy. So I've decided to address the three most common complaints with some sensible rules to address and a method for the enforcement of these rules.

1. HOing-This could be dealt with my modifying the game to make HOs ineffective, as in Air Warrior. Or the moderators could simply issue warnings for violations of a no-HOing rule, with account suspensions issued to repeat offenders (proven via film).

2. Picking/Ganging/Running-Currently in the MA, once can pretty much assume that if you are deeply committed to maneuvering with one bandit and a second one enters icon range, that second will try to kill you. And the third. And the fourth. Some people accept this as a reality and try to craft strategy and tactics around this fact, such as flying fast planes that can usually run away from outnumbered situations, even at the cost of maneuvering ability, or flying with mutual support. But apparently even more people in the game are very unhappy with all the ganging and picking going on. Fine. Henceforth any pair of planes, upon merging, will be allowed by all to fight it out with no outside interference, and extending more than 2.5K from the plane you are engaged with is forbidden, upon pain of the same penalties mentioned under 1.

3. Alt Monkeyiism-This problem is easily dealt with. Simply program an arena-wide 100mph downdraft starting at 10,000 feet. This will make climbing above that alt nearly impossible. This sort of thing has been done to create an altitude cap on FSOs before, it is already a function of the game.

I mean, come on, why not? This set of rules will be fair to all, and with some penalties in place a player will be able to reasonably expect that the red guys will also be obeying them.

You joker you! :lol
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: Groth on June 04, 2014, 03:36:26 PM
 Well, w/o reading all the posts..which I'm sure were very imperative and important.  I am AGAINST wearing uniforms that fit rules OR a code.
Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: onerka on June 05, 2014, 02:09:01 PM
Read quickly through some of the responses...agree with FLS and Zoney and a number of others with similar responses.

Wondering when anyone mentions that a complaint is common on the bbl, and then makes the jump to relating that complaint/trend on the bbl to the full community in AH.  I know it's been said many times, but if you did a simple statistical assessment of the number of people who commented - not the number of comments; as opposed to the larger community in AH...wonder if it is relevant.  No question, that is how topics should come forward; but to assume the number of participants in a given thread is a vote of the active participants in AH is a pretty large jump. Don't think it's particularly the same time, the bbl is a great place to bring things forward for discussion among those who chose to participate.

Was in a WWI sim for a long time where a subset of pilots took an unwritten and unofficial code pretty seriously.  It got really oppressive.  Most of the negative comments during the game were based on supposed violations of that you shot me while I was dead stick, or while I was smoking, or while I was engaged with Freddie, or after I had clearly disengaged...or, while I was picking my nose.  It got pretty silly sometimes.  My perspective:  most of the complaints were from people who were too ego involved and simply couldn't suffer another mortality without an excuse as to why they didn't survive the encounter.  At the same time...we pretty much tried to follow these codes primarily to avoid the ensuing controversy.  The reality is that in the end each pilot makes a separate peace and understanding about how he/she wants to fly and lives by you fly is up to you...and I hope everyone has a fun while participating.

My specific role...on my squad, is to provide enough kills (my death) to opponents to keep them interested in fighting us...and sometimes I'm really good at dying!!!

Title: Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on June 05, 2014, 02:29:42 PM
My specific role...on my squad, is to provide enough kills (my death) to opponents to keep them interested in fighting us...and sometimes I'm really good at dying!!!


Now there's a guy I'd like to meet in the MA! I saw some dude like that once... Ensign something or other... I shot down his Dauntless repeatedly. He just kept re-upping. I killed him until I ran out of ammo then landed and felt like Sterculius, God of FECES.  :D