Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: nrshida on September 05, 2014, 11:46:27 AM

Title: Sayōnara
Post by: nrshida on September 05, 2014, 11:46:27 AM
It's absolutely fascinating for me to look back over the five years I've played this game. This was my first flight simulator, my first MMOG and my first forum. I've met and duelled some of the best players in this game. Have snatched, in my own humble way, the pebbles from the hand of the dogfighting masters and have learned a tremendous amount about ACM, interaction and especially myself. I've met some extra-ordinary people, the weak, the strong, the insecure, the aggressive, the chivalrous, the self-aware, the skilled and the petty. I've seen the worst and best of people through this virtual environment. It's just an inescapable feeling I have, it's my time to go I can feel it.

I'd like to thank those notable people who have made my AH journey so interesting I'm sorry if I miss anyone's name, there have been so many: MerlinVI, Moot, Kazaa, MickyD, Bruv119, Pervert, DrBone, Joachim, Krupinski, Redbull, all of the Raw Prawns. My friends and brothers in The GFC. Debrody, Bighorn, and Kappa. Strip, CrackR, 20mmRain, Roultox, Hlbly, Slimmer, all of the Spixteen jockeys at the furball lake, Copprhed, F77, Revrand, Dolby, Mitsu-san, Coombzy, Morfiend, and all of The Army of Muppets (with whom I have so much in common except for our Timezone!).

It feels strange to remain hanging around the forum so I will be asking Skuzzy to lock this account at the end of the Beta testing to which I committed to participate in. I will try and maintain the resources I have uploaded for as long as possible, especially in the epic Westland Whirlwind wishlist thread and my joystick repair tutorials.

Thanks for all the good fights. Best regards.



Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Vraciu on September 05, 2014, 12:11:15 PM
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Bizman on September 05, 2014, 12:12:58 PM
Indeed,  :(
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Nathan60 on September 05, 2014, 01:14:54 PM
bye.  Sorry to hear you are leaving. the forums just got  a little less interesting. I'll miss you trolling Arlo.
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Dichotomy on September 05, 2014, 01:21:26 PM
huge loss to the game sir.  My best to you in all future endeavors
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Copprhed on September 05, 2014, 01:24:03 PM
More bad news for those of us for whom stats make no difference. More of the real fun leaving the game and the forum. Pretty soon there will only be personality tests and trolls to get more people to become useless hotards. =S= Sensei, I will truly miss you.    :salute
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Kingpin on September 05, 2014, 01:41:51 PM
I hope you'll stick around or at least check in on us from time to time as a contributing member of the forum.  I've respected you as a player of the game and practitioner of ACM, dating back to my first days in the DA furball lake (before I gave up on that scene).  But more importantly, I've always appreciated the balance you bring to the forum as a voice of reason.  It would be an even bigger loss to see that leave the community as well.

Please keep your forum account, and remain, even if it is only occasionally looking and lurking.  It would be nice to hear from you from time to time though.   Besides, if I am ever going to be in your part of the world, I want to be sure I can contact you.  I remember offering to buy you a pint (of beer) once, which we revised to a root-beer  ;) and I hope to honor that commitment someday!

Good luck in all your endeavors and be well, sir.

Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: bozon on September 05, 2014, 02:21:59 PM
Enjoy your time out - you'll be back nrshida. We always do.

Until next time <S>
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: morfiend on September 05, 2014, 02:36:36 PM
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: RedBull1 on September 05, 2014, 03:02:46 PM
And so we lose yet another top stick, personality, and mentor in Aces High.

 :salute Shida, had some outstanding times flying with and against you.
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Tracers on September 05, 2014, 03:41:39 PM
 :salute Nrshida gonna miss fighting you mate, another player in it purely for the fight gone from my timezone window. I a bit pissed that you leaving but completely understand the need to walk away from it, I left for a while and it did me the world of good to my attitude to the game and in turn my motivation for flying the cartoon skies.

I'm glad I just hovered above that last fight between you and threeup and just filmed it all (if I knew it was gonna be your last fight ever I would have jumped in and picked your arse lmao) JK.

Deadstikmac has offered to edit the film for me. Hope you stick around on the forums long enough to watch "Nrshidas last stand"

 :salute Beer  :cheers:
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Ratsy on September 05, 2014, 04:18:49 PM
I have no idea about your personal situation.  After reading your posts over the years and observing your willingness to be part of the community it will be a real loss.

I believe Aces High will turn a corner in the near future.  I'm going to stick around for the next evolution which will take the game beyond the much-needed graphics upgrade.  I don't have any special knowledge, but I am convinced of the commitment at HiTech Creations and believe changes are coming that will effect game-play.  It might even take Aces High to a place none of us currently envision.

When I look at the alternatives to Aces High I'm troubled.  In my case, I'm older and I don't have much use for a Russia whose leaders could easily 'nationalize' their web businesses for political leverage and not blink an eye about it.  If they want my credit card number, I can wait for them to steal it from an American retailer (a joke - only smaller).

I'm going to stay active and pay for two accounts to support that development effort, because my circumstances will allow it.  No matter what is in your future, I hope you come back or at least hang the forums.




Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Canspec on September 05, 2014, 04:40:34 PM
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Zerstorer on September 05, 2014, 04:49:24 PM
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Bruv119 on September 05, 2014, 04:50:53 PM
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: SFRT - Frenchy on September 05, 2014, 06:59:53 PM
So long foo, glad we had a couple of fights a few weeks ago.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Mar on September 05, 2014, 07:12:30 PM
Did I tell you that you could leave Nrsh??? Get back in line!

Well seriously, this is why I can't justify the monthly payment anymore. It's not the same buzzing around the TA without the old names showing up once in a while. Maybe one day you'll find me there again, but I dunno.

<<S>> Nrsh, I'll miss you.
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Threeup on September 05, 2014, 07:50:07 PM
A few of us hovered around a field last night singularly fighting Shida as he upped and after he got some E in the tank. He wandered out over the water and the rest of the crew RTBed. Beer was hovering and Shida and I had a great fight. He then drops on 200 it will be his last fight - ever. Not because of the circumstances. Win lose or draw he always chucks a <S> and never takes it personally.

Firstly he is what is known in this part of the world as a"top bloke", read nice guy. It wouldn't matter if he wasn't very accomplished in game (which he is). He would still be regarded as a man of character and well regarded at that. One of the people whom you remember the friendly exchanges and banter long after the fight is gone. There are many of them in game. In my experience whether tight turning in the DA with him or suffering a pounding from he and his Muppett buddies in the MA he is exactly the example of the sort of person this game should be populated with.And he wil be missed. I believe he is not the sort to post an "I'm going" post and then come back as we see countless examples of.

Secondly I have the feeling that one day I'll log on and I'll be flying around the MA. Jokers Jokers will be taking undefended fields but I won't be able to locate them let alone fight them.A couple more recognizable names will be boosting their score again nowhere to be found. I'll find someone to fight, but their only ACM is lapping their ack. And the new crew that want to be part of this will be put off by the lack of anything. And whilst I willbe able to fight and catch up with the same guys who make me laugh, a lot of great people will have left because they may have committed the sin of questioning a country change rule or wanting to contribute to the BBS only to be subject to egocentric dribble.

We need to retain more Shidas, but that is like commenting the sky is blue. We have an ongoing comment on our Facebook page about periodically drinking from the BBS well by posting only to find it tastes of vitriole and little emoticons from the same petty suspects.

I am going to keep "flying" until there's no-one left  no game left

Shida - good health, good luck, goodbye and thanks for fights and smiles <S>
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Tracers on September 05, 2014, 08:11:51 PM
A few of us hovered around a field last night singularly fighting Shida as he upped and after he got some E in the tank. He wandered out over the water and the rest of the crew RTBed. Beer was hovering and Shida and I had a great fight. He then drops on 200 it will be his last fight - ever. Not because of the circumstances. Win lose or draw he always chucks a <S> and never takes it personally.

Firstly he is what is known in this part of the world as a"top bloke", read nice guy. It wouldn't matter if he wasn't very accomplished in game (which he is). He would still be regarded as a man of character and well regarded at that. One of the people whom you remember the friendly exchanges and banter long after the fight is gone. There are many of them in game. In my experience whether tight turning in the DA with him or suffering a pounding from he and his Muppett buddies in the MA he is exactly the example of the sort of person this game should be populated with.And he wil be missed. I believe he is not the sort to post an "I'm going" post and then come back as we see countless examples of.

Secondly I have the feeling that one day I'll log on and I'll be flying around the MA. Jokers Jokers will be taking undefended fields but I won't be able to locate them let alone fight them.A couple more recognizable names will be boosting their score again nowhere to be found. I'll find someone to fight, but their only ACM is lapping their ack. And the new crew that want to be part of this will be put off by the lack of anything. And whilst I willbe able to fight and catch up with the same guys who make me laugh, a lot of great people will have left because they may have committed the sin of questioning a country change rule or wanting to contribute to the BBS only to be subject to egocentric dribble.

We need to retain more Shidas, but that is like commenting the sky is blue. We have an ongoing comment on our Facebook page about periodically drinking from the BBS well by posting only to find it tastes of vitriole and little emoticons from the same petty suspects.

I am going to keep "flying" until there's no-one left  no game left

Shida - good health, good luck, goodbye and thanks for fights and smiles <S>

My feelings exactly mate. Gutted to see another great bloke leave the game. Between Nrshida and Latrobe leaving there are not many left in our timezone that are in it for the fight :(

Hopefully they will one day come back...
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Tracers on September 05, 2014, 08:16:32 PM
Sorry didn't mean to add my comment to your quote three up. Trying to type on a very cracked I phone is a touch difficult  :D
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: JimmyC on September 05, 2014, 09:14:59 PM
 :salute Shida
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Biggamer on September 05, 2014, 09:25:53 PM
Hate to see you go shida, had many good fights with you in the DA <<S>> sir, see you around when you start training baby shida ;)
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: ozrocker on September 05, 2014, 09:32:46 PM
Best wishes Sir :salute
Hope you'll come back at some point.

                                                                                                                                                             :cheers: Oz

Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Widewing on September 05, 2014, 10:10:12 PM
I, for one, will miss you....

Fair winds and a gentle sea....
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: TonyJoey on September 05, 2014, 10:49:47 PM
Hope you reconsider. You are a voice of reason, a great stick, and above all a really nice guy.  :salute

Good luck with little Shida!
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Latrobe on September 06, 2014, 12:37:34 AM
 :salute shida

Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Debrody on September 06, 2014, 02:49:05 AM
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: nrshida on September 06, 2014, 03:37:57 AM
Wow thanks for all the kind words. I've always feared I was perceived as an overly-moralistic pain in the arse, oddball dreamer with too-high expectations. I am a dreamer for sure. Like someone from my old village once said: I'm not the only one!

Funny really, all these years of fighting but I don't feel I have a single enemy here.

There's a reason I'm making a clean break from the forum. I've adapted to being here naturally and am now quick to confront and sometimes grumpy and short-tempered. Tiny Shida's just at that impressionable age now. I want to set a better example for him and secretly I also crave the inner calm I always used to have. Been facinating for me to explore that side of human interaction.

=S= Sensei, I will truly miss you.    :salute

You keep flying Grasshopper. Remember what I taught you about your throttle. Everytime you fly endeavour to make a small improvement. There's so much to learn. The Tao of ACM! The hard work is it's own reward. Remember to be faithful to who you are. That's always been more than good enough for me. It's been a privallage to fly with you.  :salute

Besides, if I am ever going to be in your part of the world, I want to be sure I can contact you.  I remember offering to buy you a pint (of beer) once, which we revised to a root-beer  ;) and I hope to honor that commitment someday!

Yeah Ryno that would be cool. I don't drink the booze you see. Can't afford any mind altering substances with the imagination I've got (   I've put my email address back in my profile. I can usually be reached there I check every week or so. Make yourself(ves) known if you email me otherwise I'll think you're trying to sell me Viagra or an investment opportunity in the congo.

Did I tell you that you could leave Nrsh??? Get back in line!

Mar!  <3  great times! Hope you are well old friend. Yes one should never say never. Who knows what the future brings.

Shida and I had a great fight.

I was very impressed with your flying ThreeUp. Your gentle Yo-Yos were giving me a lot of trouble with all that fuel. Very smart flying. Spixteen versus Hayate was always a good fight.  :rock

Beer! Always fear the Mossie flown by the Aussie!

Hate to see you go shida, had many good fights with you in the DA <<S>> sir, see you around when you start training baby shida ;)

Thank you Biggamer, hope you are well.

Best wishes Sir :salute
Hope you'll come back at some point.

Ozrocker! Thane of the Ju 87! <S>

I, for one, will miss you....

Fair winds and a gentle sea....

Thank you sir. Most respected AH member. All the best to you and your family  :salute

Hope you reconsider. You are a voice of reason, a great stick, and above all a really nice guy.  :salute

Good luck with little Shida!

<3 TonyJoey a class act and top stick!

I'm slowly trawling through all the PMs I've received. Please be patient I will eventually reply to them all.


Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: FTJR on September 06, 2014, 04:02:48 AM
Im late to the party, as usual.. <S> Shida, be safe and well.
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: McShark on September 06, 2014, 04:59:26 AM
 :salute Shida,

Not having any experience fighting you but Coppr, being a faithful padwan of yours, kept me telling of you  :D

Don't like to see anyone leave, especially when I did not have a chance to fly against them.

God speed and all the best <S>
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: GScholz on September 06, 2014, 05:12:25 AM
Take care of your self and Tiny Shida, and thanks for the interesting debates we've had. Will miss you... Too bad I never got to fight you in-game. :aok  :cheers:
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: scott66 on September 06, 2014, 02:31:35 PM
 :salute shida...I don't think we ever crossed paths and that is my loss..
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Slash27 on September 07, 2014, 02:26:32 AM
Well, you know where I stand when it comes to you. The game will suffer with you gone. I'll miss you buddy.  :salute
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Vraciu on September 07, 2014, 12:13:10 PM
And so we lose yet another top stick, personality, and mentor in Aces High.

 :salute Shida, had some outstanding times flying with and against you.

Yep.  Hope he sticks around for the mentor part at least.   We have too few enough as it is...
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Mitsu on September 07, 2014, 07:28:47 PM
I don't want to hear that word...:(

"mata ai masyou!"

Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: JOACH1M on September 07, 2014, 08:34:59 PM
It's absolutely fascinating for me to look back over the five years I've played this game. This was my first flight simulator, my first MMOG and my first forum. I've met and duelled some of the best players in this game. Have snatched, in my own humble way, the pebbles from the hand of the dogfighting masters and have learned a tremendous amount about ACM, interaction and especially myself. I've met some extra-ordinary people, the weak, the strong, the insecure, the aggressive, the chivalrous, the self-aware, the skilled and the petty. I've seen the worst and best of people through this virtual environment. It's just an inescapable feeling I have, it's my time to go I can feel it.

I'd like to thank those notable people who have made my AH journey so interesting I'm sorry if I miss anyone's name, there have been so many: MerlinVI, Moot, Kazaa, MickyD, Bruv119, Pervert, DrBone, Joachim, Krupinski, Redbull, all of the Raw Prawns. My friends and brothers in The GFC. Debrody, Bighorn, and Kappa. Strip, CrackR, 20mmRain, Roultox, Hlbly, Slimmer, all of the Spixteen jockeys at the furball lake, Copprhed, F77, Revrand, Dolby, Mitsu-san, Coombzy, Morfiend, and all of The Army of Muppets (with whom I have so much in common except for our Timezone!).

It feels strange to remain hanging around the forum so I will be asking Skuzzy to lock this account at the end of the Beta testing to which I committed to participate in. I will try and maintain the resources I have uploaded for as long as possible, especially in the epic Westland Whirlwind wishlist thread and my joystick repair tutorials.

Thanks for all the good fights. Best regards.



Im am sad to see this my dear friend! :( I Hope the travels of life go well for you!  :salute :salute :cheers:
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: SirNuke on September 08, 2014, 08:54:57 AM
I thought you had left already  :headscratch:
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Patches1 on September 08, 2014, 12:46:13 PM

Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Tilt on September 08, 2014, 02:59:54 PM
I've always feared I was perceived as an overly-moralistic pain in the arse,

This is of course true....... :neener:

Your reasons for leaving however do you credit............... and of course you will be missed for the best of reasons

Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: Zoney on September 08, 2014, 03:12:05 PM
Shida, your resignation has been denied.  Sorry, that's just the way it works out sometimes.  You will be allowed to curtail your gameplay hours significantly, but not zero.  We all have sacrifices to make sir, now go log back in.

 :salute  I'm going to miss you mate  :salute
Title: Re: Sayōnara
Post by: FLOOB on September 08, 2014, 04:46:31 PM
Everybody leaves now and again. But you made up your mind that you won't be coming back. Booo  :old: