Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => King of the Hill => Topic started by: Bruv119 on January 03, 2015, 04:35:43 PM

Title: December '14 Results
Post by: Bruv119 on January 03, 2015, 04:35:43 PM
Congratulations to Anarchy for winning the rescheduled December King of the Hill.

Attendance was average with 10 starting and peaking at 14 pilots this allowed some pretty good fights /rounds.

Round by round results as follows;

[1] Yosser in a 109K4
[2] Yosser in a P51D (Wabbit)  
[3] Anarchy in a Spit 8
[4] Anarchy in a Me-262 (Wabbit)
[5] HOtard in a 109G14
[6] Anarchy in a LA7

Top Killers were;  Anarchy 12, Yosser 8, HOtard 6, Cobrajet 4 and Kruel 4.

Tournament of Champions invites will be reserved for Anarchy and Yosser.

Thanks for playing and I hope to see you all on the 23rd Jan.

In depth logs can be found here