Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Open Beta Test => Topic started by: bustr on July 24, 2015, 05:31:24 PM

Title: You Can Help By Including a DXDiag if you need to describe your system.
Post by: bustr on July 24, 2015, 05:31:24 PM
Guys when you are having what you think is a hardware issue and not a bug or graphics anomaly report. Please attach a DXDiag report or copy and paste the system, video, and audio portion of the saved report. Then Skuzzy doesn't have to read your mind or play 20 questions to find out your system may have an integrated video chip. Or you are playing on a laptop.

I don't know if anyone read Hitech's sticky titled: Please Read

Here are the first two paragraphs.
From Hitech:

A few things to keep in mind.

This is an ALPHA test. Please do not compare our current alpha to other companies finished products. What you see now may be completely different in the final release.

You are here to help us create a product. We are not here to support the product on your system. Our goal is to fix bugs and complete Aces High, not to get the current alpha release working on your system. When you run into issues please try think about how to recreate it vs simply trying to work around it.