Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Open Beta Test => Topic started by: Skuzzy on September 10, 2015, 10:55:30 AM
New patch version up (,374802.0.html)!
Big mission! I started in B-17s and the 110's seemed a little warpy but it was a wild scene from the gunner seat. Buff collided so I came back in a G-14 and some B-17s were not shooting and were impossibly warpy, others flew straight and shot me down. Came back in a Ta-152 on the deck with P-51s carrying 2 drop tanks. AI got me following another A1. Came back in a P-38 with 1 drop tank but no more reds in sight.
Mission message windows in tower appearing so slow I re-click and end up with a bunch of them.
Just a quickie to check it works. Update via game worked, could log into all arenas and get a vehicle/plane on the field.
Checked the British CV on Europe Map and C13 on the Mission Arena. The planes I mentioned in my report of 73 still have their wheels sunk in the hangar floor. On C13 the wheels are still rotating as reported.
Some of the clouds look funny, some of them look like heavy white puffy ack against regular size clouds. Also noticed some stripes in the clouds when looking from the cockpit sitting on the runway.
Exiting out from offline\online hangs and never ends the game.
Offline looked around the CV and the 20mm water hits for and aft are still there. Spawning an aircraft on deck seems to cause an increase in the water strikes for and aft. In the bridge if you use Shift_H and look up, your head is looking out through the structure.
Offline the new NDisles clouds over TT cause a large area of shading even though the sun is at 12:00 and not covered by any clouds. I also found that shooting at Roy's at the West side of TT the blasts happened on the back side of the building as though the rounds passed through the building. Also if you framed the clouds just above Roy's roof and fired at the building, the explosion also happened behind the clouds. Oh! and in the picture below the sun is at 12:00 above the vehicle while the clouds are no where near the sun and you can see how dark the clouds are shading the sun.
Skuzzy's, Clouds and the explosion.
Patch and new theater loaded fine. Join mission on new map but after a bail, I could change menus on the clipboard could not select an item like "Preferences" or "Controls".
Update went fine, start program with no problem.
Did notice that friendly Icons an GV's is obscured up close. As you separate the icon starts to lift up above the GV, however if you zoom back in icons is obscured again. See attached Screen shot.
Checked on Capture the Flag arena and it happens there as well.
Skuzzy's, Clouds and the explosion.
Already reported, and it is not unique to that one building.
Those clouds look fine . All we need now are pigs on the wing . See pink Floyd animals cover .
This sent from my phone so no pics der.
After a mission ends I'm stuck in the tower and cannot go to the hanger or fly. Exiting and re-entering arena fixes it.
First note was Axis Bomber mission after landing. Next mission after getting pulled to tower I could go to hanger.
all maps load.
sometimes cannot exit without task manager escape.
sheep map loaded its own ah3ter file after 74 patch update, then ran fine.
I did a mission map sortie and a euro map sortie. No issues to bring out regarding map and planes. HUD shows in F3....
opinion, cockpit glass, very nice but a little to strong with the scratching and glare and reflections. I'm not saying cut it, I'm saying its a little to much. Cockpit gauge reflections, nice but a little to much.
nice work AH!
On the cruiser in the fleet, the 5" twin mounts are reversed from the selection icons in the hangar. If you choose the mount on the bow it puts you in the mount on the stern, and vice versa.
IMHO, the glare from the early-morning sun on the water is way overdone. Once upon a time I did a lot of sailing in small boats on New Jersey's Barnegat Bay, and I was always able to see at least *something* on the water directly in line with the sun. Even when it was very early in the morning and the sun was low on the horizon.
As with some other players, after hitting the "quit" button the game sometimes freezes and I have to resort to the Windows Task Manager. Maybe half the time? Cannot see any pattern in that, yet.
Flying off and landing on the carrier both seem perfectly normal. Firing ship guns at enemy ships, likewise.
And it ALL looks really nice. Thanks!
Updated the game normally thru two versions. It started and stopped normally both on and offline.
Using TIR, on quitting the mission arena there was a narrow horizontal white bar behind the clipboard but in front of the art work that moved as I moved my head. If I minimized the clipboard it tended to fade to the right side of the bar and would move as I moved my head. Maximizing it would grow from that right end of the bar.
Finally got to see the clouds! They look OK. I notice a marked drop in FR from the high 50s in the other arenas to the upper 30s on the runway where clouds are present. The FR drops bit by bit as I got nearer the clouds climbing up. Maneuvering in the clouds dropped my FR into the low 20s. I like the clouds but if I had to find something that I don't like about them it's that there's too many teeny cloud bits and not many big clumps of cloud or big clouds for that matter. I know it's a work in progress.
Clipboard sizing still doesn't stick going from an airfield to a carrier and back.
Flew the Bravo Pony vs Betty/Zero mission. Went off normally. Shot down bombers. They shot me down. Normal hehe.
I find the bloom setting produces a glare that goes right down to the ground even with the sun almost directly overhead making it hard to see objects that are not remotely in the direction of the sun. Unchecking it makes it easier to see.
Sorry for my lack of participation. RL keeps yanking me away.
On my machine enabling the AA setting messes with the plane icons. It makes them a little see through. Turning it off makes them opaque again.
Will upload a pic when I get the chance.
The Spit 1 is missing the trim and ammo indicators. The gauge dials disappeared a couple of times during a mission flight.
default settings, flag map
CV, sortieing with the sea hurry and the sea fire.
sea fire, wheels spin on cv deck with aircraft at rest
sea hurry, makes a braking sound upon spawn on cv deck
cv guns, escort guns, cv can sink side escorts and rear, cv respects friendly fire rules on lead cruiser, cruiser respects friendly fire on cv. Saw no visual glitches with any guns, the 20mm however should not be able to sink a destroyer??????
I tried the euro map, 1st load into current running mission, I spawned to immediate death. I had to back out of map and renter to join again.
2nd load into current running mission, I spawned into a severely damaged aircraft with a dead motor, so I crashed it and back out of map.
3rd load of current running mission I spawned into a B17 flight, the escort died immediately do to my disoriented flying. Tried a belly land in water, would not allow ditch.
All pickyune stuff, no visual glitches, no fps loss, using 1072.xxGB vram. The AA with the shadows is very jagging and ever changing in a jumpy fashion. Could be the shadows texture size vs general video text size????
very nice
I have a question.
F3 works on aircraft in flight as well as landed planes, so I played a smidge. All aircraft seem stunted for some reason. My screen is wide format, 1920x1080p, I used view again 95, 4096 text, I have no monitor scaling enabled. I'm wondering if its my pc doing the stunting. Obviously in the cockpit that don't matter.
I have a question.
F3 works on aircraft in flight as well as landed planes, so I played a smidge. All aircraft seem stunted for some reason. My screen is wide format, 1920x1080p, I used view again 95, 4096 text, I have no monitor scaling enabled. I'm wondering if its my pc doing the stunting. Obviously in the cockpit that don't matter.
If I understand you correctly what you are seeing is a combination of your field of view setting and your point of view distance from your aircraft.
Try adjusting zoom until it looks normal.
Installed fine, tried loading in to the Europe map. It reached "Load Complete" then started going to black screen and back again repeatedly. Had to task manager and end task to get out.
24" LCD 1920x1080
Mode 1024, FOV 105
HD6770 - Diamond
Data Paths 128
BW - 80G byte sec.
Shaders - 800
I just finished testing offline for the ability to render clouds with all defaults enabled. I had no problems with streaking of the clouds and playable FPS. But, playable FPS and no streaking of the clouds required increasing my card's band width above 80G byte sec.
I wanted to eliminate the fact that Oakland CA has been going through a severe heat wave and I don't have AC in my house because most of the year you don't need AC in the Bay Area. When I was previously testing, my video card had OC off and was hitting 90C and higher for sustained periods which I've found subsequently to be the shut down temp range for the card to protect it. This was the source of the game black screens I reported. Today is over cast and around 69F with a breeze. The default idle temp for my card is normal 32-36C like now, versus during the heat wave idle temp was 41-45C.
The first BW increase was to 81.2G byte sec. This eliminated the streaking of the rendered clouds but still had FPS inside the clouds mid teens to mid 20's. Tower FPS was 20's with hanger mid teens. But, FPS approaching the clouds stayed mid 30s-mid 40's until entering the clouds. Not the previous issue of watching the FPS drop starting about 2k out, dropping exponentially going into the clouds.
The second BW increase was to 82.6G byte sec. This created a better FPS response in the clouds of mid 20s - mid 30s. All clouds rendered without the streaking. Card temps never went above 80C while in the clouds. It was mostly while in clouds during the local heat wave that my card hit it's high heat shut down point and the screen turned black until the temp dropped into the 80's C.
Achieving the higher Band Widths required increasing my GDDR5 speed from default 1250Mhz to 1270Mhz then 1290Mhz. Much higher than that and both AH2 and the alpha eventually respond with the exe to the desktop error.
Now that I've found a band width that can support cloud rendering, I should try out a Euro2015 mission to see what happens.
CPU----AMD Phenom II X4 965
OS-----Windows 10
MOBO--ASRock 970M Pro-3
RAM---16GB G-skill
Getting black flashes at about 10 second intervals. It starts as soon as I begin a sortie.
It look like I'm blacking out, but I haven't even taken off yet...
Also, on the cruiser, the port/starboard 40mm Bofors guns are reversed.
The port/starboard 20mm guns are correct.
On the cruiser in the fleet, the 5" twin mounts are reversed from the selection icons in the hangar. If you choose the mount on the bow it puts you in the mount on the stern, and vice versa.
IMHO, the glare from the early-morning sun on the water is way overdone. Once upon a time I did a lot of sailing in small boats on New Jersey's Barnegat Bay, and I was always able to see at least *something* on the water directly in line with the sun. Even when it was very early in the morning and the sun was low on the horizon.
As with some other players, after hitting the "quit" button the game sometimes freezes and I have to resort to the Windows Task Manager. Maybe half the time? Cannot see any pattern in that, yet.
Flying off and landing on the carrier both seem perfectly normal. Firing ship guns at enemy ships, likewise.
And it ALL looks really nice. Thanks!
I tested again against clouds offline and the Euro 2015 missions online. By adding several fans I'm able to run my video card bumped up to a Band Width of 85.1 Gbyte sec. with the memory speed at 1330Mhz.
1. - With the graphics defaults enabled offline the hanger FPS was 16-20. Tower 27-32, and spawned on the runway 30-32. Flying around varied never getting above 47. Climbing to the clouds the FPS held until entering the clouds. No diagonal streaking of the clouds but, FPS 12-30 depending where at in the clouds. Driving on the ground 22-37.
The Euro 2015 missions were fine until max Icon range for all AI involved. FPS dropped 2-7.
2. - With post lighting and clutter turned off and the environment slider at "0". Tower 40-42 and hanger 22-27. Spawned on the runway 42, flying 47-60 until entering the clouds. Inside the clouds depending on location, 22-42.
The Euro 2015 missions FPS held 42-50 with the sky filled with Icons and AI.
3. - Offline with clutter turned on driving around. If you pulled up next to a tall berm and looked up at the top of it. The clutter at the top had about 6 inches of see through space under it.
4. - During a mission I was flying a spit5 against He111. First and second pass my guns fired. Third pass I pulled the trigger several times and the guns would not fire. Checked damage and everything was green, pulled the trigger and then the guns fired.