Aces High Bulletin Board
Special Events Forums => Combat Challenge Series => Topic started by: Nefarious on October 01, 2015, 07:54:23 PM
We will be awarding Perk Points for the top 3 Pilots or Squads in the following categories...
Pilot awards will be 1,000 Perks for First, 500 for Second and 250 for Third.
Squad Awards will be awarded by player - 100 Perks per pilot for First, 50 for Second and 25 for third.
Good luck to all tomorrow and the final challenge in November!
Would it be possible for next year's series to include a metric for balancing squads based on size? I hate seeing mega squads win awards based on little more than having more people and thus more kills. Even a simple average of kills/pilots would be more fair to the smaller squads that participate.
We have been discussing that exact issue Devil505. There are plans afoot to balance out scoring but we're not decided on the exact method as yet. Whatever we settle on will be implemented next season.
May post in the wrong area, sorry
We have been discussing that exact issue Devil505. There are plans afoot to balance out scoring but we're not decided on the exact method as yet. Whatever we settle on will be implemented next season.
Exactly. We're looking at the best option for that and other issues like side balancing.
Excellent. Keep up the good work, Nef and company. :cheers:
We will be awarding Perk Points for the top 3 Pilots or Squads in the following categories...
Pilot awards will be 1,000 Perks for First, 500 for Second and 250 for Third.
Squad Awards will be awarded by player - 100 Perks per pilot for First, 50 for Second and 25 for third.
Good luck to all tomorrow and the final challenge in November!
Where will post the results of the points and K/D per pilot K/S per pilot and all that? Ive seen the logs, but not sure how the rest works.
BTW, I had a blast, was a lot of fun!
BTW, I had a blast, was a lot of fun!
It was a blast! The allied side was outnumbered by 10 for much of the night but the 10 AK's and 1 guest were up for the challenge by sticking around and slugging it out with the Axis for the full 2 hours. I'm very proud of our squad and their performance Friday night.
Where will post the results of the points and K/D per pilot K/S per pilot and all that? Ive seen the logs, but not sure how the rest works.
BTW, I had a blast, was a lot of fun!
It was a blast! The allied side was outnumbered by 10 for much of the night but the 10 AK's and 1 guest were up for the challenge by sticking around and slugging it out with the Axis for the full 2 hours. I'm very proud of our squad and their performance Friday night.
The allies outnumbered for the first hour, but the balance shifted with the LA-5 coming into play. And if you think -10 for an hour is tough, you should fly Axis more often. We look at being -10 as an advantage! :devil
I was discussing the squad kill imbalance issue over PM with a member of another squad. Here's the data I gathered from Friday's event.
I'll list the squad name then the total kills then the average kills per pilot which will simply be the total squad kills divided by the number of pilots.
AK's - 116 - 11 - 10.5
AntiHorde (Allied) - 30 - 3 - 10.0
AntiHorde (Axis) - 25 - 4 - 6.25 (event average for AntiHorde: 55K/7P= 7.85)
LTG - 21 - 3 - 7.0
Unforgiven - 90 - 13 - 6.9
9Giap - 35 - 6 - 5.8
116th PurpleHearts - 64 - 13 - 4.9
Jg11 - 43 - 10 - 4.3
So that's all the Top Squads according to the logs with LTG and AntiHorde added into the mix. I can't see any metric that would suggest that the Arabian Knights were anything but totally dominant on Friday. Also, on the Allied side, the top squads also reflect the better kills-per-pilot average as well. On the other hand, the Axis Top Squads list would be drastically different with a kills-per-pilot metric.
You go from this:
162ndFG\"Purple*Hearts\": 64
III./JG11 Sonder Black Hearts: 43
To this:
Lachender Teufelskopf Gruppe: 7.0 K/P
Anti-Horde: 6.25 K/P
It's this kind of disparity that I was highlighting. We all work hard for our kills, but it would be better that those who actually perform better to be recognized.
It's this kind of disparity that I was highlighting. We all work hard for our kills, but it would be better that those who actually perform better to be recognized.
Yeah, I think we can iron this out and make it a competition for all squads no matter what size, just have to make sure we take all things into consideration.
Yeah, I think we can iron this out and make it a competition for all squads no matter what size, just have to make sure we take all things into consideration.
Exactly. There are a few more variables that would help to make the picture clearer when factored in, but they would require a ton of work to tally, such as average time in flight per pilot(or participation time of pilot, to balance out suicidal flying and not encourage it).
Exactly. There are a few more variables that would help to make the picture clearer when factored in, but they would require a ton of work to tally, such as average time in flight per pilot(or participation time of pilot, to balance out suicidal flying and not encourage it).
Swoops software can do some pretty crazy stuff, we'll see what he can crank out.
Yeah, I think we can iron this out and make it a competition for all squads no matter what size, just have to make sure we take all things into consideration.
I would like to throw in something to consider. Make sure we make squad scores, squad scores. A single pilot squad can rack up a pretty decent kill to pilot ratio all by themselves. Personally, I think a "squad" should be at least 5 or better. The HTC litmus for a squad could be gamed, and it would hurt both small, and large squads equally.
I would like to throw in something to consider. Make sure we make squad scores, squad scores. A single pilot squad can rack up a pretty decent kill to pilot ratio all by themselves. Personally, I think a "squad" should be at least 5 or better. The HTC litmus for a squad could be gamed, and it would hurt both small, and large squads equally.
That is something that we are discussing... "What defines a squad in Combat Challenge?"
We might be rewriting a few things for Combat Challenge. Stay tuned.
That is something that we are discussing... "What defines a squad in Combat Challenge?"
We might be rewriting a few things for Combat Challenge. Stay tuned.
I'd say 3 or more at one time.
Just because a squad has a large # of players doesn't necessarily mean they will have a good K/D. They most likely will have the most kills but they will also have a greater loss on the field. Playing with less players may give you a high K/D if you get a lot of kills per sortie but you will still have a lower kills #. Therefore, having a huge squad would give you the most kills and a lesser K/D but a small squad would give you a better K/D but not the most kills.
I think it is pretty fair for the most part because if you had a medium amount of squadies on, say around 6 or so, and you reck havoc, you will most likely get the most kills and have the best K/D.
I think the individual stats are fine.
I'd say 3 or more at one time.
Just because a squad has a large # of players doesn't necessarily mean they will have a good K/D. They most likely will have the most kills but they will also have a greater loss on the field. Playing with less players may give you a high K/D if you get a lot of kills per sortie but you will still have a lower kills #. Therefore, having a huge squad would give you the most kills and a lesser K/D but a small squad would give you a better K/D but not the most kills.
I think it is pretty fair for the most part because if you had a medium amount of squadies on, say around 6 or so, and you reck havoc, you will most likely get the most kills and have the best K/D.
I think the individual stats are fine.
Combat challenge is, or should be, about combat. Making a high K/D a litmus for success will turn this event into a place where timidity reigns. Think of the high K/D players you know. Very few do it on skill, most do it by running at the first sign of trouble.
Just a thought.
Combat challenge is, or should be, about combat. Making a high K/D a litmus for success will turn this event into a place where timidity reigns. Think of the high K/D players you know. Very few do it on skill, most do it by running at the first sign of trouble.
Just a thought.
But we are talking about squas tactics and being successful as a squad in terms of each pilot success in the squad. Planes that are similar or within the same time range are typically designed to be close fights. IE, its hard to simply run away. It has to be regarded more than simply just kills per squad because then the squad with the most players automatically has the highest chance to win, regardless of player skill (you will always bounce them with higher squadies entering the fight. Augering and reupping saves a lot of time and keeps the players cycling). Kills per sortie IMO, is a very valuable statistic that gets left out and I think that is very important to score. A player typically has to be aggressive to get a high K/S and that should be factored in per squad basis, this way it will limit people from augering to avoid landing when landing should be important to overall success of the squad.
But we are talking about squas tactics and being successful as a squad in terms of each pilot success in the squad. Planes that are similar or within the same time range are typically designed to be close fights. IE, its hard to simply run away. It has to be regarded more than simply just kills per squad because then the squad with the most players automatically has the highest chance to win, regardless of player skill (you will always bounce them with higher squadies entering the fight. Augering and reupping saves a lot of time and keeps the players cycling). Kills per sortie IMO, is a very valuable statistic that gets left out and I think that is very important to score. A player typically has to be aggressive to get a high K/S and that should be factored in per squad basis, this way it will limit people from augering to avoid landing when landing should be important to overall success of the squad.
Same as K/d. Makes you worry more about dying than combat.
Just my opinion, others will think differently, and that's fine.
Same as K/d. Makes you worry more about dying than combat.
Just my opinion, others will think differently, and that's fine.
I hear you though. I just think that K/D and K/S add a more challenging and realistic approach to squad tactics than to just make it a huge furball lake style match. Also, it allows for a shift in currents when the hoarding team goes to land kills, allowing the other team to gain foooting and bring the fight back to the middle of the war zone. I think adding metrics other than only kills gives smaller squads a chance to win as well as keeps the fights centered.
or.....kills per pilot. ie a squad of 10 scores 30 kills: 3 kills per pilot. A squad of 4 scores 16 kills: 4 kills per pilot. The squad of 4 is therefore ranked higher than the squad of 10 despite getting around half the kills. There would have to be a minimum to prevent Fester, Bruv, etc from being a squad of 1 and winning everything.
I wouldn't mind seeing a breakdown for small and large squads, say 4-10 and 10+.