Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Open Beta Test => Topic started by: Skuzzy on November 17, 2015, 12:01:41 PM

Title: Patch 86
Post by: Skuzzy on November 17, 2015, 12:01:41 PM
New version (,375944.0.html) up.

Crash me no more, please.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chalenge on November 17, 2015, 12:11:09 PM
It is not auto-updating?
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 17, 2015, 12:18:17 PM
Edit: Update working now.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Skuzzy on November 17, 2015, 12:21:46 PM
AH-HAH!  So you are paying attention!

Try it again.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Lazerr on November 17, 2015, 12:32:56 PM
Everything downloaded well.. looks good.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 17, 2015, 12:38:54 PM
Still no VOX in GS4. I also get disco'd there but the other arenas are OK.

My connection is still bad, most web sites are very slow or time out so that may affect my VOX testing.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Lazerr on November 17, 2015, 12:47:23 PM
I flew offline on NDisles down around CV20.

Turned time to 08:30:00 and got this weird dance from shadows off of trees and objects.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Shrike on November 17, 2015, 12:57:38 PM
I updated from 85 to 86 in with a 5 second download.  There were no update issues.

VOX tested good in the Mission arena.  I’ll test new VOX feature Wed night when our squad meets in the online Alpha.

I could get into all online arenas.

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chalenge on November 17, 2015, 12:59:50 PM
AH-HAH!  So you are paying attention!

Try it again.

I think this is a great time to be paying attention.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Pudgie on November 17, 2015, 01:48:28 PM
AutoUpdater worked fine from 85 to 86 w\o issue.................

All arenas will start up fine now.................

Tested VOX working in all arenas EXCEPT GS4 this arena I got no channel beep as well as no voice playback.


Continuing................... .................
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 17, 2015, 01:48:51 PM
Setting the shapestd slider to 1.675 reduces the glare. You still get the white highlights but you lose the bucket of white paint look on the shiney aluminum.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Pudgie on November 17, 2015, 02:07:09 PM
Setting the shapestd slider to 1.675 reduces the glare. You still get the white highlights but you lose the bucket of white paint look on the shiney aluminum.

I ended up setting shapestd to 1.777, terrain to .977 & trees to.800, this looked good to me.

I like it a little darker than the default...................... ...

FYI.......................... ............

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chilli on November 17, 2015, 02:11:11 PM
I am dying to test the debug sliders!  However  :confused:  I am having a Homer Simpson moment:  Lisa Simpson (my daughter  ;) ) has hogged all of the bandwidth downloading "Care Bears" versus "My Little Pony" or gawd knows what, for the last 3 hrs. and has left the house  :furious (usually this means uninterrupted by streaming) .......... and if I pull the chord on this monstrosity, the fr'kn earth will plummet out of orbit and women's rights will have been violated for all eternity ..... :bhead

The only small glimmer of light I am able to achieve from this is the knowledge that I am not alone.....  :old:  and also, one day in the future, Dale will think back to this rant...... and suddenly it will all make sense....  (stock up on the Speyburn my friend)  :cheers:
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: JimmyC on November 17, 2015, 02:28:23 PM
<S> uploaded fast and all good
had a little play with the sliders too, thought I liked it a tad darker too..
but I found it hard to tell as the lighting is so dynamic and seems to change a bit..
is it a feature that when in gv gunsight everything is brighter?
then when you leave gunsight  it stays bright for a bit then dims...
Also if you have sun behind you or in front of you seems to determine wether to change different slider settings..
sorry if Im not that useful..
maybe will have a bit more of a fiddle.
Great work though looks amazing..cant wait for it to be populated
 :salute :cheers: Jimmy

Side note You might need a dog in the house chilli to help bring up the testicle count and bring back some order...
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chilli on November 17, 2015, 02:45:36 PM
An idea for comparison of different monitor settings:

There must be some sort of grid or visual test, like the color blind "can you read this" graphic, that could test the saturation, vibrancy, brightness and contrast on the monitors of those testing.  What some might see as psychedelic saturated colors, may look drab or washed out to others.

I would do the google, but as stated before, I can barely even post due to competition on my router for any bandwidth.

Side note You might need a dog in the house chilli to help bring up the testicle count and bring back some order...


The women's rights thing I can handle, it's all the ^#^)%&% fr'kn world is crashing down drama that I skillfully avoid -- Plus, Santa's Helper (Homer's dog) never takes his side, or hadn't you noticed?
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Randy1 on November 17, 2015, 03:00:29 PM
Download no problem.  Vox test mission arena passed.

Tried the sliders.  The numbered sliders did not make a difference in the views i tried.

I messed with the bottom three sliders and ended up with these settings.

Tree slider got moved up 10% more than default to get the tree shading I liked.

The shape slider I liked is about 50% of full scale

The terrain slider I liked is about 45% of full scale.

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: 715 on November 17, 2015, 03:49:18 PM
Downloaded update fine (if a little slow due to my ISP).  Logged into GS4.  No VOX no beep.  Exited program and tried GS4 twice: no beep, no VOX.  Other arenas VOX worked fine.

Eur2015 no longer crashes my machine on terrain load. 

Restarting a new terrain without exiting and restarting the alpha quite often crashes my computer (perhaps almost every time).

Played with the sliders.  My preferences (all with Post Lighting disabled):

ShapeStd: 1.6.  Above that some things like shiny planes or ammo magazines go whiteout in direct sun.  However, 1.6 does accentuate some of the bump maps (normal maps) .  The destroyer in particular becomes mighty corroded looking.

Terrain: 1.8.  Above that snow will go to complete whiteout under direct (or even semi direct) sun.  Below that the snow starts looking gray in off normal light.  (I'm guessing snow is something hard to shade realistically.)

Trees: 1.5.  Above that I feel the trees take on an unrealistic bright appearance.  One particular Med terrain tree (Western Red Cedar?) still looks a bit bright yellow, but I'm beginning to believe that might be a property problem on SpeedTree's part.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 17, 2015, 05:17:12 PM
Initial impressions
The download was too quick to notice the time before I thought to watch it.
That is a really RED telephone. I never noticed it before.
I didn't want to use the lighting dot command yet so stayed with the default
The first thing I checked was whether the graphics options page was still posting the memory error message on my rig, it is.
On the second time going into the AvA Alpha arena (still ndisles) I noticed the mountain in front of the tower at A1 disappears under the glare of brightening lighting conditions without me touching anything.
I tried both F5 and then F3 after I noticed that the grass and visible terrain in exterior view darkened as if a cloud was passing over. Back in the tower again, the view out the windows went to white glare again. The sequence is repeatable on my rig. It happens in the avafinru terrain offline as well.

In addition to posting the memory error message when using the graphics option page, the game hangs when trying to quit and I must use Alt+F4 to quit.

The textures in my custom object aren't showing up in the OE even after a rebuild. The object doesn't show in my test terrain but it was missing from the last patch also. If anything was going to break, that one isn't unexpected. I'll try my bridge late tonight, that should be working.

I used the mission arena to test vox V channel.
Using a Logitech Wireless G930 I'm picking up a lot of unexpected white noise but the voice function is still working for me. I doubt the white noise is new but I wasn't looking for quality before.

The TE's Show trees checkbox works again.

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Pudgie on November 17, 2015, 05:18:42 PM
I ended up setting shapestd to 1.777, terrain to .977 & trees to.800, this looked good to me.

I like it a little darker than the default...................... ...

FYI.......................... ............


Forgot to add.........................

Post Lighting effects are enabled...................... .

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: bustr on November 17, 2015, 05:33:24 PM
Download and update worked fine. Anything with "sliders" below the default is going back to the dark old days and above is too bright.

Sitting in any GV there is a cyclic click in the engine idle playback.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chilli on November 17, 2015, 06:59:07 PM
19 second download  :aok

Video calibration? (


STD:  2.2 (default)
Terrain:  1.078 (darker)
Tree:  0.893

With these settings, things I see that I did not before: 

1- Cracks in concrete pavement around hangar, while in flight. (rectangular shaped)
2- More realistic vegetation, close range and distant.
3- Gun pit has correctly colored dirt from distance in flight.

Haven't seen anything with the top 7 sliders (maybe I don't know where to look).

There doesn't seem to be a slider to brighten sea water or to dim sun glare??????
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Oldman731 on November 17, 2015, 08:38:11 PM
Download worked fine.

Self-test on VOX worked fine.  Fortunately, Kenai77 was in the arena at the time, and he told me he couldn't hear me at all.  Turned out that the mic boost was defaulted to zero.  Raising that in the game helped, but then I had to raise it in Windows as well for him to hear me easily.  After that it worked fine.

My overall impression is that the terrain is a bit too bright as presented.  If I get a chance, I'll try to fuss with settings, but I defer to others who are more computer savvy than me for better analysis.

- oldman
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: NatCigg on November 17, 2015, 10:01:54 PM
no vox and a loooong freeze when pressing T or f12.  i have beep turned off.  my name does not show in top right.

I have stereo usb chat headset.

settings were set to headset for mic and headset. also, voice to headset.

note: in ahII i get a slight pause when using vox for first time.

autodownload 84>85 fine
85>86 fine

p47m guns sound slow...f6f sounds better.

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chilli on November 18, 2015, 04:48:26 AM
19 second download  :aok

Video calibration? (

Cockpit:  after a second look

ShapeSTD:  ~1.638 bare metal washed out at 2.2 (default)
Terrain:  1.078 (darker)
Tree:  0.893

With these settings, things I see that I did not before: 

1- Cracks in concrete pavement around hangar, while in flight. (rectangular shaped)
2- More realistic vegetation, close range and distant.
3- Gun pit has correctly colored dirt from distance in flight.

Haven't seen anything with the top 7 sliders (maybe I don't know where to look).

There doesn't seem to be a slider to brighten sea water or to dim sun glare??????
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 18, 2015, 01:08:39 PM
I like the default lighting here. All pics with late afternoon sun.

( (

But the other side looks like it's painted white.

( (

The shiny fighters also look white.
( (

You can see it's aluminum with shapestd set to 1.675.

( (

Shady side still looks good.

( (

You can still see white highlights without losing the aluminum look with 1.675.

( (

You still get total glare whiteout with shapestd set to 1.675.

( (

This is how paint looks with brightness at 1.675.

( (

Still bright in the sun.

( (

I'm still looking at tree and terrain settings at different times of day.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Randy1 on November 18, 2015, 01:31:36 PM
FLS to my knowledge there was not any polished, shinny fighters from the factory albeit there was a test ran that noted a modest increase in top speed.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 18, 2015, 01:41:16 PM
FLS to my knowledge there was not any polished, shinny fighters from the factory albeit there was a test ran that noted a modest increase in top speed.

Not a problem Randy.  :aok
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Bizman on November 18, 2015, 02:02:03 PM
No issues with the auto-updater.
The VOX system works.
The lighting looks good for the tiny part my eyes were willing to serve me...

Logged into all available arenas. After leaving a night-time Capture the Flag arena, the clipboard kept looking dark as if it were night in the login screen, too. Same thing happened after leaving AVA, the clock showed 6:50, the light being amber coloured. The login clipboard was amber after logging out. After a daylight arena the login clipboard was normal again.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: SirNuke on November 18, 2015, 02:13:28 PM
it is not related to this version especially but the default FOV for 16/9 screens is 80 degrees? Isn't that bit low compared to what we had in AH2?
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 18, 2015, 02:35:28 PM
Yes. It's on purpose. You can still set whatever you want. 106 is default in AH2.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Greebo on November 18, 2015, 02:40:54 PM
The update downloaded very quickly with no problems.

I played around with the lighting sliders and ended up with them all at around 1.25. I could live with them set between 1 to 1.5 but the 2.2 setting for stdshapes looked far too bright.

Clouds viewed at a distance now move very jerkily. As they get nearer and become more detailed the movement smooths out.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: 100Coogn on November 18, 2015, 03:15:55 PM
Auto Update.  OK
Vox.  OK

Clipboard seems to not remember the position I have set after closing game.

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Oldman731 on November 18, 2015, 04:11:17 PM
Clipboard seems to not remember the position I have set after closing game.

I noticed this, too.

- oldman
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chilli on November 18, 2015, 05:54:07 PM
I believe the brightness introduced with Patch 85 & 86 was a significant improvement.  I also believe that shadows should be a little more opaque (less black) even less than in real life (which we currently have).  Making the shadows less powerful would help with some of the jagged edges (and flickering possibly).

1.  Film is a bit bright in my opinion.

ShapeSTD:  ~1.638
Terrain:  1.078 (darker)
Tree:  0.893

2.  I think this is the appropriate look with sun to the viewer's back.

( (

3.  Trees have more 3D pop, when the lighting is reduced, showing layers of leaves better in my opinion.

( (

4.  Concrete, pavement, grass (ground clutter), and buildings are more realistic, in my opinion, with darker more vivid colors.

( (
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Oldman731 on November 18, 2015, 06:53:14 PM
Clipboard seems to not remember the position I have set after closing game.

When I quit out of an arena, the clipboard is suddenly tiny size.

- oldman
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: 100Coogn on November 18, 2015, 07:00:16 PM

When I quit out of an arena, the clipboard is suddenly tiny size.

- oldman

Mine is opposite.  When I quit and return, the clipboard is huge.  Takes up the whole right side of my monitor....   :confused:

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: bustr on November 18, 2015, 07:03:25 PM

One of the things Hitech will not know, is how far from the factory out of the box state have his customers adjusted their monitor and or desktop color, gamma, contrast and brightness visa their graphics card. I seem to always up my desktop gamma to 1.2, and in AH2 I've upped it to about 1.2-1.3. The alpha I've left the gamma at the default to keep a base line between patches. I tested gamma once, and very tiny increases in the alpha gamma achieve a bleaching effect quickly.

Some players reference old man's eyes and a spectrum of problems. What have they set their systems to so they can enjoy their time testing the alpha? What have you set yours to? How many are not admitting they are running SweetFX while testing the alpha?

So what is being adjusted if no two people will see the same thing, versus this recent tweek Waffle posted those screen shots for? That was quite an improvement in the light quality especially with the post processing retina dimming response effect to bright light. For me at least in real life, that only happens if I walk out of a dark house into bright sunlight or in from bright sunlight to a dark room and try to read anything. That effect has been a bit draconian on the general brightness of the arena versus walking out of a hanger into 12:00 noon light.

How many testing the alpha have increased their gamma and changed the rest of the graphics settings from the default? And now these sliders, what is anyone adjusting for then against what base line?

Some of what you want Hitech to do for you can be accomplished in your video card's control panel.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 18, 2015, 07:50:26 PM
I use a hardware sensor to calibrate my monitor. 
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 19, 2015, 01:35:21 AM
Could perk cost be turned off in Special Events?
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chilli on November 19, 2015, 03:48:13 AM

Some of what you want Hitech to do for you can be accomplished in your video card's control panel.

I disagree.  I am asking for a more opaque shadow, if at all possible, and I do believe it would make a difference in THAT way to soften the jagged edges as I had described.  At least, if they felt it was worthy of time to coad the debug sliders or whatever it could be proven or dismissed.

Changing gamma, saturation, brightness, contrast or a hundred or so different combinations will NOT soften the shadows without causing a washout effect on the surfaces.

I do not know any of this for a fact, but it stands to reason, that the coad overlays an opaque (for the lack of proper terminology), layer that we perceive as shadows.  The current version does seem to have shadows that are accurate.  I am suggesting that making them more "transparent" would improve the illusion of a smoother more fluid shadow (and may even improve the flickering shadows).
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Puck on November 19, 2015, 08:16:19 AM
Update was painless.  Lighting is far less painful (I even brought my gamma back down to reasonable levels) to the point of near-awesome and I'm getting 30-something FPS in general flight.  I need to go blow up a strat target and see what the smoke does; my rate in AH2 dropped from 60 to 5 flying through refinery smoke looking for the hidden tank; makes me wonder what my rate in AH3 will be...I'm sure Dale coded the warping of space-time needed for a negative frame rate.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 19, 2015, 09:54:57 AM
Mission arena still showing loading terrain in 3 mins, 2 mins, 1 min, message then booting player.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: JimmyD3 on November 19, 2015, 10:47:21 AM
Update no problems. Vox worked fine, as Oldman mentioned we worked out a few minor adjustments.

Lighting, haven't tried it yet, but want to see what happens from sunrise to sunset. The current settings appear consistent from sunrise to sunset, I would suspect the amount of lumens would be somewhat of a bell curve from sunrise to sunset. Currently the lighting appears to be like at Noon on a hot summer day.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Pudgie on November 19, 2015, 10:54:37 AM

One of the things Hitech will not know, is how far from the factory out of the box state have his customers adjusted their monitor and or desktop color, gamma, contrast and brightness visa their graphics card. I seem to always up my desktop gamma to 1.2, and in AH2 I've upped it to about 1.2-1.3. The alpha I've left the gamma at the default to keep a base line between patches. I tested gamma once, and very tiny increases in the alpha gamma achieve a bleaching effect quickly.

Some players reference old man's eyes and a spectrum of problems. What have they set their systems to so they can enjoy their time testing the alpha? What have you set yours to? How many are not admitting they are running SweetFX while testing the alpha?

So what is being adjusted if no two people will see the same thing, versus this recent tweek Waffle posted those screen shots for? That was quite an improvement in the light quality especially with the post processing retina dimming response effect to bright light. For me at least in real life, that only happens if I walk out of a dark house into bright sunlight or in from bright sunlight to a dark room and try to read anything. That effect has been a bit draconian on the general brightness of the arena versus walking out of a hanger into 12:00 noon light.

How many testing the alpha have increased their gamma and changed the rest of the graphics settings from the default? And now these sliders, what is anyone adjusting for then against what base line?

Some of what you want Hitech to do for you can be accomplished in your video card's control panel.


You make a good point here & IMHO we all should consider what you've stated...................

As for myself, I leave my vid card's drivers color & hue & all those settings (including gamma) at the driver's default settings, regardless of whether I'm using a Nvidia or AMD vid card & have been doing this for years..........IMHO these settings are set well enough from the get go for the way I use the cards........which is gaming (I don't watch any video on my computer). So for my offerings they are strictly related to changes in the game coding alone, whether referring to AHII or the Alpha................

Since the Alpha's use of the Shader 3.0 Model rendering coding in which Hitech & crew are using (& tweaking themselves I might add), the post lighting effects do add to a much more dynamic graphics lighting scene as now the lighting will change the look depending on the position of the lighting source to you're center of view & so from my viewpoint the Alpha looks to be all around a little too bright, not so much from a gamma perspective but from lighting effects that are, IMHO, set too intensive & this shows up on the objects, especially the trees & the terrain, using what I can see in RL from looking outside the window of my house as a baseline to what I see from looking thru the tower window in-game. This is why Skuzzy also asked us to post....when we posted the numbers of the slider positions that we chose....whether we had the post lighting effects enabled or this would make a noticeable difference in what we noted or perceived as too bright or dark.

As others who have posted as well, I forgot to mention that in my 1st posting..............thus why I posted a second post to let Hitech & Co know that I indeed had the post lighting effects enabled when I made those slider setting changes that I made...............

IMHO the sliders that Hitech made available for us to adjust weren't adjusting anything else but the lighting effects levels in the Alpha coding on the trees, terrain & the lighting reflections off objects (such as the window panes in the tower) to help them to get a perspective of what they saw as good lighting effect levels to what we see as a collective of what is good lighting effects levels to make a better decision on what the final Alpha coded settings concerning the lighting effects--with or without post lighting effects enabled--should be.............& these have absolutely nothing to do w/ the vid card's driver settings in this regard.....this is all generated from within the Alpha's coding on the graphical rendering calls being sent to the vid card's drivers concerning lighting effects............. What the vid card's drivers are applying to the Alpha's coding is secondary in nature, not primary so as long as your vid card's drivers are set to use the application's graphics settings & not the vid card's driver settings then there shouldn't be any "deviations" from what the Alpha coding calls for in the vid card's graphical rendering.....unless the particular vid card drivers & hardware don't support the Shader 3.0 rendering model code which covers lighting effects..........

If I'm wrong here I'm sure that Hitech & Co will correct me...........................

Just posted all this to let you know where Pudgie's perspectives are coming from in the posts that I have made concerning this aspect of the Alpha testing.....................


Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: JimmyD3 on November 19, 2015, 11:48:32 AM
Zeiss range references wash out in bright light. Also no reference arrow. Currently you have to move the barrel down or rotate to a darker object to see the references. This also applies to the other gv gun sights, ie. T34's, M4's etc.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 12:49:06 PM
The Object Editor Crashes when I do this:

I wanted to capture a screen shot of all the trees and bushes available so...

Create a NEW tile named trees.til. It's blank and I've saved the default Home view. If I uncheck Objects and leave Trees checked, and then try to check Hide Unselectable, the OE crashes.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 01:08:33 PM
Another view issue in the Object Editor

At some angles, the objects placed in the OE disappear so I've included 2 jpg.

I hadn't noticed any red wireframe balls before.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Chilli on November 19, 2015, 01:51:21 PM

I am completely befuddled  :headscratch: What is the relationship of barn to trees?
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 19, 2015, 02:45:42 PM
In Beta3 at fields A1 and A2 if you choose SE runway you crash to tower. Also you can't fly as Knights online.

So far I like the default value 1.5 for terrain brightness. Brighter looks better in the morning and darker looks better in the afternoon so it's best set in between.

Post lighting on and gamma correction at default 1.0.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 03:38:07 PM

I am completely befuddled  :headscratch: What is the relationship of barn to trees?

Most of the objects are new.  :confused:
That's how the list came out so I started placing the objects in the order they appear in the list. Buildings come first and the trees are last. Eventually, I'll build a tile with all the objects in order and take a screen shot so I know which I want to place in a tile. I hadn't gotten to the trees yet when I started running into the glitches.

I'm easily distracted from the original task when things don't work.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: bustr on November 19, 2015, 03:50:02 PM
You can build tiles???

I thought you just painted this stuff on, raised and lowered things while tossing objects hither and yonder...... :headscratch:

Are you just mixing and matching existing objects or creating your own new 3D objects?
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 04:11:58 PM
You can build tiles???

I thought you just painted this stuff on, raised and lowered things while tossing objects hither and yonder...... :headscratch:

Are you just mixing and matching existing objects or creating your own new 3D objects?

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 06:55:37 PM
Most of us have experienced the tiny ClipBoard after quitting from online play. Someone mentioned a giant CB when they quit.

First I should say that I've noticed the gigantic CB when I go to the CV Hanger. It can be hard to Quit from there.
If you quit from a CV Hanger, you are presented with a perfectly sized CB for reentering one of the online arenas. But when you quit from that point, you get a new giant CB that sometimes hides the Quit button. I've been able to slide CB toward the top of the window if I make it large enough and it seems to remember it's position, but maybe it's only until the next time I quit from anywhere else.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: FLS on November 19, 2015, 08:04:21 PM
The width of the splash screen affects the size of the clipboard.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 08:31:29 PM
The width of the splash screen affects the size of the clipboard.
That has issues of it's own.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: captain1ma on November 19, 2015, 08:46:42 PM
is this a problem? I changed the terrain in the AVA and it did this and locked me out. easyscor seems to be able to get in, but im not downloading the terrain, so I cant get in.

I blame easyscor!!

( (
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 08:52:22 PM
is this a problem? I changed the terrain in the AVA and it did this and locked me out. easyscor seems to be able to get in, but im not downloading the terrain, so I cant get in.

I blame easyscor!!
(image removed)

Yep, I broke it again.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: captain1ma on November 19, 2015, 10:02:37 PM
UPDATE: I went to choose terrain, and then went to offline practice and it loaded. then I went back to online, and went into the AVA and it loaded fine.

for the record, the only reason I have the res file is because easyscor sent it to me.
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 10:08:01 PM
I renamed my copy of the res file and tried to force the server to download it. It crashed just as jaeger1 said. The downloader isn't working properly.

"Crash me no more" isn't working lol
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: captain1ma on November 19, 2015, 10:09:11 PM
personally I think its a conspiracy!!   :D
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: Easyscor on November 19, 2015, 11:38:19 PM
personally I think its a conspiracy!!   :D

Naw, Skuzzy tripped on the power cord again!
Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: TequilaChaser on November 20, 2015, 02:59:29 PM
when a scheduled mission is fixing to launch, does it always throw you from the country you are currently in ( for instance, I was on the Knights side ) back to the bishops for the mission launch?

just curious, I have not had that happen to me before...... although I have not been in a different country/side before either...

Title: Re: Patch 86
Post by: hitech on November 20, 2015, 03:24:03 PM
when a scheduled mission is fixing to launch, does it always throw you from the country you are currently in ( for instance, I was on the Knights side ) back to the bishops for the mission launch?

just curious, I have not had that happen to me before...... although I have not been in a different country/side before either...


It depends how the mission populating options are set.
