General Forums => Open Beta Test => Topic started by: Skuzzy on December 22, 2015, 04:02:43 PM
Title: Patch 89
Post by: Skuzzy on December 22, 2015, 04:02:43 PM
New version is up (,376566.0.html)!
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Please confine information about Patch 89 in this thread. Thank you.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 1ijac on December 22, 2015, 05:03:17 PM
Capture the Flag Beta 3 Arena Online:
Spawned a T3485 south from 26 to 25. Thank you for reducing vehicle bounce while rolling over terrain.
1. When I spawned, the T3485 was tilted and then settled onto the ground.
2. While driving directly to V25, the engine and rolling track sounds had long periods of no sound followed by normal sounds. There were decreased sounds when cresting a hill or over a terrain change but those were less than a second in duration and I felt were a part of the normal sound. I'm unsure if location on the map has any bearing. I did lose sound while on both V26 and V25 bases and between the 2 vbases.
3. The capture the flag feature worked on taking base V25.
4. I got the .exe error when I alt+tab out of the arena to make this post.
5. Reconfirmed the ahalpha.exe error when I alt+tab out of the game in Capture the Flag Beta 3 Online.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 22, 2015, 05:13:59 PM
Picture of the terrain tile that vehicles still bounce and buck like a bronco on after running build for alpha 89. (
NDisles offline clutter is growing out of the hanger, vehical hanger, and all default roads.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 1ijac on December 22, 2015, 05:30:19 PM
Capture the Flag Beta3 online:
1. spawned a jeep south from V26 to V25 and still got the spawn tilt then settling to terrain.
2. Ran along same route as the prior T3485 route and jeep sounds were good with no cut outs.
3. Another thing I noticed while running both the jeep and T3485. When you first enter the arena, the country sides change bases and there is a click in the sound. The same click when you pull up the roster and close the roster. That same click happens as you drive both of those vehicles while I touched nothing. Perhaps they were large sticks I was driving over.
4. I did alt+tab out of the game successfully this time. I did get the ahalpha.exe error 2 times before though.
5. Screenshot of the hanger at base 63 is attached below. Ground clutter present on concrete floor.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Easyscor on December 22, 2015, 05:58:28 PM
I launched an F6F and alt tabbed out and when I went back in, the sound was looping. I alt tabbed out and after enabling Skype vox, and alt tabbing back in, the game ctd.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 100Coogn on December 22, 2015, 06:29:35 PM
CTD when launching Alpha, then choosing 'quit' from the clipboard. (This is quitting, before selecting online or offline.) I tried 4 different times and crashed every time. One crash froze my PC, had to do a hard reset.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 100Coogn on December 22, 2015, 06:38:09 PM
Engine Sounds:
I took up a 109f and a Zero. When I throttle back the engine sound volume is reduced, rather than the sound of RPMS being reduced. That is quite distracting. It's as if my throttle is acting as a volume knob for the engine.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 715 on December 22, 2015, 07:58:01 PM
All the cannon that I reported infinite looping in Patch 88 now work properly. Euro2015 terrain: runways need weeding. Switching from Tower to Hanger or Spawning causes a weird environmental noise akin to page flipping; I hope this is disable-able in the future. New engine sound has no loop glitch. Engine idle sound fades out to very quiet. Multi-engine sounds are now stereo. Thank you. Got exe error on clicking Exit from program. All tanks now have breech load sound. Just noticed that none of the German tank range rings have a pip to show what range you've selected. (I never use German tanks so maybe it's always been like that.)
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Blade on December 22, 2015, 07:59:02 PM
Many FOD on the runway.
and I equiped Drop Tanks not bombs.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: JimmyD3 on December 22, 2015, 08:58:08 PM
Updated fine auto downloading no problem.
In the capture the flag arena, traveling from A8 to V25, upon approaching V25 noticed the base of the hill undulating. 459201,2150,-36205,-9.7,7.5,-80.1 beta3 FOV = 72.5
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 22, 2015, 10:02:12 PM
I tried for 30 minutes but was unable to CDT by fooling with the sound controls. However, somehow the graphics went into some strange state. I was unable to repeat. I went to one of the CV's and all the windows and gages on the ship were glowing blue. I think wave splashes were moving across the deck and were also glowing blue. I thought this was odd so I filmed my flight deck view but when I reviewed the film it showed me sitting still in a plane I flew prior to entering the flight deck. I tried several times to duplicate but was unable.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Easyscor on December 22, 2015, 11:51:31 PM
In the AvA, we installed the AvAtunis terrain and 715b and Jaeger1 went toe to toe in GVs while I watched in CM Eye, I'd already died as usual.
What we noticed is that the flash from Jaeger's panzer always fired forward in relation to the tank's hull, yet the turret might face in another direction. Film attached.
More to come from Jaeger and 715b.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chalenge on December 23, 2015, 07:29:31 AM
The ground clutter appears to be covering the entire terrain, including the smaller ponds near towns and Tank Town area of NDisles. There is a frame rate drop also which may be associated with the same issue.
I was testing several Graphic Detail options and removed the environmental settings that I have been using up until now. Then I also decided to test several resolution settings and discovered a problem where AHAlpha will change the resolution of the game, but when closing will not change the resolution of the desktop back to its original setting. So, if I am running a 4k desktop and then change the game resolution to 2560 x 1600 the game may close normally, or crash, but may also leave the desktop resolution at 2560 x 1600.
Also, there is an ahalpha (32 bit) background process that remains after the game is closed.
EDIT: Maybe related to that last issue. If the game crashes then I have to reboot or the frame rate will remain at about 1/2 its normal level. So, the ground clutter is obviously not the problem there. If the game closes normally there is no background process remaining.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: caldera on December 23, 2015, 08:14:52 AM
The .45 sounds muffled and far away.
To me, the P-38 guns sounded quieter than the C.202 guns.
After changing the music slider in the advanced tab, the game crashed.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chilli on December 23, 2015, 09:02:44 AM
I took up a 109f and a Zero. When I throttle back the engine sound volume is reduced, rather than the sound of RPMS being reduced. That is quite distracting. It's as if my throttle is acting as a volume knob for the engine.
Noted the same, volume attached to throttle mechanism in all planes that I tried.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: hitech on December 23, 2015, 09:19:29 AM
Noted the same, volume attached to throttle mechanism in all planes that I tried.
This is not a bug.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: captain1ma on December 23, 2015, 10:55:29 AM
in avatunis and AVAeto I noticed that the AR-234 and ME262 throttle spools up pretty quick. before you had to wait for it to catch up. not sure if this is anything or not.
added a cloud file to avatunis last night. easyscor said they were ugly and insulted me, but then liked them after I got mad, mission accomplished!! LOL cloud file basic but seems to work fine. saw first wave of clouds, but didn't see 2nd wave. not sure that really matters. didn't see any difference to framerate.
at close quarters with 715b with tanks, he in a firefly I in a panzer. some ricochets looked a bit weird, not sure its really a problem.
im starting to work on missions and terrains for the AVA. Im going to start with a basic mission and see if I can figure some of this stuff out. I know its a bit squirrely right now but maybe we can figure it out.
Im also building a Tank town strictly with default objects and will make it big enough to have 5 or 6 different tank battles on the same terrain
again im not sure about this being a bug, I changed settings in the AVA and in the gui the changes don't seem to stick. on some of the settings that are Hex based, if I check off the boxes, got the number I was looking for, manually erased it and put it back in the results box, it seemed to stay, even though it didn't not show after you closed and opened the settings page.
Question: can we import any sounds into the Alpha at this time? im tired of the pissed off lawn mower/angry Cessna sounds!
P.S. since hitech says the noise/throttle thing isn't a bug, I wont complain about it, even though id like to! LOL.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chilli on December 23, 2015, 11:08:58 AM
Okay, but it will be perceived as one, mostly because it does not relay any change in engine speed. I know that you have explained this before. The key word here, is perceived. Without a thousand other real life cues, like gravity, thrust, etc. cartoon pilots depend on sound a bit more to "realize" sense of speed or lack of it.
Stall horn, for example is a very useful tool, but with the way that we fly, in cartoon combat, it soon becomes only a nuisance and folks either turn it down or change the sound all together like I have done (substituted engine sputter sound - although not realistic, it is more acceptable and doesn't blare in my ears for the duration of just about any dogfight encounter).
Basically, if you were to take a poll, I "believe" the perception would be throttle sound is inaccurate. Even a slight adjustment away from "smooth" to "raspy" exhaust sound might be a possibility to give the best of both worlds.
In the end, I applaud the decision to go with the new system. This type of input from me, is merely me being hopeful that my years of :joystick: hair raising experiences with Ace High, will see a smooth transition into the next version.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Randy1 on December 23, 2015, 11:10:56 AM
Question: can we import any sounds into the Alpha at this time? im tired of the pissed off lawn mower/angry Cessna sounds!
Might be best to leave things in default to keep from getting confusing test results.
I thought when the test objective was sound it meant to see how they sounded but that appears to be not the case. Just test the fact that you have sound where there should be sound.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: captain1ma on December 23, 2015, 11:20:40 AM
chilli, im sure they're fix it eventually
and.... But I don't like pissed off lawnmowers!! LOL
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: hitech on December 23, 2015, 01:45:09 PM
What we noticed is that the flash from Jaeger's panzer always fired forward in relation to the tank's hull, yet the turret might face in another direction. Film attached.
We can not duplicate this?
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: captain1ma on December 23, 2015, 02:14:33 PM
we were pretty close together, is it possible, that the video just got squirrely and they didn't really see what they thought they saw?
"these are not the droids you're looking for"
we'll be in there again tonight, we'll try to duplicate it. maybe it was just a weird glitch.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 715 on December 23, 2015, 02:18:51 PM
In the capture the flag arena, traveling from A8 to V25, upon approaching V25 noticed the base of the hill undulating. 459201,2150,-36205,-9.7,7.5,-80.1 beta3 FOV = 72.5
Confirmed, but I think this is normal, not a bug. I've even see it happen in a terrain I built (when flying over the Alps). I suspect HT has added a LOD (Level of Detail) feature to the terrain grid rendering so mountains that are far away from you are rendered with fewer terrain polygons and as you approach close to them polygons are added to increase detail which can make peaks grow or depressions appear (i.e. the undulating you mention). I am hoping HT revisits this and perhaps pushes the LOD distance out further, or maybe gives us a slider, or ties this to the detail slider. It is a bit disconcerting.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 715 on December 23, 2015, 02:21:48 PM
Both Easycor and myself saw Jager's muzzle flash fire as if his turret was directly forward even though his turret was either directly backwards or to the side. However, the muzzle flash from my Firefly appeared proper to Jager and Easycor, i.e. it lined up with the barrel.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Easyscor on December 23, 2015, 02:22:33 PM
The film uses avatunis for the terrain. I hope that helps.
I still see it display the forward fire in the film using the external view, here's a jpg. The flash is under the front wheel of the m16 (cm eye view)
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 23, 2015, 02:25:46 PM
It's that old description from last year that going away from mountains they looked like quick melting piles of ice cream. It's even weirder when they do it in reverse as you approach a mountain. It's most pronounced with bare rock and snow tiles. At least sundown and sunset is no longer that giant wall of dark orange like looking up at the Hoover dam face at dusk.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: FLS on December 23, 2015, 02:36:35 PM
Alt tabbing out caused the stall buffet sound to loop until game exit in RV8 and F4U. Alt tabbing again the second time lost all sound until restart.
Seeing the same weed infestation others reported.
When I turn my head the sound drop of one engine in a twin seems abrupt and a little too much.
Not a patch issue but I-16 and WW1 aircraft don't have much wind noise for open cockpits.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 100Coogn on December 23, 2015, 03:01:11 PM
Perhaps not a bug, but definitely not a desirable feature IMHO. Don't get me wrong, the new sounds are fantastic. Just not into the engine volume fadeout... Coogan
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: FLS on December 23, 2015, 03:13:30 PM
Perhaps not a bug, but definitely not a desirable feature IMHO. Don't get me wrong, the new sounds are fantastic. Just not into the engine volume fadeout... Coogan
It's a big change when you're used to a particular sound to gauge thrust. However, constant speed propellers are designed to avoid changing rpm with power changes. The new sounds are more accurate. We just have to get used to the difference.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 100Coogn on December 23, 2015, 03:37:38 PM
It's a big change when you're used to a particular sound to gauge thrust. However, constant speed propellers are designed to avoid changing rpm with power changes. The new sounds are more accurate. We just have to get used to the difference.
I'm going to give it a shot for sure. I've never been in a real plane, so what do I know. lol
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 23, 2015, 03:40:06 PM
I just watched some cockpit video and sound films at youtube from P51s, P47s, spitfires, FW190, 109, Wildcat, Grumman Duck, Yak52 and a Yak9. Until the plane is back on the ground taxying, there is very little to go on by the sound of the engine in flight. Even in a 2012 aerobatic video from a spitfire cockpit. The variations at the top of loops or picking up speed for a low pass over the runway were not enough to use in the game to gauge anything. Once that canopy was closed, pretty much one sound droning until the throttle was pulled all the way back. Since none of them pushed WEP, I will bet your feedback would be some sudden exhaust, increased vibrations, maybe a whine, and a jump in your gauges.
Used to fly right seat in a Beech 18 with my father on his cargo runs. Pratt & Whitney radials. Just one droning sound until the throttle was pulled to idle for the most part. Then there were all those other sounds while taxying that make idling aero engines fun to listen to.
There are some low end sounds from all of those engines just after startup or taxying we are not getting. Our 262 sounds are sweet at least, and no one has ever complained about not being able to use that monotonous AH1-AH2 whine to judge their flight condition since I can remember in this game. ----------------------------------------
Tried to make a sound source change in the sounds GUI. Sound went into a loop until I exited the game.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: captain1ma on December 23, 2015, 03:48:36 PM
having right seated in a Cessna as a passenger, you can always hear the rpms drop when he pulls back on the throttle. it might not be as pronounced is some planes but in a 172XP you can hear it even with the headsets on. you get weird whistling sounds the more flaps it drops. also the braking affect is more pronounced with flaps then with reduced rpms..... just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: hitech on December 23, 2015, 04:13:15 PM
having right seated in a Cessna as a passenger, you can always hear the rpms drop when he pulls back on the throttle. it might not be as pronounced is some planes but in a 172XP you can hear it even with the headsets on. you get weird whistling sounds the more flaps it drops. also the braking affect is more pronounced with flaps then with reduced rpms..... just my 2 cents.
Odds are it has a fixed pitch prop, apples and oranges to constant speed. Last flight in my RV i was playing around just to see what you could hear. At cruise speed If i moved the throttle slowly to prevent governor lag, From full throttle to half I could not really detect any change. I didn't experiment below 1/2. If I moved the throttle quickly you got a small change in rpm before it returned to it's previous rpm.
We have been experimenting with different methods do give cues to throttle position I.E. vol, filters, distortion, but I would only change pitch as a last resort.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: APDrone on December 23, 2015, 04:39:02 PM
Auto-Patch is really, really slow..
Download is 200k/s.. my cable rate ( measured ) is 60Mb/s .. the downloader has quit 3 times on its own.
I don't know if it's the game server, if its too busy, or if everybody is scrambling to get their amazon orders into FedEx for tomorrow.
It has been awhile since I have downloaded any patches.. this one is 1.6 GB.
<edit> egods, I guess it had been awhile.. I think this was the 81-82 patch.. ended up taking 76 minutes.. The rest to get up to 89 were negligible..
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 23, 2015, 04:42:01 PM
Any chance of a tad more low end in the cockpit engine sounds. The inline and radial files in the game are a bit higher pitch and shrill than what I was listening to on youtube. At idle and taxying, seems there should be some lower hollow lubbing sounds that were consistent in the videos.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 49Dallas on December 23, 2015, 04:51:11 PM
The inline and radial files in the game are a bit higher pitch and shrill than what I was listening to on youtube.
I've tried all the planes in Patch 89. They all sound the same to me. I'm guessing the engine sound is a placeholder. (In fact, I'm kinda thinking that it's HT's RV-8.)
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chilli on December 23, 2015, 04:54:40 PM
Odds are it has a fixed pitch prop, apples and oranges to constant speed. Last flight in my RV i was playing around just to see what you could hear. At cruise speed If i moved the throttle slowly to prevent governor lag, From full throttle to half I could not really detect any change. I didn't experiment below 1/2. If I moved the throttle quickly you got a small change in rpm before it returned to it's previous rpm.
We have been experimenting with different methods do give cues to throttle position I.E. vol, filters, distortion, but I would only change pitch as a last resort.
Thanks HiTech,
I really appreciate your further explanation. I wished that my first post was more about the awesome 3D sounds that correspond to head movements, the ambient stream / birdsong environment sound, or the hundreds (maybe thousands) of possibilities with the new sound system.
Your accurate response, "it is not a bug" made me wonder if it was a sealed deal, then you took the time out of your busy last pre holiday moments to ease that which I had pondered. :salute
Hopefully, this discussion is still helpful, as I heard some alternative sound options, like change in wind sounds, vibrations, stress and those that you are already experimenting with.
In the end, sit back, put the headphones on and enjoy a nice ice filled glass of beverage :cheers: have a happy holiday, and I will do the same. <<< I hope that sounds good to you. :aok
Crash after "Quit" to splash screen and attempt to re enter Mission Arena:
From full throttle to half I could not really detect any change. I didn't experiment below 1/2.
It must take a bit of discipline not to fly the real RV-8 like we all fly AH planes; i.e. do pretty much anything and throw them all over the sky. Like "drop the throttle to idle in the air and tell us what it sounds like" is probably a really bad idea. ;)
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 715 on December 23, 2015, 09:08:17 PM
Here's another picture of the Panzer muzzle flash going in the wrong direction.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 23, 2015, 09:41:20 PM
There's no sound when firing the 8 inch triples on the cruiser. I can hear the shell being loaded and locked but no boom.
When entering and firing the anti-tank guns or the 88's the "boom" sound from the gun fires again when I click "end sortie". I kind of like this :).
This usually take me back to the tower. If I alt+tab to the desktop and then alt+tab back into the game the gun fire sound rings 3 more times. If you alt+tab quickly it will keep firing every time you go back into the game. I was able to duplicate this 3 times by exiting the game and launching a new instance each time. Its just the guns that make the big boom sound.
No luck repeating the glowing blue thing I saw yesterday.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: captain1ma on December 24, 2015, 08:43:59 AM
-Disabling Detail causes the airfield diffuse texture to vanish - Surface type data is present for airfield.
-Driving vehicle on Port returns surface type 0.
I tried this in ndisles and beta3 at a port. Clicking Disable Detail goes through a weird multiple state, not just two states. Starting with normal (Detail not disabled)
L+D, W, L+D, L, W, L, L+D, W, L+D, L, W, L, L+D
where each comma is clicking the Disable Detail button on or off and L+D=normal land with detail, W means just water, no land or detail, and L means normal land (diffuse) without detail.
The case of W is shown in the example image.
Unrelated: bird and hanger work environmental sounds always come from the left speaker no matter what direction I am pointing in game.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chalenge on December 24, 2015, 04:11:13 PM
All of the tanks have an odd internal-like reverb sound that doesn't seem to fit. I also noticed that if you sit at idle the engine sound may disappear, as if you have a limited number of voices (base impulse channels) available and something else is taking the focus for the moment?
I think the volume swing with power settings is a little extreme at the moment.
Shell impact reports are too weak I think, especially for HE.
Otherwise, I like the new direction.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: FTJR on December 25, 2015, 03:26:27 AM
updated ok, crashed immediately.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 10thmd on December 25, 2015, 03:45:16 PM
I took the 109g14 for a spin and that thing sounds amazing now. I did have a sound loop issue when firing the wirblewinds 20mm's.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: TequilaChaser on December 25, 2015, 09:43:03 PM
Just updated from patch #87 to #89 this evening, and I'm still getting the CTD after exiting or trying to enter video setup, at the initial clipboard
I'm using Windows Pro 8.1 64 bit
I was able to go online without any foreseeable problems though...
Will post a dxdiag report if needed, later when I'm back at that particular computer
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 26, 2015, 11:17:25 AM
I noticed, in some planes, when you zoom in from the default cockpit view that it zooms in on the instrument panel and not the center of the HUD. The P-47N and one of the Zero's are few examples. Is this something that is known or do we need to go through all the cockpits and gun positions and check the zoom?
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: FLS on December 26, 2015, 12:09:00 PM
I noticed, in some planes, when you zoom in from the default cockpit view that it zooms in on the instrument panel and not the center of the HUD. The P-47N and one of the Zero's are few examples. Is this something that is known or do we need to go through all the cockpits and gun positions and check the zoom?
It's a new default setting that lets you see the instruments with the new default FOV of 80. In addition the alternate forward view is set to look over the nose. You can change either view back to what you're used to with Home and F10. The other views are also set to work with a FOV of 80 but they also work with 106. If you have a different preference for any view you can reset it. You can also copy your HPS files from AH to the alpha to use your current views.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: shppr01 on December 26, 2015, 08:24:39 PM
Was just in AvA alpha. Tiger gun sight jumps around, Sounds are messed up,And half the time the tank will not move no matter how many times I started the engine.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: captain1ma on December 27, 2015, 08:38:06 PM
Saturday Night in the AVA Alpha about 6-8 of us. Most of the complaints were the sound dropping out which it did to me also, and the vox sounding terrible. also at the end, we all locked up hard and had to kill game or hard reboot machine. this was in the AVA alpha arena with the AVAtunis map up. we were at bases 26 and 55 and using the spawns toward each other trying to do a kesserine pass battle.
I did find that setting the spawn distance to 4500 kept spawn camping at bay. not that it has anything to do with the patch, but just something to keep in mind for later.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: TequilaChaser on December 28, 2015, 08:09:45 AM
Just updated from patch #87 to #89 this evening, and I'm still getting the CTD ~snip~ trying to enter video setup, at the initial clipboard
I'm using Windows Pro 8.1 64 bit
I was able to go online without any foreseeable problems though...
Will post a dxdiag report if needed, later when I'm back at that particular computer
OK, after numerous times of trying to enter the video setup at the initial clipboard/login area...........everytime I click on the video setup button, I instantly get ahalpha(etc) has stopped working and is closing down ...then it asks if I want to trouble shoot the problem ( which I never do )
bout ready to dump this Win 8.1 Pro 64bit...... I have not run into any issues from any windows 7 Ult SP1 64 bit installs....but this Win 8.1 Pro has been a pita all the way around
what information do you need?
AMD FX4350 running @ 4.2GHz 32 GB crucial ballistix 1600MHz DDR3 memory ASUS M5A99FX Pro R2.0 MB Thermaltake Blackwidow TR2 750watt single rail PSU Saphire R9 270x oc 4 GB GDDR5 Videocard Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit Crucial MX200 250GB Sata3 SSD & Crucial m4 series 128GB SSD sata3 ( lot of other stuff no need to include )
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: captain1ma on December 28, 2015, 10:59:50 AM
only 32gigs of ram? sheesh, poor man's machine! LOL
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 28, 2015, 12:05:21 PM
TC download the full install. Uninstall and run it. I had a problem in the past from doing only updates for about 5 patch releases. The full install cleared all the problems brought along with the many partial updates. If this does not clear up your problems, then you have an issue.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: TequilaChaser on December 28, 2015, 12:35:34 PM
TC download the full install. Uninstall and run it. I had a problem in the past from doing only updates for about 5 patch releases. The full install cleared all the problems brought along with the many partial updates. If this does not clear up your problems, then you have an issue.
I just did a complete new full install with patch 87, and only had updates of 88 & 89
do you think I should still do a complete new install?
heck, I can't even use my files from my AH2 installation, which are completely newly set, because this 8.1 Pro wouldn't let me use any of my files from windows 7 ( I tried copies from several back ups ), nothing would work.... outside of resetting everything from scratch...
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 28, 2015, 12:47:56 PM
Try a full install with the kinds of problems you are reporting. Then if it doesn't clear up, you have a problem. Since we are alpha testers, this is a valid test to help Hitech.
Since I have been building that terrain I posted screen shots of here in the alpha. I've had builds where none of my GV would get out of first gear. then I would run the build again and they would run fine. Each time there has been a problem fixed by a patch, if I didn't run a build with the new patch's terrain editor, my terrain still had the problems. So yes, see if a full install of 89 fixes your issue.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Bizman on December 28, 2015, 12:50:16 PM
heck, I can't even use my files from my AH2 installation, which are completely newly set, because this 8.1 Pro wouldn't let me use any of my files from windows 7
Have you tried to change the ownership of the folder?
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: TequilaChaser on December 28, 2015, 12:59:59 PM
Yep Bizman, was one of the first things I tried
I will do as bustr suggested and if I still have problems, I'm thinking I might need to do a reformat and fresh install of windows 8.1 Pro again....I'm starting to think it's the os installation, since I've had problems from day one of the install of it
Or just go back to win7ult sp1
Edit: this is a dual boot system with both the os's mentioned, but installing windows 8.1, jacked up my windows7 SSD, to where AH2 doesn't even work on it now (haven't had time to reinstall AH2 yet, to see if it will take)...although everything else seems to be working fine...
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Bizman on December 28, 2015, 01:23:05 PM
I have a vague memory I've seen that before somewhere and that I could fix it... But I can't remember how!
As I searched for a quick answer I stumbled upon Win8's built-in Easy Transfer utility. That might do the trick.
Something I've noticed when copying files and folders to a new disk is that if I try to do it from within a new Windows installation, having the old disk connected as an external USB disk or even as a secondary installed disk, there will often be issues. Windows' Safe Mode may help. A fool proof trick so far has been to copy the files to an external disk using Linux. That apparently strips any Windows related shields off, allowing for simply copying files from one place to another.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: hitech on December 28, 2015, 02:26:11 PM
Don't bother tc should work next patch
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 28, 2015, 02:43:41 PM
And then there is always Devine intervention from Hitech to save us from ourselves.
Thank you sir. :salute
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: TequilaChaser on December 28, 2015, 03:44:09 PM
Glad I stopped before formatting...I backed up any files I needed to save...then decided to chill and jam out on my guitars for a couple hours, heh....
Thanks HiTech
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 29, 2015, 10:18:34 AM
It's a new default setting that lets you see the instruments with the new default FOV of 80. In addition the alternate forward view is set to look over the nose. You can change either view back to what you're used to with Home and F10. The other views are also set to work with a FOV of 80 but they also work with 106. If you have a different preference for any view you can reset it. You can also copy your HPS files from AH to the alpha to use your current views.
I went back and read this thread,,375631.0.html, and it all makes sense now. It's a nice feature. Thanks FLS
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: FLS on December 29, 2015, 11:29:13 AM
You're welcome. If you're using the 80 degree FOV you may want to map the over the nose view, default KP8, to look between forward and forward/up.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 29, 2015, 11:38:53 AM
I went to one of the CV's and all the windows and gages on the ship were glowing blue. I think wave splashes were moving across the deck and were also glowing blue. I thought this was odd so I filmed my flight deck view but when I reviewed the film it showed me sitting still in a plane I flew prior to entering the flight deck. I tried several times to duplicate but was unable.
I was able to duplicate what appears to be a visual bug.
1) Launch a instance of AH Alpha 2) Click offline practice using the ndisles terrain. 3) Go to C13 or C20 4) Go to the carrier deck (click the H button) and end sortie.. 5) Click task groups and take command. 6) Set a waypoints so the CV makes a 90 degree (+or- 20 degrees). 7) Go back to the tower and watch the large ship compass's and the hull windows with the aft view. You may have to wait a few seconds but these glass objects will start showing images of plane skins, terrain images, and something that's a glowing blue color (I think it's a skin component).
You'll also notice ship wave splashes running down the carriers deck. I saved several screen shots and I have a video showing some of what I was seeing but I'll share this screen shot because it produced an in game error message, "Could not load ERr = 8876086C".
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 29, 2015, 01:19:11 PM
This stopped happening for me about two patches ago. It would clear itself if I went into the hanger and came back to the bridge. Used to be instead of the blue, it would be the skin file for a Gv, plane, or even the battle ship once.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: hitech on December 29, 2015, 02:55:43 PM
I was able to duplicate what appears to be a visual bug.
1) Launch a instance of AH Alpha 2) Click offline practice using the ndisles terrain. 3) Go to C13 or C20 4) Go to the carrier deck (click the H button) and end sortie.. 5) Click task groups and take command. 6) Set a waypoints so the CV makes a 90 degree (+or- 20 degrees). 7) Go back to the tower and watch the large ship compass's and the hull windows with the aft view. You may have to wait a few seconds but these glass objects will start showing images of plane skins, terrain images, and something that's a glowing blue color (I think it's a skin component).
You'll also notice ship wave splashes running down the carriers deck. I saved several screen shots and I have a video showing some of what I was seeing but I'll share this screen shot because it produced an in game error message, "Could not load ERr = 8876086C".
Is your have environment mapping set to none? Does it go away if you set it to 1?
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 29, 2015, 03:10:01 PM
To be honest, I used to have post lighting off and the environment slider to "0" a lot for the gain in FPS. With the terrain I've been building, I turned everything back on to see full effects after running "build" each time.
I just tried post lighting off and environment slider 0. No blue face on the compass in the CV bridge or skins in windows. Turned those back on and the bridge renders normal also. What shrike describes used to be normal for me when in the CV bridge until recently. Both with effects on or off.
Now when I hold down the Num_5 key, my head is still partially up through the ceiling. I've gotten attached to seeing those ack splashes coming over the bow..... :O
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 29, 2015, 03:58:26 PM
That type of load error normally means your low on video mem.
I know you're just trying to finish AH3 but will there be any support or optimization for APUs? I have an AMD A8-6410 in a Lenovo-g50-45 laptop. AH2 runs just fine and AH3 alpha runs at 4-8FPS depending on my settings.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 30, 2015, 06:45:19 AM
That type of load error normally means your low on video mem.
Quite possible. I'm using a GeForce GTX 650 with 4MB of total memory and 1MB dedicated to video. It's kind of sluggish and probably needs an upgrade.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: TequilaChaser on December 31, 2015, 02:26:55 AM
I've done posted the main current PC I am using ( I have 10 others, ready to go )
AMD FX4350 running @ 4.2GHz 32 GB crucial ballistix 1600MHz DDR3 memory ASUS M5A99FX Pro R2.0 MB Thermaltake Blackwidow TR2 750watt single rail PSU Saphire R9 270x oc 4 GB GDDR5 Videocard Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit Crucial MX200 250GB Sata3 SSD & Crucial m4 series 128GB SSD sata3 ( lot of other stuff no need to include )
one thing I have noticed, I can max out my FPS in the current gme and never hit 2.0 GB's of VidMem use on the VC, most times it is around 117 MB's used.....with everything nearly MAXED
in the AH3 alpha, and as far as I know the same settings ( see issue with initial video setup log in ), I am using 1139+/- MB's using what I think are the same settings in AH3 alpha ....and I still have everything I can access maxed out......and I am still pulling max FPS of 59/60.....with no hicupps......
I am using over nearly a GB+ on mem on the VC now, in AH3 verses AH2.... but I see a lot more now, and my frame rate has not dropped .........but I have yet to fly with like 300 plus,like FSO or there is that
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on December 31, 2015, 01:08:49 PM
AH2 - Video and effects are processed through your CPU using system board memory. AH3 - Video and effects are processed through your GPU using video card memory.
If you turn off the graphics option in the game "post processing" and move the environment slider all the way to the right, you will gain back FPS. Also turn off both clutter options. 1024 Mode still looks very good and uses less memory. I test with everything on to catch bugs and anomalies. I test my terrain with all of that off. Unless I want to make sure the visual effects present appealing eye candy for the audience I hope will use my gunnery practice terrain.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 31, 2015, 02:19:37 PM
AH2 - Video and effects are processed through your CPU using system board memory. AH3 - Video and effects are processed through your GPU using video card memory.
If you turn off the graphics option in the game "post processing" and move the environment slider all the way to the right, you will gain back FPS. Also turn off both clutter options. 1024 Mode still looks very good and uses less memory. I test with everything on to catch bugs and anomalies. I test my terrain with all of that off. Unless I want to make sure the visual effects present appealing eye candy for the audience I hope will use my gunnery practice terrain.
I did a little research on the forum and just tried what you suggested. Disabling post processing makes a huge difference in FPS. However, I still get the funky images on the CV.
On another note, I took the Brewster up and the sound slider, in the advanced settings, got stuck at 74%. The slider is at 100. I can move it but it does not adjust the sound. It was initially at luck number 13 initially. I'll see if I can duplicate this weekend.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chilli on December 31, 2015, 05:34:13 PM
I did a little research on the forum and just tried what you suggested. Disabling post processing makes a huge difference in FPS. However, I still get the funky images on the CV.
On another note, I took the Brewster up and the sound slider, in the advanced settings, got stuck at 74%. The slider is at 100. I can move it but it does not adjust the sound. It was initially at luck number 13 initially. I'll see if I can duplicate this weekend.
As far as optimization from HiTech, I would suggest looking at the size of the resolution. This has been the quickest root to solving low FPS. Today, more than ever, we are seeing higher resolutions and monitor sizes. Nvidia even has a dynamic resolution (which I am currently pleased with) that allows a much "finer" image even on smaller monitors by some small miracle :headscratch: Okay, it goes to reason, the more pixels to render the longer to refresh FPS, or something similar to that (not trying to be exact, only trying to explain the concept in a simple manner).
So if there were any more miracles to be discovered by HiTech, this is the area that I feel would give the best of everything. Note, I honestly do NOT expect any new breakthroughs with AH3 to do what I described, but from what I have seen from these guys up to now, it would not surprise me very much if HiTech were to unleash his mojo and inflate FPS as if through voodoo, and leaving me chanting, "We're not worthy...."
One would think that SLI would be useful at such, however it only seems to be capable of alternating the workload from card to card, and not boosting memory at all.
My best wishes to all for a Happy New Year.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on December 31, 2015, 10:19:02 PM
I test with everything on to catch bugs and anomalies.
I've been doing the same. It's sluggish but it's not really that bad. However, 2MB of video ram is quite horrid compared to what's available on the market these days. It's time for a hardware refresh.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Bizman on January 01, 2016, 03:18:18 AM
I've been doing the same. It's sluggish but it's not really that bad. However, 2MB of video ram is quite horrid compared to what's available on the market these days. It's time for a hardware refresh.
Is that a typo? I had that much in my Windows95 system two decades ago... 2GB on the other hand should work quite well.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on January 01, 2016, 11:13:19 AM
Is that a typo? I had that much in my Windows95 system two decades ago... 2GB on the other hand should work quite well.
I had the same question, are you sure that you are not confusing video memory with RAM? I doubt that you would be able to get even a sniff of AH3 with 4 MB of video Ram, as the low end of video memory is 1024 MB.
Where is your dxdiag?
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on January 01, 2016, 12:47:05 PM
I had the same question, are you sure that you are not confusing video memory with RAM? I doubt that you would be able to get even a sniff of AH3 with 4 MB of video Ram, as the low end of video memory is 1024 MB.
Where is your dxdiag?
Your correct. 4GB total and 1GB dedicated. It was reporting in MB's.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Bizman on January 01, 2016, 12:53:27 PM
Found it:,366972.msg4921145.html#msg4921145 (,366972.msg4921145.html#msg4921145). 8 GB of system RAM, GeForce GTX 650 with 1 GB of Dedicated Memory plus 3 GB of Shared Memory which makes 4 GB of Display Memory. Horridness explained by a mediocre video card.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chilli on January 01, 2016, 01:36:55 PM
Found it:,366972.msg4921145.html#msg4921145 (,366972.msg4921145.html#msg4921145). 8 GB of system RAM, GeForce GTX 650 with 1 GB of Dedicated Memory plus 3 GB of Shared Memory which makes 4 GB of Display Memory. Horridness explained by a mediocre video card.
My video card is worse. I have been having great results. All that was needed was to reduce resolution, and my FPS reach the 60 mark easily. Has anyone else who has reported low FPS tried this besides myself? Curious, because I have been reporting this since the very first couple of patches.
More specifically, Shrike try lowering your video settings resolution to 1024 x768 and comparing your FPS with all other settings the same. If 1024 x 768 does not fit your monitor try 1024 x 720. Your dxdiag reports your current screen resolution 1920 x 1080 32 bit 60 Hz.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Shrike on January 01, 2016, 02:55:42 PM
My video card is worse. I have been having great results. All that was needed was to reduce resolution, and my FPS reach the 60 mark easily. Has anyone else who has reported low FPS tried this besides myself? Curious, because I have been reporting this since the very first couple of patches.
More specifically, Shrike try lowering your video settings resolution to 1024 x768 and comparing your FPS with all other settings the same. If 1024 x 768 does not fit your monitor try 1024 x 720. Your dxdiag reports your current screen resolution 1920 x 1080 32 bit 60 Hz.
I tried it at 1024 X 720 and a few other settings but it didn't really provide much benefit. There is an increase, however, it seems adjusting the max texture size and adjusting the environment map setting provides the biggest benefits for FPS. I really like the high resolution and I'm willing to sacrifice some FPS's :).
I decreased the max texture size from 4096 to 1024 and the environment map setting to none. This seems to have lowered memory usage and provided a bump in FPS. Maybe by 2x or a tad less. I went ahead and set the graphics to default (which moved the environment map settings to 1) because the drop in FPS was insignificant.
This is tolerable for goofing around and testing. The real test in my mind is what will the FPS be like when fighting in a fuball or when attacking several formations of bombers with other competing fighters.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chilli on January 02, 2016, 02:57:57 AM
I agree, I do like the way the higher resolution settings look. I even boosted my dynamic resolution to 3.2k and took the drop in FPS.
As far as testing furball like performance. Joining large online missions with AI should be somewhat of a clue.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Bizman on January 02, 2016, 03:31:47 AM
--- I decreased the max texture size from 4096 to 1024 and the environment map setting to none. This seems to have lowered memory usage and provided a bump in FPS. Maybe by 2x or a tad less. I went ahead and set the graphics to default (which moved the environment map settings to 1) because the drop in FPS was insignificant.---
You did just the right things considering your card. Skuzzy has somewhere explained how max texture size correlates with video RAM, as well as the ginormous need of calculating power the environment mapping takes. Driving the card pass its physical limits will slow it down because then it compensates the need of resources from the processor and computer RAM which of course are much slower.
According to a comparison review I just read the GTX 950 is a good budget card if you're willing to lower the graphics with a side note that the fps will drop remarkably in crowded situations.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: 715 on January 02, 2016, 07:31:51 PM
During testing of hit sounds tonight with Waffle and others I decided to hit him with 0.303s from a Spit I. Normal frame rate was about 25 - 30 fps (low because we were low over the field). When I landed hits on Waffle's B17 at close range, however, my frame rate dropped to about 12 fps. I then tried again offline on a simple map firing 8 0.303s at the drone B24. Firing the guns had no effect on fps (so it probably isn't a sound issue). Connecting with the target, however, dropped the fps from 60 down to about 40 to 45. Apparently it is all those hit sprites that kill my frame rate. (Not that I am saying that would ever affect me in a normal environment as I don't normally land that many hits. ;) )
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: NatCigg on January 03, 2016, 08:20:20 PM
capture the flag arena: -smoke from burning field objects is visible one sector away and appears as a black poof in the horizon haze. -Ground clutter covers the two fields I was at. -crash to desktop when I clicked ok to the clipboard with the advanced audio page open. I don't remember if I adjusted a volume or not prior to the crash. I did adjust a volume then clicked ok on the advanced page, this finally allowed me to see the numerical value change to the adjusted volume. It was when I clicked on the clipboard ok button with the advanced volume page still open did the program crash.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on January 03, 2016, 09:53:21 PM
So I've been telling my 83 year old mother about the game and the alpha. Having been an analyst for the NSA, she listened to my explanation of the various outcomes of hardware and the new graphics engine. Seems as of today, Amazon is shipping me a GTX 760 2G. That is the last reasonable upgrade for video my system board will support. She used to write manuals for various PC programs used by the NSA.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chalenge on January 03, 2016, 10:39:42 PM
You do know that Pascal will be with us this year at some point. Probably in November. 2GB will look cute once that happens.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: bustr on January 04, 2016, 01:10:25 PM
That's fine, she was a Russian Military analyst as her primary mission. I have no control over what she wants to send me. I hope all of us are as sharp as she still is when we are 83. She hated computers because she was afraid of how dependent the new young officers she had to train in analysis were to them, and to needing manuals to run anything.
Title: Re: Patch 89
Post by: Chalenge on January 04, 2016, 02:16:10 PM
It would be fascinating to talk with her. My father was in something similar in the years following WWII in France. We knew our intelligence units had been infiltrated by European communists and that many of our personnel were sympathetic to the communist ideology.
Even Feynman said that the problem with computers is that you "play" with them.