Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High Classifieds => Topic started by: Zoney on January 20, 2016, 02:53:34 PM
Original, unrestored. I just put it up on craigslist today and thought maybe one of you guys might be interested:
No relation to? ;)
Wow, talk about a time-capsule find. And it's a perfect little putt-putt for buzzin' around the airport. :aok
how does it run ah2? is it compatible with ah3?
Bulletproof engine??? :aok
Why isn't the military funding this lol
Bulletproof engine??? :aok
Why isn't the military funding this lol
Have you ever owned a small displacement Honda engined anything?
I had a 73 st90,bought it new with my own coin! Hard as I tried I couldnt break the motor,broke wheels,brakes and bent the bars,went through several tires but the engine ran regardless!
Sold to get an Elsinore 125,honda's first 2 stroke..... wasnt near as good of an engine as the little 4 strokes,finally got rid of the 125 after a few pistons and barrels were replaced.... :o
PS: Zoney,have you spoke to the boss yet???
Have you ever owned a small displacement Honda engined anything?
I had a 73 st90,bought it new with my own coin! Hard as I tried I couldnt break the motor,broke wheels,brakes and bent the bars,went through several tires but the engine ran regardless!
Sold to get an Elsinore 125,honda's first 2 stroke..... wasnt near as good of an engine as the little 4 strokes,finally got rid of the 125 after a few pistons and barrels were replaced.... :o
PS: Zoney,have you spoke to the boss yet???
Well a lawn mower and shed work every time I needed too
Original, unrestored. I just put it up on craigslist today and thought maybe one of you guys might be interested:
You do know that his is for AH buy or sell, right?
I'm sure semp pointing that out.
Nice bike anyways...
You do know that his is for AH buy or sell, right?
I'm sure semp pointing that out.
Nice bike anyways...
No, I'm sorry I did not know things sold here had to be AH specific. I apologize.
Bike sold today for $3500.00.
No, I'm sorry I did not know things sold here had to be AH specific. I apologize.
Bike sold today for $3500.00.
Only reason I know is someone yelled at me for doing it. :rofl
And I agree, nice bike. :cheers: