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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: MrKrabs on March 15, 2016, 09:17:39 AM

Title: Seeking Advice...
Post by: MrKrabs on March 15, 2016, 09:17:39 AM
This is a question to those of you whom work in high-stress environments and stress-related illnessess - and this question is more along the lines of what do you do in your daily or weekly routine to stay healthy.

I have been able to keep my blood pressure down despite sleep debt. But I have been running into regular infections that require a trip to the ER and regular visits to a ENT Specialist.

Besides sleep more - any fun advice?
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: FLOOB on March 15, 2016, 09:23:08 AM
You may have just described the best reason to look for another job.

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: edog1977 on March 15, 2016, 09:30:36 AM
Exercise? I have been out of shape for years. I recently started focusing on increasing my flexibility and core strength. No weights or anything like that. Just stretching, push ups, sit ups, and squats. It's amazing how much better I feel. I've lost a few pounds over the last month too. Look better, feel better, and I don't spend all that much time each day stretching and excising. I bet I average 30 minutes or less per day.

The other half of the equation is good posture. I had terrible posture. I've also been working on that. If your spine is all out of whack it can cause all kinds of problems.

In Just a month I've gone from not really wanting to get out of bed in the morning to waking up before the alarm goes off. I have a lot more energy. Just ask the wife.  :devil

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: MrKrabs on March 15, 2016, 09:54:15 AM
Exercise? I have been out of shape for years. I recently started focusing on increasing my flexibility and core strength. No weights or anything like that. Just stretching, push ups, sit ups, and squats. It's amazing how much better I feel. I've lost a few pounds over the last month too. Look better, feel better, and I don't spend all that much time each day stretching and excising. I bet I average 30 minutes or less per day.

I regularly take the kids to the local parks by foot and of course be active as I can while doing so along with whatever free outdoor events in the area. The fresh air does some good.

Posture-wise will be a problem until I finally get my legs fixed. Ankle/talus fusion and knee replacements are inevitable.

In Just a month I've gone from not really wanting to get out of bed in the morning to waking up before the alarm goes off. I have a lot more energy. Just ask the wife.  :devil

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Bizman on March 15, 2016, 10:16:13 AM
Exercise? --- No weights or anything like that. Just stretching, push ups, sit ups, and squats. It's amazing how much better I feel. ---and I don't spend all that much time each day stretching and excising. I bet I average 30 minutes or less per day.

That's what I've been doing for decades most every morning. Every second day a little more, every second day a little less. And as my Creator, on the seventh day I rest. No weight problems so far and my looks please the eyes of my wife... Have I mentioned she's myopic like a mole?
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: edog1977 on March 15, 2016, 10:28:42 AM
MrKrabs, I did the same. I'd walk to the park with the kids, and I even helped coach my sons baseball team the last two years. I was riding my bicycle 10-20 miles a couple of times a week. Despite that I was way out of shape. The focus on increasing flexibility has had the biggest influence on how I feel. I'm lucky that I don't have any chronic problems. I do have a defective L4 which may be part of the reason my posture was so bad. So far that hasn't bothered me despite the increased activity. I've got my fingers crossed because my dad had the same problem and eventually opted for spinal fusion.

How old is your bed? Is it too soft, or too hard? I recently got a new mattress and that has helped too. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

I wish you the best of luck. I've spent nearly 20 years feeling like crap half the time. It's amazing what a months worth of effort has done for me mentally and physically.

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Maverick on March 15, 2016, 01:00:24 PM
As already mentioned, exercise is probably one of the best therapies you can do. Given your physical limitations a talk with a physical therapist might be in order. You need to find something that will enable you to get your heart rate up and stay up for a while to really benefit from it.

Another item would be meditation. I know it sounds trite but it does work. You should find a good coach and give it a try, a serious try.

Lastly and maybe firstly, look at the aspects of your life that are generating the most stress. Which of them can you change in the short term, and which can be changed in the long term. Start modifying those things that give you the stress and keep working on them. Change your routines. Small changes can have a big impact. Have a date night away from kids. Maybe a "boys night out", whichever works. Look for things to change in the daily routine and try them. Doesn't have to be costly.

Avoid medication if you can, especially the self prescribed, self administered kind. That includes alcohol as they do not remove stress and often bring more later if not sooner.

Counseling is another thing to look at, especially if the stress if from the home environment. I am not saying it is, just tossing out another option. Talking about the issues can be a huge stress reliever and might just start to provide answers to alleviate it no matter the source.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Serenity on March 15, 2016, 01:55:32 PM
Stress in my world ebbs and flows, but when it's on, it's ON.

Exercise is of course the first thing that comes to my mind as well. However, as that has been beaten to death, I have two other strong recommendations. The first is dietary. My whole life I was never a breakfast eater. In fact, sometimes I would only eat a small snack at lunch and then dinner. But since I got to intermediate, I've picked up eating regular meals, including breakfast, and I've noticed a huge improvement to my general disposition. And while at a cost to sleep, my next suggestion is to make a little "me time" at the beginning of the day to help you get ready for everything to come. I get up about an hour earlier than I have to, to eat afformentioned breakfast, sit on the couch, and just watch some TV in peace. Starting my day at my own pace, taking my time and just relaxing, helps me feel like I'm starting the day on "my own terms", and it may help you wind down as well.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Bizman on March 15, 2016, 02:29:42 PM
Good points, Serenity. Having a balanced meal several times a day both keeps your blood sugar leveled and adds some rhythm and continuity into your day.

Another thing against stress is a hobby which demands all of your concentration while you're at it. I'm on my second winter building electric guitars at the community college and I must say it's addictive! Starting from planning, choosing the wood, sawing the rough lines, planing, thicknessing, routing the cavities, carving the neck and body to your liking, fretting, sanding through grits until the wood is smooth as silk, oiling/waxing/lacquering, sanding again in between the layers, oiling/waxing/lacquering again, fitting the hardware and strings for the feel, detaching the hardware, modifying if needed, sanding through the finest grits, polishing, fitting the hardware again, adding the electrickery and finally plugging into an amp for the first time. Plus chatting with the other people there, admiring their projects and getting yours admired.

Of course it can be anything as long as you have to pay attention to what you're doing so that you simply can't think about the things that give you stress.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: pipz on March 15, 2016, 03:17:38 PM
Eat fresh Canadian bacon only.  :old:
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: zack1234 on March 15, 2016, 04:16:50 PM
Dahlia larma should get a job and stop stealing from poor people.

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Chris79 on March 15, 2016, 05:47:30 PM
3 beers+1 Cigar+good music= happy place.  BTW krabby, I'm in the same boat, a highly stressful job which puts me on the road for 17 days a month, 2 young children, and a medical condition.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Arlo on March 15, 2016, 06:16:42 PM

My doctor(s) would not approve, however.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Curval on March 15, 2016, 09:06:03 PM
Sell out, go golfing.

That's what I am doing.  :aok
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Chalenge on March 15, 2016, 09:37:21 PM
It's not the cheapest thing, but an endless pool may be in your future. It will also aid in your recovery from surgery in the near future, because they can/do include an underwater treadmill. So, you can run in the water without putting your full weight on your legs. Then there's swimming too. But, if you don't like swimming then it's a huge waste of cash.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: 8thJinx on March 15, 2016, 09:47:20 PM
Sleep with Captain Valium. He trims his toe nails, doesn't snore, and never pulls a Dutch oven.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: 8thJinx on March 15, 2016, 09:57:21 PM
Honestly, I know what stress is like. I went years, years I tell ya, sweating the week out and making payroll for 30 people. The one lesson I learned is that you have to get enough sleep, and you have to exercise. And you have to find time for fun. Work hard, play hard. There are no other shortcuts. At least for me.

One year I had a particularly difficult client that would call me off hours and throw changes at me the night before a crane would show up, and the like.  I started skipping meals, working til 2 am, getting 4 hours or less of sleep. I was miserable. I was losing weight rapidly, but for bad reasons. I ended up sick as a dog. Someone in an earlier reply said change jobs. I basically made a change and went after a different market segment. Still doing essentially the same thing, but I have normal hours, travel a couple times a month, lots of time for the family. Best move I ever made.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: SPKmes on March 15, 2016, 10:00:30 PM a few moments every hour or so...2-5 mins .... where ever you are..... close your eyes..if you are in a dodgy place fix on a spot but zone out(have no particular thought about what you are looking at) and feel the sound around you.....don't listen to one sound feel /hear all of them..... don't try distinguish what your are hearing....just be in the moment of nothing and everything...... this will take a few times to understand but you will get it and feel it....Now this won't help with fitness at all..... however it may just allow you to clear some of the stress that hinders you mentally from achieving productive thought and movement. 
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: zack1234 on March 16, 2016, 01:14:28 AM
Sell out, go golfing.

That's what I am doing.  :aok

What's up with you?! :old: :old:
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Vulcan on March 16, 2016, 02:57:14 AM
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: FLOOB on March 16, 2016, 04:53:37 AM
If you play golf chances are you're a virtual piggy five one or dorka pilot and you've also dabbled in fly fishing. It's a way for the elderly to get exercise and synthesize vitamin D without dislocating any joints.

Golf is to sport as fly fishing is to pre industrial whaling.

Golf is to sport as a japanese tea ceremony is to a bacchic orgy.

Golf is to sport as Sit And Be Fit is to boot camp.

I'm reminded of a passage from David Hackworth's epic when he describes his angry reaction to being informed that one of his junior officers is absent out playing golf, schmoozing with some general. "First off; diddlying golf!"
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: deSelys on March 16, 2016, 06:17:52 AM
FLOOB  :rofl  :rofl
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Brooke on March 16, 2016, 04:27:04 PM
I would suggest getting enough sleep if at all physically possible.  I suspect that would give the biggest improvement for the least effort.

Next, I would try meditation, as it has been credibly shown to be effective at reducing stress.

Longer term, I, too, think it might be good for you over time to steer your career in a direction of less stress.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Arlo on March 16, 2016, 05:18:09 PM
Sleep study then CPAP?
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: DaveBB on March 17, 2016, 04:32:24 AM
I find the quality of my sleep goes up dramatically if I aerobically exercise after I get home from work.  After a year of cycling, my joints actually improved enough to where I was able to run on a treadmill or grass.  If you are physically able to jog, I would recommend it.  30 minutes of elevated heart rate is about the minimum needed to produce the desired effects. 

Also, magnesium, zinc, and B-complex vitamins are needed for chronic stress.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: ghi on March 17, 2016, 12:39:27 PM
You may have just described the best reason to look for another job.

 Stop feeding  on dead bodies, we are what we eat, go vegan live longer.
Btw,beer is vegan :) :cheers:

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Arlo on March 17, 2016, 12:44:22 PM

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Bear76 on March 17, 2016, 01:37:01 PM
This is a question to those of you whom work in high-stress environments and stress-related illnessess - and this question is more along the lines of what do you do in your daily or weekly routine to stay healthy.

I have been able to keep my blood pressure down despite sleep debt. But I have been running into regular infections that require a trip to the ER and regular visits to a ENT Specialist.

Besides sleep more - any fun advice?

I recommend drugs, booze, and strippers
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Serenity on March 17, 2016, 02:48:15 PM
I recommend drugs, booze, and strippers

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Vulcan on March 17, 2016, 04:19:55 PM
 Stop feeding  on dead bodies, we are what we eat, go vegan live longer.
Btw,beer is vegan :) :cheers:

vegans don't live longer. There is no scientific proof. They also suffer significant issues related to vitamin b12 deficiencies. And vegan b12 supplements are not real b12, the only way you can get real b12 is from non-vegan supplements.

B12 deficiency takes a while to identify, so by the time you have noticed the damage is already done.

It also affects neurological function, which explains why most vegans end up fruitcakes.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Arlo on March 17, 2016, 04:25:10 PM

(Not really.)
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Chalenge on March 17, 2016, 05:36:58 PM
vegans don't live longer. There is no scientific proof. They also suffer significant issues related to vitamin b12 deficiencies. And vegan b12 supplements are not real b12, the only way you can get real b12 is from non-vegan supplements.

B12 deficiency takes a while to identify, so by the time you have noticed the damage is already done.

It also affects neurological function, which explains why most vegans end up fruitcakes.

I've always thought it was funny that HUNTERS and gatherers would decide to suddenly become gatherers only. Humans are raging carnivores. When humans cannot find raw meat they eat vegans. That's how it's always been.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: guncrasher on March 17, 2016, 06:34:17 PM
I've always thought it was funny that HUNTERS and gatherers would decide to suddenly become gatherers only. Humans are raging carnivores. When humans cannot find raw meat they eat vegans. That's how it's always been.

last gf was vegan, I ate her.  she loved it.

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: morfiend on March 17, 2016, 07:14:22 PM
  This is an old remedy that a friend taught me!

   My doc told me to take 2 women and call him in the mourning!

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: NatCigg on March 17, 2016, 07:20:46 PM
dont forget to rest!  even crabs sleep! workouts are nothing but destruction without the recuperation.  :old:  and does not sleep help the mind sort a days events with a self induced paralysis on the muscles?  :headscratch:

just sayin'  :salute
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: MrKrabs on March 18, 2016, 05:01:15 AM
dont forget to rest!  even crabs sleep! workouts are nothing but destruction without the recuperation.  :old:  and does not sleep help the mind sort a days events with a self induced paralysis on the muscles?  :headscratch:

just sayin'  :salute

This... Light excersise is one thing when not overburdened but any more physical repetition I'll blow apart at the seams  :rofl  :uhoh   :bhead
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Curval on March 18, 2016, 05:35:23 AM
If you play golf chances are you're a virtual piggy five one or dorka pilot and you've also dabbled in fly fishing. It's a way for the elderly to get exercise and synthesize vitamin D without dislocating any joints.

I just turned 50. 

Here's a video of my swing analysis.

Never been fly fishing.  That is for lakes and rivers.  Real men fish in oceans:


Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: zack1234 on March 18, 2016, 06:58:54 AM
I play a game called Aces High after a session being unruly everything is awesome.

bazzooka Joe's are the future!
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Gman on March 22, 2016, 11:54:49 AM
From the OP description Krabs it sounds as though the medical people are laying the blame for your infections solely at the feet of "stress".  I often wonder if this is the only word they know when it comes to diagnosis.  I also wonder why they haven't thrown various stress related medications into you by this point, for better or worse, if stress is so bad that it's responsible for infections developing all on their own.  I'd get a 2nd and a 3rd opinion in your shoes at this point.  I was sick for over a year and a half, after never losing a day to sick leave in my life in my late 30s, and got the whole "it's stress, you have a very stressful and dangerous job etc etc", when it turned out I in fact had a very difficult to diagnose disease (SLE/Lupus) in men which often just gets overlooked. 

The advice about 3 balanced squares and exercise is very important regardless of what the cause of your health problem, without them you really don't stand a fighting chance IMO.
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: MrKrabs on March 22, 2016, 06:24:03 PM
From the OP description Krabs it sounds as though the medical people are laying the blame for your infections solely at the feet of "stress".  I often wonder if this is the only word they know when it comes to diagnosis.  I also wonder why they haven't thrown various stress related medications into you by this point, for better or worse, if stress is so bad that it's responsible for infections developing all on their own.  I'd get a 2nd and a 3rd opinion in your shoes at this point.  I was sick for over a year and a half, after never losing a day to sick leave in my life in my late 30s, and got the whole "it's stress, you have a very stressful and dangerous job etc etc", when it turned out I in fact had a very difficult to diagnose disease (SLE/Lupus) in men which often just gets overlooked. 

The advice about 3 balanced squares and exercise is very important regardless of what the cause of your health problem, without them you really don't stand a fighting chance IMO.

This came to mind and warrented my search for a GP - I am going to need one regardless since I am going under the knife in the near future
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Gman on March 22, 2016, 07:58:45 PM
I'm surprised you don't  have one already - I don't know exactly how it works in the USA compared to up here, but again, I will bet that the 1st doctor you see if you bring up stress as the cause of your health problems, will immediately break out the pad and start with xanax and other benzo/etc type "anti stress" pills.  My advice is if you haven't been taking these, try to avoid them.  My mother was put on them, and it was hell getting her off of them.  While they CAN work, and in some cases, probably like yours where the doctors/health pros believe that stress is causing some major havoc such as you describe in your OP, it may be your best option unfortunately.  Just do a lot of research about whatever they try and give you on your own, and for god's sake, do NOT use any more than they prescribe, try and use LESS if anything. 

IMO I still think stress alone isn't likely to be responsible for your OP description of what's happening, contribute yes, but primary root cause - the odds don't favor it IMO, and I've had plenty of time in the last years to read and research a lot about similar things.  Make sure they do complete blood/urinalysis panels, test anti nucleic antibody for connective tissue disease indicators, and really pay attention to your SED rate in the tests.  IMO what you've posted, trouble sleeping and frequent infections is pointing RIGHT at a immune system disease or problem. 

I had similar issues as you've described,  + others, and was told everything in the book from 4 different GPs before finding the 5th who discovered that it was SLE/Lupus.  In fact, the US/Canadian average for patients with such immunodefiecient type diseases is 2+ years and 3+ doctors before getting the correct diagnosis.  I can send you a lot of info to read about such things if you wish.  Also, I'm not saying you even HAVE any issue other than stress, just that based on experience of both reading and living in doctors offices/hospitals for years now, it would surprise me if that was the only problem. 

I've found you really have to take personal responsibility these days, and not just count on the doctors/nurses/etc to just "figure it all out" and "get it all right" - IMO it's as much on you to try and figure out wth is wrong with yourself as it is on them, but they are the gatekeepers to the tests and equipment needed, and if you're fortunate, with a good doc, he/she will have experience and good intuition as well, and will listen closely to your descriptions of what's been happening.  Krabs, be sure you have everything in point form written down when you talk to a GP, and accurately describe every problem and issue with the dates.  Also keep a record of what you're told in every meeting with any medical pro as well - I record mine, but some countries that isn't allowed, but you can always just take notes. 
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: zack1234 on March 23, 2016, 02:33:29 AM
How do you write all those paragraphs?
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Maverick on March 23, 2016, 10:10:01 AM
edumacation, he haz one.     :old:
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: MrKrabs on March 23, 2016, 07:38:45 PM
I'm surprised you don't  have one already - I don't know exactly how it works in the USA compared to up here, but again, I will bet that the 1st doctor you see if you bring up stress as the cause of your health problems, will immediately break out the pad and start with xanax and other benzo/etc type "anti stress" pills.  My advice is if you haven't been taking these, try to avoid them.  My mother was put on them, and it was hell getting her off of them.  While they CAN work, and in some cases, probably like yours where the doctors/health pros believe that stress is causing some major havoc such as you describe in your OP, it may be your best option unfortunately.  Just do a lot of research about whatever they try and give you on your own, and for god's sake, do NOT use any more than they prescribe, try and use LESS if anything. 

IMO I still think stress alone isn't likely to be responsible for your OP description of what's happening, contribute yes, but primary root cause - the odds don't favor it IMO, and I've had plenty of time in the last years to read and research a lot about similar things.  Make sure they do complete blood/urinalysis panels, test anti nucleic antibody for connective tissue disease indicators, and really pay attention to your SED rate in the tests.  IMO what you've posted, trouble sleeping and frequent infections is pointing RIGHT at a immune system disease or problem. 

I had similar issues as you've described,  + others, and was told everything in the book from 4 different GPs before finding the 5th who discovered that it was SLE/Lupus.  In fact, the US/Canadian average for patients with such immunodefiecient type diseases is 2+ years and 3+ doctors before getting the correct diagnosis.  I can send you a lot of info to read about such things if you wish.  Also, I'm not saying you even HAVE any issue other than stress, just that based on experience of both reading and living in doctors offices/hospitals for years now, it would surprise me if that was the only problem. 

I've found you really have to take personal responsibility these days, and not just count on the doctors/nurses/etc to just "figure it all out" and "get it all right" - IMO it's as much on you to try and figure out wth is wrong with yourself as it is on them, but they are the gatekeepers to the tests and equipment needed, and if you're fortunate, with a good doc, he/she will have experience and good intuition as well, and will listen closely to your descriptions of what's been happening.  Krabs, be sure you have everything in point form written down when you talk to a GP, and accurately describe every problem and issue with the dates.  Also keep a record of what you're told in every meeting with any medical pro as well - I record mine, but some countries that isn't allowed, but you can always just take notes.

Here in the states many practitioners "especially Florida" are complete crap. It has come to the point where typical retail stores like CVS have small clinics in them where they have a Nurse Practitioner that use hilarious diagnosis cards to make their decisions. This can be the case as well for many of the common "URGENT CARE" clinics. Finding a GP is one thing but finding that good GP for you is another. One of the greatest regrets of leaving Illinois was leaving the GP that has known me since I was little and was there from everything from Ear Tubes to referring me to another Doctor I required for whatever reason. Down here for 13 years and I cannot find anyone but an ENT that I can remotely trust...
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: morfiend on March 23, 2016, 07:47:32 PM
Crabby just check out my previous post and follow the instructions,it's a cant miss cure!

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Zacherof on March 24, 2016, 09:02:29 AM
Here in the states many practitioners "especially Florida" are complete crap. It has come to the point where typical retail stores like CVS have small clinics in them where they have a Nurse Practitioner that use hilarious diagnosis cards to make their decisions. This can be the case as well for many of the common "URGENT CARE" clinics. Finding a GP is one thing but finding that good GP for you is another. One of the greatest regrets of leaving Illinois was leaving the GP that has known me since I was little and was there from everything from Ear Tubes to referring me to another Doctor I required for whatever reason. Down here for 13 years and I cannot find anyone but an ENT that I can remotely trust...
If he's still in the business, you can always reach out. My mother still contacts my old gp who treated me for over 15 years since I was little and has years of experience and what he doesn't know he knew someone who did. I would try and contact him if possible. Although he might not treat you he could deffinatly try and point you in the right direction
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: FLOOB on March 24, 2016, 01:10:14 PM
I just turned 50. 

Here's a video of my swing analysis.

Never been fly fishing.  That is for lakes and rivers.  Real men fish in oceans:

Curval doesn't think a plane can take off from a conveyor belt!!,225421.0.html
Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: DREDIOCK on March 25, 2016, 10:41:01 PM
This is a question to those of you whom work in high-stress environments and stress-related illnessess - and this question is more along the lines of what do you do in your daily or weekly routine to stay healthy.

I have been able to keep my blood pressure down despite sleep debt. But I have been running into regular infections that require a trip to the ER and regular visits to a ENT Specialist.

Besides sleep more - any fun advice?

Yea. Find someone at random you dont like. Lure them into a dark ally. Then beat the snot out of them.

Orr simply play Aces High

Title: Re: Seeking Advice...
Post by: Curval on March 27, 2016, 05:38:06 AM
Curval doesn't think a plane can take off from a conveyor belt!!,225421.0.html

Oh dear, someone's panties got in a bunch.  Just like Chairboy's did.

Perhaps you missed page 2?

"Whatever...I'm just having fun watching Chairboy get his panties all wadded up.

Sure I'll post after the show whatever way it goes.  I failed physics and don't fly planes.  Why anyone would take my opinion seriously on this issue is beyond me."

That's a two-fer....years later.
