Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Open Beta Test => Topic started by: rvflyer on June 15, 2016, 12:08:45 AM

Title: Kill shoot
Post by: rvflyer on June 15, 2016, 12:08:45 AM
Just spent a couple hours in Beta. It looks great is fun to play EXCEPT for the people that think it is funny to camp their own friendly GV hangars and kill everyone that comes out. So I will not be back until kill shot is fixed. Every time you would try to get up to defend your field the ........... friendly would camp the hangar and kill everyone that came out. Dale this is really not a great way to encourage new players to the game through AH3, I know if I was a new player I run never go back to the game the way it was being played tonight. I understand this is BETA test but how can you thoroughly explore the game when you can't even up because a friendly thinks is i funny to shoot you down. I am going to encourage the squad I am in in AH2 to not go to AH3 till this problem is fixed.
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: Shuffler on June 15, 2016, 12:46:41 AM
I believe they have it set that way so when only a couple are on, they can fight from the same field. Just during beta.
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: Chilli on June 15, 2016, 03:14:30 AM
Sounds like a 3 Stooges episode...... eh wise guy ay?  What are you numb skulls doing?  <poke> < poke>  ow ow ow wow ow ow   :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  wooobwooobwoob woob woo  grrrrr rffff rffffff  :bhead Now, get back to work and stop camping!!

Or, you could up from any of the other 100 fields on the map.

This does bring up an important point though.  Shouldn't all of the vbases with radar covering the strats be uncapturable?  Seems that came up in a discussion with Greebo.  :headscratch:
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: BowHTR on June 15, 2016, 05:06:31 AM
Myself and a few squaddies take full advantage of the kill shooter. There has been a many times its just us at a field and we decide to start reeking havoc on each other. Its a blast until the enemy shows up, then its hilarious.

Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: puller on June 15, 2016, 08:50:26 AM
I am going to encourage the squad I am in in AH2 to not go to AH3 till this problem is fixed.

Wow  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: ImADot on June 15, 2016, 09:37:11 AM
Wow  :rolleyes:

I know, right? So much drama for such a simple question like "why is killshooter off in the Beta".
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: hitech on June 15, 2016, 10:19:59 AM
I am going to encourage the squad I am in in AH2 to not go to AH3 till this problem is fixed.

I do NOT take kindly to threats. If you do not wish to beta test so be it.

Beta tests exists primarily for HTC's benefit not for yours or any other player. I appreciate all beta testers who provide feed back and bug reports. Kill shooter is off to help people test the beta.

Spawn camping in the beta is BS, but your reaction is way out of line.


Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: Shuffler on June 15, 2016, 10:47:21 AM
I do NOT take kindly to threats. If you do not wish to beta test so be it.

Beta tests exists primarily for HTC's benefit not for yours or any other player. I appreciate all beta testers who provide feed back and bug reports. Kill shooter is off to help people test the beta.

Spawn camping in the beta is BS, but your reaction is way out of line.


This is why I like Hitech.... no dancing around the issue. Straight up the middle like it or not.

You can even up at your own field and shoot it up or bomb your town. Bugs are found quicker that way.

You can help out by going to AH III beta but like they say, you can follow, lead, or GTH out of the way.
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: HanzUp on June 15, 2016, 11:15:31 AM
The kid was just trolling to *bleep* us off, and of course the best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them (although I admit that I usually can't resist the urge to make fun off them before moving on).

But in the case of this jerk, there wasn't much else going on, so WTF, I played his game for a while and tried to kill him. What was odd about it was that "kill shooter" didn't seem to be off for him. Three times in a row I thought I hit him twice in the turret, point blank, and he just turned and killed me with one shot. I also watched from the tower for a while as others tried to kill him, and it seemed he was taking hits without any effect. I'm still trying to figure out how things work in the game, so maybe there's a good explanation?

Anyway, I confess to using friendly objects for target practice in the beta, just because I'm too lazy to fly or drive very far.  :devil
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: hitech on June 15, 2016, 11:34:09 AM
The kid was just trolling to *bleep* us off, and of course the best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them (although I admit that I usually can't resist the urge to make fun off them before moving on).

But in the case of this jerk, there wasn't much else going on, so WTF, I played his game for a while and tried to kill him. What was odd about it was that "kill shooter" didn't seem to be off for him. Three times in a row I thought I hit him twice in the turret, point blank, and he just turned and killed me with one shot. I also watched from the tower for a while as others tried to kill him, and it seemed he was taking hits without any effect. I'm still trying to figure out how things work in the game, so maybe there's a good explanation?

Anyway, I confess to using friendly objects for target practice in the beta, just because I'm too lazy to fly or drive very far.  :devil

Hardly a kid. RVFlyer/sarge was in my AW squad the FUBARS back in the early 90's.

Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: FLS on June 15, 2016, 11:37:57 AM
Looks like "the kid" is a reference to the player rvflyer complained about.
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: hitech on June 15, 2016, 11:38:52 AM
Looks like "the kid" is a reference to the player rvflyer complained about.
Oops, read it wrong.

Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: bustr on June 15, 2016, 12:41:23 PM
Hmmmm, alpha testing, beta testing to get AH3 live...hmmmm. Hitech when did we stop testing and go AH3 live?? I thought this is all testing to help you take AH3 live until you tell us it's AH3 Live time....... :huh

After all this time testing, I learned that if you want to test damage and other things related to that, go where players are. Everyone will happily shoot you no matter what side they are on. If you want to test for unique issues like the GV mangler trees or invisible tank traps in the terrain, up anywhere else to be left alone. Seems no one wants to follow you at 250mph down the side of mountains in your GV to shoot you... :O

I used to have to up a box of bombers and beg people to damage them back in the alpha or tell people go ahead and shoot me to check the damage modeling. No one wanted to be the "test shootiee" and take one for the bigger picture of getting AH3 live. Guess they still think it's unmanly to get shot in the "testing arena". Even in the alpha people didn't like their GV's being bombed or shot once they were out in Tank Town oohing and ahhing over it. But, we found many bugs that Hitech asked us to look for by killing those GVs. You guys had the choice to up somewhere else and ignore the player avoiding having to involve Hitech in this post.

By the way, did you find any issues in the go boom effects that could be reported at least? Or did you all get so offended by being the shootiee, you forgot to perform your primary duty of looking for bugs?

Too bad you guys missed Hitech and Skuzzy playing with us to test stealing sheep. Hitech shot us all really good......
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: Shuffler on June 15, 2016, 02:04:58 PM
LOL most likely in an RV8 with twin Gatlin guns.
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: 1stpar3 on June 15, 2016, 02:33:38 PM
Think it seemed more like "Side Winder" missiles! Look a con!!! VROOOOM.. OH crap, how did I get to the tower so fast? Wait..HITECH shot me down? OOPS He wasn't in the flying pumpkin either! :rofl

Like previously mentioned, Kill shooter has made for some fun times. It is great, :bolt: when some other players are snippy on "all" radio text, for shooting them down or bombing their Tiger tanks. Just up from different base or even change countries and dodge them all together. :bolt:
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: Oldman731 on June 15, 2016, 02:50:27 PM
Hardly a kid. RVFlyer/sarge was in my AW squad the FUBARS back in the early 90's.

RVFlyer is good people.  I'm sure that his anger will subside now that he knows why killshooter is off.

Hey, it's a good sign for the Beta that people are going in there to play on a regular basis.

- oldman
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: rvflyer on June 15, 2016, 06:01:22 PM
Dale, it was NOT a threat probably more of a warning what they can expect if going to AH3, but if you want to play the game realistically where red guys are trying to capture a base but some friendly sets there and shoots you the minute you up out of a hangar and thinks it is funny. I fail to see the humor or the benefit to the game with that type of game play. There were enough of us on last night it could have been fun GV fights but the guy spoiled any chance of that. someone mentioned going to another field but that would be pointless if they were trying to take the base I was at. Ok its over so will move on.  :airplane:  :bolt:

I do NOT take kindly to threats. If you do not wish to beta test so be it.

Beta tests exists primarily for HTC's benefit not for yours or any other player. I appreciate all beta testers who provide feed back and bug reports. Kill shooter is off to help people test the beta.

Spawn camping in the beta is BS, but your reaction is way out of line.

Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: rvflyer on June 15, 2016, 06:03:35 PM
The RV-8 was fun in the game. I could make many guys auger trying to shoot me down. Amazing how it handled a lot like my RV-6

LOL most likely in an RV8 with twin Gatlin guns.
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: Chilli on June 15, 2016, 07:50:59 PM

You missed the point.  Beta is testing, not gaming.  If it were gaming I am pretty certain those settings along with the capturable strat radar vbases would be set up differently.

You CAN have fun and enjoy the features of the game, but what we hope to do is catch bugs to report while engaging in some fun.

It is easy to get that confused with the way that potential "testers" group and act as if they are trying to win the war, taking undefended territory and such....

In the early days of alpha as soon as we were actually able to fly and capture bases, I would capture a number of bases and then change countries and capture them back, so that the next players entering the arena would have the same opportunities to test fields as I did.  I don't expect everyone to follow that sort of example but the other extreme does annoy me at times.
Title: Re: Kill shoot
Post by: Shuffler on June 16, 2016, 12:19:33 PM
Chilli I would do something similar. I would hide chocolate candy bars next to trees then switch sides and try to find them. That is where I found my first issue. When you find a chocolate candy bar by a tree, ALWAYS make sure it is a chocolate candy bar before eating it.