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General Forums => Open Beta Test => Topic started by: Skuzzy on July 21, 2016, 12:24:13 PM
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Please use this thread to post errors/issues with the Patch 31/32/33 DX11 version of the Aces High III Beta. Thank you.
Still have the black screen upon quit once in a while. Alt F4 worked to quit game though.
Tested rift cv1
Ok figured out the text window resizing. Moving head = moving mouse. I had been trying to click and drag with mouse but now have to click and drag by moving head. Weird at first but now I like it better.
Trick is to not touch mouse as you can move cursor out of AH window and you can't see or find while in VR. Need to map mouse button to joystick.
Only problem I found is in the tank main gun sight vies. The view is shifted down so you can't see the top where the range and ammo information is. Re-centering the view does not change anything.
in the kesserine terrain, when you put your mouse on enemy icon, it shows the nearest players name.
Will a film clip of a lockup help? I'll post after I edit it down the the final one minute, but it'd save me my time in the future if it isn't helpful?
also I seem to be getting a lot of flickering in the tower.
Here are the last ~60 seconds of a one hour film before the lockup.
I was in CMEye and that last was pretty funky. Here are the last 120 seconds.
The terrain is avatunis.
Definitely something going on as switching between players will show in the film. I never saw any of these issues from CMEye.
Offline, using the clipboard to quit the game, just reloads the game, had to use ctrl alt delete and the task manager to exit the game.
Offline, using the clipboard to quit the game, just reloads the game, had to use ctrl alt delete and the task manager to exit the game.
Duplicated. This bug exists in both DX9 and DX11.
After selecting offline terrain the menu stays on terrain selection.
Offline, using the clipboard to quit the game, just reloads the game, had to use ctrl alt delete and the task manager to exit the game.
Also does this online and opening video settings offline w\ same remedy as mentioned above...........
Same here, opening video settings requires task manager to kill game.
Just ran updater to patch Beta from 32 to 33 w\o issues.
Ran Beta 33 and verified that all this is indeed fixed now.
All back to normal.
Continuing w\ testing.
Chilli reported the random black screen on exit in patch 31. I saw it in my first run under dx11 after clicking OK in the Graphics Options dialog. The second time it didn't repeat.
dx11 loads much slower on my FE compared to dx9.
Both dx9 and dx11 have black flashes too quick for me to screen capture. They look like they might be dialog window rectangles.
Test with rift cv1
The tank main gun sight issue is much better. If I adjust my headset just right and look all the way up with my eyes, I can see the range numbers but it is uncomfortable. If you could drop the numbers or tilt the view a little more up, I think it would be better.
CV making a turn through the land mass
I could not get mapping the left mouse button to a joystick button to work? I mapped button 3 to the mouse gui left button. When I put the cursor on an item and press button 3 on the joystick, nothing happened. I thought it should work the same as clicking the mouse button.
Also what does mouse gui toggle do?
Chilli reported the random black screen on exit in patch 31. I saw it in my first run under dx11 after clicking OK in the Graphics Options dialog. The second time it didn't repeat.
dx11 loads much slower on my FE compared to dx9.
Both dx9 and dx11 have black flashes too quick for me to screen capture. They look like they might be dialog window rectangles.
I get the black flashes much slower and they appear to be at my 90 degree periphery as strange shadow blocks I can never turn and look directly at. This happened with my 6770 and now with my 760. On CrateMA I still get random light flashes when clouds update as they move.
On CrateMA I still get random light flashes when clouds update as they move.
Yes, this happens for me in both dx9 and dx11 on my HD 6850.
Another day playing in Beta and a few items to report:
1) While fighting an enemy Corsair, he suddenly warped 800 away and then went level. After I shot him down, I noticed I had two kills messages on him. Turns out he disco'd while I was fighting him (confirmed upon his returning to the arena). So, it appears there was a bug whereupon I was awarded a (proxy?) kill when he disco'd and then the second kill upon shooting the AI. If it helps in reproducing this bug, just prior to the disco I believe I had hits on him, however I can't be sure (see below).
2) I encountered another player that ultimately appeared to be an AI (that player came back in saying they disco'd also) and shot both his wings off. His plane (Tempest) continued flying straight and level despite having no wings. I gave him a longer burst into the fusilage and he finally went poof. Seems the AI put in flight upon disco are behaving like offline AI, where they continue flying despite damage until a pilot kill is scored(?).
3) I too am having a good deal of difficulty seeing tracers and hits without being zoomed way in. I was running the default (80) FOV, which I was told would make that easier/better. However, it still seems extremely hard to see tracers. If this is more realistic, that is fine, but I believe it will make gameplay much more difficult, especially for those who have difficulty with gunnery.
4) I also noticed long distant aircraft have dots that are rendering much larger or darker (black) as compared to AHII where they appear more as a small "grey" dot. This makes spotting aircraft at very long ranges (well outside of icon) MUCH easier. In fact, it was confusing me, because I expected them to be considerably closer than they actually were, due to the clarity of the dot. I haven't tested this extensively yet, so I can't speak to the ranges involved (I may look at some film and determine that later). Has something changed about how distant dots render in AHIII?
5) I noticed in the Carrier Hanger, that the ord carts block the view of some of the loadout items. For example, select an F4F in the CV hanger and notice it is hard to see the bombs, and the second guns package is not visible at all. A suggestion would be to place the ord carts behind (above) the loadouts, so they don't partially or fully obscure the loadout items.
6) There are a lot of "partial trees", when they are on slopes they come out of the ground about halfway up (about leaf level). For example, if you go to Bish V-base 149 and look out the tower window (default south) you can see what I mean. Someone suggested I report the locations of these, but upon looking around they are everywhere.
7) I noticed that if you Alt-Tab out in flight, in an aircraft or vehicle, and then click back into the game, you get the engine starting sound for a moment before the full engine sound. This could be exploited in ways I will not mention here.
However while testing this, I did notice that when you drive on concrete instead of ground terrian, the GV sounds are different -- very cool. In fact, do a power slide in a Jeep on the runway -- it sounds fantastic!
All for now. <S>
Logged in two times. Took off and made a couple of maneuvers and screen lock. Can't get out in any way except reboot. DX11
TrackIR 5 does not work with DX11. It does work with DX9. The axis curves appear to be a bit more snappy in DX9 than in AH2.
When switching from DX9 to DX11 TrackIR 5 will work for about 2 seconds and then quit with the green game connect light
on the camera going out. I normally do not have any boxes checked in the VR options settings, but have tried it with different
combinations of VR enabled, disabled, relative view enabled, disabled. TrackIR 5 has worked with previous DX11 beta releases.
TrackIR 5 does not work with DX11. It does work with DX9. The axis curves appear to be a bit more snappy in DX9 than in AH2.
When switching from DX9 to DX11 TrackIR 5 will work for about 2 seconds and then quit with the green game connect light
on the camera going out. I normally do not have any boxes checked in the VR options settings, but have tried it with different
combinations of VR enabled, disabled, relative view enabled, disabled. TrackIR 5 has worked with previous DX11 beta releases.
The Disable VR must be Un Checked.
3) I too am having a good deal of difficulty seeing tracers and hits without being zoomed way in. I was running the default (80) FOV, which I was told would make that easier/better. However, it still seems extremely hard to see tracers. If this is more realistic, that is fine, but I believe it will make gameplay much more difficult, especially for those who have difficulty with gunnery.
Kingpin try looking into the following:
If you are using an Nvidia card and an HDMI connection. Take a look at "output dynamic range" and see if it is full or limited. In the GeForce forums they admit if you use an HDMI cable with a GeForce card that the color won't look right because you are not getting full RGB output. When you use an HDMI cabel the RGB output range defaults to limited instead of full. When I changed mine to full, I started seeing the tracers.
Here is an in-depth article about this:
As indicated in the original post "I normally do not have any boxes checked in the VR options settings". this includes VR disable.
I installed the full version of Beta 31/32/33. Copied the settings, sights, ah3terr folders from the previous beta version to the
Beta 31/32/33 install.
Edit. I just reinstalled the full version on top of the other one. It appears that TrackIR 5 functions correctly now.
Another edit. Coping the settings folder to the new install is what is causing my TrackIR 5 to fail.
Kingpin try looking into the following:
If you are using an Nvidia card and an HDMI connection. Take a look at "output dynamic range" and see if it is full or limited. In the GeForce forums they admit if you use an HDMI cable with a GeForce card that the color won't look right because you are not getting full RGB output. When you use an HDMI cabel the RGB output range defaults to limited instead of full. When I changed mine to full, I started seeing the tracers.
Here is an in-depth article about this:
Thanks for the suggestion, Buster, but I have an AMD card and am not using the HDMI connection.
The tracers are showing, it's just that they are extremely difficult to see, even at 80 FOV. I thought maybe you were onto something with the color, as I think it might be a lack of contrast along with the smaller tracers.
I can live with it and get used to it, but I'm concerned about others having issues, especially newer players. Thanks again for the help.