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Help and Support Forums => All things VR => Topic started by: Randy1 on April 08, 2017, 06:25:23 AM

Title: VR Problems
Post by: Randy1 on April 08, 2017, 06:25:23 AM
I have given up on AH VR until I have time to trouble shoot AH VR problems.   Between the audio resetting itself back to max volume, head position problem, the tank gunsight problem, and the oculus app problem, it just easier to go back to regular ah.

HTC made some good changes so that VR audio and head position setting would not mess up your regular AH setting but they have given my system trouble. 

The new audio changes has all the volumes resetting to max volume.  I think it occurs every time you make any changes like switching from regular ah to ah-vr.

On the head position, if time permits I am going to unplug the vr camera and attempt to set head position, then plug the vr camera back in.

I am going to try unplugging the camera in GV as well.

Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: N95KF on April 08, 2017, 10:55:09 AM
You can save your head position in each plane with VR, and the audio just needs to be set to the Oculus Rift headset instead of Realtek or any other audio devices.  What do you need help with because I think I can fix your problems.  I dont use the app at all, I simply open Aces High from my task bar and it asks "do you want to use Oculus?" and I click yes, then put the head set on...
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: MADe on April 08, 2017, 11:25:56 PM
You can save your head position in each plane with VR, and the audio just needs to be set to the Oculus Rift headset instead of Realtek or any other audio devices.  What do you need help with because I think I can fix your problems.  I dont use the app at all, I simply open Aces High from my task bar and it asks "do you want to use Oculus?" and I click yes, then put the head set on...

Does your video card do the different refresh rates and resolution differences between normal display and VR display OK?
Seems like 50% of consumers have VR issues.
I was wondering if the pc should be VR headset only. Theres software for windows desktop and VR.....
In my case it would be a 60Hz display at 1920x1080 and VR at 90Hz with 2110x1200 res.

Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: FESS67 on April 09, 2017, 02:27:55 AM
hmm. I too have decided not to adopt VR for regular play but only because of the difficulty of the 6 view.  Yes, I know I can use the hat switch to look around but I have used head movements to look around for 10 years, going back to the hat to 'bypass' the system seems wrong to me.

However, Randy, your issues can be solved easily.  Head position is the easy one.  I put the headset on my head but not covering my eyes until the game launches (not the app, the normal game).  Then it asks me if I want to use the VR, I say yes, center the headset and all good to go.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: FESS67 on April 09, 2017, 03:00:42 AM
I take back my comments.  HTC  WTH have you managed to do with the VR?

I just tried it, not the app, the DX11 route.

Mouse does not work, keyboard does not work, cannot use the radio (keyboard issue), I simply gave up.  All this was working 2 weeks ago and now it is not.  I know you are going to think this is rude but come on guys, how do you continually manage to roll out changes that break things?
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Skuzzy on April 09, 2017, 06:29:56 AM
It is not broken.  It was stated in the release notes.  VR gets its own settings now.  It keeps them separate from the regular settings.  You can copy your existing settings over to VR by adding "_vr" to the specific mouse, stick, or head position files.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Randy1 on April 09, 2017, 08:20:50 AM
It is not broken.  It was stated in the release notes.  VR gets its own settings now.  It keeps them separate from the regular settings.  You can copy your existing settings over to VR by adding "_vr" to the specific mouse, stick, or head position files.

This is what so exasperating and a giant PINTA about ah.  You have to figure out all of this yourself.  Might be why  game boxes are winning the game war.  Just a small note in the release notes about how to do this would have helped.  The release notes are very lazy.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Randy1 on April 09, 2017, 08:34:46 AM
hmm. I too have decided not to adopt VR for regular play but only because of the difficulty of the 6 view.  Yes, I know I can use the hat switch to look around but I have used head movements to look around for 10 years, going back to the hat to 'bypass' the system seems wrong to me.

I feel your pain.  It is like throwing out years of experience and starting all over again.  I did have a couple of good fighter-fighter battles but I lost the red at every turn and just guessed right andd got a good snap shot which shooting vr excels.

And dive bombing.  I am pretty good in a P-38 dive bombing hitting just about everything I drop on but in VR I am awful .   I dropped two 1000 pound bombs on a full up town and did not hit anything.  I dropped a 1000 pounder on radar and still had to come back with a full set of rockets to kill it.  Very embarrassing.  Hard on the ego.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Skuzzy on April 09, 2017, 10:23:49 AM
This is what so exasperating and a giant PINTA about ah.  You have to figure out all of this yourself.  Might be why  game boxes are winning the game war.  Just a small note in the release notes about how to do this would have helped.  The release notes are very lazy.

We do not give details as more often than not, as many people will make more of a mess trying to copy things around than just taking the time to rest the controls/head positions.

People who are comfortable about moving things around usually ask about it.  People who are not comfortable do not ask and they need to use the in-game menus to reset things.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: N95KF on April 09, 2017, 12:27:09 PM
Does your video card do the different refresh rates and resolution differences between normal display and VR display OK?
Seems like 50% of consumers have VR issues.
I was wondering if the pc should be VR headset only. Theres software for windows desktop and VR.....
In my case it would be a 60Hz display at 1920x1080 and VR at 90Hz with 2110x1200 res.


I'm not sure I understand the question.  I set my AH Resolution to my monitors resolution, 1920 x 1080.  I don't play Aces High 'normal' anymore at all, it is VR Only.  I don't know what people mean by issues, there isn't much making it unplayable, but there are things I would like to see improved.

When I move my head around, I use that little white ball "mouse sphere" to click on things.  I would rather use the mouse though.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: FESS67 on April 10, 2017, 04:08:09 AM
It is not broken.  It was stated in the release notes.  VR gets its own settings now.  It keeps them separate from the regular settings.  You can copy your existing settings over to VR by adding "_vr" to the specific mouse, stick, or head position files.

Skuzzy - from a customer perspective, it is broken.  I, the customer, tried to use the product and it no longer worked.  It used to work and now it does not.  To me, that is broken.

Imagine if you went to the ATM and tried to use your card but it would not work.  You would say that it was broken.  However, you are wrong, so very very wrong.  The bank have made a change just for your type of card and all you need to do to make it work is copy your details over from one folder to another.  Easy as.  Happy days, you are now a happy customer of ABC bank!!

No, you would not be happy.  Oh, I am sure you are going to tell us that this is different blah blah blah blah but you see sir, from a customer perspective it is not different, it is just horrible.

Let me give you another example, the change of FOV in the graphics settings of the splash page.  Once you make those changes you are told that the game needs to terminate for the settings to take effect.  Sure, I want the changes so I accept.  Game terminates.   Now, as a customer, I do not want it to terminate, I want it to restart with the new settings.  But no, you give me a bad experience and have me go launch it.  Sure, it is no big deal but you know as a customer, it is not what I expect, because every other game I have simply restarts after a change or update and it is beyond me why AH cannot so that.

I hope you get where I am coming from.  This is a passion plea not a whine whinge and cry, this is basic customer service.  Thanks for listening.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Skuzzy on April 10, 2017, 06:11:44 AM
We told everyone about the change in the patch release notes.

It is not broken. It is an inconvenience.  There is a big difference. Unless you are telling us you can no longer map anything when in VR.  That would be a big problem and very broken.

Short term inconveniences for long term gains are almost always going to upset some people and there is nothing we can do about it.  Sometimes, it is the price of moving forward.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Randy1 on April 10, 2017, 07:16:28 AM
Skuzzy we do appreciate HTC aggressive changes to make VR better.  Having separate sound, and HPS is a real good idea.  The rear view is a good idea.

The problem is we are trying to integrate this new technology into a game we have played for years one given way.  It is truly a game changer.  We are struggling to make it work with little problem solving help from HTC on this forum with the day to day problems we keep running into.

I think, once our knowledge base builds, the vr community can help others but for the moment we need to lean on the expertise of HTC.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: FESS67 on April 10, 2017, 07:49:39 AM
See Rule #4
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Skuzzy on April 10, 2017, 08:16:54 AM
For the benefit of new people who are reading this thread.

We made a change which separated the VR settings from the non-VR settings in the game.  For those of you who are new and just setting up your VR system it has zero impact for you.

It only impacted those who had a previous setup and requires them to redo their settings, or copy them from the old format to the new.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: FLS on April 10, 2017, 10:01:05 AM
The VR game sound volume resets to 100% after restarting the game. Is there supposed to be a VR_fmodsnd file? I don't see one.

Also FPS drops from the usual 90 FPS to 20-30, and occasionally single digits, after a few minutes flying around the TA at A1 since the last two patches, 29 and 30. With DX9 and no VR the same thing happens. Even when the frame rate is high I get pauses and stutters now.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Skuzzy on April 10, 2017, 10:17:45 AM
There seems to be a bug related to the audio saving its settings and HiTech is looking into it.

Not sure about the rest.  You might want to post that in the Bug forums.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: FLS on April 10, 2017, 10:20:11 AM
Thanks, there's also no vr_vca file.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Skuzzy on April 10, 2017, 10:20:46 AM
I think HiTech already found it.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: 1stpar3 on April 10, 2017, 10:34:25 AM
FINALLY! I am on the "Right side" of things :eek: I have noticed none of these issues, except for the sounds resetting  :uhoh Ok, maybe not exactly as I have just figured to roll with what I have. I haven't noticed any problems with the last patch, maybe I am doing wrong? The only issue I have at this moment :pray is a graphics type issue. I am getting used to the drop in resolution/ clarity but need to find a way to reduce the brightness of objects. In my headset, the gamma seems to be set at an AH3 monitor setting around 3.2. In non VR I run gamma at 1.2. The bright objects in VR, horizon, runways, ord bunkers ant the like are just bright white. Even the cockpit gauges and mouse ball seem radiate bright tracer like rays coming from them. I can turn my head while looking at mouse ball and see a "comet" trail coming from it :confused: It really fatigues my eyes. Oh and one thing I did notice since last patch,could have been like this before but just noticed, I only see hit sprites from Wirb guns in LEFT lens. I still cant see the sprites when in fighters, but don't have the chance to close right eye and check if it is the same way. Its not a dominate eye issue, I am right eye dominate and know all about that sort of situation. I tested it while shooting at a hanger off line also. Both eyes open on hanger and could see the sprites ok, but noticed the double vision sensation. Closed left eye and very minute hit sprites but saw impact and damage like things coming off. Closed right eye and very bright hit sprites with gun flare, was too bright to see the damage stuff I could see when left eye was closed? I can live with that though. Its just the brightness that keeps me from playing in full time VR. I can only go an hour at a time before I have to go back to monitor version.
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Randy1 on April 10, 2017, 03:08:29 PM
N95KF posted this in another thread.  They made quite an improvement.  Also when you try these,, go to the clipboard and try different setting in the graphics setting.

"If you have the horsepower, goto Nvidia Display Control Panel.  I have a GTX 1080 and am able to crank up the following settings and stikk keep 90FPS with Oculus:

AA: Override application - 8x
Anisotropic Filtering - Override App - 16x
Power - Prefer High Performance

I think the anisotropic filtering being jacked up helps the distance blurrying alot." 
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: FESS67 on April 10, 2017, 04:04:32 PM
See Rule #4
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: 1stpar3 on April 10, 2017, 10:28:36 PM
RANDY RANDY RANDY! Thanks man :rock That made a world of difference! NK5Kf you TOO :rock Still bright, but at least now I can see clearer :banana:
Title: Re: VR Problems
Post by: Randy1 on April 11, 2017, 02:18:05 PM
RANDY RANDY RANDY! Thanks man :rock That made a world of difference! NK5Kf you TOO :rock Still bright, but at least now I can see clearer :banana:

You are welcome.  NK5KF is the real hero here. 

Maybe Skuzzy could make a sticky for VR video settings.