Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: Ack-Ack on July 06, 2017, 02:23:37 PM
I know that I've asked for this in the past but with the possibility of the game going on Steam I'd like to put this with up again. I would like to see the three perk pools we currently have be eliminated and replaced with a single universal perk pool.
So you're ok with someone spawn camping in a gv to get enough perks for a 163 or a 262?
I asked for this recently and didn't get a response from HTC.
So you're ok with someone spawn camping in a gv to get enough perks for a 163 or a 262?
Or, resupplying town with an M-3? :D
So you're ok with someone spawn camping in a gv to get enough perks for a 163 or a 262?
Why not? If my normal day to day is fighters but I occasionally want to take a perk tank/bomber, why should I have to grind in the same type if I don't find that kind of gameplay compelling? Grinding isn't nearly so bad if you actually enjoy the gameplay.
So you're ok with someone spawn camping in a gv to get enough perks for a 163 or a 262?
If someone cant earn enough perk points for a 262 by flying fighters hes not gonna be much of a threat once he does get his 262 via m3 driving....
I know that I've asked for this in the past but with the possibility of the game going on Steam I'd like to put this with up again. I would like to see the three perk pools we currently have be eliminated and replaced with a single universal perk pool.
The perk system favors those that get to play more than others. I have quit a few plane perks since I am not a fan of a 262 I would invest them in Tigers and B29s. That might cause a bit of an imbalance in GVs and bombers.
I like the idea but i don't see it making it to the game.
There would be some major adjustments necessary concerning the very differing rates perks are earned in the now different categories.
I asked for this recently and didn't get a response from HTC.
I asked about this awhile back and he responded that he couldn't recall why he had separated the perks in the first place. Gave me a glimmer of hope so I am reminding him again about my wish.
-1 to universal perks. I agree with the current system of separating perk points to rewarding a player for disabling enemy assetts or enabling friendly assetts by means of fulfilling that respective role as a fighter, bomber, or vehicle operator.
Need better perked bombers to blow perkies on. AR234 has too small a bombload and the b29 needs half a map get to a reasonable altitude. Simply end up with more bomber perk points than anyone reasonably needs. Maybe use perks for larger formations? :bolt:
At least i can waste fighter perks by augering 262s and gv perks by getting my T2 spawn camped.
He 177 might be perk worthy, as could the A26 if we ever end up getting them. Both would be good options other than the Ar 234 or B-29.
I know that I've asked for this in the past but with the possibility of the game going on Steam I'd like to put this with up again. I would like to see the three perk pools we currently have be eliminated and replaced with a single universal perk pool.
+1 that's a good idea, and if the perks were expanded to more planes, I could see this working pretty good, because it would remove the time it would require to fly the plane someone wants, even if someone would be spending time in a different ride.
Sorry for beating dead horse..... but once those 2 ideas would be in the game....... we come back to this
Grinding isn't nearly so bad if you actually enjoy the gameplay.
The easiest perks to get are bomber perks. These do not need opponents and can be grinded by bombing towns of un contested fields that no one tries to capture. It's even worse, since you can bomb towns during off peak hours or in other arenas where/when there is no real opposition.
Players will start flying useless bomber sorties in order ti get into their perked tanks and fighters.
Players will start flying useless bomber sorties in order ti get into their perked tanks and fighters.
If they bomb stuff its never useless...... because then others can attack that area..... or defenders will up to intercept the bombers.
Those bombers pilots 'create action'
The perks are fine the way they are now.
Perks in one pool will result in even more bombing and bailing/ perk harvesting.
There will be 262s and tiger 2s all over the place.
If they bomb stuff its never useless...... because then others can attack that area..... or defenders will up to intercept the bombers.
Those bombers pilots 'create action'
This is not what actually happens in AH. Town milkers, for example, fly pretty much unopposed ("Alert A14? - No, it's just a town milker") and nobody is going to attack the few towns behind the front lines you dropped one or two bombs on each.
For the perks... It's quite easy to generate a consistent & steady 20 perks per hour in a bomber over a whole tour. In fact that was about my average for several years (I kept records of every sortie meticulously), even though I also was doing a lot of bombing in the B-29 which brings down the average a lot. When really perk farming, I could get easily 30 or 40 perks per hour. Not peak value by that one lucky sortie, but consistently. Without having to engage any other player at all. When told the correct target, even a very much average player could easily sustain the 20+ perks per hour.
On the other hand, only the best AH fighters can think about even getting to 10 perks/hour as a constant average.
Milk runs only hurt your country. When a part of town is dead you either have to wait until its up again or you get a much shorter time to capture it..
As an add on to this discussion, I would like to see re-supping perk points universal, in other words you could select which bank they could go in. This would encourage more participation in re-supplying efforts. Sorry Junky & Chilli :D
Can this mingling of the perk points wait another 4 years? I'm trying to get to 100k fighter perks and at the current rate, should get there by then.
I wanna impress the ladies with a massive fighter perk coffer. Chicks totally dig that sort of thing. :cool:
If we do mix the perks, I would hope the perks expended would not stay in your account with a successful landing. They should be gone at takeoff.
It's bad enough to have uber perk planes picking your fight, but retaining the perks makes them fly even more scared than usual.
Rampant timidity is really tiresome and boring in a combat game.
-1 the perk system is fine the way it is, and should stay this way.
seems to me if you put all perks in 1 bowl it would take longer to build perks for fighters or tanks or bombers.
what happens if you do put all your perks in 1 bowl and your burn all your perks in a perked plane, bomber, gv and you want take a perked asset to use and u can't because you used all the perks already.
just leave it alone.
+1 that's a good idea, and if the perks were expanded to more planes, I could see this working pretty good, because it would remove the time it would require to fly the plane someone wants, even if someone would be spending time in a different ride.
Why expand perks to more planes? The only reason why perks are given to planes/ground vehicles is if they cause an unbalance in the game play if not restricted in some fashion.
So you're ok with someone spawn camping in a gv to get enough perks for a 163 or a 262?
People already spawn camp in a GV to farm enough perks to be able to afford a perked tank.
By having a universal perk pool, it will give new players and those that don't earn a lot of perks (casual players, inexperienced or less skilled players, etc) the ability to be able to afford to take out a perk vehicle, regardless if it's a plane or a ground vehicle. As I pointed out, Hitech can't even remember why he separated the perks into three categories.
Ive got fighter perks up the wahzoo... I cant seem to auger enough jets.
I think one perk category is a great idea. More ways to use them would be awesome too.
Make some of the UFO planes infesting the MA come at a small cost?
There would be some major adjustments necessary concerning the very differing rates perks are earned in the now different categories.
What other major adjustments to the perks would be needed? The calculations shouldn't need to be changed.
So you're ok with someone spawn camping in a gv to get enough perks for a 163 or a 262?
You know, I am OK with this because I can see what will happen. The people that do GVs to get perks for a 262 will end up losing the 262 in some stupid fashion because of lack of flight hours. The person that gets the credit for the 262 kill will be most happy about it.
You know, I am OK with this because I can see what will happen. The people that do GVs to get perks for a 262 will end up losing the 262 in some stupid fashion because of lack of flight hours. The person that gets the credit for the 262 kill will be most happy about it.
Agreed. Really, how many of the people who have amassed zillions of perks use them on jets? Perk planes generally are for more recent pilots, who want to see how the fancy planes fly. I'm fine letting them do so.
- oldman
Why expand perks to more planes?.
So early war and then mid war planes are used by a lot of players, so new players don't get bored fast constantly fighting vs vets in pony or ta 152
Have the late war planes as a reward, like the 262.
I don't see an issue with this. So I spend all my time in bombers, use the perks to up a 262, then get shot down by an I-16. And? Who cares? If I came here and cried about it, well, it would akin to me crying on the WoWs forum about how a DD always sinks my BB when I always sail in straight lines at a constant speed. :)
+1 to UPP. :aok
Spawn Camping is a lot more inefficient then upping a higher ENY fighter and furballing for getting often do the average tankers kill Tigers over and over at a spawn? Most of the time you are getting 1 perk for each kill in tanks(panzer vs panzer) fighters like the KI61 or Mossy you can rack up 30 in 4-5 kills pretty easy at the right type of fight.
+1...really no reason to not have universal perks which actually would have a huge effect on gameplay.
Spawn Camping is a lot more inefficient then upping a higher ENY fighter and furballing for getting often do the average tankers kill Tigers over and over at a spawn? Most of the time you are getting 1 perk for each kill in tanks(panzer vs panzer) fighters like the KI61 or Mossy you can rack up 30 in 4-5 kills pretty easy at the right type of fight.
+1...really no reason to not have universal perks which actually would have a huge effect on gameplay.
Yep. Land a kill a P51 or La7 in a 20 ENY plane and that's 4 perks... not bad. And plenty of decent 20 ENY planes to do it w/.
Spawn Camping is a lot more inefficient then upping a higher ENY fighter and furballing for getting often do the average tankers kill Tigers over and over at a spawn? Most of the time you are getting 1 perk for each kill in tanks(panzer vs panzer) fighters like the KI61 or Mossy you can rack up 30 in 4-5 kills pretty easy at the right type of fight.
+1...really no reason to not have universal perks which actually would have a huge effect on gameplay.
'Good' spawn camps are rare theses days to begin with. For getting a reliable high perks/hour, go resupply. Can easily net you 35+ perks/hour, which is on par with going perk farming in bombers.
About nobody but the best fighters during primetime can even dream of matching this rate. The average player (no not just 'noobs') with his ~3 kills per hour though...
'Good' spawn camps are rare theses days to begin with. For getting a reliable high perks/hour, go resupply. Can easily net you 35+ perks/hour, which is on par with going perk farming in bombers.
About nobody but the best fighters during primetime can even dream of matching this rate. The average player (no not just 'noobs') with his ~3 kills per hour though...
"At the right fight"....tracking most guys can't land that many kills but everyone can look at the map and see a vulch.
"At the right fight"....tracking most guys can't land that many kills but everyone can look at the map and see a vulch.
When I returned to the game for a month , I have not encountered one classic , sustained 'vulch' at all. Which is no surprise at all, given today's numbers.
But when they were, the average k/h were still so low that the potentially resulting perks pale to the amount that can be made by resupplying and bombing.
Even if one managed to sustain gain 2 perks per kill and 5 kills per hour (again, the average is significantly lower) that would be 'only' 10 perks per hour.
And again, with resupplying and bombing you can get 20 easily, no fighting skill and more importantly, no adversary nor opportunity necessary.
One aspects of discussion like these on the forum is that it's often way above-average guys (who often don't realize they actually are) basing their arguments on some anecdotal memories ("hey, yesterday I gots me 30 perks for a vulch! Gettin' fighter perks is soo %&%$% easy!"
Meanwhile, the average guy racks up maybe something like 3-6 perks per hour, sustained. Compared to that, supplying and bombing would be extremely favorable under current conditions if there was a single perk pool without adjustments.
Perks just happen.
If you're farming them, you are likely missing some sort of fun happening in the arena while you are "working".
When I returned to the game for a month , I have not encountered one classic , sustained 'vulch' at all. Which is no surprise at all, given today's numbers.
But when they were, the average k/h were still so low that the potentially resulting perks pale to the amount that can be made by resupplying and bombing.
Even if one managed to sustain gain 2 perks per kill and 5 kills per hour (again, the average is significantly lower) that would be 'only' 10 perks per hour.
And again, with resupplying and bombing you can get 20 easily, no fighting skill and more importantly, no adversary nor opportunity necessary.
One aspects of discussion like these on the forum is that it's often way above-average guys (who often don't realize they actually are) basing their arguments on some anecdotal memories ("hey, yesterday I gots me 30 perks for a vulch! Gettin' fighter perks is soo %&%$% easy!"
Meanwhile, the average guy racks up maybe something like 3-6 perks per hour, sustained. Compared to that, supplying and bombing would be extremely favorable under current conditions if there was a single perk pool without adjustments.
Really? I find most fights we have in game these days to be heavily lopsided toward one or the other as far as is either getting picked by higher guys or one is getting picks of guys taking off. The fights where it is a sustained fight between are the ones I see less and less.
Really? I find most fights we have in game these days to be heavily lopsided toward one or the other as far as position...
I would agree with that.
However, these battles are shorter in duration and much rarer to find than back in the day. Fighter pilots spend more time in transit looking for victims. Battles fizzle out early as very much outnumbered defenders give up. The classic sustained vulch just doesn't happen as often anymore, just as the classic furball between two bases. Most of the time, you can't just decide "I wanna farm some quick kills&perks" and head for the nearest vulch. At Euro times, you can be glad if you find a battle at all on your side of the fence.
That's why the average k/h has been steadily decreasing over the past years: When I joined in tour 70 it was 4.3, last tour (209) it's been at 2.9.
And the median k/h is much lower even, as a very few top sticks greatly drive the average up.
I just took a look at tour 209 in detail - the median k/h of fighter & attack mode combined for all players with at least 1 hour airtime was 2.3, with a median total number of kills of 21. For the whole tour.
Even if we would assume 2 perks per kill, it would result in less than 5 perks/h and less than 50 total. And Joe Average can't simply hop in a 30ENY plane and feast on ENY5 planes to compensate for it.
In bombers you don't need a battle, no opponent and only some rudimentary knowledge to farm at 20 perks/h (40+ if you're really going for it.). Resupply is even better (yet more boring).
Perks just happen.
If you're farming them, you are likely missing some sort of fun happening in the arena while you are "working".
wouldn't that be up to the player that's farming the perks.
wouldn't that be up to the player that's farming the perks.
Why do you need to 'farm' them? Just enjoy the game.
Says someone that does not..