Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: FLS on August 02, 2017, 10:01:25 AM
Some of our aircraft lack accelerometers or the gauges are in inconvenient locations.
Pilots in real aircraft always feel the change in load factor while sim pilots generally ignore it until they black out.
It's easier to learn the relationships between speed, radial g, drag, and turn rate with a g indicator.
Can we get radial g added to the altitude and speed HUD?
how about up in the corner where the airspeed is? I don't like having the horizon bars etc. turned on but would like to see Gs
It would be nice to see that data in film playback.
I agree. If not on the HUD, then I'd like to get a flight recorder local file log. I agree it needs to be in the film viewer as well. It's difficult to get flight test data with the current setup.
Good idea. 👍
I'd still like to see a heading indicator on the HUD as well. In AH3 Beta Hitech indicated that might be do-able at the time. :cheers:
Customisable HUD would be ideal, elements, colours, placements :rock
Customisable HUD would be ideal, elements, colours, placements :rock
You can already change the placement, but the other options would be nice as well.
You can already change the placement, but the other options would be nice as well.
Yes, but there are no possibilities of relative position. In Match Play there is an unwanted timer :old: