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Help and Support Forums => All things VR => Topic started by: Joker312 on August 19, 2017, 02:54:45 PM

Title: Film files
Post by: Joker312 on August 19, 2017, 02:54:45 PM
I record a sortie but cannot find it in the film file or the film viewer.

I use the AH program in the Oculus program.

What am I doing wrong and where is my film hiding?

Title: Re: Film files
Post by: SIK1 on August 19, 2017, 07:17:13 PM
Probably within the Oculus folder. I had the same issue with skins when I tried to transfer them over to the new computer . I found that within the Oculus folder there is an Aces High folder that is where your films are.

Title: Re: Film files
Post by: Joker312 on August 19, 2017, 11:11:17 PM
Thanks sik1, I figured it out.

I had to do a complete DL of AH DX11 version and use it. Now I can film and and find the file?

Another glitch with a using the AH DLed direct to Oculus....I was ripping up enemy planes and watching them explode, catch fire, auger but I was getting nothing on the logs. Hope this new DL will fix that problem.