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Help and Support Forums => All things VR => Topic started by: Vulcan on September 12, 2017, 04:28:08 PM

Title: Dear HT, it was nearly 8 Years ago
Post by: Vulcan on September 12, 2017, 04:28:08 PM
I told you that AH needed native VR support!

Took you long enough  :devil

^ is me flying with a Emagin Z800 VR headset (with 3DoF). Funnily enough it ended up dying on me - I sent it off to Palmer Luckey to see if he could fix it (back when he was doing VR headset repairs). It couldn't be fixed and ended up in his pile of spares, so who knows it might have ended up in a prototype Rift :)
Title: Re: Dear HT, it was nearly 8 Years ago
Post by: Gman on September 12, 2017, 06:34:42 PM
You were definitely ahead of the times Vulcan, I remember you using and posting about VR back then, and frankly, thinking you were a bit bonkers.  As it turns out, everyone who thought that was wrong, and it's now not only "must have" sim gear for a few of the "major" flight sims, but will likely be the future of any sims and upgrades to ones like AH that come down the pike in the upcoming years.

Too bad Palmer didn't give you some share options back then in trade for your parts bin malfunctioning headset, haha.  Palmer Luckey is one of my favorite people in the PC gaming business, for many reasons besides just creating the Rift.