Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: Slade on September 23, 2017, 01:23:14 PM
Its cool to see messages when people get 2+ kills.
Could we plz have an indicator to show how may sorties it took to get them if more than 1?
Maybe something as simple as 4[2], i.e. 4 kills in 2 sorties.
When one reloads without towering, is not that
counted as a single sortie?
A sortie (in real life) is every time a plane leaves the ground. If one rearms that skews this fact. That is OK, some folks like to do this. :salute
I'd like to know when someone gets 2-10 kills how many sorties it took.
Why not ask them?
I once logged into an arena and from the first login tower way in the backfield of my country, saw a player rearming his 262. When he landed 20 kills later, I asked him on range how many times he re-armed. He replies that he didn't re-arm. Players obviously want some privacy while it's obvious players are not choir boys. Isn't it the player who lands the kills business how he did it as long as he didn't violate any rules?
I'm willing to bet that 98% of players don't rearm on a daily basis. It's not even worth it.
I once logged into an arena and from the first login tower way in the backfield of my country, saw a player rearming his 262. When he landed 20 kills later, I asked him on range how many times he re-armed. He replies that he didn't re-arm. Players obviously want some privacy while it's obvious players are not choir boys. Isn't it the player who lands the kills business how he did it as long as he didn't violate any rules?
When they lie to you it lets you know them better. :aok
A sortie (in real life) is every time a plane leaves the ground. If one rearms that skews this fact. That is OK, some folks like to do this. :salute
I'd like to know when someone gets 2-10 kills how many sorties it took.
A game sortie is simply a scoring device that represents keeping your aircraft in flyable condition until you land. That may be why kills per hour is also a scoring metric.
When wishing it helps if you explain how the wish improves the game since changes require work from HiTech.
When wishing it helps if you explain how the wish improves the game since changes require work from HiTech.
I write a lot of code. A LOT of code. I have written books on programming (see I respect all the hours the developers put into this game and the quality of work they put out. They are the best of the best in my view. :cheers:
Relatively speaking, this is not a whopper to code. Not asking to remap and compact video memory pixel-by-pixel or the like.
It would be a nice feature I think. I think many would like to see it also rather than not.
Thanks. :salute
When the wish slides to 'spokesman-ship for many', it portrays a false gravity. Especially when such is yet to be evident. However, I would still like to see the 'why' in this wish.
Why is it desirable? What does it accomplish?
Why is it desirable? What does it accomplish?
Accurate size comparison. :D
You can usually figure it out depending on airframe and environment. If you see player X land 23 kills in anything they probably rearmed.
Actually you want to change the AH definition of a sortie.
Sorry if I was politically incorrect. I apologize.
I think it would be a nice data point. Cool stat. I love stats! That this would be relatively ez to code is even better.
Thanks for your interest in it. :salute
1 up + 1 down = one sortie..
Google is your friend... ;)
1 up + 1 down = one sortie..
Google is your friend... ;)
except in the game. One sortie is you can land and launch as many times as you want with the same plane. Once you tower out either on your own or with help from someones guns :) then that one sortie ends.
Data point. Ok then.
I'm willing to bet that 98% of players don't rearm on a daily basis. It's not even worth it.
Usually not in WEP-limited rides.
Sorry if I was politically incorrect. I apologize.
I think it would be a nice data point. Cool stat. I love stats! That this would be relatively ez to code is even better.
Thanks for your interest in it. :salute
You can wish for whatever you like, it's got nothing to do with PC.
Don't mind the discussion. You only have to convince HiTech. :salute
It is a little bit more difficult then you may Envision due to the fact that rearms are kept client-side kills are kept server-side.
But the difficulty is only the difference of 20 min vs 3 hours or so.
More of the consideration is how would player behavior change. My guess would be people would be less interested in rearming.
Since you dont reload wep rearmings main benefit is the ability to up with ords after its been porked, usually after a base take.
Its cool to see messages when people get 2+ kills.
Could we plz have an indicator to show how may sorties it took to get them if more than 1?
Maybe something as simple as 4[2], i.e. 4 kills in 2 sorties.
No offense or anything but why is it your business how many sorties it took for someone to achieve the kills they did?
This is only anecdotal and my experience, I've listened to players grouch about kill strings and casting aspersions about that person re-arming versus, actually killing that many cons with the load out taken for a normal single sortie. Some people are proud to talk about the whole affair on 200, some people would use this as an opportunity to make denigrating assertions about how timid and back shooting you have to be to stay alive for that many re-arms and kills. This could go in unintended directions.
I like rearming..
Adds a tad more realism
My guess would be people would be less interested in rearming.
Why is this important? Because some people can get 7 kills in one sortie, and some get 7 kills in 3 sorties. Seems unfair to treat the two as equally skilled.
- oldman (now don't ask me about vulch kills, its why I rarely compliment people who land 5+ kills)
Why is this important? Because some people can get 7 kills in one sortie, and some get 7 kills in 3 sorties. Seems unfair to treat the two as equally skilled.
Some players are more important/skilled than others.
(Love ya, OM. Not seeing the 'importance.')
Why is this important? Because some people can get 7 kills in one sortie, and some get 7 kills in 3 sorties. Seems unfair to treat the two as equally skilled.
- oldman (now don't ask me about vulch kills, its why I rarely compliment people who land 5+ kills)
They aren't really treated the same because it's still one sortie if you rearm but I know what you mean, it's 3 takeoff and landings. Any advantage from rearming is likely negated with a lower hit percentage and kills/hour. The fact that it shows the same message when you land doesn't seem to be a real issue.
The quality of the opposition and nature of the fight, as you mentioned with vulching, is more important for skill comparison and you aren't going to know that from rearming data.
why is it your business how many sorties it took for someone to achieve the kills they did?
You could ask "why is it anyone's biz to have any stats on anyone".
Why? = I'm a geek. I love stats. It seems like that would be a good one.
I like rearming.. Adds a tad more realism
Yep cool feature. I am not suggesting in any way it should not exist or is bad.
Some players are more important/skilled than others.
(Love ya, OM. Not seeing the 'importance.')
:rofl :aok
You could ask "why is it anyone's biz to have any stats on anyone".
Why? = I'm a geek. I love stats. It seems like that would be a good one.
"Maverick landed 27 kills in a P-51 in 27 sorties taking damage in sortie 4 (all systems operational), sortie 19 (right wing gun) and sortie 27 (cigarette lighter) and resupplied at bases A22 (three times), A30 (four times), A21 (six times), C20 (two times without a hook landing, A19 (after capture - four times), A24 (fuel and cigarettes only), A1 (range test), A2 (six times in a row to get sortie count to 27). This message brought to you courtesy of Slade who spends most of his time compiling data on each and every player in AHIII"
I really don't have a dog in this fight, just going by what the interweb depicts as a sortie.
If I had to lean one way or the other, after reading previous comments, I would leave it as it is.
Sortie literally means exit. In military aviation a sortie ends when you land. In Aces High a sortie ends when you exit flight.
No offense or anything but why is it your business how many sorties it took for someone to achieve the kills they did?
Sorry if me being wired to be a geek interferes with the way you need to be perceived.
I ultimately fly to have fun! AH have done an amazing job modeling these planes and they are a blast to fly. kudos! :aok
Though I dig stats, this is only a wish. A preference. I am not stuck on any preference.
Are you ready? ...
I'd be OK having no stats at all too. NONE. How about you guys whom this wish has struck a nerve of sorts with? :old:
You asked for something and didn't do your own due-diligence to understand the unintended consequences. That's how many wishes get ignored over the years. If you had dug deeper and illuminated the consequences to others for yourself, it often takes the fun out of being able to post a wish. The wishes I've seen acted upon have one commonality, a good thing for the most people and not just for the wisher.
bustr I did not realize a simple wish to add a stat would draw such insulting responses. I mean its just a wish!
How about we put it to a vote when people log in as AH have done in the past for items? [rhet] I mean, how could one be possibly offended if we did that.
Just post your ideas, don't sweat the discussion. I'm sure a lot of people wonder about rearms.
HiTech responded so it's moot at this point. A poll won't change that. :salute
Sorry if me being wired to be a geek interferes with the way you need to be perceived.
I'm not thinkin' it's the way I (or anyone else) needs to be perceived as much as the way you wanna perceive others. I can go the rest of my life without knowing how many times another player resupped. And I'm as much a geek as anyone.* :)
*I may well do 6 launch and traps before I venture out to engage. Now there's a geek stat.
No offense or anything but why is it your business how many sorties it took for someone to achieve the kills they did?
There is an opportunity here that was popular in AH2, then it was more as an anonymous activity like some of the muppets shooting for 300 262 kills
An accomplishment could be introduced as a contest against a personal score board. You pull up an accomplishment form. Pick your ride, load out and such. Then save it until later or click a start button. You get launched from the field you are at and now go for your kill string and as many re-arms as you need. So every time you land to re-arm, a text message notifies the arena, you have just landed with x number of kills and are re-arming. You just keep rinsing and repeating until you decide it's enough and tower. Then the text buffer says you landed x kills with x re-arms. There could be a master score board in the accomplishments that tracks these for each tour showing all of the players who took the challenge and their x kills to x re-arms. Then with each new tour carries over the three highest as permanent fixtures on the score board.
Abuse of this is not much of a matter unless it's a player with a friend or a second computer vulching to pad his count. Skuzzy could easily check the logs for such activity and the community loves to expose such things. Player abuse in terms of timid flying and HOnRun tactics, your name constantly in the text buffer will help players to eventually hunt you down and end your accomplishment en-mass. Or some lone wolf will take up accomplishment wreaking.... :O
There are times I wished players like Airjer would have gotten something like that in the text buffer for his creative mast head bombing antics. Even strat runners who spend hours doing their thing, getting something more than a landed damage score and no real idea of what they accomplished. CV bombing and BB bombing could get more of a message for landing those things destroyed. There are some really persistent jabo players who invest a lot of time sinking CV's who no one knows from the text buffer about their lone accomplishment.
Fighter jocks get all the glory in the buffer, while there are many other players doing things that getting recognition in the text buffer would keep them stoked. And for newer players, they really need this kind of validation much more than we older players. And one way to deal with ack, if you run over to a field and single handed drop all of the ack, get a sudden popup in the text buffer letting that country know whom to thank. Comparatively towns are easy to de-ack. Validation and your name in lights to help players decide you need to spend time in the tower if they can find you. We already communicate the locations of our love-to-hate rivals in the other countries so we can swamp them with machingunning love.
Vets will grouse that this will just fill the buffer with nonsense and even swamp the VOX queue. Validation of exploits is not a bad thing, it helps create rivalries and some kind of feed back other than hoping the green guys around you even see or care about what you just did.
bustr you may be on to something. How about keep the Channel 200 posts on kills as-is but also provide a way for the stats nutty like me extract or download the raw data and extrapolate ourselves.
This would not change the in game perception of a sortie.
I try to offer ideas that benefit the most players in the community. Hitech taught me the hard way that he provided many ways to solve things I wish for that only benefits my curiosity. Now I build terrains and went through the PITA of creating a tiny terrain to only spawn fighters into a position that levels them so I can bring up the target to test my guns. Just like the gun harmonizing stations you see in WW2 pictures. And what did it do for me, nothing, I don't even play with it anymore. I think I have about 10 aircraft left to setup that have weird in-between lengths of rear wheel to front gear and height of the main gear to the bottom of the wing. It almost looks like I will have to use two more airfields to have enough spawn directions to customize the slope they will each spawn onto to level them. Fortunately the vast majority of planes have similar dimensions.