Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: mustng2 on December 11, 2017, 01:04:29 PM
When a sortie is ended with auto record the player is presented with a box with an automatically generated number which he can change and the choice to save or discard. The box will stay up until he clicks on one of these. My wish is that either an auto save option be added that causes all films to save without requiring a player action although flashing the film number for a few seconds would be nice or in lieu of that have a default action that the film be saved if neither save or discard is selected for a select period of time in the 2 to 4 second range. Saving a film is an entirely reversible decision in that they can be deleted at any time. A hasty decision to discard a film is not reversible.
I wholeheartedly support this request. The number of times I've lost really good FSO frames due to the reflexive "cancel" hitting when that window pops up... Makes me sad.
...due to the reflexive "cancel" ....
Reflex save instead. You don't even have to rename it (like auto save would), they increment automatically.
With the proposed change the player would not have to take any action to save. As it is now he has to do something to get rid of the box which at times takes up what seems like precious seconds before the next sortie which can lead to bad decisions. The proposed change would still allow those player who wish to make the cancel decision to do so, but it makes the availability of films which are so often requested through out these forums much more likely if it is entirely hands off.