Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: KCDitto on July 29, 2018, 04:14:15 PM
I need a Pe-2 Russian bomber.
This would be for early war SEA and FSO stuff.
+1 if we had the pe2,, it would be easy to add the pe3 heavy fighter variant
She is a good looking bird. +1
+1 it was exceptional dive and level bomber
Another Finnish plane!
they havent added a plane to the game since jan 2014....and that was the tu-2.
Another Finnish plane!
Sort of, they only had a handful. Of which, three saw combat. Enough for a skin, though.
ooooo +1. id love to have my goons flying with me in Tu-2s and Pe-2s
I was looking into a new setup last night in which a Pe-2 would fit perfectly and is actually needed. We could definitely use it.
Bump, still need it.
Worthy add. +1
Just think of it:
While we're talking, might as well throw in the Fiat G55. :aok
Pe-2 is the same plane as the Tu-2. It was just a trick to sell more of them.
Pe-2 is the same plane as the Tu-2. It was just a trick to sell more of them.
Without going down this road, I will say that all we have is a Tu-2S. This presents a problem for early and mid war. If we had a Tu-2D, maybe we could go without a Pe-2. A Tu-2S is not, at all, a Pe-2 of any kind.
It would be cool if the drones stayed in tight enough that you could dive bomb with them, and hit targets with all 3 without losing them.
It would be cool if the drones stayed in tight enough that you could dive bomb with them, and hit targets with all 3 without losing them.
Try cutting throttle, open Bombay doors and using the - key (max) on the numeric key pad. I find that the drones of bombers stay with the lead plane in the dive much better while dive bombing or descending from high alts to land even at high speeds.
and give me a Beaufighter to use to shoot it down with.
Gonna be a lot of "can a PE2 out turn a p47" threads if it is introduced.
we have NOT had a new plane added since jan 2014........
we have NOT had a new plane added since jan 2014........
What day hour and minute? :old:
Gonna be a lot of "can a PE2 out turn a p47" threads if it is introduced.
Oh well, still need it.
the reason given was that they were working on aces high 3...ok. we have ah3......has anyone talked to skuzzy and the gang to find out if they will be adding anything....
the reason given was that they were working on aces high 3...ok. we have ah3......has anyone talked to skuzzy and the gang to find out if they will be adding anything....
I can't even convince them to add a 110F. And that will take zero work to the 3d model. All the parts needed are already in the C and G.
I would be shocked to ever see a new plane.
I look at all the new 3D models as new planes. Waffle has to start from scratch to create them.
Still need it.
'Need' is relative. (Usually to the likes of the requester.) Not unlike, say, a 'MiG Alley' arena. Or a Patton tank. Or rearm pads that can fix major damage to an aircraft that made it back on a wing and a prayer. Or an FPS element added to the game. Or submarines. Or ... 3D updates for everything already modeled (most practical work needed in game, IMO.) But yeah, everything wished for is 'needed.' In someone's pov.
Ok, perdweeb and the rest of those who play events really want/need a Pe-2. There are very little substitutes for a Pe-2 in certain parts of the war.
'Need' is relative. (Usually to the likes of the requester.) Not unlike, say, a 'MiG Alley' arena. Or a Patton tank. Or rearm pads that can fix major damage to an aircraft that made it back on a wing and a prayer. Or an FPS element added to the game. Or submarines. Or ... 3D updates for everything already modeled (most practical work needed in game, IMO.) But yeah, everything wished for is 'needed.' In someone's pov.
The Patton did not serve in WW2.
The Patton did not serve in WW2.
THE Patton did... A Patton didn't :D
Adding new planes reaches a point of diminishing returns especially of they dont offer significant variation. We already have quite an extensive list that's dominated by 10 or so planes.
Bottomline, adding a new plane wont increase the player base. Something really fresh is needed. What, i honestly don't know.
Ok, perdweeb and the rest of those who play events really want/need a Pe-2. There are very little substitutes for a Pe-2 in certain parts of the war.
You've been elected spokesperson for events players (CM training wheels come with more authority than I remember)? I've wished for many planes that have no suitable substitute for event purposes (before and after the graphic upgrade). Events will be the home to which I return. But Bustr hit the nail on the head. HT and co. currently have lots of work to do, as it is. They aren't on vacation. Insisting that now is finally the time for new plane models (even my request for KW arena jets) ignores the need for 3D fix-ups on current models.
You've been elected spokesperson for events players (CM training wheels come with more authority than I remember)? I've wished for many planes that have no suitable substitute for event purposes (before and after the graphic upgrade). Events will be the home to which I return. But Bustr hit the nail on the head. HT and co. currently have lots of work to do, as it is. They aren't on vacation. Insisting that now is finally the time for new plane models (even my request for KW arena jets) ignores the need for 3D fix-ups on current models.
I am sorry if I offended you, Arlo. I simply wanted to bump a wish for the Pe-2, which I feel is a very good candidate for the next plane in Aces High. I meant no disrespect to you or your previous wishes in the Wishlist. I absolutely do not represent the entire event community nor do I represent the entire CM team. I was simply rewording my wish according to your parameters.
I think AH would benefit from a Pe-2, that is all I meant. :salute
No offense was taken. I merely wanted to place perspective. All wishes are important to the wish maker. Even when they receive a few +1s that doesn't mean supportive players don't think that wish overrides everything else. Sometimes we all need to step back and realize the workload that HT is actually still under. If all the current models reach full-blown 3D shininess (and there have been ongoing updates) then I, no doubt, will wish and back other wishes for new models of all sorts. The Pe-2 being one. :)
No offense was taken. I merely wanted to place perspective. All wishes are important to the wish maker. Even when they receive a few +1s that doesn't mean supportive players don't think that wish overrides everything else. Sometimes we all need to step back and realize the workload that HT is actually still under. If all the current models reach full-blown 3D shininess (and there have been ongoing updates) then I, no doubt, will wish and back other wishes for new models of all sorts. The Pe-2 being one. :)
Once the few remaining old models are updated, I think it would be beneficial to get a few new planes out. Events have 2-3 planes that are desperately needed to flesh out designs. The Pe-2 is one of them since as perd said, there are no good substitutes for it.
Once the few remaining old models are updated, I think it would be beneficial to get a few new planes out. Events have 2-3 planes that are desperately needed to flesh out designs. The Pe-2 is one of them since as perd said, there are no good substitutes for it.
Agreed. When you consider the release rate on reworked models though, it's understandable that people might get frustrated at the likely amount of time it will be before we see anything new.
From my perspective, I like anything that adds to FSO/Scenario possibilities. However, for the average Melee player the benefit is minimal unless it's something bigger and better that wouldn't be a hangar queen.
I take offense to everything ... but I put a gate in it. :D
Once the entire (or at least 80% of) the existing plane/vehicle/ship models are beautiful AH3D, I anticipate Euro events will have a better chance at getting necessary gaps filled than Pac events (although adding some early war USN planes such as the Douglas TBD and the Curtiss SB2C and a couple of later IJ models such as the Nakajima B6N and the Yokosuka D4Y should mollify the axis players and spark some interest).
It might be cool to add a recon. plane and have the enemy not be able to see downtimes unless a recon plane was within 5k of said destroyed objects.
That concept has merit. If the attacking unit is wiped out no info about damage could be given unless a recon was in the area, or perhaps the down times have a randomness value (representing fog of war, adrenaline, etc) and the recon will get you accurate info whereas without it you're hoping and gambling on the info you have.
H6K and PBY would have a more solid foundation for addition if reconnaissance and scouting were to be a thing. You want to get a read on down times, need to take a scout/recon type plane up. Further the idea a little, you'd have a Scout/Recon selection that lights up of the plane you are taking is "valid" (IE: used as such), and can only get that information if it's selected instead of Fighter/Attack/Bomber. :headscratch:
Emilys and Catalinas could make enemy fleets appear on maps, for that matter.
Same for the FW-190A9 with the TS engine
~1000 produced, a bit faster.
I can't even convince them to add a 110F. And that will take zero work to the 3d model. All the parts needed are already in the C and G.
With our new radar setting for planes, why does the CV not show up as long as one of your countrymen is in the air within 18miles? We do it to GV's and it's within 10miles to get GVDAR. Give the CV a different color and call it CVDAR with a 3x3 block. That would be the same as a PBY or Emily.