Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => Friday Squad Operations => Topic started by: daddog on October 29, 2001, 11:40:00 AM

Title: Too many guests in some squads.
Post by: daddog on October 29, 2001, 11:40:00 AM
C.O.'s take a look at your squad. Some of you have over 10 guests. That is WAY too many!  Please keep it down to 2 or 3. Then only allow them to fly with you for 3 weeks. If you have pilots that have to move on encourge them to start their own TOD squad. This will only help the TOD to grow.  :)
Title: Too many guests in some squads.
Post by: funkedup on October 29, 2001, 02:53:00 PM
*Edited because I think I misinterpreted Daddog's request.*

Kicking guests out of the event will not grow the series - it will do just the opposite.

If somebody is on the dossier page of a TOD squad and they are on the roster of that squad in the SEA, then as far as TOD is concerned they should be treated as a member of that squad.

Is the problem that squads are showing up with more pilots than they are registered for?  

I think in that case what you should be doing is asking COs to not exceed their registered numbers.

Which is probably what you meant anyways.


[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: funkedup ]
Title: Too many guests in some squads.
Post by: funkedup on October 29, 2001, 03:00:00 PM

[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: funkedup ]
Title: Too many guests in some squads.
Post by: rosco- on October 29, 2001, 04:48:00 PM
Well then ill withdraw from TOD untill the Sat afternoon date is tried. 308th cant muster up enough members largly because many of our members also play WB and TOD conflicts with Wb's S3s. Myself, Friday night is usually spent going out with friends or chaseing women. S3s are a load of fun but a person has to get out of the house once and a while.

 Hopefully im not alone  :)
Title: Too many guests in some squads.
Post by: -ammo- on October 29, 2001, 05:45:00 PM
He didnt say "no" guests. You 308th guys are welcome with the 56th FG until you guys can put together a better showing. We scrubbed our roster. It was looking thick, but what it was..was an accumalation over the past 3 TOD's.
Title: Too many guests in some squads.
Post by: Ripsnort on October 30, 2001, 09:30:00 AM
MAG_33 is mostly made up of VMF-323 members, however, due to the remaining MAG-33 squads in the main not having enough participation, we chose to encompass all 5 squads with the "MAG-33" designation for the TOD only.  If this is a problem, let me know.