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General Forums => Achievement System => Topic started by: Max on March 30, 2019, 07:33:57 AM

Title: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Max on March 30, 2019, 07:33:57 AM
Who doesn't remember Pipz? (RIP)  :salute

I was defending an old style, circa AH2 GV base when I heard a cpl of rockets hit...then a few more...then an onslaught of rockets raining down everywhere. At 1st I wasn't sure what was happening (when's the last time you heard hundreds of rockets?) so on Ch 200 I typed, "WTF is going on at Vxx???"

Next thing I hear is Pipz on vox howling with laughter and screaming, "How do you like us nowwwwwwwwwwwww?" He and a couple of squaddies attacked with M4 rocket tanks but not before using M3's to park scores of sup boxes to the base parameter.

Between the 10 minute rocket barrage and Pipz's howling it was the funniest thing ever.  :old:
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: SAAMIAM on September 21, 2019, 12:07:22 AM
Still a noob so my stories are limited... very limited.. hahaha.. BUT.... 2 events come to mind that were pure dumb luck but cool as hell to have pulled it off..

1. Downing a P38 with a B25 at 3.5km....
was on my way to drop some eggs one night and while climbing to alt I found myself playing chicken with a P38. He was 5k off my 12, I put my crosshair a good 6" above him and let loose with the 75mm.. it looked like an artillery round with the arching flight path and as the round started to drop, the P38 started to climb... I was thinking no way.... at 3.5k that P38 merge plotted with my round and blew up!!

2. Downing a B17 with an I16...
One night while getting pummeled and spawn raped by a hornets nest of red planes swarming over A9, I managed to get airborn in an I16. Just after takeoff, I pulled vertical just as 3 low flying B17's were passing directly overhead.. I had just enough time to switch to and fire my rockets before stalling/getting shot down.. the third rocket went right up his belly and BOOM!!
Very cool thing to see!!

See you in da skies Boys!!
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Bruv119 on November 21, 2019, 05:14:53 PM
getting called out by kermit and betty from the ground as pilots with pistols. 

I circled a few times to see where they were and bailed out nearby behind some trees.  Kermit comes running up the hill, I step out from behind a tree and shoot him in the face with my pistol  :D.  Then I run down the hill side stepping from one tree to another encircle an old style red barn and shoot betty in the back.     :banana:  :ahand
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: DurrD on January 07, 2020, 02:51:15 PM
There are so many to choose from, and by their very nature you had to have been there for most of them to be truly funny, but a few of my favorites:

- FBCrabby stating on country channel after bailing out over an enemy airfield that he was going to shoot the next pilot to take off in the head.  He walked over to the runway, and seconds later somebody spawned, and boom, he shot them right in the head, killing like a Spitfire or whatever it was with his pistol!  Since there were no planes nearby, I have always wondered if the guy that got hit ever knew what hit him.

- The Knight pilot that was flying over an enemy field, I think for the purpose of taking down the dar; when a large mission spawned on the runway.  He dropped his bomb on the runway and got some ridiculous number of kills (seems like it was like 15-20).

- Putz was doing what he used to do on ch200, and apparently we Freebirds set him off with something we did, so he was ranting about us and being generally insulting.  I was returning to base with 5 kills and I thought maybe I could bait him, so I landed at a safe base, and waited.  Putz made another disparaging comment, so I said something like, "You talk a lot of stuff for somebody that hasn't landed any kills recently".  He comes back, as I thought he might with, "I NEVER see any Freechickens landing kills".  I instantly hit end flight so that the 5 kills system message immediately followed his statement in the text buffer.  I still have the screenshot from that one somewhere. 

- The massive goon raids that we used to do way back in the day.

- Flying a goon and having an Me-262 dive in from somewhere in the stratosphere only to compress and lawn dart right next to me.  C-47 = 1 : Me-262 = 0.  Also, evading an attacking La-7 while in a goon, eventually gaining his tail, and sticking right on it for a few minutes, ultimately resulting in the La-7 running for home, while I (slowly) chased in the mighty goon lol!

- Watching a drunken pilot who shall remain unnamed repeatedly crash Me-262s until he was out of perks.

- Circling a King Tiger in my M-8, remaining just ahead of his turret, peppering him with shells until he was tracked, and hoping for that elusive achievement.  Alas, even though I scored probably a dozen hits from all sides, somebody else with another tank fired in, taking the kill.  Still it was a heart-pounding minute, laughing hysterically the whole time.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Vulcan on January 31, 2020, 07:33:45 PM
The gunman42 incident.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: popeye on February 01, 2020, 09:15:30 AM
In AH2, when dar was just dots, I'm on the ground in a chute trying to direct a team mate to a bad guy on the ground.  He's due west of me -- no, he's over there -- no he's changed direction -- no, he's going back where he was -- etc., etc., etc.   It's wasn't until the team mate gave up and flew away that I realized I was seeing the .45 aiming dot on the map and not a bad guy.  Every time I looked in a different direction the bad guy "moved".   There was never a bad guy at all.    :O
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Frodo on February 17, 2020, 11:08:57 AM
The gunman42 incident.

 :noid  :aok
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: guncrasher on March 19, 2020, 03:13:42 PM
i remember once years ago, we had over 30 planes capping a base. no uppers.  then we saw 262 rolling,  we all dove in, between friendly kills and people who lawndarted, the guy got like 15 kills.  262 was shreded apart but still was able to end his sorty. funniest thing ever.

Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: LCADolby on March 19, 2020, 09:38:41 PM
Managing to down a 109 with P38AAA, it was "BANANAS!"  :lol
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Shuffler on March 20, 2020, 12:24:03 AM
Fighting 2 109k4s  on the deck. We were all in the trees and they were all over me till I let loose of that limb and it smacked both of them off me..... then I woke up... ok ok.......

Once I was caught by two P-51s on the deck in a goon. Instead of giving up, I just started evading. I got them both in a turn fight where they split up but were not working well with each other. They instead both wanted the prize and both ended up augering.

Another time, many years a go, I dropped a single bomb from my 38.... right on the deck of an active CV. Just at that time a rather large group of mostly corsairs spawned to take off. I got something like 12 or 14 kills in an instant.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: popeye on March 20, 2020, 02:57:37 PM
Best vultch I ever saw.  One of the 47 Ronin squadies got 21 kills with one pass of the runway in a Seafire.  Seems a mission was spawning at the time.    :O
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Becinhu on April 13, 2020, 08:11:40 PM
Back when I first started playing.
Was vulching a field in a 110G2, was well into double figures all vulches, I was bragging on squad channel AAANNNNNDDDDDD all the ack popped. POOF back to the tower.

The other one was I was porking fields from alt in a B17. I was lining up on the radar when a mission spawned on the runway. I dropped my bombs down the length of the runway. There was much
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: hazmatt on April 13, 2020, 08:25:12 PM
For me it was the dueling C-47s with door gunners! Oh wait that was AW, nevermind.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Shuffler on April 13, 2020, 09:53:32 PM
For me it was the dueling C-47s with door gunners! Oh wait that was AW, nevermind.

Oooo puff the magic dragon
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: SlipKnt on July 01, 2020, 11:31:20 PM
About a year ago I was driving a M4 to a town.  Had a friendly deacking when a 262 dove in on him.  The fight was about 4K away from me.  I was lobbing random shots seeing if I could hit the 262.  Suddenly, POOF!  I hit it!

Several years ago I was spotting for WWhiskey (RIP).  He was in his panther and I was in the storch.  Had a 262 coming at me from behind so I pointed myself right at WWhiskey's barrel.  Rolled out and he maingunned the 262 right in the face.  We laughed for hours over that one.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: LCADolby on July 02, 2020, 01:51:40 AM
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Shuffler on July 02, 2020, 05:14:00 AM
LOL just last night I was dealing with 2 mustangs with a dunce loitering. I killed one of the ponies and was on the other when I hear a boom. I register another kill. Seems the duece had dove on me and misjudged his speed right into the ground. Good thing as I did not realize he was that close. He must have been moving when he went by me. GV fellas were howling.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: SlipKnt on July 02, 2020, 04:37:24 PM
Dolby.  That has to be one of the best kills I have seen in game!  I literally laughed out loud! 

Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: RotBaron on August 02, 2020, 10:03:09 AM
‘There are so many to choose from, and by their very nature you had to have been there for most of them to be truly funny, but a few of my favorites:

- FBCrabby stating on country channel after bailing out over an enemy airfield that he was going to shoot the next pilot to take off in the head.  He walked over to the runway, and seconds later somebody spawned, and boom, he shot them right in the head, killing like a Spitfire or whatever it was with his pistol!  Since there were no planes nearby, I have always wondered if the guy that got hit ever knew what hit him.’

I remember Crabby doing that! I wonder if he figured out how to do it and was able to repeat it or if we were there at the same time. Our BBS join dates are close together, maybe it was the same time...and I also recall it being a Spitfire!

Where is FBCrabby?
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Wiley on August 06, 2020, 01:32:44 PM

LOL I did that exact thing in Warbirds once!  Broke a tailwheel when I ditched so I was sitting at an off angle and he flew right into the sight.

Probably my favorite was one of my earliest FSOs I was flying a Hurri against some flavor of 109.  I got pilot wounded, killed the bandit, and was trying desperately to get back to our base to land.  As I flew the blackouts were getting more and more frequent.  I blacked out on final and skidded it in, the plane rolled as it hit the runway and all that was left of the plane when I stopped was the cockpit.  I was laughing my bellybutton off and reaching forward to type /.ef when the screen went red and I died.  Many bad words were said.

Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Chalenge on August 09, 2020, 11:02:55 PM
That map Fester made with all the vbases so close together was a load of fun, because you could sit on nearly any base and rocket/shell down the next base in order. One day I kept one vbase down for about eight hours until finally that team brought everything they had to flatten our base. Once the fight started it lasted for hours! Great fun! Once that map was out of circulation the fun just vanished with it.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Flayed1 on September 07, 2020, 10:32:56 AM
 Years ago before we had uncapturable bases and many more players every night. I was on Mindanao map and decided to drive my M3 to one of the 163 bases that the Bish were attacking but couldn't take way up in the mountains.  It took me over 2 hours to drive there with no GV spawn and mountains from hell so bad that I had to reverse up 2 or 3 of them because 1st gear wouldn't cut it (also back before the crappy automatic transmission  :D )    I finally get to the hill above town and called in to my brother, Thnderegg to bring the 91st Bomb group over and bomb town for me.  Wait another 20 min and 4 or 5 flights of bombers go over and flatten town.
  I coast down the hill (yes we had neutral back then) and cruise into town as fighter after fighter lift off the runway and fly right over me but nobody looks down!  Like really who would be crazy enough to drive an M3 up to that base??  This guy thats who!!!  :x     
   I let out the troops with fighters still passing right over the tops of the buildings and take the base just as something like 10 or 15 163's try to take off and all get shot down by the auto ACK LOL!!!   

 Many great laughs and WTG's that night for sure. :)     
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Meatwad on September 27, 2020, 06:52:29 AM
In AH1 on the uterus map, taking off in a C47 with 25% fuel from the highest map on the base. Due to something screwy with the alt wind settings on the map above 35K or something, if you managed to baby the C47 past that "wind cap", you would hit some insane wind that would allow you to reach 200K+ in alt in the MA. Sadly I lost the pictures I had of them when my free webspace from charter was deleted without my knowledge.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Bushmills on September 28, 2020, 05:04:52 PM
getting called out by kermit and betty from the ground as pilots with pistols. 

I circled a few times to see where they were and bailed out nearby behind some trees.  Kermit comes running up the hill, I step out from behind a tree and shoot him in the face with my pistol  :D.  Then I run down the hill side stepping from one tree to another encircle an old style red barn and shoot betty in the back.     :banana:  :ahand

What about cobrajet doing YMCA in bee noises on vent  :D :banana:
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Worid on September 25, 2022, 11:46:42 AM
Many, many years ago
(I think it was still 99 cents/hr AOL still)
took a T34 the long way around to behind a Knights GV spawn point. Found a nice little hole and back into it. a few moments later here comes an uberpanzer. pulls between 2 hedges overlooking our spawn. I guess someone below spotted him and opened up. I wait for him to return fire and i nail him. A few moments later he back right in the same. waited and repeated. this went on 4 more times.
Since i was out of fuel anyway. i get out walk over and stand in front of him. he sees and I move to the side away from pintle gun. he sticks his head out to man top gun. I nail him with pistol and walk back to the spawn. the whole time this has been going on he keeps screaming Cheat to anyone that would listen.
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: Dichotomy on June 01, 2023, 04:36:47 AM
One squad night many years ago we were doing a jeep race night just for fun. 

So a bunch of us are lined up on the runway and, unbeknownst to us, one of us had decided to up a fighter from another base.. he comes zooming in and blasts us off of the runway.  Many laughs were had. 
Title: Re: Funniest AH moment stories
Post by: thndregg on May 28, 2024, 10:22:49 AM
I was in the area of a base take, flying a good waiting for word to come in and drop. BOPs had the base capped and ready. In comes a set of enemy B17's low (in the days of dot dar only), crosses the field on its way to my C47 as I was flying near some terrain. B17's pass over right to left perpendicular to my route, ball turrets blazing toward my goon, and proceeds to slam himself into the mountain side without even so much as a scratch on me.

3 victories in a C47 plus base capture.