Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Custom Skins => Topic started by: Greebo on May 06, 2019, 11:48:44 AM
Now that Skuzzy has retired it will be understandable if we don't get such frequent batch updates of player skins from now on. However it has been about nine weeks since the last one was processed at the end of February and this is beginning to sap my enthusiasm for doing more skins. So could someone from HTC please let us know when the current batch of skins will be added to the game and how often we might expect future updates to occur?
this train just keeps derailing....... guys we cant lose Greebo......
this is beginning to sap my enthusiasm for doing more skins.
Yep. I'm working on some new skins I pray will be available for June's FSO. But after that I may need to find a new hobby...
Was Skuzzy moving the current system to a point that the skinners would be able to take over the process? Unless Hitech is in the process of bringing in a new Skuzzy, can players operate what Skuzzy has created?
this train just keeps derailing....... guys we cant lose Greebo......
We can’t lose ANYONE at this point. The herd is pretty thin.
Was Skuzzy moving the current system to a point that the skinners would be able to take over the process? Unless Hitech is in the process of bringing in a new Skuzzy, can players operate what Skuzzy has created?
Skuzzy created a skins submission page and also a skins download page before he left. Before this skinners would submit files in the wrong bit depth or with the wrong file names etc. and Skuzzy would spend a lot of his time administering this. If this happens now though the admissions page will automatically reject the skin and tell the skinner why. So now all the submitted skins on the server have the right file names and file formats. However HTC still need to check each skin for content; is it good enough in terms of quality and accuracy, does the skin follow HTC's guidelines for what can be skinned (saw service in WW2, no swastikas etc), is there any nose art that would fall foul of ESRB rules? So although Skuzzy did a fantastic job of streamlining the submissions process it still needs someone at HTC to give the skins a once over before they can go into the game.
And you gents can't do that for HTC?
This current body of skinners from what I've observed could cooperate on producing historical volumes for museums and be 98% on the money. I bet Skuzzy was there to be the final word so you gents wouldn't devolve into a tenured faculty lounge purse fighting club over minutia.
Working on it, ran into a snag need to speak with skuzzy about.
Working on it, ran into a snag need to speak with skuzzy about.
Thanks HiTech.
Thank you Hitech.
Bustr, I don't think HTC would want a skinner vetting committee. It could get ugly if some new skinner came along and submitted a skin that he thinks is brilliant and we think is crap. However if HT asked me to do something on those lines I'd consider it.
I've had enough years to become disappointed in the men if that were in the cards, so far I'm not where the scholarship and art is concerned. Hitech can be the final word while young and new to the fold, is a known quantity and expected to have more passion than experience.
Hitech has asked if I would take over the checking and approval of new skins and to help him out I agreed to do so. I have approved all the current skins in the queue.
Thank you Mr. Hitech and Mr. Greebo.
Hitech has asked if I would take over the checking and approval of new skins and to help him out I agreed to do so. I have approved all the current skins in the queue.
Most excellent. Thanks Greebo.
Most excellent. Thanks Greebo.
Thank you Mr. Hitech and Mr. Greebo.
Yes. Thanks guys.
Hitech has asked if I would take over the checking and approval of new skins and to help him out I agreed to do so. I have approved all the current skins in the queue.
Once approved do they have to be released?
I am assuming they’re not “out” yet.
I released them all about 10 mins ago.
I released them all about 10 mins ago.
Excellent. Thanks, boss.
I'll likely be checking the next batch of skins early next week, so try to get anything you are working on submitted by then.
After the recent BBS and skins submission page disruption I will now review the current skins batch on Monday the 22nd.
great. I'll have everything all submitted by then.
I tried to review the current batch of skins today but there is a problem with the skins submissions site not showing images. I've let HT know about the problem and I will do the review once it is sorted out.
I tried to review the current batch of skins today but there is a problem with the skins submissions site not showing images. I've let HT know about the problem and I will do the review once it is sorted out.
I posted this in the Skinner’s Forum already. :angel:
Sorry Vraciu, I missed your post.
HT told me he is busy for the next few days but he will look at the problem after that.
Sorry Vraciu, I missed your post.
HT told me he is busy for the next few days but he will look at the problem after that.
No sweat. :cheers:
I plan to process the current batch of skins early next week. So if anyone has anything they have not yet submitted please try to do so over the weekend, or let me know if you need a few extra days to finish it.
I just finished a couple more skins. Only need to do make screenshots and submit them. Should be good to go on Tuesday.
My Mustang is in. Thanks for waiting. :salute
The skins page says that Spit VIII you redid for the scenario is there. Downloaded it and it's still the old shiny version. I take it the skin batch isn't in yet? Said by Greebo on the skins page.
My guess is that the names are updated automatically when a skin is adopted. Same thing happened with the 3 skins I adopted this round.
My guess is that the names are updated automatically when a skin is adopted. Same thing happened with the 3 skins I adopted this round.
Correct. The names change immediately.
So, when's the update coming?
So, when's the update coming?
G approved skins today so maybe next week.
Ok Cool.
Hopefully before Friday, though. Pretty much this whole batch I made is for this month's FSO.
I approved the skins last week and any added since then today. HT is really busy at the moment but will try to do the update as soon as he can.
Would a shipment of booze help? :)
I'd have thought it could have the opposite effect......
HT says the latest batch of skins have been released.
HT says the latest batch of skins have been released.
Awesome... thanks for the update Greebo!!
HT says the latest batch of skins have been released.
Most excellent.
HT says the latest batch of skins have been released.
How do we download it? (Latest link on the skins page is Feb 2018.)
How do we download it? (Latest link on the skins page is Feb 2018.),108740.0.html
So there is no "batch" of new skins to download as a group? Looks like one-at-a-time or the complete skins package.
So there is no "batch" of new skins to download as a group? Looks like one-at-a-time or the complete skins package.
Ah. Misunderstood the question. Sorry.
I plan to go through the pending skins early next week. So if anyone has anything nearly ready then please try to get it finished and submitted over the weekend.
Everything I've got on the table at the moment is only for terrains. I'll have some new stuff for the next batch.
Skins released today.
I will likely check the current batch of skins for submission next week. So if anyone has anything nearly done please let me know if you need more time.
I'll likely go through the current batch of skins next week. So if anyone has a skin that is near to completion try to get it done in the next few days, or let me know if you need a bit more time.
Thanks. I'm still debating that L we discussed. If I haven't submitted it don't wait for me. Will probably be tomorrow night or Sunday before I can get to it.
I do have a request for a new Thunderbolt skin. "Look! No Hands" from the 509th/405th if that hasn't been made yet.
I do have a request for a new Thunderbolt skin. "Look! No Hands" from the 509th/405th if that hasn't been made yet.
If a decent photo of the plane can be found then I skin it for you. A quick search on the web has uncovered a close up photo of the left front of the aircraft but ideally I would want a photo of the whole aircraft as well.
No problem Greebo. I know they had the Balls out on with the bull. I saw the skin I recommended from a modeller who makes small scale models on YouTube that's where I found it.
I do have a request for a new Thunderbolt skin. "Look! No Hands" from the 509th/405th if that hasn't been made yet.
A colour photo as well.
Those photos are great thanks Lyric1. I will skin the earlier of the two "Look No Hands" aircraft as a D-25 with the lower fuselage D Day stripes but no red cowl flaps as that one has a photo showing the whole plane. Although the later aircraft with the colour photo has a red base to the nose art on the earlier one it is much lighter tone than the red cowling next to it. So I think yellow may be correct for this aircraft. Another difference between the two is that the text on the earlier aircraft is black while it is red on the later one.
I intend to process the next skins batch in a few days. So if anyone has a skin nearing completion let me know if you need some extra time to finish it.
Since new skins are no longer available as a batch download, could you publish a list here to make it easier to do the individual downloads? :salute
I'll post a list of the skins I have accepted but they won't appear in the MA until HT processes them, which can sometimes be days or weeks later.
I'll post a list of the skins I have accepted but they won't appear in the MA until HT processes them, which can sometimes be days or weeks later.
Ah, didn't realize that. Guess a list here wouldn't be so useful. Thanks for the clarification.
And thanks for all your efforts! :salute
I intend to process another skins batch later this week. So if anyone has a skin nearing completion let me know if you need some extra time to finish it.
I'll be going through the current batch of skins later this week so if anyone needs a little more time to finish something, please let me know.
I'll be going through the current batch of skins later this week so if anyone needs a little more time to finish something, please let me know.
I'd like to try and sneak one in by Thursday if you can hold that long.
Yeah, I have a couple of partially completed skins. I can probably finish them by Thursday.
No problem, I'll wait until your skins are done.
Go ahead and sent the batch to HiTech. I'll have my other skins ready for next month.
I submitted a P-51D a little bit ago; I'm done for a while now.
Just to let everyone know I've just gone through the current batch of skins and approved them all. They'll appear in the MA as soon as Hitech gets time to process them into the game. There were 14 new and 12 updated or adopted skins in this batch.
Thanks, Greebo. :salute :cheers:
That is a lot of work. Well done gentlemen. :salute
Sorry for the late notice but if anyone has any skins finished but not yet submitted please do so ASAP. I am going to go through the approval/rejection process for the current batch of skins tonight.
Can you hold off a while on that Greebo?
I'm trying to bang out a P-39D for next months FSO, but I still need about another week to finish it.
The reason for the rush is that I have a couple of Spitfire skins in this batch that I did for the Dieppe TFT event that's being run on Saturday.
Ok then, hopefully we can get hitech to do another batch in 2 weeks so we can get all the skins in before their respective events.
Its possible he won't be able to do a batch before the Saturday event anyway. I'll ask him tomorrow if he can process the batch this week, if not I'll ask him to hold off until you are ready.
There is also an issue with the submissions page that I have just PM'd him about and this may prevent him doing the batch this week. Hopefully he can sort that out quickly.
Good call on sending this past batch when you did. I still have days of work to do on the first P-39. I'll probably put the D model template on hold and make sure there's some Soviet Q's for the scenario next month.
Its been a month since the last batch so I'll likely process the current skins early next week. If anyone needs an extra few days to finish something let me know.
I plan on finishing the P-39Q this weekend.
note on my VMF-115, Fencer helped figure it's actually VMF-114 and Ive got all new files with changes and more accurate nose art.
Hi Mate
I thought you were in the group working on skins. Yours are at the top of my list.
Keep up the good work.
249RAF (Ret)
note on my VMF-115, Fencer helped figure it's actually VMF-114 and Ive got all new files with changes and more accurate nose art.
I don't have the tools to change the name of your skin from VMF-114 to VMF-115, only Hitech can do that. However even if you got him to do this you still wouldn't be able to update your files until after the review and then these changes wouldn't appear in the MA until the review after that. So your best bet might be to just submit the skin again but named VMF-114 and with the updated files. I'll then accept this one and reject the VMF-115 skin in the review.
I don't have the tools to change the name of your skin from VMF-114 to VMF-115, only Hitech can do that. However even if you got him to do this you still wouldn't be able to update your files until after the review and then these changes wouldn't appear in the MA until the review after that. So your best bet might be to just submit the skin again but named VMF-114 and with the updated files. I'll then accept this one and reject the VMF-115 skin in the review.
Thank you!!! :salute
I finished the P-39 skin. I just need to write the bio and format the references. I'll have the skin submitted sometime before Tuesday. When you see the thread here for it, you'll know it's submitted.
OK, I'll do the update after I see your thread.
I've now gone through the current batch and accepted all of them apart from the VMF-115 skin. The rest should be available in the MA once Hitech gets time to process them.
Thanks, G. Much appreciated.
Its nearly the end of the month so I'll process the current skins early next week. As always if someone needs a few more days to finish something let me know.
I still have a couple of projects to finish over the weekend.
I'm on the home stretch with the 2 skins left to go. I should have them done and submitted by Tuesday. I'll post here when they're all set.
No problem Devil, I'll wait until they are submitted.
All my skins are good to go.
I've now gone through the current batch of skins and have accepted them all. They'll be processed into the MA as soon as Hitech gets time to do it.
Thank you, sir.
I'll likely process the current batch of skins either late this week or early next week. As always if anyone needs a few extra days to finish something up just let me know.
The current batch of skins have now been accepted and approved. Once Hitech gets time to process them they should become available to players in the MA.
Thank you Greebo. Really appreciate how efficiently you and Hitech have the skin system working. Skuzzy's automated submission system really streamlined things. I remember the days when many months could go by between submission and release.
Just a heads up to say I'll be processing the next batch of skins on Monday 4th January.
I've approved the current batch of skins and they'll be available in the MA as soon as Hitech gets time to process them.
Thanks, G.
Also nice job everyone on the new skins.
Just a heads up that I'll be processing the next batch of skins in about a weeks time. If anyone needs a few more days to finish something just let me know.
The current batch of skins has now ben approved and will be available in the MA once Hitech processes them.
Thank you, G.
I'll be processing the current batch of skins on Monday, so if anyone has a skin that's almost done try to finish it over the weekend.
I'll be processing the current batch of skins on Monday, so if anyone has a skin that's almost done try to finish it over the weekend.
I still have a dozen from the last batch you processed. Hitech has been under the weather roxio presume he hasn't released them yet. :headscratch:
I still have a dozen from the last batch you processed. Hitech has been under the weather roxio presume he hasn't released them yet. :headscratch:
Honestly, the current batch being delayed does not bother me much, but I will be pissed if all the skins I'm working on now for April's FSO get delayed to May because HiTech wont release skins on a consistent schedule. I fear that if he releases a batch in March, he will skip April or release the April batch so late that FSO will already be over.
We need a fixed schedule.
I've approved all the current batch of skins and let Hitech know so he can process them into the MA, Covid recovery permitting.
I've approved all the current batch of skins and let Hitech know so he can process them into the MA, Covid recovery permitting.
Thanks, G.
I'll likely be processing the current batch of skins on Monday the 29th, but if anyone needs an extra day or two to get something finished then let me know.
I've accepted all of the current batch of skins and they'll be available in the MA as soon as Hitech gets time to process them.
Thanks for all the hard work!
Thanks, G.
I'd appreciate it if you could push the 6./Jg 54 190A-5 I just submitted into this batch. Thanks.
Your 6./JG 54 FW190A-5 is showing in the updated skins section, so it will be included in this batch without needing further input from me.
I'm intending to do another skins review either late this week or early next. Does anyone need next weekend to get something finished?
Yeah, I'm going to need next weekend to finish some projects
Fair enough, I'll leave the review until the following Monday then.
Please hold off on sending the skins to HiTech until Tuesday.
I still have one skin to finish Monday night.
Edit: To be clear, it's not skin I just posted, "Black 4". That's been submitted. There is another to come.
No problem, I'll hold off until then.
I've approved most of the current batch of skins. There was a directory read error on one of Devil's 109E skins which prevented me from approving it, but I have let Hitech know so he can sort it out.
There was a directory read error on one of Devil's 109E skins which prevented me from approving it, but I have let Hitech know so he can sort it out.
I called Dale and we got it straightened out.
I'll be processing the next batch of skins on Monday, unless anyone needs a couple of extra days to finish up a skin.
I've reviewed all the current skins and they will all be processed into the MA once Hitech gets time to do so.
I've reviewed all the current skins and they will all be processed into the MA once Hitech gets time to do so.
Do you only process new submissions? Do updates go straight in for Hitech to sort out?
I only have accept/reject buttons for the new skins, not the updates or adoptions. If there is something I don't like in one of those then I'd have to get Hitech to look at it and maybe reject it at his end.
Just a heads up to say I'm planning to process the current batch of skins on Wednesday or Thursday. As always if anyone needs an extra day or two to finish a skin let me know.
I've checked over and accepted the current batch of skins and they'll be available in the MA when Hitech gets the time to process them.
Thanks, G.
I'll review the current batch of skins next Monday to give everyone another weekend to finish anything they are working on.
Going to need an extra day to finish a skin.
OK, let me know when you are done.
Good to go now. Thanks.
I have reviewed and accepted this month's batch of skins and they'll be available in the MA once HItech gets time to process them.
Thanks, G.
Just a heads up to say I'll be doing the next skins review on Wednesday September 1st.
Just a heads up to say I'll be doing the next skins review on Wednesday September 1st.
Can you wait a day? I am nearly finished updating a 190 I want for FSO.
No problem, I'll wait until you are ready Devil.
Just throwing out another 'great job' to our skinners.
Just throwing out another 'great job' to our skinners.
Thank you, sir. :salute
Just throwing out another 'great job' to our skinners.
Thanks Fuzeman!
I've reviewed and accepted the current batch of skins and they'll be available in the MA as soon as Hitech gets time to process them.
Thanks, Greebo.
Thanks, G.
:aok. Thank you Greebo
:banana: Thanks Greebo! :salute
I'll review the current batch of skins on Monday 4th to give everyone another weekend to finish stuff up.
I'm going to need an extra day to finish a 109G-6 for the scenario.
No problem, I'll wait until you are ready.
I've reviewed the current batch of skins. As soon as Hitech gets time to process them they will all be available in the MA.
I'll review the current batch of skins on Monday 1st November.
The current batch of skins has now been reviewed and accepted and will be available in the MA as soon as Hitech gets time to process them.
Many thanks, G.
Just a heads up to say I'll review the current batch of skins on Wednesday 1st December.
I've now reviewed the current batch of skins and they should be available in the MA as soon as Hitech gets time to process them.
:aok. Thank you, Greebo!
Thanks G.
Hitech says sorry but there won't be a skins update this month, the next one will be in January.
Thanks for letting us know, Greebo. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Question Greebo
Are the skins I load up in the game visable to the other players?
In the online arenas your selected skin will be visible to anyone else who has downloaded that skin themselves and who has not ticked the game's "disable other players skins" box.
When do you plan on sending HiTech this current batch?
FSO is this Friday.
I don't send the skins to him, they are already on the submissions site. Usually its just a matter of PMing him to say that I have done the review and that this month's skins can now be processed.
Yesterday I sent Hitech a PM requesting a skins update for the current batch before this Friday because of all the FSO-related skins in it.
Ok. Thanks.
Kirk (with growing concern):"Gentlemen, I suggest you beam me aboard..."
I think this is a pretty large batch, and contains skins needed for an FSO event tonight - hope everything is OK at HTC. :pray
I called HiTech yesterday to ask him to release the skins. Went to voicemail.
Just a heads up to say I'll be assessing the current batch of MA skins on Monday or Tuesday of next week.
I’ve got a 51 coming for the scenario. Should have it to you by Friday.
Hitech has asked if I would take over the checking and approval of new skins and to help him out I agreed to do so. I have approved all the current skins in the queue.
All HAil the Chief!!
I’ve got a 51 coming for the scenario. Should have it to you by Friday.
Can't wait to see it! :salute
Can't wait to see it! :salute
Thank you, sir. Hopefully you will like it. :salute
Here's a quick preview. Devil, Oboe, and Lyric have been helping me nail it down offline but I still have more to do.
The JPG is bleeding colors. BMPs are a little better but neither look as clear as the viewer on my screen. Gives you an idea any way.
(Does anyone know how to get screenshots off the skin viewer that will not lose resolution? That's the problem. I'm transferring them to PSP as a PRINT SCREEN capture and they are not crisp.)
Looks great.
Can't help with the skin viewer. I hate that thing.
Looks great.
Can't help with the skin viewer. I hate that thing.
Thanks bud.
I just tried a Print Screen dumped into MS Paint and it loses a bit less quality that way than if I put it into PSP7. I can't explain why though. The skin viewer still looks clearer than what you see here.
Should I be creating my Spec Map with panel line shading disabled? I've gone back and forth on this for awhile now... Can't decide which is better.
Should I be creating my Spec Map with panel line shading disabled? I've gone back and forth on this for awhile now... Can't decide which is better.
I shade panel lines in the spec maps, but it mot be the best for bare metal. Not sure.
My thought is the dark panel lines are really just shadows in the gap between two panels, however small. So I use pure black for panel lines on the spec and power maps. Panel Edge glare layer is a rough duplicate of the panel line layer, offset 1px down and 1 px back, these are pure white in Soec file but I play around with the opacity until I get something I’m satisfied with. It Varys depending on the darkness of the base metal, and how much grime there is, etc.
My thought is the dark panel lines are really just shadows in the gap between two panels, however small. So I use pure black for panel lines on the spec and power maps. Panel Edge glare layer is a rough duplicate of the panel line layer, offset 1px down and 1 px back, these are pure white in Soec file but I play around with the opacity until I get something I’m satisfied with. It Varys depending on the darkness of the base metal, and how much grime there is, etc.
What about the panel line shading layer though? Should that be removed when creating the spec maps?
What about the panel line shading layer though? Should that be removed when creating the spec maps?
I just realized that you meant the shading layer and not the lines themselves. No, I don't add that layer to my spec maps.
Greebo, Could you hold off until Wednesday before sending these to HiTech? I've got some scenario projects to finish up.
I could use an extra day myself...
Sure, I can wait until Wednesday. There's an issue with both the T-34 submissions pages that I need fixed anyway.
Just to let everyone know I've reviewed and accepted the current batch of new skins. They'll all be available in the MA as soon as Hitech gets round to processing them.
I gave HT a nudge so I am hoping they might be in today or tomorrow. I need them in for some footage. :joystick:
Thanks G, Spikes.
April 1st is this Friday but I'll check the current skin batch on Monday 4th to give everyone an extra weekend to finish what they are working on.
I've reviewed the current batch of skins and they will be available in the MA once Hitech gets the time to process them.
Thanks, G.
Thanks Greebo.
i plan to review the current skin batch on Wednesday 1st June but if anyone needs a day or two extra to finish something just let me know.
I have reviewed the current batch of skins and they'll be available in the MA once Hitech processes them. If anyone submits another skin between now and then let me know and I will review that too.
Are we overdue for a skin release?
Are we overdue for a skin release?
Yes, well overdue.
I'm actually willing to wait until next week before calling Hitech to make him update the skins.
Give me more time to bang out more early war Emils.
I have been accepting new skins as they were submitted since the review I did at the beginning of the month. I'll remind Hitech we are overdue a new skins batch process on Monday so try to get everything done by then.
I called HiTech today. He'll have the skins released in the next day or so.
Just a heads up to say that the next skins review will be on Monday August 1st.
I have completed the skins review so the current batch will be available in the MA once Hitech gets time to process them.
I'll be doing the next skins review on Monday 4th September.
I have done the skins review for this month and they will be available in the MA once Hitech processes them.
Please note that Player1's skins can not be adopted even though they are listed as such on the Skins Admin site. There is no "Adopt" button shown when an attempt is made to do so. I assume he must have returned to the game since Hitech last updated the active skinners on the site.
Thanks, G.
Hitech didn't get back to me about it but just now I was able to adopt and submit my update of one of Player1's skins. So I guess he has updated the admin website, or less likely it was a temporary glitch that prevented me from doing so before.
I'll be doing the monthly skins review on Monday 3rd October.
I've completed the skins review for this month and these will be available in the MA once Hitech processes them.
I'll be doing the next skins review on Tuesday 1st November.
TY, G.
I'm going to need an extra day to finish a Dora.
Finishing a K-4 for FSO tonight and the Dora will follow.
No problem Devil, I'll wait until you are ready.
I have now done the monthly skins review and these will be available in the MA once Hitech processes them.
Just a heads up to say I'll do the next skins review on Thursday 1st December.
I have completed the skins review and these should be available in the MA once Hitech has processed them.
I'll do another skins review on Monday January 2nd, but as always let me know if you need a couple more days to finish something.
The current batch of skins have been reviewed and will be available in the MA once Hitech processes them through.
Greebo, let's get this batch reviewed ASAP so HiTech has plenty of time to get the skin batch released before this Friday night.
I was intending to do the review tomorrow but forgot to post the reminder last week. Looking on the site it seems everyone has uploaded their skins so I'll do it today instead.
I've done the skins review and sent a PM to Hitech to let him know. I mentioned the Friday deadline too.
Thanks, G.
Thanks Greebo.
I intend to review the current batch of skins on Wednesday 1st March. If someone needs a little more time to finish a skin let me know and I will hold off until its done.
I've now done the skins review and let Hitech know they are ready to be processed into the MA.
Thanks, G.
The next skins review will be on Monday 3rd April.
Hold off until Tuesday to send the skins to HiTech, please.
I need to call him on Monday to remind him to add the 20mm gun pod files to the 110G-2 upload page.
No problem, I'll wait until then.
G, I submitted two P-51Ds. They are the same skin. The first submission didn't like the bit count and when I re-sent it the name got screwed up. So the Mustang that says "GR" is the one to reject.
2023-04-03 13:25:35 P51D0104032023 GR by Vraciu <------- REJECT THIS ONE
2023-04-03 13:26:32 P51D0204032023 GR II/33 Savoie - French Air Force by Vraciu <------ KEEP THIS ONE
Yeah, there's a long standing bug in the name header after a skin fails submission. The name stops after the first space.
Greebo, please wait one more day. HiTech told me he's going to update the upload page to accept the new files.
OK, I'll wait until Wednesday and will also reject Vraciu's surplus skin.
I've done the review, so the current batch of skins will be available in the MA as soon as Hitech gets time to process them.
Thanks, G.
Just to let everyone know I'll do another skins review on Monday.
Just an update to say I have reviewed the current batch of skins.
I'll do the next skins review on Thursday 1st June. I'm don't know if Hitech will feel up to processing them after his recent surgery but I'll ask the question.
I've done the skins review and have let Hitech know. They should be in the game once he processes them, although I am not sure how long this will be given his recent surgery.
Thanks, G. :salute
Just a heads up to say I'll do another skins review on Monday 3rd July.
Greebo, can you deny the 109K-4 I submitted? I just realized that the normal map for that skin has a critical problem.
No problem, I'll do that.
I've rejected your Bf109K skin Devil, so just submit it again once you have fixed the issue.
I have reviewed the current batch of skins and they will be processed into the MA once Hitech is able to do so.
Just a heads up to say I'll review the current batch of skins on Tuesday 1st August.
I have done the monthly review and let Hitech know.
I have done the monthly review and let Hitech know.
Thank you, Greebo!
I just talked to HiTech on the phone. He's on vacation in Michigan. So no skin update for "about a week and a half".
Lol he coulda said “two weeks” so easily. Hope he enjoys his time off and comes back relaxed, refreshed, and recharged.
Lol he coulda said “two weeks” so easily.
I know, right? :rofl
Lol he coulda said “two weeks” so easily.
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
As the 1st is a Friday I'll do the next review on Monday the 4th Sept to give everyone an extra weekend to finish what they are working on.
As the 1st is a Friday I'll do the next review on Monday the 4th Sept to give everyone an extra weekend to finish what they are working on.
Thank you, Greebo.
Monday the 4th is a national holiday in the U.S. - Labor Day, so its a long weekend for us. Would you consider doing the review on Tuesday, 5 Sep?
No problem, the 5th it is.
I have done the monthly review but ran into a problem with a couple of skins which threw up a "directory error" that prevented me reviewing them. I have let Hitech know about the issue and hopefully he will be able to sort it out.
Thanks Greebo.
Can you say which skins had the problem? I'm wondering about the B-17G "Super Mouse" from 91BG/323BS, which I submitted as an adoption of a B-17G from 91BG/324BS. Wondering if the name change could've caused a problem?
I also re-submitted B-17G 100BG/351BS with minor tweaks and including the reference materials which were inadvertently omitted from the original update. But there should've been no name change with that one.
The other two P-47D-11s I submitted were new skins.
I see that my P-40N "Mary Lou" is submitted but not accepted. I assume that was one of the ones with the problem.
The two skins affected were Devil's "Mary Lou" P-40N and one of Blade's Spitfire Mk IX skins.
The submission site issue has been resolved so we should be good to go for this batch as soon as Hitech gets time to process them.
excellent, thanks Greebo.
Just a heads up to say I'll do the next review on Monday 2nd October.
Greebo, can you hold off on submitting this batch until Tuesday? I need to finish a 190.
No problem, Tuesday it is.
I have done the monthly skins review but ran into the same "Directory Read Error" problem as last time, this time with four of Blade's Spit 9 skins and one of Vraciu's P-38Ls. The P-38L affected was one I had rejected earlier in the month at Vraciu's request due to a submission error and that he had then resubmitted. Blade had requested I do something similar for a Spit 9 submission the previous month.
Because of this I will no longer reject submissions prior to the monthly review as it seems to be the root cause of this problem. If a skinner makes a submission error then I will at his request either reject the skin at the end of the month during the review so he can resubmit the skin the following month or I'll accept it and they can update the skin to correct the error the following month.
So please double check everything prior to submission, you have been warned.
So, how does this get fixed? I have to wait until the batch gets released then resubmit? Mine had that header error so if approved initially it would have been yellow. :cool:
I've let Hitech know about the problem but don't know when or if he is going to be able to fix it.
If someone submits a skin with a minor error, a slightly incorrect marking for example, then the best bet would be to let me accept it and then the skinner can update the skin next month after Hitech has processed the batch. For a major mistake that would make the skin look horrible then maybe get me to reject it at the end of the month and then resubmit after Hitech's processed the batch. My hope is that Hitech processing the skins each month will reset the issue although I am not even sure of that. So ideally for now I'd rather not reject skins unless I absolutely have to, its not the end of the world to have one bad looking skin in the game for a month.
Fair enough. Many thanks.
A quick update on the directory error issue that has delayed the last skin batch being processed. Hitech has fixed the issue that stopped me reviewing Vraciu's P-38 skin and this has now been reviewed successfully. However the problem with Blade's four Spitfire skins is still a mystery so Hitech has deleted the submissions from the server. Once Blade has resubmitted these I will review them and we should be good to go to get the batch processed.
If anyone has a skin not yet submitted please do so ASAP to get it included in the batch.
Blade has now resubmitted his skins. I will let Hitech know this tomorrow though to give everyone else some time to submit their skins today.
Blade has now resubmitted his skins. I will let Hitech know this tomorrow though to give everyone else some time to submit their skins today.
Why not wait until after the weekend? We've missed most of October already. No need to rush now. Let's just have a normal timetable for a November release.
OK, I can do a review on Wednesday 1st November as normal if everyone's happy with that.
I've got a couple skins in the current batch, but won't have anything else ready to submit until next cycle. I'm OK with waiting until November 1st, but a release now may help Hitech test his fix? That may be important too.
The problem Hitech is looking into is to do with what happens after I have rejected someone's skin. Later skins of the same aircraft from that skinner sometimes can't be accessed by me to review them, I get a "directory error". It has nothing to do with the process of releasing the skin batch into the MA so when the batch is processed has no bearing on finding a fix.
I have submitted a test skin for Hitech to reject himself so he can track what is happening at his end, hopefully that will help.
Hitech reported no problems with rejecting my test skin so hopefully the problem is fixed now and I will be able to reject skins without it causing issues. As he has now processed the last batch of skins I will wait and see how many skins there are next Wednesday before deciding whether to do another review then.
Release is out.
Hitech reported no problems with rejecting my test skin so hopefully the problem is fixed now and I will be able to reject skins without it causing issues. As he has now processed the last batch of skins I will wait and see how many skins there are next Wednesday before deciding whether to do another review then.
Most of the skins I will be finishing between now and the 1st will be updates/adoptions. So there will only be a couple needing reviews from you.
Did HiTech mention anything related to adopting older skins?
All the skins on the adoption page give me a directory error.
I'm getting the same thing on every skin I click on in the adoption list. This seems like a new bug as I adopted a skin recently without problems. I'll let Hitech know.
Currently we have three new and four updated skins on the submissions site, plus I have four more updated skins I can submit. My feeling is that since there is so few we should wait another week in the hope a few more skins are submitted before doing the review. However I will do it now if that is the consensus, what does everyone think?
I don't have any skins ready at the moment, but I am working on a skin I intend to adopt - I just haven't officially adopted yet. I fact I have several planned adoptions coming up, so hopefully the directory error bug can be fixed.
As far as new skins are concerned, I could have one ready if given an extra week...
Just tried adopting a skin and got a directory error:
Directory Read Error
/usr/local/apache/share/htdocs/skinadmin/viewrel.php Line=387 objindex P47N3081005 set not found open failed
Just to let you all know Hitech has fixed the skin adoption bug.
As there are now fifteen new and updated skins on the submissions site I decided it was enough to do the monthly review.
As 1st December is a Friday I'll do the next skins review after the weekend, on Monday the 4th.
I have done the monthly skins review and let Hitech know.
Just to let everyone know I'll do the next skins review on Tuesday 2nd January.
I have only one skin ready to submit this cycle, but I think I'll hold off until after the BBS is working properly regarding its certificate, just to avoid any possible submission errors or problems....
Yes, I'm also waiting for the certificate issue to be cleared up.
There is a bug on the Ostwind page of the submissions site that I need Hitech to sort before I can submit my skin. Please post here once you have submitted all your skins so I can do the review as soon as the bug is fixed.
Roger, wilco Greebo.
I should be submitting the B-17 "Little Miss Mischief" today and I will confirm here once done.
EDIT: I just read about the upcoming 8th AF scenario, to be run beginning in very early February thru March - which means this next batch is likely the last one before the scenario starts? I'm working on Gabreski's P-47, which would be suitable for the scenario - but looking at my schedule, it might be another week before I have something ready.
B-17G from the 91stBG, 324thBS, "Little Miss Mischief" has been submitted.
Roger, wilco Greebo.
I should be submitting the B-17 "Little Miss Mischief" today and I will confirm here once done.
EDIT: I just read about the upcoming 8th AF scenario, to be run beginning in very early February thru March - which means this next batch is likely the last one before the scenario starts? I'm working on Gabreski's P-47, which would be suitable for the scenario - but looking at my schedule, it might be another week before I have something ready.
I have skins I want to make for the scenario, once the Luftwaffe squads get finalized. I'll make sure Hitech does a skin batch before Frame 1.
I can always do the next review a few days before the end of January if skins are needed for the scenario.
I have just done the review of this month's skins and they will be available in the game as soon as Hitech gets time to process them.
I'll review this month's skins on Monday 29th January so Hitech has a little more time to get the skins processed before the scenario starts.
Greebo, can you wait until Tuesday? I have one more skin to finish tonight.
Sure, no problem Devil.
Greebo, can you wait until Tuesday? I have one more skin to finish tonight.
I sent you a preview of that P-51B for the scenario...
I've done the monthly review and asked Hitech if he could process them soon for the event. Vraciu I see four of your P-51B skins updated in the list, is that what you meant?
Cheers Greebo!
I've done the monthly review and asked Hitech if he could process them soon for the event. Vraciu I see four of your P-51B skins updated in the list, is that what you meant?
Hey there. No, I have one more B that's a new submission but didn't quite get it finished. I'll see if I can slip that one in before the release. I'll email you when I upload it.
Thanks for checking.
As March the 1st is a Friday I'll do the next skins review on Monday the 4th to give everyone an extra weekend to finish what they are working on.
I've now done the monthly review and let Hitech know.
Thank you, Greebo.
I'll do the next skins review on Monday 1st fooling. :)
I've done the monthly review and let Hitech know the skins are ready to be processed.
If there are no objections I'll do the next review on Wednesday 1st May.
I have now done the review and let Hitech know he can process them into the MA.
Any word?
I'll give him another call tomorrow.
HiTech told me might be able to do the skins tomorrow morning before he does the internet upgrade, but probably on Friday.
HiTech told me might be able to do the skins tomorrow morning before he does the internet upgrade, but probably on Friday.
So the skins I've seen here that guys have painted up, all of them really good btw, are bundled up and released via a pack you can download? When I initially installed the game, I also downloaded and installed via an .exe and some extra skins then showed in the hangar. So the batch or bundle will be like that? My last question is regarding the messages that keep floating by on the radio that tell me "xxx high res. skin has been dowloaded." Where are those skins coming from? I figure I must have missed a pack somewhere or something.
I'm hoping the skins help me fly better along with making my wreckage look more cool.
You can download the skins from here:
It also seems like you have the auto skins download box checked in the hangar. That's the slowest method, but the most fool proof.
You can download the skins from here:
It also seems like you have the auto skins download box checked in the hangar. That's the slowest method, but the most fool proof.
Holy crap, thanks! I have some downloading to do. I better grab a sandwich.
Thanks, devil 505. I turned that off and will wait for the new skins.
I'll do another review on Monday in the hope that Hitech will process them this time.
All submitted skins are now reviewed and accepted. I've let Hitech know he can now process them into the MA.
Just a heads up to say I'll do another review on Monday 1st July.
I've done the review and let Hitech know.
I'll do the next review on Thursday 1st August.
Just an update to say I have done the review and let Hitech know.
I'll do the next review on Monday the 2nd, hopefully Hitech will get round to processing them this time.
I've done the monthly review and informed Hitech.
I'll do the next skins review on Tuesday 1st October.
I've done the monthly review and let Hitech know.
As November 1st is a Friday is there a preference for me to do the next skins review then or after the weekend?
If you want to review them tomorrow, that will be just fine.
I have just one new skin to finish tonight and then just some adoptions, so no need to review those ones.
OK, I'll probably do the review on Thursday or Friday.
I've done the monthly review and let Hitech know.
Thank you skinners.
Thank you skinners.
Thank YOU. Your appreciation is our reward. :salute
I've done the monthly review and let Hitech know.
Thanks, G. :salute
I'll do the next review on Monday 2nd December.
I've now done the review and let Hitech know.
I'll do the next review on Monday 6th January.
I've done the skins review and let Hitech know.
I'll do the next skins review on Monday 3rd February.
Please wait until Tuesday. I have a 109F that needs finishing.
No problem, I'll do that.
I've done the monthly review and let Hitech know.
I'll do the next review on Monday 3rd March.
Please wait until Tuesday. I have 2 Emils to finish up on Monday.
No problem, I'll wail til then.
I've done the monthly review and let Hitech know.
Are the P-51D skins working?
If they aren't there is nothing I can do about it, you'll need to let Hitech know.
I'm just asking if they are before I ping him. If I'm the only one not seeing anything but the default then the issue is on my end.
I'm just asking if they are before I ping him. If I'm the only one not seeing anything but the default then the issue is on my end.
Was fine last night for me.
Thank you.