Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: CAP1 on January 28, 2020, 12:02:30 PM
i'll be re-upping finally after a really long time away from the game. beein in the ta a bit. last night flew against the ai. did decent in hurricane vs 109. then flew 38j vs ki84. man do i $%^^ suck, lolol. quote a movie line.......i'll be back.
- quote a movie line.......i'll be back.
That's the spirit!!! :cheers: :salute
we'll be looking for you! check out Monday night madness!!
The AI cheats!
we'll be looking for you! check out Monday night madness!!
you still running things in the ava? 'cause if ya are...….i'll be spending tons of time in there. :) maybe if ya need or want the help, i'll sign on to help again. The AI cheats!
it feels that way, lolol
or I just suck. :D
Good to have you back Cap. :cheers:
I will have to hide the Triple-sec again.