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Help and Support Forums => Technical Support => Topic started by: hazmatt on February 02, 2020, 04:19:12 PM

Title: Play on Linux/Wine video driver question
Post by: hazmatt on February 02, 2020, 04:19:12 PM
I have an old Laptop with the following specs:

Processor    2.5GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T9300
Memory    2GB, 667MHz DDR2
Chipset    Intel GM965
Graphics    NVIDIA GeForce 8800M GTS

I suspect it would run AH3 fine with the details turned down in windows, however, my challenge is that I'm trying to get it to run on Linux. I have it "working" however the frame rate is around 10. I'm currently using the open source generic drive because when I installed the driver from NVIDIA (the latest I could find was a 2018 dated driver) The system started locking up.

Details on my Linux config
Latest version of POL
Latest version of WINE
Latest open source driver for 8800

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Title: Re: Play on Linux/Wine video driver question
Post by: Bizman on February 03, 2020, 01:26:04 AM
It won't run AH3. The video card is simply too weak. Only your Processor fulfills the minimum requirements ( Your Memory gets only halfways and your Graphics are one generation older than required, not to mention it's a mobile version which has been underclocked to protect from overheating.

No matter what your operating system, getting a dual digit frame rate with that is an achievement per se.
Title: Re: Play on Linux/Wine video driver question
Post by: hazmatt on February 03, 2020, 10:36:48 AM
I'm updating this for anybody that may run into the same issues in the future with NVIDIA drivers.
as of 2/3/2020 there appears to be an issue with NVIDIA drivers and the newest kernel. I was able to install the drivers by reverting back to the 5.0.0 kernel. I had to reinstall the game (gotta love downloading all the graphics again over a slow connection to test the new drivers)

There are some work arounds for this. One is to recompile the drivers, two is to to reconfigure x and disable the ability for the kernel to set the parameters and three is appears to be the easiest (which I"m trying) adding: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa

AH3 was crashing with wine 3.20 using the older kernel so I download 3.19 and I will try that. I'm currently using the 32 bit and may try the 64 if that doesn't work. Will update my findings.

I tried installing other games and I was able to get ww2 online to run at 40 fps. I think if I can get that one to run I should be able to get this one to run. Still plugging away.

Title: Re: Play on Linux/Wine video driver question
Post by: Bizman on February 04, 2020, 01:12:21 AM
WW2 Online is like AH2, more dependent on the Processor than the Graphics card. WWOL2 says 3.2 for processor and GTX 8600 for Graphics.

AH3 is like most modern games, relying on a powerful Graphics card.

So comparing AH3 to WWOL2 is like comparing apples to oranges.
Title: Re: Play on Linux/Wine video driver question
Post by: hazmatt on February 09, 2020, 12:41:35 AM
I broke down and installed windows10 on the laptop just to see and now I'm getting 30-50 fps with the details turned down. That leads me to believe that is is possible to get it running under Linux if I can get the driver issue ironed out. I plan to work on that on my next days off and will update if I make any progress.