Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: DmonSlyr on February 13, 2020, 10:33:49 AM

Title: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: DmonSlyr on February 13, 2020, 10:33:49 AM
So here I am in an intense 1v1 with a P47 who has alt and E BnZing me. We go at for it for a good 5 minutes or so. I finally get a few pings on em that clips half his wing and puts him in the dirt. It pops up as an assist. I wasted over 25 30MM in my 109K trying to get em. He gives the salute to the other player thinking its him. The other guy was no where near us.

Or at least change their icon color to blue if they are going to be an assist. Perhaps this would relieve ganging. As players wont go after a plane they know they will get as assist on. At least I'd know he would be an assist.

It just irritates me to put so much effort and bullets into shooting a plane down that obviously isn't hurt bad enough to continue to go after me, only to get an assist on em after I get em.

1 30m bullet should give you more damage than anyone else. Its irritating to get an assist after connecting with a 30mm. Its irritating to get an assist when you are the only person in the area shooting the guy. The last person who puts the guy into the dirt should get the kill.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: The Fugitive on February 13, 2020, 11:17:59 AM
is it the fight your after or the kill?

If it's just kills, spend your time picking and mulching and stop "wasting" time fighting

If it's the fight, sounds like a good one so what are you complaining about?
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Oldman731 on February 13, 2020, 11:26:52 AM
is it the fight your after or the kill?

If it's just kills, spend your time picking and mulching and stop "wasting" time fighting

If it's the fight, sounds like a good one so what are you complaining about?


- oldman
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: DmonSlyr on February 13, 2020, 11:51:10 AM
is it the fight your after or the kill?

If it's just kills, spend your time picking and mulching and stop "wasting" time fighting

If it's the fight, sounds like a good one so what are you complaining about?

I'm after the kill and the fight. If I get an assist on a plane that shows 0 damage and is attacking me, that's irritating to me. Its not wasting time fighting that is the problem. Its wasting the time thinking I'm going to get the kill when I am not. No reason a guy whose a sector away should get the kill If I'm the one who actually killed him.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 13, 2020, 01:14:57 PM
how does this actually work right now? is it first player to damage the enemy, or most damage percent? or?

maybe if the toast message was something like "BLANK killed you with a La-7" it would help people knowing who got the kill a little better.

and maybe there should be a range, if you get most or first damge but then fly off beyond 3k or so you are no longer in the fight and the next guy gets the kill.

Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: DmonSlyr on February 13, 2020, 01:18:24 PM
how does this actually work right now? is it first player to damage the enemy, or most damage percent? or?

maybe if the toast message was something like "BLANK killed you with a La-7" it would help people knowing who got the kill a little better.

and maybe there should be a range, if you get most or first damge but then fly off beyond 3k or so you are no longer in the fight and the next guy gets the kill.

I like those ideas. Tbh.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: whiteman on February 13, 2020, 01:39:31 PM
And those times I smoked a plane in a fight and someone swoops in and finishes it because they got the last shots. LOL F*** that.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 13, 2020, 01:53:27 PM
yea, there is going to be some frustration either way.

but staying super high, coming down putting one short burst into every enemy you see and then waiting for someone else to finish them off shouldn't get you tons of kills.
i seem to get many more kills if i dont worry about the kill and just put a short burst in everyone i see and let someone else finish them off.
but i rarely do, because the fight is what im looking for.

mostly,its frustrating to get in a dogfight with a seemingly uninjured plane and no-one else in sight. only to get an assist.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Arlo on February 13, 2020, 02:49:47 PM
See rule #4
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: DmonSlyr on February 13, 2020, 03:10:22 PM
And those times I smoked a plane in a fight and someone swoops in and finishes it because they got the last shots. LOL F*** that.

They would still be more likely to get the kill anyway TBH and it happens all of the time.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: hitech on February 13, 2020, 03:21:02 PM
how does this actually work right now?

The kill is awarded to the player who does the most damage (prior to the plane being deemed not flyable) and is still alive.

Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 13, 2020, 03:29:36 PM
The kill is awarded to the player who does the most damage (prior to the plane being deemed not flyable) and is still alive.


excellent thank you,
that does seem like a very reasonable and straight forward solution.

i'd still like to see some way of knowing that the player who shot you down wasn't necessarily the one you had the good dogfight with.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Arlo on February 13, 2020, 03:33:34 PM
excellent thank you,
that does seem like a very reasonable and straight forward solution.

i'd still like to see some way of knowing that the player who shot you down wasn't necessarily the one you had the good dogfight with.

'Good dogfight' can be subjective. 'Most damage and still alive' not so much.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Eagler on February 13, 2020, 03:44:07 PM
Depends on plane and its ammo loadout

Some plane / ammo loads are major "assist queens"

Once you get past your little ego, you can enjoy the fight regardless of who gets the kill.


Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 13, 2020, 03:48:49 PM
'Good dogfight' can be subjective. 'Most damage and still alive' not so much.

ok sorry, what i meant was that i would like a way to know that the plane that did the most damage to me was not the one that finished me off.

even my simple solution of "blank killed you with blank" would solve my problem.

so if i get in a five minute dogfight with someone and some random pony dives down for the kill, ill know which one was actually the good fight and be able to salute the proper pilot.

and to be clear i do enjoy the fight and don't really care who gets the kill.
but i still would like to know i got the right guy.

and i dont see how it detracts from gameplay in anyway.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Mister Fork on February 13, 2020, 04:26:55 PM
The kill is awarded to the player who does the most damage (prior to the plane being deemed not flyable) and is still alive.


..and maybe we need to also add is within 3000 yards of the death/crash?
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 13, 2020, 04:34:17 PM
i personally like the idea.

if i get in a fight with someone and blow off half his wing and let him go, and then he crashes on the way home i should get a kill.
if i blow off half his wing and let him go and someone else picks him up after im no longer actively trying to kill him the kill should be theirs.

3k seems like a good distance to me.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: The Fugitive on February 13, 2020, 04:55:35 PM
i personally like the idea.

if i get in a fight with someone and blow off half his wing and let him go, and then he crashes on the way home i should get a kill.
if i blow off half his wing and let him go and someone else picks him up after im no longer actively trying to kill him the kill should be theirs.

3k seems like a good distance to me.

If if someone is fighting 2 or 3 and takes half a wing off a guy they are not going to follow him home to finish him off as Im sure the others guys are going to try and continue to shoot the single player down. How is that fair?  Granted, these days fighting more than one at a time doesnt happen that often, but your penalizing a player who should get the credit and like Violator, the "scored" kill is important to them.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 13, 2020, 05:00:55 PM
you then just have to keep your furball within 3k of him. or risk letting someone else get the kill.

in that scenario you can pick up a kill or two from the other guys your fighting, and you missed out on one because you didnt get the job done.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: The Fugitive on February 13, 2020, 05:06:12 PM
you then just have to keep your furball within 3k of him. or risk letting someone else get the kill.

in that scenario you can pick up a kill or two from the other guys your fighting, and you missed out on one because you didnt get the job done.

The game used to be set up some what like that years ago. You'd have a guy do critical damage to another guy and all these other players would follow them down pumping rounds into him to steal the kill. I think it works well as it is now. Adding the plane ID to the kill message would solve the problem of "knowing" which guy , in which plane got the killing shot.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 13, 2020, 05:09:09 PM
yea, honestly the knowing who it was is a much bigger deal to me.

i just like spitballing ideas.
excellent counter points by the way.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Mister Fork on February 13, 2020, 05:17:59 PM
The game used to be set up some what like that years ago. You'd have a guy do critical damage to another guy and all these other players would follow them down pumping rounds into him to steal the kill. I think it works well as it is now. Adding the plane ID to the kill message would solve the problem of "knowing" which guy , in which plane got the killing shot.

... this had tickled a memory for me... I thought there is an admin range setting for this... and that you had to be within a certain range to score a kill.  Now it seems in the MA that the pilot just has to be alive (as Hitech said) and he'll score the kill. I'll check tonight when I get home to see what it's set to.

Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Arlo on February 13, 2020, 05:21:56 PM
It might be a bit of a wordy message but I suppose there could be:

"Your plane was shot down due to XXX damage (most) from a P-51 flown by ______, XXX damage from an F4U-1A flown by ______, XXX damage from a P-38G flown by ______, XXX damage from a B-17 gunned by ______ and XXX damage (least) from a Jeep gunned by ______."

Or .... it could stay simple and just be the abridged version. Perhaps a preference toggle in flight options?
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: CptTrips on February 13, 2020, 05:26:26 PM
It might be a bit of a wordy message but I suppose there could be:

"Your plane was shot down due to XXX damage (most) from a P-51 flown by ______, XXX damage from an F4U-1A flown by ______, XXX damage from a P-38G flown by ______, XXX damage from a B-17 gunned by ______ and XXX damage (least) from a Jeep gunned by ______."

Or .... it could stay simple and just be the abridged version. Perhaps a preference toggle in flight options?

How about:  "You're dead, beotch!"

Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Arlo on February 13, 2020, 05:26:53 PM
... this had tickled a memory for me... I thought there is an admin range setting for this... and that you had to be within a certain range to score a kill.  Now it seems in the MA that the pilot just has to be alive (as Hitech said) and he'll score the kill. I'll check tonight when I get home to see what it's set to.

Just give a perk point for every 10 rounds (or x amount of weight damage) you put in someone and leave the the fame to mystery. Saluting the enema is passe'. ;)
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 13, 2020, 05:27:22 PM
It might be a bit of a wordy message but I suppose there could be:

"Your plane was shot down due to XXX damage (most) from a P-51 flown by ______, XXX damage from an F4U-1A flown by ______, XXX damage from a P-38G flown by ______, XXX damage from a B-17 gunned by ______ and XXX damage (least) from a Jeep gunned by ______."

Or .... it could stay simple and just be the abridged version. Perhaps a preference toggle in flight options?

honestly that would be awesome, even if it wasnt a regular toast and had to be checked after the flight from the clipboard.

maybe a regular short version in the message window and access to the rest of the info from the clipboard.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: 100Coogn on February 13, 2020, 05:27:32 PM

How about:  "You're dead, beotch!"

 :rofl  :aok  :rofl

Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Volron on February 13, 2020, 05:45:02 PM

How about:  "You're dead, beotch!"

Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: FLOOB on February 13, 2020, 06:20:23 PM
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: FLOOB on February 13, 2020, 06:21:49 PM
Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane

It used to be that way and kill stealing was really annoying. The system we have now is the best yet of multiplayer dogfight gaming imo. My one gripe is that it only rewards the player who made the goal and not the rest of the team that got the ball down the field. In other words the 202 what tackled the guy and wrestled him to the ground should get some of them perks  :furious
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: DmonSlyr on February 13, 2020, 09:19:50 PM
I admit that I over reacted a bit today, but I enjoyed some of the other ideas.

I do like it in some cases but I get real tired of getting assist in 109s with 3 cannons and 2 50s.. or a 30MM that crushes a plane but only gets an assist. Sometimes I can't even believe that the plane I hit had more damage than what I gave it...

Kill stealing and ganging will never stop. Once more than 2 planes are on a guy. Its anyones guess who will get the kill.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Mongoose on February 13, 2020, 09:36:00 PM
..and maybe we need to also add is within 3000 yards of the death/crash?

Not necessarily.  I shoot someone up, and he tries to fly home.  He gets halfway there and then his engine quits and he crashes.  I still caused the kill, even if he is a couple miles away by then.

Sure, it is irritating to just get an assist sometimes. But truthfully, I don't care who kilt him as long as he got kilt.  This is war, man!   :airplane:
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: FLOOB on February 13, 2020, 10:09:41 PM
[quote author=DmonSlyr link=topic=399180.msg5290934#msg5290934 date=1581650390

Kill stealing and ganging will never stop. Once more than 2 planes are on a guy. Its anyones guess who will get the kill.
The KS'ing did stop thanks to the current system.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: DmonSlyr on February 14, 2020, 08:01:25 AM
[quote author=DmonSlyr link=topic=399180.msg5290934#msg5290934 date=1581650390

Kill stealing and ganging will never stop. Once more than 2 planes are on a guy. Its anyones guess who will get the kill.

The KS'ing did stop thanks to the current system.

Not so sure about that lol.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: atlau on February 14, 2020, 10:39:28 AM
The kill is awarded to the player who does the most damage (prior to the plane being deemed not flyable) and is still alive.


Curious, what parts are deemed necessary to be flyable? I assume a vertical.stab or entire wing? Or on fire?
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: waystin2 on February 14, 2020, 11:33:15 AM
Or how about a System message that says "Even though "insert name" thinks they flew well enough, and shot enough bullets and cannon to have earned the kill for "insert name", they really did not.  And then the system plays a kinda waa waa horn sound?   :D

Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: bustr on February 14, 2020, 12:20:58 PM
Since the MA is not heavily populated like a decade ago. Hitech might have a short term database that lasts for 30min to which only you can see who killed you and who you killed\assisted. As part of that info, the percentage of damage incurred by your targets and some gauge reference to help understand why your percentage was not the killing percentage. The text scroll box already does a shorter version of this when you expand it. But, you don't get any percentage of damage info. That might have helped Dmonslyr to understand why he didn't get the kill. Or, wind him up even tighter to cry foul here in the forums......

You can toggle on the damage list and know your own state during a fight. There has always been an undercurrent in AH of wanting some way to resolve "what really happened to my target". Which other games invest a bit more in that kind of feed back.

Might make for some entertaining ch200 conversations.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 14, 2020, 12:55:52 PM
Even just a little pop out window from the hanger where you can see the last sortie perks would be awesome.
doesnt need to show anything beyond the last flight.

it would be cool if it broke down the percentages of what you attacked and what attacked you.

also perk points for assists should be a thing, they are mostly unused anyway so its not like it would break the game, and it adds to the feeling like i accomplished something even by getting some assists.

i mocked up a super simple drawing of what i mean, it would not need to be very complicated at all to give lots of good info.

and I dont see any real downsides that would hurt the gameplay in any way.

call it a quality of life improvement.\
see attached image.(very quick mockup)
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 14, 2020, 12:56:34 PM
didnt like the attached image...
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: FLOOB on February 14, 2020, 02:14:31 PM
Not so sure about that lol.
I’m talking about actual kill stealing. You shoot both wings off and the tail and as the fuselage is falling to earth some dweeb swoops in and explodes the falling former airplane and gets the kill.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: FLOOB on February 14, 2020, 02:17:39 PM
Even just a little pop out window from the hanger where you can see the last sortie perks would be awesome.
That already exist. Perks earned last sortie, on the clipboard in the hangar.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: toasted on February 14, 2020, 02:19:53 PM
That already exist. Perks earned last sortie, on the clipboard in the hangar.

i get that it shows the overall perks from the last sortie.
take a peak at the image i attached, what im really looking for is a breakdown of the damage i did and the damage that was done to me.
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: guncrasher on February 14, 2020, 02:27:15 PM
I’m talking about actual kill stealing. You shoot both wings off and the tail and as the fuselage is falling to earth some dweeb swoops in and explodes the falling former airplane and gets the kill.

nope this doesn't happen.

Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: Oldman731 on February 14, 2020, 03:21:51 PM
nope this doesn't happen.

Not these days, because of the way kills are awarded.  Back in the day, it was not rare to see friendlies chasing a doomed opponent to the ground, emptying their ammunition into his unflyable plane just so they could be the last to get a hit.

- oldman
Title: Re: Kills should go to the last player who put the final bullet in the plane
Post by: guncrasher on February 14, 2020, 04:15:35 PM

Not these days, because of the way kills are awarded.  Back in the day, it was not rare to see friendlies chasing a doomed opponent to the ground, emptying their ammunition into his unflyable plane just so they could be the last to get a hit.

- oldman

well back in the day i was single and very handsome.  girls would fight for me.

now they dare each other to sit with me.   same as for the kill.  you can shoot all you want you won't even get an assist now.
